[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

# Explicitly set the PATH to that of ENV_SUPATH in /etc/login.defs and unset
# various other variables. We need to do this so /sbin/dhclient cannot abuse
# the environment to escape AppArmor confinement via this script
# (LP: #1045986). This can be removed once AppArmor supports environment
# filtering (LP: #1045985)
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
export ENV=
export BASH_ENV=
export CDPATH=

# dhclient-script for Linux. Dan Halbert, March, 1997.
# Updated for Linux 2.[12] by Brian J. Murrell, January 1999.
# Modified for Debian.  Matt Zimmerman and Eloy Paris, December 2003
# Modified to remove useless tests for antiquated kernel versions that
# this doesn't even work with anyway, and introduces a dependency on /usr
# being mounted, which causes cosmetic errors on hosts that NFS mount /usr
# Andrew Pollock, February 2005
# Modified to work on point-to-point links. Andrew Pollock, June 2005
# Modified to support passing the parameters called with to the hooks. Andrew Pollock, November 2005

# The alias handling in here probably still sucks. -mdz

# log an error.
error() { logger -p daemon.err "$@"; }

# wait for given file to be writable
wait_for_rw() {
    local file=$1
    # Find out whether we are going to mount / rw
    exec 9>&0 </etc/fstab
    while read dev mnt type opts dump pass junk; do
        [ "$mnt" != / ] && continue
        case "$opts" in
     exec 0>&9 9>&-

    # Wait for $file to become writable
    if [ "$rootmode" = "rw" ]; then
        while ! { : >> "$file"; } 2>/dev/null; do
            sleep 0.1

# update /etc/resolv.conf based on received values
make_resolv_conf() {
    local new_resolv_conf

    # DHCPv4
    if [ -n "$new_domain_search" ] || [ -n "$new_domain_name" ] ||
       [ -n "$new_domain_name_servers" ]; then
        resolv_conf=$(readlink -f "/etc/resolv.conf" 2>/dev/null) ||

        wait_for_rw "$new_resolv_conf"
        rm -f $new_resolv_conf

        if [ -n "$new_domain_name" ]; then
            echo domain ${new_domain_name%% *} >>$new_resolv_conf

        if [ -n "$new_domain_search" ]; then
            if [ -n "$new_domain_name" ]; then
                for domain in $new_domain_search; do
                    if [ "$domain" = "${new_domain_name}" ] ||
                       [ "$domain" = "${new_domain_name}." ]; then
                if [ -z "$domain_in_search_list" ]; then
                    new_domain_search="$new_domain_name $new_domain_search"
            echo "search ${new_domain_search}" >> $new_resolv_conf
        elif [ -n "$new_domain_name" ]; then
            echo "search ${new_domain_name}" >> $new_resolv_conf

        if [ -n "$new_domain_name_servers" ]; then
            for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do
                echo nameserver $nameserver >>$new_resolv_conf
        else # keep 'old' nameservers
            sed -n /^\w*[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr]/p $resolv_conf >>$new_resolv_conf

	if [ -f $resolv_conf ]; then
	    chown --reference=$resolv_conf $new_resolv_conf
	    chmod --reference=$resolv_conf $new_resolv_conf
        mv -f $new_resolv_conf $resolv_conf
    # DHCPv6
    elif [ -n "$new_dhcp6_domain_search" ] || [ -n "$new_dhcp6_name_servers" ]; then
        resolv_conf=$(readlink -f "/etc/resolv.conf" 2>/dev/null) ||

        wait_for_rw "$new_resolv_conf"
        rm -f $new_resolv_conf

        if [ -n "$new_dhcp6_domain_search" ]; then
            echo "search ${new_dhcp6_domain_search}" >> $new_resolv_conf

        if [ -n "$new_dhcp6_name_servers" ]; then
            for nameserver in $new_dhcp6_name_servers; do
                # append %interface to link-local-address nameservers
                if [ "${nameserver##fe80::}" != "$nameserver" ] ||
                   [ "${nameserver##FE80::}" != "$nameserver" ]; then
                echo nameserver $nameserver >>$new_resolv_conf
        else # keep 'old' nameservers
            sed -n /^\w*[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr]/p $resolv_conf >>$new_resolv_conf

	if [ -f $resolv_conf ]; then
            chown --reference=$resolv_conf $new_resolv_conf
            chmod --reference=$resolv_conf $new_resolv_conf
        mv -f $new_resolv_conf $resolv_conf

