#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Very simple serial terminal # # This file is part of pySerial. https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial # (C)2002-2015 Chris Liechti <cliechti@gmx.net> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import codecs import os import sys import threading import serial from serial.tools.list_ports import comports from serial.tools import hexlify_codec # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position codecs.register(lambda c: hexlify_codec.getregentry() if c == 'hexlify' else None) try: raw_input except NameError: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name raw_input = input # in python3 it's "raw" unichr = chr def key_description(character): """generate a readable description for a key""" ascii_code = ord(character) if ascii_code < 32: return 'Ctrl+{:c}'.format(ord('@') + ascii_code) else: return repr(character) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class ConsoleBase(object): """OS abstraction for console (input/output codec, no echo)""" def __init__(self): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): self.byte_output = sys.stdout.buffer else: self.byte_output = sys.stdout self.output = sys.stdout def setup(self): """Set console to read single characters, no echo""" def cleanup(self): """Restore default console settings""" def getkey(self): """Read a single key from the console""" return None def write_bytes(self, byte_string): """Write bytes (already encoded)""" self.byte_output.write(byte_string) self.byte_output.flush() def write(self, text): """Write string""" self.output.write(text) self.output.flush() def cancel(self): """Cancel getkey operation""" # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # context manager: # switch terminal temporary to normal mode (e.g. to get user input) def __enter__(self): self.cleanup() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.setup() if os.name == 'nt': # noqa import msvcrt import ctypes class Out(object): """file-like wrapper that uses os.write""" def __init__(self, fd): self.fd = fd def flush(self): pass def write(self, s): os.write(self.fd, s) class Console(ConsoleBase): def __init__(self): super(Console, self).__init__() self._saved_ocp = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleOutputCP() self._saved_icp = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCP() ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleOutputCP(65001) ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCP(65001) self.output = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(Out(sys.stdout.fileno()), 'replace') # the change of the code page is not propagated to Python, manually fix it sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(Out(sys.stderr.fileno()), 'replace') sys.stdout = self.output self.output.encoding = 'UTF-8' # needed for input def __del__(self): ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleOutputCP(self._saved_ocp) ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCP(self._saved_icp) def getkey(self): while True: z = msvcrt.getwch() if z == unichr(13): return unichr(10) elif z in (unichr(0), unichr(0x0e)): # functions keys, ignore msvcrt.getwch() else: return z def cancel(self): # CancelIo, CancelSynchronousIo do not seem to work when using # getwch, so instead, send a key to the window with the console hwnd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow() ctypes.windll.user32.PostMessageA(hwnd, 0x100, 0x0d, 0) elif os.name == 'posix': import atexit import termios import fcntl class Console(ConsoleBase): def __init__(self): super(Console, self).__init__() self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno() self.old = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) atexit.register(self.cleanup) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): self.enc_stdin = codecs.getreader(sys.stdin.encoding)(sys.stdin) else: self.enc_stdin = sys.stdin def setup(self): new = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO & ~termios.ISIG new[6][termios.VMIN] = 1 new[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSANOW, new) def getkey(self): c = self.enc_stdin.read(1) if c == unichr(0x7f): c = unichr(8) # map the BS key (which yields DEL) to backspace return c def cancel(self): fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, termios.TIOCSTI, b'\0') def cleanup(self): termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.old) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Sorry no implementation for your platform ({}) available.'