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botdev@ ~ $
## template:jinja

# $FreeBSD$
# Default NTP servers for the FreeBSD operating system.
# Don't forget to enable ntpd in /etc/rc.conf with:
# ntpd_enable="YES"
# The driftfile is by default /var/db/ntpd.drift, check
# /etc/defaults/rc.conf on how to change the location.

# Set the target and limit for adding servers configured via pool statements
# or discovered dynamically via mechanisms such as broadcast and manycast.
# Ntpd automatically adds maxclock-1 servers from configured pools, and may
# add as many as maxclock*2 if necessary to ensure that at least minclock
# servers are providing good consistent time.
tos minclock 3 maxclock 6

# The following pool statement will give you a random set of NTP servers
# geographically close to you.  A single pool statement adds multiple
# servers from the pool, according to the tos minclock/maxclock targets.
# See http://www.pool.ntp.org/ for details.  Note, pool.ntp.org encourages
# users with a static IP and good upstream NTP servers to add a server
# to the pool. See http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html if you are interested.
# The option `iburst' is used for faster initial synchronization.
{% if pools %}# pools
{% endif %}
{% for pool in pools -%}
pool {{pool}} iburst
{% endfor %}

# To configure a specific server, such as an organization-wide local
# server, add lines similar to the following.  One or more specific
# servers can be configured in addition to, or instead of, any server
# pools specified above.  When both are configured, ntpd first adds all
# the specific servers, then adds servers from the pool until the tos
# minclock/maxclock targets are met.
{%- if servers %}# servers
{% endif %}
{% for server in servers -%}
server {{server}} iburst
{% endfor %}

# Security:
# By default, only allow time queries and block all other requests
# from unauthenticated clients.
# The "restrict source" line allows peers to be mobilized when added by
# ntpd from a pool, but does not enable mobilizing a new peer association
# by other dynamic means (broadcast, manycast, ntpq commands, etc).
# See http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/AccessRestrictions
# for more information.
restrict default limited kod nomodify notrap noquery nopeer
restrict source  limited kod nomodify notrap noquery

# Alternatively, the following rules would block all unauthorized access.
#restrict default ignore
# In this case, all remote NTP time servers also need to be explicitly
# allowed or they would not be able to exchange time information with
# this server.
# Please note that this example doesn't work for the servers in
# the pool.ntp.org domain since they return multiple A records.
#restrict 0.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap
#restrict 1.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap
#restrict 2.pool.ntp.org nomodify nopeer noquery notrap
# The following settings allow unrestricted access from the localhost
restrict ::1

# If a server loses sync with all upstream servers, NTP clients
# no longer follow that server. The local clock can be configured
# to provide a time source when this happens, but it should usually
# be configured on just one server on a network. For more details see
# http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/UndisciplinedLocalClock
# The use of Orphan Mode may be preferable.
#fudge stratum 10

# See http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/ConfiguringNTP#Section_6.14.
# for documentation regarding leapfile. Updates to the file can be obtained
# from ftp://time.nist.gov/pub/ or ftp://tycho.usno.navy.mil/pub/ntp/.
# Use either leapfile in /etc/ntp or periodically updated leapfile in /var/db.
#leapfile "/etc/ntp/leap-seconds"
leapfile "/var/db/ntpd.leap-seconds.list"

# Specify the number of megabytes of memory that should be allocated and
# locked. -1 (default) means "do not lock the process into memory".
# 0 means "lock whatever memory the process wants into memory". Any other
# number means to lock up to that number of megabytes into memory.
# 0 may result in a segfault when ASLR with stack gap randomization
# is enabled.
#rlimit memlock 32


Name Type Size Permission Actions
chef_client.rb.tmpl File 1.63 KB 0644
chrony.conf.alpine.tmpl File 1.09 KB 0644
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chrony.conf.debian.tmpl File 1.08 KB 0644
chrony.conf.fedora.tmpl File 1.24 KB 0644
chrony.conf.freebsd.tmpl File 13.88 KB 0644
chrony.conf.opensuse-leap.tmpl File 991 B 0644
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chrony.conf.opensuse.tmpl File 991 B 0644
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chrony.conf.ubuntu.tmpl File 1.25 KB 0644
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hosts.debian.tmpl File 845 B 0644
hosts.freebsd.tmpl File 911 B 0644
hosts.gentoo.tmpl File 910 B 0644
hosts.photon.tmpl File 874 B 0644
hosts.redhat.tmpl File 912 B 0644
hosts.suse.tmpl File 1.04 KB 0644
ntp.conf.alpine.tmpl File 203 B 0644
ntp.conf.debian.tmpl File 2.1 KB 0644
ntp.conf.fedora.tmpl File 2.03 KB 0644
ntp.conf.freebsd.tmpl File 4.06 KB 0644
ntp.conf.opensuse.tmpl File 2.69 KB 0644
ntp.conf.photon.tmpl File 1.81 KB 0644
ntp.conf.rhel.tmpl File 1.81 KB 0644
ntp.conf.sles.tmpl File 2.69 KB 0644
ntp.conf.ubuntu.tmpl File 2.45 KB 0644
ntpd.conf.openbsd.tmpl File 491 B 0644
resolv.conf.tmpl File 921 B 0644
sources.list.debian.tmpl File 1.41 KB 0644
sources.list.ubuntu.tmpl File 2.79 KB 0644
systemd.resolved.conf.tmpl File 504 B 0644
timesyncd.conf.tmpl File 203 B 0644