# set host name
set_hostname() {
    if [ -n "$new_host_name" ]; then
        local current_hostname=$(hostname)

        # current host name is empty, '(none)' or 'localhost' or differs from new one from DHCP
        if [ -z "$current_hostname" ] ||
           [ "$current_hostname" = '(none)' ] ||
           [ "$current_hostname" = 'localhost' ] ||
           [ "$current_hostname" = "$old_host_name" ]; then
           if [ "$new_host_name" != "$current_host_name" ]; then
               hostname "$new_host_name"

# set the link up and wait for ipv6 link local dad to finish
ipv6_link_up_and_dad() {
    local dev=$1 delay=${2:-0.1} attempts=${3:-60}
    ip link set up dev "$dev" ||
        { error "$dev: failed to set link up"; return 1; }
    local n=0
    while :; do
        # note: busybox ip does not understand 'tentative' as input
        # so we cannot just use the tentative flag and check for empty
        out=$(ip -6 -o address show dev "$dev" scope link) || {
            error "$dev: checking for link-local addresses failed";
            return 1
        # another note: the output may be empty if the link local tentative addr
        # isn't up just yet, so we need to make sure there is at least one 'inet6'
        # match before returning success.  We need to keep checking for both
        # 'tentative' case and default (no inet6 address) case. (LP: #1718568)
        # Don't reorder tentative/inet6 - we need to check for tentative first.
        case " $out " in
            *\ dadfailed\ *)
                error "$dev: ipv6 dad failed."
                return 1;;
            *\ tentative\ *) :;;
            *\ inet6\ *) return 0;;
            *) :;;
        [ $n -lt $attempts ] || {
            error "$dev: time out waiting for permanent link-local address"
            return 1;
        sleep $delay

# run given script
run_hook() {
    local script="$1"
    local exit_status=0

    if [ -f $script ]; then
        . $script

    if [ -n "$exit_status" ] && [ "$exit_status" -ne 0 ]; then
        logger -p daemon.err "$script returned non-zero exit status $exit_status"

    return $exit_status

# run scripts in given directory
run_hookdir() {
    local dir="$1"
    local exit_status=0

    if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
        for script in $(run-parts --list $dir); do
            run_hook $script

    return $exit_status

# Must be used on exit.   Invokes the local dhcp client exit hooks, if any.
exit_with_hooks() {
    local exit_status=$1

    # Source the documented exit-hook script, if it exists
    if ! run_hook /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks; then

    # Now run scripts in the Debian-specific directory.
    if ! run_hookdir /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d; then

    exit $exit_status

# The 576 MTU is only used for X.25 and dialup connections
# where the admin wants low latency.  Such a low MTU can cause
# problems with UDP traffic, among other things.  As such,
# disallow MTUs from 576 and below by default, so that broken
# MTUs are ignored, but higher stuff is allowed (1492, 1500, etc).
if [ -z "$new_interface_mtu" ] || [ "$new_interface_mtu" -le 576 ]; then

# The action starts here

# Invoke the local dhcp client enter hooks, if they exist.
run_hook /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks
run_hookdir /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d

# Execute the operation
case "$reason" in

    ### DHCPv4 Handlers

        # Do nothing
        # The DHCP client is requesting that an interface be
        # configured as required in order to send packets prior to
        # receiving an actual address. - dhclient-script(8)

        # ensure interface is up
        ip link set dev ${interface} up

        if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
            # flush alias IP from interface
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0



        if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ] && [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ] &&
           [ "$alias_ip_address" != "$old_ip_address" ]; then
            # alias IP may have changed => flush it
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0

        if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ] &&
           [ "$old_ip_address" != "$new_ip_address" ]; then
            # leased IP has changed => flush it
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}

        if [ -z "$old_ip_address" ] ||
           [ "$old_ip_address" != "$new_ip_address" ] ||
           [ "$reason" = "BOUND" ] || [ "$reason" = "REBOOT" ]; then
            # new IP has been leased or leased IP changed => set it
            ip -4 addr add ${new_ip_address}${new_subnet_mask:+/$new_subnet_mask} \
                ${new_broadcast_address:+broadcast $new_broadcast_address} \
                dev ${interface} label ${interface}

            if [ -n "$new_interface_mtu" ]; then
                # set MTU
                ip link set dev ${interface} mtu ${new_interface_mtu}