.format(sys.platform)) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class Transform(object): """do-nothing: forward all data unchanged""" def rx(self, text): """text received from serial port""" return text def tx(self, text): """text to be sent to serial port""" return text def echo(self, text): """text to be sent but displayed on console""" return text class CRLF(Transform): """ENTER sends CR+LF""" def tx(self, text): return text.replace('\n', '\r\n') class CR(Transform): """ENTER sends CR""" def rx(self, text): return text.replace('\r', '\n') def tx(self, text): return text.replace('\n', '\r') class LF(Transform): """ENTER sends LF""" class NoTerminal(Transform): """remove typical terminal control codes from input""" REPLACEMENT_MAP = dict((x, 0x2400 + x) for x in range(32) if unichr(x) not in '\r\n\b\t') REPLACEMENT_MAP.update( { 0x7F: 0x2421, # DEL 0x9B: 0x2425, # CSI }) def rx(self, text): return text.translate(self.REPLACEMENT_MAP) echo = rx class NoControls(NoTerminal): """Remove all control codes, incl. CR+LF""" REPLACEMENT_MAP = dict((x, 0x2400 + x) for x in range(32)) REPLACEMENT_MAP.update( { 0x20: 0x2423, # visual space 0x7F: 0x2421, # DEL 0x9B: 0x2425, # CSI }) class Printable(Transform): """Show decimal code for all non-ASCII characters and replace most control codes""" def rx(self, text): r = [] for c in text: if ' ' <= c < '\x7f' or c in '\r\n\b\t': r.append(c) elif c < ' ': r.append(unichr(0x2400 + ord(c))) else: r.extend(unichr(0x2080 + ord(d) - 48) for d in '{:d}'.format(ord(c))) r.append(' ') return ''.join(r) echo = rx class Colorize(Transform): """Apply different colors for received and echo""" def __init__(self): # XXX make it configurable, use colorama? self.input_color = '\x1b[37m' self.echo_color = '\x1b[31m' def rx(self, text): return self.input_color + text def echo(self, text): return self.echo_color + text class DebugIO(Transform): """Print what is sent and received""" def rx(self, text): sys.stderr.write(' [RX:{}] '.format(repr(text))) sys.stderr.flush() return text def tx(self, text): sys.stderr.write(' [TX:{}] '.format(repr(text))) sys.stderr.flush() return text # other ideas: # - add date/time for each newline # - insert newline after: a) timeout b) packet end character EOL_TRANSFORMATIONS = { 'crlf': CRLF, 'cr': CR, 'lf': LF, } TRANSFORMATIONS = { 'direct': Transform, # no transformation 'default': NoTerminal, 'nocontrol': NoControls, 'printable': Printable, 'colorize': Colorize, 'debug': DebugIO, } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def ask_for_port(): """\ Show a list of ports and ask the user for a choice. To make selection easier on systems with long device names, also allow the input of an index. """ sys.stderr.write('\n--- Available ports:\n') ports = [] for n, (port, desc, hwid) in enumerate(sorted(comports()), 1): sys.stderr.write('--- {:2}: {:20} {!r}\n'.format(n, port, desc)) ports.append(port) while True: port = raw_input('--- Enter port index or full name: ') try: index = int(port) - 1 if not 0 <= index < len(ports): sys.stderr.write('--- Invalid index!\n') continue except ValueError: pass else: port = ports[index] return port class Miniterm(object): """\ Terminal application. Copy data from serial port to console and vice versa. Handle special keys from the console to show menu etc. """ def __init__(self, serial_instance, echo=False, eol='crlf', filters=()): self.console = Console() self.serial = serial_instance self.echo = echo self.raw = False self.input_encoding = 'UTF-8' self.output_encoding = 'UTF-8' self.eol = eol self.filters = filters self.update_transformations() self.exit_character = 0x1d # GS/CTRL+] self.menu_character = 0x14 # Menu: CTRL+T self.alive = None self._reader_alive = None self.receiver_thread = None self.rx_decoder = None self.tx_decoder = None def _start_reader(self): """Start reader thread""" self._reader_alive = True # start serial->console thread self.receiver_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.reader, name='rx') self.receiver_thread.daemon = True self.receiver_thread.start() def _stop_reader(self): """Stop reader thread only, wait for clean exit of thread""" self._reader_alive = False if hasattr(self.serial, 'cancel_read'): self.serial.cancel_read() self.receiver_thread.join() def start(self): """start worker threads""" self.alive = True self._start_reader() # enter console->serial loop self.transmitter_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.writer, name='tx') self.transmitter_thread.daemon = True self.transmitter_thread.start() self.console.setup() def stop(self): """set flag to stop worker threads""" self.alive = False def join(self, transmit_only=False): """wait for worker threads to terminate""" self.transmitter_thread.join() if not transmit_only: if hasattr(self.serial, 'cancel_read'): self.serial.cancel_read() self.receiver_thread.join() def close(self): self.serial.close() def update_transformations(self): """take list of transformation classes and instantiate them for rx and tx""" transformations = [EOL_TRANSFORMATIONS[self.eol]] + [TRANSFORMATIONS[f] for f in self.filters] self.tx_transformations = [t() for t in transformations] self.rx_transformations = list(reversed(self.tx_transformations)) def set_rx_encoding(self, encoding, errors='replace'): """set encoding for received data""" self.input_encoding = encoding self.rx_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(encoding)(errors) def set_tx_encoding(self, encoding, errors='replace'): """set encoding for transmitted data""" self.output_encoding = encoding