[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
*input:				True

*topBox:			True
*topBox.Title:			Xman
*topBox.IconName:		Xman

*manualBrowser.Title:		Manual Page
*manualBrowser.IconName:	Manual Page
*manualBrowser.geometry:	780x600

*manualFontBold:		-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*manualFontItalic:		-*-courier-medium-o-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*manualFontNormal:		-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*manualFontSymbol:		-*-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
!*directoryFontNormal:		-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
*directoryFontNormal:		-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
!*directoryFontNormal:		-*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*

!*SimpleMenu.BackingStore:	Always
!*SimpleMenu.SaveUnder:		Off

*horizPane.orientation: 	horizontal
*horizPane*showGrip:		False
*horizPane.min:			22
*horizPane.max:			22
*topLabel.BorderWidth:		0
*search*label.BorderWidth:	0

*search*dialog*value:		Xman

!*optionMenu.Label:		Options
!*sectionMenu.Label:		Sections

*horizPane*options.Label:	Options
*horizPane*sections.Label:	Sections

*helpButton.Label:		Help
*helpButton.Tip:		Open help browser

*quitButton.Label:		Quit
*quitButton.Tip:		Quit Xman

*manpageButton.Label:		Manual Page
*manpageButton.Tip:		Open new manpage browser

*topLabel.Label:		Manual Browser

!*SimpleMenu*menuLabel*vertSpace: 100
!*SimpleMenu*menuLabel*leftMargin: 20

*displayDirectory.Label:	Display Directory 
*displayManualPage.Label:	Display Manual Page
*help.Label:			Help
*help.geometry:			780x600
*search.Label:			Search
*removeThisManpage.Label:	Remove This Manpage
*help*removeThisManpage.Label:	Remove Help
*openNewManpage.Label:		Open New Manpage
*showVersion.Label:		Show Version
*quit.Label:			Quit

*pleaseStandBy*Label:		Formatting Manual Page, Please Stand By...

*search*dialog.Label:		Type string to search for:
*search*apropos.Label:		Apropos
*search*manualPage.Label:	Manual Page
*search*cancel.Label:		Cancel

*likeToSave*dialog.Label:	Would you like to save this formatted Manual Page?
*likeToSave*yes.Label:		Yes
*likeToSave*no.Label:		No

*translations: 		#override \
		Ctrl<Key>q: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>c: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>n: CreateNewManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>h: PopupHelp() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>s: PopupSearch()

*help*Paned.manualPage.translations:#override \
		Ctrl<Btn1Down>: \
			XawPositionSimpleMenu(optionMenu) \
			MenuPopup(optionMenu) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>q: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>c: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>r: RemoveThisManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>n: CreateNewManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>h: PopupHelp() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>d: GotoPage(Directory) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>m: GotoPage(ManualPage) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>v: ShowVersion() \n\
		<Key>Prior: Page(Back) \n\
		<Key>Next : Page(Forward) \n\
		Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Line,-1) \n\
	        Shift<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Line,1) \n\
	        Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Back) \n\
		Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Forward) \n\
		~Shift ~Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Line,-5) \n\
		~Shift ~Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Line,5)

*manualBrowser*manualPage.translations:  #override \
		Ctrl<Btn1Down>: \
			XawPositionSimpleMenu(optionMenu) \
			MenuPopup(optionMenu) \n\
		Ctrl<Btn2Down>: \
			XawPositionSimpleMenu(sectionMenu) \
			MenuPopup(sectionMenu) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>q: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>c: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>r: RemoveThisManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>n: CreateNewManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>h: PopupHelp() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>d: GotoPage(Directory) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>m: GotoPage(ManualPage) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>v: ShowVersion() \n\
		<Key>Prior: Page(Back) \n\
		<Key>Next : Page(Forward) \n\
		Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Line,-1) \n\
	        Shift<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Line,1) \n\
	        Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Back) \n\
		Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Forward) \n\
		~Shift ~Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: Page(Line,-5) \n\
		~Shift ~Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: Page(Line,5) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>s: PopupSearch()

!*manualBrowser*directory.background: Grey80
*manualBrowser*directory.translations:   #override \
		Ctrl<Btn1Down>: \
			XawPositionSimpleMenu(optionMenu) \
			MenuPopup(optionMenu) \n\
		Ctrl<Btn2Down>: \
			XawPositionSimpleMenu(sectionMenu) \
			MenuPopup(sectionMenu) \n\
		Shift<Btn2Down>,<Btn2Up>: GotoPage(Manpage) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>q: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>c: Quit() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>r: RemoveThisManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>n: CreateNewManpage() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>h: PopupHelp() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>d: GotoPage(Directory) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>m: GotoPage(ManualPage) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>v: ShowVersion() \n\
		Ctrl<Key>s: PopupSearch()

*manualBrowser*search*manualPage.translations: 	#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Manpage) reset()

*manualBrowser*search*apropos.translations:		#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Apropos) reset()

*manualBrowser*search*cancel*translations:  	#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Cancel) reset()

*manualBrowser*search*value*translations:		#override \
		<Key>Return: Search(Manpage) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>m:  Search(Manpage)

*topBox*search*manualPage.translations: 		#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Manpage, Open) reset()

*topBox*search*apropos.translations:		#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Apropos, Open) reset()

*topBox*search*cancel*translations:  		#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Search(Cancel, Open) reset()

*topBox*search*value*translations:			#override \
		<Key>Return: Search(Manpage, Open) \n\
		Ctrl<Key>m:  Search(Manpage, Open)

*manualBrowser*likeToSave*yes.translations:	#override \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SaveFormattedPage(Save) reset() \n\
		<Key>y:   SaveFormattedPage(Save) \n\
		<Key>n:   SaveFormattedPage(Cancel) 

*manualBrowser*likeToSave*no.translations:	#override \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SaveFormattedPage(Cancel) reset() \n\
		<Key>y:	  SaveFormattedPage(Save) \n\
		<Key>n:	  SaveFormattedPage(Cancel) 

*manualBrowser*likeToSave*translations:	#override \
		<Key>y:	  SaveFormattedPage(Save) \n\
		<Key>n:	  SaveFormattedPage(Cancel) 

*helpButton.translations:	#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: PopupHelp() reset()

*quitButton.translations:	#augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Quit() reset()

*manpageButton.translations: #augment \
		<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: CreateNewManpage() reset()

! EOF.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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XCalc-color File 10.08 KB 0644
XClipboard File 3.99 KB 0644
XClock File 20 B 0644
XClock-color File 245 B 0644
XConsole File 615 B 0644
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