	    # if we have $new_rfc3442_classless_static_routes then we have to
	    # ignore $new_routers entirely
	    if [ ! "$new_rfc3442_classless_static_routes" ]; then
		    # set if_metric if IF_METRIC is set or there's more than one router
		    if [ "${new_routers%% *}" != "${new_routers}" ]; then

		    for router in $new_routers; do
			if [ "$new_subnet_mask" = "" ]; then
			    # point-to-point connection => set explicit route
			    ip -4 route add ${router} dev $interface >/dev/null 2>&1

			# set default route
			ip -4 route add default via ${router} dev ${interface} \
			    ${if_metric:+metric $if_metric} >/dev/null 2>&1

			if [ -n "$if_metric" ]; then

        if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ] &&
           [ "$new_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
            # separate alias IP given, which may have changed
            # => flush it, set it & add host route to it
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
            ip -4 addr add ${alias_ip_address}${alias_subnet_mask:+/$alias_subnet_mask} \
                dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
            ip -4 route add ${alias_ip_address} dev ${interface} >/dev/null 2>&1

        # update /etc/resolv.conf


        if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
            # flush alias IP
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0

        if [ -n "$old_ip_address" ]; then
            # flush leased IP
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}

        if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
            # alias IP given => set it & add host route to it
            ip -4 addr add ${alias_ip_address}${alias_subnet_mask:+/$alias_subnet_mask} \
                dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
            ip -4 route add ${alias_ip_address} dev ${interface} >/dev/null 2>&1


        if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
            # flush alias IP
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0

        # set IP from recorded lease
        ip -4 addr add ${new_ip_address}${new_subnet_mask:+/$new_subnet_mask} \
            ${new_broadcast_address:+broadcast $new_broadcast_address} \
            dev ${interface} label ${interface}

        if [ -n "$new_interface_mtu" ]; then
            # set MTU
            ip link set dev ${interface} mtu ${new_interface_mtu}

        # if there is no router recorded in the lease or the 1st router answers pings
        if [ -z "$new_routers" ] || ping -q -c 1 "${new_routers%% *}"; then
	    # if we have $new_rfc3442_classless_static_routes then we have to
	    # ignore $new_routers entirely
	    if [ ! "$new_rfc3442_classless_static_routes" ]; then
		    if [ -n "$alias_ip_address" ] &&
		       [ "$new_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]; then
			# separate alias IP given => set up the alias IP & add host route to it
			ip -4 addr add ${alias_ip_address}${alias_subnet_mask:+/$alias_subnet_mask} \
			    dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
			ip -4 route add ${alias_ip_address} dev ${interface} >/dev/null 2>&1

		    # set if_metric if IF_METRIC is set or there's more than one router
		    if [ "${new_routers%% *}" != "${new_routers}" ]; then

		    # set default route
		    for router in $new_routers; do
			ip -4 route add default via ${router} dev ${interface} \
			    ${if_metric:+metric $if_metric} >/dev/null 2>&1

			if [ -n "$if_metric" ]; then

            # update /etc/resolv.conf
            # flush all IPs from interface
            ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface}
            exit_with_hooks 2


    ### DHCPv6 Handlers
    # TODO handle prefix change: ?based on ${old_ip6_prefix} and ${new_ip6_prefix}?

        # ensure interface is up
        ipv6_link_up_and_dad "$interface"

        # flush any stale global permanent IPs from interface
        ip -6 addr flush dev ${interface} scope global permanent


        if [ "${new_ip6_address}" ]; then
            # set leased IP
            ip -6 addr add ${new_ip6_address} \
                dev ${interface} scope global

        # update /etc/resolv.conf
        if [ "${reason}" = BOUND6 ] ||
           [ "${new_dhcp6_name_servers}" != "${old_dhcp6_name_servers}" ] ||
           [ "${new_dhcp6_domain_search}" != "${old_dhcp6_domain_search}" ]; then


        # set preferred lifetime of leased IP to 0
        ip -6 addr change ${cur_ip6_address} \
            dev ${interface} scope global preferred_lft 0


        if [ -z "${old_ip6_address}" ]; then
            exit_with_hooks 2

        # delete leased IP
        ip -6 addr del ${old_ip6_address} \
            dev ${interface}


exit_with_hooks 0


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