self.tx_encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)(errors) def dump_port_settings(self): """Write current settings to sys.stderr""" sys.stderr.write("\n--- Settings: {p.name} {p.baudrate},{p.bytesize},{p.parity},{p.stopbits}\n".format( p=self.serial)) sys.stderr.write('--- RTS: {:8} DTR: {:8} BREAK: {:8}\n'.format( ('active' if self.serial.rts else 'inactive'), ('active' if self.serial.dtr else 'inactive'), ('active' if self.serial.break_condition else 'inactive'))) try: sys.stderr.write('--- CTS: {:8} DSR: {:8} RI: {:8} CD: {:8}\n'.format( ('active' if self.serial.cts else 'inactive'), ('active' if self.serial.dsr else 'inactive'), ('active' if self.serial.ri else 'inactive'), ('active' if self.serial.cd else 'inactive'))) except serial.SerialException: # on RFC 2217 ports, it can happen if no modem state notification was # yet received. ignore this error. pass sys.stderr.write('--- software flow control: {}\n'.format('active' if self.serial.xonxoff else 'inactive')) sys.stderr.write('--- hardware flow control: {}\n'.format('active' if self.serial.rtscts else 'inactive')) sys.stderr.write('--- serial input encoding: {}\n'.format(self.input_encoding)) sys.stderr.write('--- serial output encoding: {}\n'.format(self.output_encoding)) sys.stderr.write('--- EOL: {}\n'.format(self.eol.upper())) sys.stderr.write('--- filters: {}\n'.format(' '.join(self.filters))) def reader(self): """loop and copy serial->console""" try: while self.alive and self._reader_alive: # read all that is there or wait for one byte data = self.serial.read(self.serial.in_waiting or 1) if data: if self.raw: self.console.write_bytes(data) else: text = self.rx_decoder.decode(data) for transformation in self.rx_transformations: text = transformation.rx(text) self.console.write(text) except serial.SerialException: self.alive = False self.console.cancel() raise # XXX handle instead of re-raise? def writer(self): """\ Loop and copy console->serial until self.exit_character character is found. When self.menu_character is found, interpret the next key locally. """ menu_active = False try: while self.alive: try: c = self.console.getkey() except KeyboardInterrupt: c = '\x03' if not self.alive: break if menu_active: self.handle_menu_key(c) menu_active = False elif c == self.menu_character: menu_active = True # next char will be for menu elif c == self.exit_character: self.stop() # exit app break else: #~ if self.raw: text = c for transformation in self.tx_transformations: text = transformation.tx(text) self.serial.write(self.tx_encoder.encode(text)) if self.echo: echo_text = c for transformation in self.tx_transformations: echo_text = transformation.echo(echo_text) self.console.write(echo_text) except: self.alive = False raise def handle_menu_key(self, c): """Implement a simple menu / settings""" if c == self.menu_character or c == self.exit_character: # Menu/exit character again -> send itself self.serial.write(self.tx_encoder.encode(c)) if self.echo: self.console.write(c) elif c == '\x15': # CTRL+U -> upload file self.upload_file() elif c in '\x08hH?': # CTRL+H, h, H, ? -> Show help sys.stderr.write(self.get_help_text()) elif c == '\x12': # CTRL+R -> Toggle RTS self.serial.rts = not self.serial.rts sys.stderr.write('--- RTS {} ---\n'.format('active' if self.serial.rts else 'inactive')) elif c == '\x04': # CTRL+D -> Toggle DTR self.serial.dtr = not self.serial.dtr sys.stderr.write('--- DTR {} ---\n'.format('active' if self.serial.dtr else 'inactive')) elif c == '\x02': # CTRL+B -> toggle BREAK condition self.serial.break_condition = not self.serial.break_condition sys.stderr.write('--- BREAK {} ---\n'.format('active' if self.serial.break_condition else 'inactive')) elif c == '\x05': # CTRL+E -> toggle local echo self.echo = not self.echo sys.stderr.write('--- local echo {} ---\n'.format('active' if self.echo else 'inactive')) elif c == '\x06': # CTRL+F -> edit filters self.change_filter() elif c == '\x0c': # CTRL+L -> EOL mode modes = list(EOL_TRANSFORMATIONS) # keys eol = modes.index(self.eol) + 1 if eol >= len(modes): eol = 0 self.eol = modes[eol] sys.stderr.write('--- EOL: {} ---\n'.format(self.eol.upper())) self.update_transformations() elif c == '\x01': # CTRL+A -> set encoding self.change_encoding() elif c == '\x09': # CTRL+I -> info self.dump_port_settings() #~ elif c == '\x01': # CTRL+A -> cycle escape mode #~ elif c == '\x0c': # CTRL+L -> cycle linefeed mode elif c in 'pP': # P -> change port self.change_port() elif c in 'sS': # S -> suspend / open port temporarily self.suspend_port() elif c in 'bB': # B -> change baudrate self.change_baudrate() elif c == '8': # 8 -> change to 8 bits self.serial.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS self.dump_port_settings() elif c == '7': # 7 -> change to 8 bits self.serial.bytesize = serial.SEVENBITS self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'eE': # E -> change to even parity self.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_EVEN self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'oO': # O -> change to odd parity self.