[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Port on which the server is listening. You must select a different
# port from your standard HTTP web server if it is running on the same
# computer.
HTTPPort 8090

# Address on which the server is bound. Only useful if you have
# several network interfaces.

# Number of simultaneous HTTP connections that can be handled. It has
# to be defined *before* the MaxClients parameter, since it defines the
# MaxClients maximum limit.
MaxHTTPConnections 2000

# Number of simultaneous requests that can be handled. Since FFServer
# is very fast, it is more likely that you will want to leave this high
# and use MaxBandwidth, below.
MaxClients 1000

# This the maximum amount of kbit/sec that you are prepared to
# consume when streaming to clients.
MaxBandwidth 1000

# Access log file (uses standard Apache log file format)
# '-' is the standard output.
CustomLog -

# Definition of the live feeds. Each live feed contains one video
# and/or audio sequence coming from an ffmpeg encoder or another
# ffserver. This sequence may be encoded simultaneously with several
# codecs at several resolutions.

<Feed feed1.ffm>

# You must use 'ffmpeg' to send a live feed to ffserver. In this
# example, you can type:
# ffmpeg http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm

# ffserver can also do time shifting. It means that it can stream any
# previously recorded live stream. The request should contain:
# "http://xxxx?date=[YYYY-MM-DDT][[HH:]MM:]SS[.m...]".You must specify
# a path where the feed is stored on disk. You also specify the
# maximum size of the feed, where zero means unlimited. Default:
# File=/tmp/feed_name.ffm FileMaxSize=5M
File /tmp/feed1.ffm
FileMaxSize 200K

# You could specify
# ReadOnlyFile /saved/specialvideo.ffm
# This marks the file as readonly and it will not be deleted or updated.

# Specify launch in order to start ffmpeg automatically.
# First ffmpeg must be defined with an appropriate path if needed,
# after that options can follow, but avoid adding the http:// field
#Launch ffmpeg

# Only allow connections from localhost to the feed.
ACL allow


# Now you can define each stream which will be generated from the
# original audio and video stream. Each format has a filename (here
# 'test1.mpg'). FFServer will send this stream when answering a
# request containing this filename.

<Stream test1.mpg>

# coming from live feed 'feed1'
Feed feed1.ffm

# Format of the stream : you can choose among:
# mpeg       : MPEG-1 multiplexed video and audio
# mpegvideo  : only MPEG-1 video
# mp2        : MPEG-2 audio (use AudioCodec to select layer 2 and 3 codec)
# ogg        : Ogg format (Vorbis audio codec)
# rm         : RealNetworks-compatible stream. Multiplexed audio and video.
# ra         : RealNetworks-compatible stream. Audio only.
# mpjpeg     : Multipart JPEG (works with Netscape without any plugin)
# jpeg       : Generate a single JPEG image.
# mjpeg      : Generate a M-JPEG stream.
# asf        : ASF compatible streaming (Windows Media Player format).
# swf        : Macromedia Flash compatible stream
# avi        : AVI format (MPEG-4 video, MPEG audio sound)
Format mpeg

# Bitrate for the audio stream. Codecs usually support only a few
# different bitrates.
AudioBitRate 32

# Number of audio channels: 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
AudioChannels 1

# Sampling frequency for audio. When using low bitrates, you should
# lower this frequency to 22050 or 11025. The supported frequencies
# depend on the selected audio codec.
AudioSampleRate 44100

# Bitrate for the video stream
VideoBitRate 64

# Ratecontrol buffer size
VideoBufferSize 40

# Number of frames per second
VideoFrameRate 3

# Size of the video frame: WxH (default: 160x128)
# The following abbreviations are defined: sqcif, qcif, cif, 4cif, qqvga,
# qvga, vga, svga, xga, uxga, qxga, sxga, qsxga, hsxga, wvga, wxga, wsxga,
# wuxga, woxga, wqsxga, wquxga, whsxga, whuxga, cga, ega, hd480, hd720,
# hd1080
VideoSize 160x128

# Transmit only intra frames (useful for low bitrates, but kills frame rate).

# If non-intra only, an intra frame is transmitted every VideoGopSize
# frames. Video synchronization can only begin at an intra frame.
VideoGopSize 12

