[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# this is an example configuration file for the pam_time module. Its syntax
# was initially based heavily on that of the shadow package (shadow-960129).
# the syntax of the lines is as follows:
#       services;ttys;users;times
# white space is ignored and lines maybe extended with '\\n' (escaped
# newlines). As should be clear from reading these comments,
# text following a '#' is ignored to the end of the line.
# the combination of individual users/terminals etc is a logic list
# namely individual tokens that are optionally prefixed with '!' (logical
# not) and separated with '&' (logical and) and '|' (logical or).
# services
#	is a logic list of PAM service names that the rule applies to.
# ttys
#	is a logic list of terminal names that this rule applies to.
# users
#	is a logic list of users or a netgroup of users to whom this
#	rule applies.
# NB. For these items the simple wildcard '*' may be used only once.
# times
#	the format here is a logic list of day/time-range
#	entries the days are specified by a sequence of two character
#	entries, MoTuSa for example is Monday Tuesday and Saturday. Note
#	that repeated days are unset MoMo = no day, and MoWk = all weekdays
#	bar Monday. The two character combinations accepted are
#		Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Wd Al
#	the last two being week-end days and all 7 days of the week
#	respectively. As a final example, AlFr means all days except Friday.
#	each day/time-range can be prefixed with a '!' to indicate "anything
#	but"
#	The time-range part is two 24-hour times HHMM separated by a hyphen
#	indicating the start and finish time (if the finish time is smaller
#	than the start time it is deemed to apply on the following day).
# for a rule to be active, ALL of service+ttys+users must be satisfied
# by the applying process.

# Here is a simple example: running blank on tty* (any ttyXXX device),
# the users 'you' and 'me' are denied service all of the time

#blank;tty* & !ttyp*;you|me;!Al0000-2400

# Another silly example, user 'root' is denied xsh access
# from pseudo terminals at the weekend and on mondays.


# End of example file.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
limits.d Folder 0755
namespace.d Folder 0755
access.conf File 4.51 KB 0644
capability.conf File 1.75 KB 0644
faillock.conf File 2.18 KB 0644
group.conf File 3.55 KB 0644
limits.conf File 2.1 KB 0644
namespace.conf File 1.41 KB 0644
namespace.init File 1016 B 0755
opasswd File 0 B 0600
pam_env.conf File 2.9 KB 0644
sepermit.conf File 419 B 0644
time.conf File 2.13 KB 0644