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'mM': # M -> change to mark parity self.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_MARK self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'sS': # S -> change to space parity self.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_SPACE self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'nN': # N -> change to no parity self.serial.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE self.dump_port_settings() elif c == '1': # 1 -> change to 1 stop bits self.serial.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE self.dump_port_settings() elif c == '2': # 2 -> change to 2 stop bits self.serial.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO self.dump_port_settings() elif c == '3': # 3 -> change to 1.5 stop bits self.serial.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'xX': # X -> change software flow control self.serial.xonxoff = (c == 'X') self.dump_port_settings() elif c in 'rR': # R -> change hardware flow control self.serial.rtscts = (c == 'R') self.dump_port_settings() else: sys.stderr.write('--- unknown menu character {} --\n'.format(key_description(c))) def upload_file(self): """Ask user for filenname and send its contents""" sys.stderr.write('\n--- File to upload: ') sys.stderr.flush() with self.console: filename = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\r\n') if filename: try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: sys.stderr.write('--- Sending file {} ---\n'.format(filename)) while True: block = f.read(1024) if not block: break self.serial.write(block) # Wait for output buffer to drain. self.serial.flush() sys.stderr.write('.') # Progress indicator. sys.stderr.write('\n--- File {} sent ---\n'.format(filename)) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write('--- ERROR opening file {}: {} ---\n'.format(filename, e)) def change_filter(self): """change the i/o transformations""" sys.stderr.write('\n--- Available Filters:\n') sys.stderr.write('\n'.join( '--- {:<10} = {.__doc__}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(TRANSFORMATIONS.items()))) sys.stderr.write('\n--- Enter new filter name(s) [{}]: '.format(' '.join(self.filters))) with self.console: new_filters = sys.stdin.readline().lower().split() if new_filters: for f in new_filters: if f not in TRANSFORMATIONS: sys.stderr.write('--- unknown filter: {}\n'.format(repr(f))) break else: self.filters = new_filters self.update_transformations() sys.stderr.write('--- filters: {}\n'.format(' '.join(self.filters))) def change_encoding(self): """change encoding on the serial port""" sys.stderr.write('\n--- Enter new encoding name [{}]: '.format(self.input_encoding)) with self.console: new_encoding = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if new_encoding: try: codecs.lookup(new_encoding) except LookupError: sys.stderr.write('--- invalid encoding name: {}\n'.format(new_encoding)) else: self.set_rx_encoding(new_encoding) self.set_tx_encoding(new_encoding) sys.stderr.write('--- serial input encoding: {}\n'.format(self.input_encoding)) sys.stderr.write('--- serial output encoding: {}\n'.format(self.output_encoding)) def change_baudrate(self): """change the baudrate""" sys.stderr.write('\n--- Baudrate: ') sys.stderr.flush() with self.console: backup = self.serial.baudrate try: self.serial.baudrate = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip()) except ValueError as e: sys.stderr.write('--- ERROR setting baudrate: {} ---\n'.format(e)) self.serial.baudrate = backup else: self.dump_port_settings() def change_port(self): """Have a conversation with the user to change the serial port""" with self.console: try: port = ask_for_port() except KeyboardInterrupt: port = None if port and port != self.serial.port: # reader thread needs to be shut down self._stop_reader() # save settings settings = self.serial.getSettingsDict() try: new_serial = serial.serial_for_url(port, do_not_open=True) # restore settings and open new_serial.applySettingsDict(settings) new_serial.rts = self.serial.rts new_serial.dtr = self.serial.dtr new_serial.open() new_serial.break_condition = self.serial.break_condition except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('--- ERROR opening new port: {} ---\n'.format(e)) new_serial.close() else: self.serial.close() self.serial = new_serial sys.stderr.write('--- Port changed to: {} ---\n'.format(self.serial.port)) # and restart the reader thread self._start_reader() def suspend_port(self): """\ open port temporarily, allow reconnect, exit and port change to get out of the loop """ # reader thread needs to be shut down self._stop_reader() self.serial.close() sys.stderr.write('\n--- Port closed: {} ---\n'.format(self.serial.port)) do_change_port = False while not self.serial.is_open: sys.stderr.write('--- Quit: {exit} | p: port change | any other key to reconnect ---\n'.format( exit=key_description(self.exit_character))) k = self.console.getkey() if k == self.exit_character: self.stop() # exit app break elif k in 'pP': do_change_port = True break try: self.serial.open() except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('--- ERROR opening port: {} ---\n'.format(e)) if do_change_port: self.change_port() else: # and restart the reader thread self._start_reader() sys.stderr.write('--- Port opened: {} ---\n'.format(self.serial.port)) def get_help_text(self): """return the help text""" # help text, starts with blank line! return """ --- pySerial ({version}) - miniterm - help --- --- {exit:8} Exit program --- {menu:8} Menu escape key, followed by: --- Menu keys: --- {menu:7} Send the menu character itself to remote --- {exit:7} Send the exit character itself to remote --- {info:7} Show info --- {upload:7} Upload file (prompt will be shown) --- {repr:7} encoding --- {filter:7} edit filters --- Toggles: --- {rts:7} RTS {dtr:7} DTR {brk:7} BREAK --- {echo:7} echo {eol:7} EOL --- --- Port settings ({menu} followed by the following): --- p change port --- 7 8 set data bits --- N E O S M change parity (None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark) --- 1 2 3 set stop bits (1, 2, 1.5) --- b change baud rate --- x X disable/enable software flow control --- r R disable/enable hardware flow control """.format(version=getattr(serial, 'VERSION', 'unknown version'), exit=key_description(self.exit_character), menu=key_description(self.menu_character), rts=key_description('\x12'), dtr=key_description('\x04'), brk=key_description('\x02'), echo=key_description('\x05'), info=key_description('\x09'), upload=key_description('\x15'), repr=key_description('\x01'), filter=key_description('\x06'), eol=key_description('\x0c')) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # default args can be used to override when calling main() from an other script # e.g to create a miniterm-my-device.py def main(default_port=None, default_baudrate=9600, default_rts=None, default_dtr=None): """Command line tool, entry point""" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Miniterm - A simple terminal program for the serial port.") parser.add_argument( "port", nargs='?', help="serial port name ('-' to show port list)", default=default_port) parser.add_argument( "baudrate", nargs='?', type=int, help="set baud rate, default: %(default)s", default=default_baudrate) group = parser.add_argument_group("port settings") group.add_argument( "--parity", choices=['N', 'E', 'O', 'S', 'M'], type=lambda c: c.upper(), help="set parity, one of {N E O S M}, default: N", default='N') group.add_argument( "--rtscts", action="store_true", help="enable RTS/CTS flow control (default off)", default=False) group.add_argument( "--xonxoff", action="store_true", help="enable software flow control (default off)", default=False) group.add_argument( "--rts", type=int, help="set initial RTS line state (possible values: 0, 1)", default=default_rts) group.add_argument( "--dtr", type=int, help="set initial DTR line state (possible values: 0, 1)", default=default_dtr) group.add_argument( "--ask", action="store_true", help="ask again for port when open fails", default=False) group = parser.add_argument_group("data handling") group.add_argument( "-e", "--echo", action="store_true", help="enable local echo (default off)", default=False) group.add_argument( "--encoding", dest="serial_port_encoding", metavar="CODEC", help="set the encoding for the serial port (e.g. hexlify, Latin1, UTF-8), default: %(default)s", default='UTF-8') group.add_argument( "-f", "--filter", action="append", metavar="NAME", help="add text transformation", default=[]) group.add_argument( "--eol", choices=['CR', 'LF', 'CRLF'], type=lambda c: c.upper(), help="end of line mode", default='CRLF') group.add_argument( "--raw", action="store_true", help="Do no apply any encodings/transformations", default=False) group = parser.add_argument_group("hotkeys") group.add_argument( "--exit-char", type=int, metavar='NUM', help="Unicode of special character that is used to exit the application, default: %(default)s", default=0x1d) # GS/CTRL+] group.add_argument( "--menu-char", type=int, metavar='NUM', help="Unicode code of special character that is used to control miniterm (menu), default: %(default)s", default=0x14) # Menu: CTRL+T group = parser.add_argument_group("diagnostics") group.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="suppress non-error messages", default=False) group.add_argument( "--develop", action="store_true", help="show Python traceback on error", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.menu_char == args.exit_char: parser.error('--exit-char can not be the same as --menu-char') if args.filter: if 'help' in args.filter: sys.stderr.write('Available filters:\n') sys.stderr.write('\n'.join( '{:<10} = {.