# More MPEG-4 parameters
# VideoHighQuality
# Video4MotionVector

# Choose your codecs:
#AudioCodec mp2
#VideoCodec mpeg1video

# Suppress audio

# Suppress video

#VideoQMin 3
#VideoQMax 31

# Set this to the number of seconds backwards in time to start. Note that
# most players will buffer 5-10 seconds of video, and also you need to allow
# for a keyframe to appear in the data stream.
#Preroll 15

# ACL:

# You can allow ranges of addresses (or single addresses)
#ACL ALLOW <first address> <last address>

# You can deny ranges of addresses (or single addresses)
#ACL DENY <first address> <last address>

# You can repeat the ACL allow/deny as often as you like. It is on a per
# stream basis. The first match defines the action. If there are no matches,
# then the default is the inverse of the last ACL statement.
# Thus 'ACL allow localhost' only allows access from localhost.
# 'ACL deny' would deny the whole of network 1 and
# allow everybody else.


# Example streams

# Multipart JPEG

#<Stream test.mjpg>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format mpjpeg
#VideoFrameRate 2
#Strict -1

# Single JPEG

#<Stream test.jpg>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format jpeg
#VideoFrameRate 2
##VideoSize 352x240
#Strict -1

# Flash

#<Stream test.swf>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format swf
#VideoFrameRate 2

# ASF compatible

<Stream test.asf>
Feed feed1.ffm
Format asf
VideoFrameRate 15
VideoSize 352x240
VideoBitRate 256
VideoBufferSize 40
VideoGopSize 30
AudioBitRate 64

# MP3 audio

#<Stream test.mp3>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format mp2
#AudioCodec mp3
#AudioBitRate 64
#AudioChannels 1
#AudioSampleRate 44100

# Ogg Vorbis audio

#<Stream test.ogg>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Metadata title "Stream title"
#AudioBitRate 64
#AudioChannels 2
#AudioSampleRate 44100

# Real with audio only at 32 kbits

#<Stream test.ra>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format rm
#AudioBitRate 32

# Real with audio and video at 64 kbits

#<Stream test.rm>
#Feed feed1.ffm
#Format rm
#AudioBitRate 32
#VideoBitRate 128
#VideoFrameRate 25
#VideoGopSize 25

# A stream coming from a file: you only need to set the input
# filename and optionally a new format. Supported conversions:
#    AVI -> ASF

#<Stream file.rm>
#File "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/tlive.rm"

#<Stream file.asf>
#File "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/test.asf"
#Metadata author "Me"
#Metadata copyright "Super MegaCorp"
#Metadata title "Test stream from disk"
#Metadata comment "Test comment"

# RTSP examples
# You can access this stream with the RTSP URL:
#   rtsp://localhost:5454/test1-rtsp.mpg
# A non-standard RTSP redirector is also created. Its URL is:
#   http://localhost:8090/test1-rtsp.rtsp

#<Stream test1-rtsp.mpg>
#Format rtp
#File "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/test1.mpg"

# Transcode an incoming live feed to another live feed,
# using libx264 and video presets

#<Stream live.h264>
#Format rtp
#Feed feed1.ffm
#VideoCodec libx264
#VideoFrameRate 24
#VideoBitRate 100
#VideoSize 480x272
#AVPresetVideo default
#AVPresetVideo baseline
#AVOptionVideo flags +global_header
#AudioCodec aac
#AudioBitRate 32
#AudioChannels 2
#AudioSampleRate 22050
#AVOptionAudio flags +global_header

# SDP/multicast examples
# If you want to send your stream in multicast, you must set the
# multicast address with MulticastAddress. The port and the TTL can
# also be set.
# An SDP file is automatically generated by ffserver by adding the
# 'sdp' extension to the stream name (here
# http://localhost:8090/test1-sdp.sdp). You should usually give this
# file to your player to play the stream.
# The 'NoLoop' option can be used to avoid looping when the stream is
# terminated.

#<Stream test1-sdp.mpg>
#Format rtp
#File "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/test1.mpg"
#MulticastPort 5000
#MulticastTTL 16

# Special streams

# Server status

<Stream stat.html>
Format status

# Only allow local people to get the status
ACL allow localhost
ACL allow

#FaviconURL http://pond1.gladstonefamily.net:8080/favicon.ico

# Redirect index.html to the appropriate site

<Redirect index.html>
URL http://www.ffmpeg.org/


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