! $XFree86: xc/programs/xvidtune/Xvidtune.ad,v 3.10 1995/07/19 12:46:12 dawes Exp $ ! *adInstalled: true *borderWidth: 0 *Scrollbar.borderWidth: 1 *Scrollbar.width: 250 *Command.borderWidth: 1 *HSyncStart-form.fromVert: HDisplay-form *HSyncEnd-form.fromVert: HSyncStart-form *HTotal-form.fromVert: HSyncEnd-form *VSyncStart-form.fromVert: VDisplay-form *VSyncEnd-form.fromVert: VSyncStart-form *VTotal-form.fromVert: VSyncEnd-form *Flags-form.fromVert: HTotal-form *Buttons-form.fromVert: Flags-form *Buttons2-form.fromVert: Buttons-form *Left-button.fromVert: HTotal-scrollbar *Right-button.fromVert: HTotal-scrollbar *Narrower-button.fromVert: HTotal-scrollbar *Wider-button.fromVert: HTotal-scrollbar *Up-button.fromVert: VTotal-scrollbar *Down-button.fromVert: VTotal-scrollbar *Shorter-button.fromVert: VTotal-scrollbar *Taller-button.fromVert: VTotal-scrollbar *HDisplay-text.fromHoriz: HDisplay-label *HSyncStart-text.fromHoriz: HSyncStart-label *HSyncStart-scrollbar.fromVert: HSyncStart-label *HSyncStart-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *HSyncEnd-text.fromHoriz: HSyncEnd-label *HSyncEnd-scrollbar.fromVert: HSyncEnd-label *HSyncEnd-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *Right-button.fromHoriz: Left-button *Wider-button.fromHoriz: Right-button *Narrower-button.fromHoriz: Wider-button *HTotal-text.fromHoriz: HTotal-label *HTotal-scrollbar.fromVert: HTotal-label *HTotal-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *VDisplay-form.fromHoriz: HSyncStart-form *VTotal-form.fromHoriz: HSyncStart-form *VSyncStart-form.fromHoriz: HSyncStart-form *VSyncEnd-form.fromHoriz: HSyncStart-form *VDisplay-text.fromHoriz: VDisplay-label *VSyncStart-text.fromHoriz: VSyncStart-label *VSyncStart-scrollbar.fromVert: VSyncStart-label *VSyncStart-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *VSyncStart-text.type: XawAsciiString *VSyncEnd-text.fromHoriz: VSyncEnd-label *VSyncEnd-scrollbar.fromVert: VSyncEnd-label *VSyncEnd-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *VTotal-text.fromHoriz: VTotal-label *VTotal-scrollbar.fromVert: VTotal-label *VTotal-scrollbar.orientation: horizontal *PixelClock-form.fromHoriz: HTotal-form *PixelClock-form.fromVert: VTotal-form *HSyncRate-form.fromHoriz: HTotal-form *HSyncRate-form.fromVert: PixelClock-form *VSyncRate-form.fromHoriz: HTotal-form *VSyncRate-form.fromVert: HSyncRate-form *PixelClock-text.fromHoriz: PixelClock-label *HSyncRate-text.fromHoriz: HSyncRate-label *VSyncRate-text.fromHoriz: VSyncRate-label *PixelClock-label.label: Pixel Clock (MHz): *HSyncRate-label.label: Horizontal Sync (kHz): *VSyncRate-label.label: Vertical Sync (Hz): *Flags-text.fromHoriz: Flags-label *HDisplay-label.label: HDisplay: *HSyncStart-label.label: HSyncStart: *HSyncEnd-label.label: HSyncEnd: *HTotal-label.label: HTotal: *VDisplay-label.label: VDisplay: *VSyncStart-label.label: VSyncStart: *VSyncEnd-label.label: VSyncEnd: *VTotal-label.label: VTotal: *Down-button.fromHoriz: Up-button *Shorter-button.fromHoriz: Down-button *Taller-button.fromHoriz: Shorter-button *Flags-label.label: Flags (hex): *Flags-text.borderWidth: 1 *Flags-text*editType: edit !Removed Edit capability -- Jon *Flags-text*sensitive: False *Apply-button.fromHoriz: Quit-button *AutoApply-toggle.fromHoriz: Apply-button *AutoApply-toggle.borderWidth: 1 *Test-button.fromHoriz: AutoApply-toggle *Restore-button.fromHoriz: Test-button *Show-button.fromHoriz: Fetch-button *Next-button.fromHoriz: Show-button *Prev-button.fromHoriz: Next-button *Quit-button.label: Quit *Fetch-button.label: Fetch *Show-button.label: Show *Restore-button.label: Restore *Test-button.label: Test *Apply-button.label: Apply *AutoApply-toggle.label: Auto *Next-button.label: Next *Prev-button.label: Prev *Left-button.label: Left *Right-button.label: Right *Wider-button.label: Wider *Narrower-button.label: Narrower *Up-button.label: Up *Down-button.label: Down *Shorter-button.label: Shorter *Taller-button.label: Taller *Abort.label: Abort Test Now *WarnOK.label: OK *WarnCancel.label: Cancel *NoTuneOK.label: OK *Left.label: Left *Right.label: Right *Wider.label: Wider *Narrower.label: Narrower *Up.label: Up *Down.label: Down *Shorter.label: Shorter *Higher.label: Higher *AckError.label: Acknowledged *ErrorMessage.label: Sorry: You have requested a mode-line\n\ That is not possible, or not supported by your\n\ hardware configuration\n *testingMessage.label: Mode test current in progress\n\n Please wait *WarnLabel.label: WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING\ WARNING\n\n\ THE INCORRECT USE OF THIS PROGRAM CAN DO PERMANENT DAMAGE TO YOUR MONITOR\n\ AND/OR VIDEO CARD. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE DOING, HIT CANCEL\n\ NOW. OTHERWISE, HIT OK TO CONTINUE\n\ \n\ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n\ EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n\ MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\n\ IN NO EVENT SHALL Kaleb S. KEITHLEY (or his employer) OR\n\ The X.Org Foundation \ BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n\ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n\ FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER\n\ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n *NoTuneLabel.label: Video modes are not tunable on this chip.\n *S3-form.fromVert: Buttons2-form *EarlySc-toggle.fromHoriz: InvertVclk-toggle *Blank1-label.fromHoriz: EarlySc-toggle !*Blank1-text.fromHoriz: Blank1-label !*Blank2-label.fromHoriz: Blank1-text !*Blank2-text.fromHoriz: Blank2-label *InvertVclk-toggle.borderWidth: 1 *EarlySc-toggle.borderWidth: 1 *Blank1-text.borderWidth: 1 *Blank2-text.borderWidth: 1 *Blank1-text*editType: edit *Blank2-text*editType: edit *Blank1-text*width: 20 *Blank2-text*width: 20 *InvertVclk-toggle.label: InvertVCLK *EarlySc-toggle.label:EarlySC *Blank1-label.label: Blank Delay 1 *Blank2-label.label: Blank Delay 2 *Blank1Dec-button.fromHoriz: Blank1-label *Blank1-text.fromHoriz: Blank1Dec-button *Blank1Inc-button.fromHoriz: Blank1-text *Blank2-label.fromHoriz: Blank1Inc-button *Blank2Dec-button.fromHoriz: Blank2-label *Blank2-text.fromHoriz: Blank2Dec-button *Blank2Inc-button.fromHoriz: Blank2-text *Blank1Inc-button.label: + *Blank1Dec-button.label: - *Blank2Inc-button.label: + *Blank2Dec-button.label: - *translations: #override <Key>r: xvidtune-restore()\n\ <Key>p: xvidtune-show()\n\ <Key>j: xvidtune-moveleft()\n\ <Key>k: xvidtune-moveright()\n\ <Key>m: xvidtune-movedown()\n\ <Key>i: xvidtune-moveup()\n\ <Key>a: xvidtune-narrower()\n\ <Key>s: xvidtune-wider()\n\ <Key>x: xvidtune-shorter()\n\ <Key>z: xvidtune-taller()\n\ <Key>q: xvidtune-quit()
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Bitmap | File | 6.37 KB | 0644 |
Bitmap-color | File | 431 B | 0644 |
Bitmap-nocase | File | 6.43 KB | 0644 |
Clock-color | File | 115 B | 0644 |
Editres | File | 9.65 KB | 0644 |
Editres-color | File | 2.69 KB | 0644 |
Viewres | File | 3.11 KB | 0644 |
Viewres-color | File | 973 B | 0644 |
XCalc | File | 18.87 KB | 0644 |
XCalc-color | File | 10.08 KB | 0644 |
XClipboard | File | 3.99 KB | 0644 |
XClock | File | 20 B | 0644 |
XClock-color | File | 245 B | 0644 |
XConsole | File | 615 B | 0644 |
XFontSel | File | 4.66 KB | 0644 |
XLoad | File | 106 B | 0644 |
XLogo | File | 121 B | 0644 |
XLogo-color | File | 215 B | 0644 |
XMore | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
XScreenSaver | File | 18.02 KB | 0644 |
XScreenSaver-nogl | File | 18.02 KB | 0644 |
XSm | File | 3.78 KB | 0644 |
Xditview | File | 3.05 KB | 0644 |
Xditview-chrtr | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
Xedit | File | 15.32 KB | 0644 |
Xedit-color | File | 5.41 KB | 0644 |
Xfd | File | 754 B | 0644 |
Xgc | File | 65 B | 0644 |
Xgc-color | File | 2.3 KB | 0644 |
Xmag | File | 730 B | 0644 |
Xman | File | 6 KB | 0644 |
Xmessage | File | 248 B | 0644 |
Xmessage-color | File | 920 B | 0644 |
Xvidtune | File | 6.47 KB | 0644 |