__doc__}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(TRANSFORMATIONS.items()))) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.exit(1) filters = args.filter else: filters = ['default'] while True: # no port given on command line -> ask user now if args.port is None or args.port == '-': try: args.port = ask_for_port() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('\n') parser.error('user aborted and port is not given') else: if not args.port: parser.error('port is not given') try: serial_instance = serial.serial_for_url( args.port, args.baudrate, parity=args.parity, rtscts=args.rtscts, xonxoff=args.xonxoff, do_not_open=True) if not hasattr(serial_instance, 'cancel_read'): # enable timeout for alive flag polling if cancel_read is not available serial_instance.timeout = 1 if args.dtr is not None: if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write('--- forcing DTR {}\n'.format('active' if args.dtr else 'inactive')) serial_instance.dtr = args.dtr if args.rts is not None: if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write('--- forcing RTS {}\n'.format('active' if args.rts else 'inactive')) serial_instance.rts = args.rts serial_instance.open() except serial.SerialException as e: sys.stderr.write('could not open port {}: {}\n'.format(repr(args.port), e)) if args.develop: raise if not args.ask: sys.exit(1) else: args.port = '-' else: break miniterm = Miniterm( serial_instance, echo=args.echo, eol=args.eol.lower(), filters=filters) miniterm.exit_character = unichr(args.exit_char) miniterm.menu_character = unichr(args.menu_char) miniterm.raw = args.raw miniterm.set_rx_encoding(args.serial_port_encoding) miniterm.set_tx_encoding(args.serial_port_encoding) if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write('--- Miniterm on {p.name} {p.baudrate},{p.bytesize},{p.parity},{p.stopbits} ---\n'.format( p=miniterm.serial)) sys.stderr.write('--- Quit: {} | Menu: {} | Help: {} followed by {} ---\n'.format( key_description(miniterm.exit_character), key_description(miniterm.menu_character), key_description(miniterm.menu_character), key_description('\x08'))) miniterm.start() try: miniterm.join(True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write("\n--- exit ---\n") miniterm.join() miniterm.close() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
X11 | Folder | 0755 |
2to3-2.7 | File | 96 B | 0755 |
7z | File | 39 B | 0755 |
7za | File | 40 B | 0755 |
7zr | File | 40 B | 0755 |
GET | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
HEAD | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
NF | File | 963 B | 0755 |
POST | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
Thunar | File | 755.85 KB | 0755 |
VGAuthService | File | 126.22 KB | 0755 |
X | File | 274 B | 0755 |
Xorg | File | 274 B | 0755 |
[ | File | 50.18 KB | 0755 |
aa-enabled | File | 22.16 KB | 0755 |
aa-exec | File | 22.16 KB | 0755 |
ab | File | 54.18 KB | 0755 |
aclocal | File | 35.93 KB | 0755 |
aclocal-1.15 | File | 35.93 KB | 0755 |
acpi_listen | File | 14.27 KB | 0755 |
add-apt-repository | File | 7.24 KB | 0755 |
addpart | File | 22.08 KB | 0755 |
addr2line | File | 30.55 KB | 0755 |
ambiguous_words | File | 10.09 KB | 0755 |
apport-bug | File | 2.5 KB | 0755 |
apport-cli | File | 13.05 KB | 0755 |
apport-collect | File | 2.5 KB | 0755 |
apport-unpack | File | 1.81 KB | 0755 |
appres | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
apropos | File | 46.98 KB | 0755 |
apt | File | 14.09 KB | 0755 |
apt-add-repository | File | 7.24 KB | 0755 |
apt-cache | File | 78.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-cdrom | File | 22.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-config | File | 22.09 KB | 0755 |
apt-extracttemplates | File | 22.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-ftparchive | File | 234.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-get | File | 42.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-key | File | 26.75 KB | 0755 |
apt-mark | File | 42.16 KB | 0755 |
apt-sortpkgs | File | 42.09 KB | 0755 |
ar | File | 58.24 KB | 0755 |
arch | File | 34.21 KB | 0755 |
arping | File | 22 KB | 4755 |
as | File | 895.98 KB | 0755 |
aspell | File | 150.34 KB | 0755 |
aspell-import | File | 2 KB | 0755 |
at | File | 50.26 KB | 6755 |
atobm | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
atq | File | 50.26 KB | 6755 |
atrm | File | 50.26 KB | 6755 |
autoconf | File | 14.42 KB | 0755 |
autoheader | File | 8.34 KB | 0755 |
autom4te | File | 31.91 KB | 0755 |
automake | File | 247.38 KB | 0755 |
automake-1.15 | File | 247.38 KB | 0755 |
automat-visualize3 | File | 402 B | 0755 |
autopoint | File | 25.97 KB | 0755 |
autoreconf | File | 20.67 KB | 0755 |
autoscan | File | 16.73 KB | 0755 |
autoupdate | File | 33.08 KB | 0755 |
awk | File | 642.65 KB | 0755 |
b2sum | File | 54.21 KB | 0755 |
base32 | File | 38.18 KB | 0755 |
base64 | File | 38.18 KB | 0755 |
basename | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
bashbug | File | 6.95 KB | 0755 |
batch | File | 152 B | 0755 |
bc | File | 90.7 KB | 0755 |
bdftopcf | File | 42.12 KB | 0755 |
bdftruncate | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
bitmap | File | 98.09 KB | 0755 |
bmtoa | File | 10.02 KB | 0755 |
bootctl | File | 34.13 KB | 0755 |
broadwayd | File | 114.08 KB | 0755 |
browse | File | 24.65 KB | 0755 |
bsd-from | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
bsd-write | File | 13.99 KB | 2755 |
busctl | File | 66.09 KB | 0755 |
byobu | File | 8.07 KB | 0755 |
byobu-config | File | 996 B | 0755 |
byobu-ctrl-a | File | 4.66 KB | 0755 |
byobu-disable | File | 1.26 KB | 0755 |
byobu-disable-prompt | File | 1.28 KB | 0755 |
byobu-enable | File | 1.15 KB | 0755 |
byobu-enable-prompt | File | 1.42 KB | 0755 |
byobu-export | File | 1.23 KB | 0755 |
byobu-janitor | File | 5.82 KB | 0755 |
byobu-keybindings | File | 1.47 KB | 0755 |
byobu-launch | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
byobu-launcher | File | 1.87 KB | 0755 |
byobu-launcher-install | File | 2.4 KB | 0755 |
byobu-launcher-uninstall | File | 1.52 KB | 0755 |
byobu-layout | File | 3.27 KB | 0755 |
byobu-prompt | File | 1.13 KB | 0755 |
byobu-quiet | File | 1.38 KB | 0755 |
byobu-reconnect-sockets | File | 3.22 KB | 0755 |
byobu-screen | File | 8.07 KB | 0755 |
byobu-select-backend | File | 1.42 KB | 0755 |
byobu-select-profile | File | 6.14 KB | 0755 |
byobu-select-session | File | 1012 B | 0755 |
byobu-shell | File | 1.56 KB | 0755 |
byobu-silent | File | 1.28 KB | 0755 |
byobu-status | File | 5.87 KB | 0755 |
byobu-status-detail | File | 1.18 KB | 0755 |
byobu-tmux | File | 8.07 KB | 0755 |
byobu-ugraph | File | 4.56 KB | 0755 |
byobu-ulevel | File | 11.71 KB | 0755 |
c++ | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
c++filt | File | 26.12 KB | 0755 |
c89 | File | 428 B | 0755 |
c89-gcc | File | 428 B | 0755 |
c99 | File | 454 B | 0755 |
c99-gcc | File | 454 B | 0755 |
c_rehash | File | 6.65 KB | 0755 |
cal | File | 28.79 KB | 0755 |
calendar | File | 30.48 KB | 0755 |
captoinfo | File | 82.11 KB | 0755 |
catchsegv | File | 3.25 KB | 0755 |
catman | File | 38.46 KB | 0755 |
cautious-launcher | File | 853 B | 0755 |
cc | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
certbot | File | 385 B | 0755 |
cftp3 | File | 380 B | 0755 |
cgroupfs-mount | File | 1.25 KB | 0755 |
cgroupfs-umount | File | 620 B | 0755 |
chacl | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
chage | File | 70.13 KB | 2755 |
chardet | File | 387 B | 0755 |
chardet3 | File | 389 B | 0755 |
chardetect | File | 387 B | 0755 |
chardetect3 | File | 389 B | 0755 |
chattr | File | 14 KB | 0755 |
chcon | File | 62.18 KB | 0755 |
check-language-support | File | 2.71 KB | 0755 |
checkgid | File | 5.99 KB | 0755 |
chfn | File | 74.7 KB | 4755 |
chrt | File | 30.08 KB | 0755 |
chsh | File | 43.48 KB | 4755 |
cjpeg | File | 34.07 KB | 0755 |
ckbcomp | File | 146.33 KB | 0755 |
ckeygen3 | File | 386 B | 0755 |
cksum | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
classifier_tester | File | 50.23 KB | 0755 |
clear | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
clear_console | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
cloud-id | File | 396 B | 0755 |
cloud-init | File | 400 B | 0755 |
cloud-init-per | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
cmdtest | File | 8.16 KB | 0755 |
cmp | File | 46.09 KB | 0755 |
cntraining | File | 50.26 KB | 0755 |
codepage | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
col | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
col1 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col2 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col3 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col4 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col5 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col6 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col7 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col8 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
col9 | File | 963 B | 0755 |
colcrt | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
colrm | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
column | File | 14.01 KB | 0755 |
combine_lang_model | File | 102.16 KB | 0755 |
combine_tessdata | File | 14.16 KB | 0755 |
comm | File | 38.21 KB | 0755 |
compose | File | 17.74 KB | 0755 |
conch3 | File | 382 B | 0755 |
containerd | File | 52.17 MB | 0755 |
containerd-shim | File | 7.11 MB | 0755 |
containerd-shim-runc-v1 | File | 9.2 MB | 0755 |
containerd-shim-runc-v2 | File | 9.23 MB | 0755 |
containerd-stress | File | 22.52 MB | 0755 |
corelist | File | 12.53 KB | 0755 |
cpan | File | 7.96 KB | 0755 |
cpan5.26-x86_64-linux-gnu | File | 7.99 KB | 0755 |
cpp | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
cpp-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
cpp-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
crontab | File | 38.43 KB | 2755 |
csplit | File | 50.21 KB | 0755 |
ctail | File | 958 B | 0755 |
ctr | File | 26.5 MB | 0755 |
ctstat | File | 22.35 KB | 0755 |
curl | File | 218.07 KB | 0755 |
cut | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
cvt | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
dawg2wordlist | File | 14.16 KB | 0755 |
dbilogstrip | File | 1.35 KB | 0755 |
dbiprof | File | 6.06 KB | 0755 |
dbiproxy | File | 5.27 KB | 0755 |
dbus-cleanup-sockets | File | 9.98 KB | 0755 |
dbus-daemon | File | 231.04 KB | 0755 |
dbus-launch | File | 25.99 KB | 0755 |
dbus-monitor | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
dbus-run-session | File | 9.98 KB | 0755 |
dbus-send | File | 25.98 KB | 0755 |
dbus-update-activation-environment | File | 13.98 KB | 0755 |
dbus-uuidgen | File | 9.98 KB | 0755 |
deallocvt | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
deb-systemd-helper | File | 19.67 KB | 0755 |
deb-systemd-invoke | File | 4.33 KB | 0755 |
debconf | File | 2.79 KB | 0755 |
debconf-apt-progress | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
debconf-communicate | File | 608 B | 0755 |
debconf-copydb | File | 1.68 KB | 0755 |
debconf-escape | File | 647 B | 0755 |
debconf-gettextize | File | 15.97 KB | 0755 |
debconf-set-selections | File | 2.87 KB | 0755 |
debconf-show | File | 1.78 KB | 0755 |
debconf-updatepo | File | 4.46 KB | 0755 |
debian-distro-info | File | 18.59 KB | 0755 |
delpart | File | 22.08 KB | 0755 |
delv | File | 40.86 KB | 0755 |
derb | File | 22.57 KB | 0755 |
desktop-file-edit | File | 88.03 KB | 0755 |
desktop-file-install | File | 88.03 KB | 0755 |
desktop-file-validate | File | 76.26 KB | 0755 |
dh_autotools-dev_restoreconfig | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig | File | 1.81 KB | 0755 |
dh_bash-completion | File | 2.49 KB | 0755 |
dh_perl_dbi | File | 1.04 KB | 0755 |
dh_perl_openssl | File | 1.36 KB | 0755 |
dh_pypy | File | 12.58 KB | 0755 |
dh_python2 | File | 1.03 KB | 0755 |
dh_python3 | File | 12.78 KB | 0755 |
dialog | File | 230.03 KB | 0755 |
diff | File | 142.34 KB | 0755 |
diff3 | File | 62.21 KB | 0755 |
dig | File | 146.51 KB | 0755 |
dircolors | File | 46.19 KB | 0755 |
dirmngr | File | 533.55 KB | 0755 |
dirmngr-client | File | 106.76 KB | 0755 |
dirname | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
distro-info | File | 18.59 KB | 0755 |
djpeg | File | 34.07 KB | 0755 |
do-release-upgrade | File | 9.39 KB | 0755 |
docker | File | 48.44 MB | 0755 |
docker-init | File | 785.91 KB | 0755 |
docker-proxy | File | 2.45 MB | 0755 |
dockerd | File | 81.04 MB | 0755 |
dpkg | File | 290.5 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-architecture | File | 12.55 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-buildflags | File | 7.39 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-buildpackage | File | 29.1 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-checkbuilddeps | File | 7.33 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-deb | File | 150.34 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-distaddfile | File | 2.72 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-divert | File | 138.41 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-genbuildinfo | File | 16.38 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-genchanges | File | 17.21 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-gencontrol | File | 13.73 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-gensymbols | File | 10.38 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-maintscript-helper | File | 18.58 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-mergechangelogs | File | 8.39 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-name | File | 6.63 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-parsechangelog | File | 4.33 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-query | File | 146.4 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-scanpackages | File | 8.23 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-scansources | File | 8.95 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-shlibdeps | File | 30.63 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-source | File | 22.75 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-split | File | 118.34 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-statoverride | File | 70.25 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-trigger | File | 66.26 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-vendor | File | 3.19 KB | 0755 |
du | File | 98.21 KB | 0755 |
dumpkeys | File | 166.52 KB | 0755 |
dvipdf | File | 1023 B | 0755 |
dwp | File | 2.75 MB | 0755 |
eatmydata | File | 2.74 KB | 0755 |
ec2metadata | File | 7.13 KB | 0755 |
edit | File | 17.74 KB | 0755 |
editor | File | 240.11 KB | 0755 |
editres | File | 68.4 KB | 0755 |
eject | File | 30.69 KB | 0755 |
elfedit | File | 30.45 KB | 0755 |
enc2xs | File | 41.17 KB | 0755 |
encguess | File | 2.99 KB | 0755 |
enchant | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
enchant-lsmod | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
env | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
envsubst | File | 34.08 KB | 0755 |
eps2eps | File | 639 B | 0755 |
eqn | File | 193.19 KB | 0755 |
ex | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
exifautotran | File | 1.11 KB | 0755 |
exo-csource | File | 14.09 KB | 0755 |
exo-desktop-item-edit | File | 70.55 KB | 0755 |
exo-open | File | 18.32 KB | 0755 |
exo-preferred-applications | File | 296 B | 0755 |
expand | File | 38.21 KB | 0755 |
expiry | File | 22.27 KB | 2755 |
expr | File | 46.18 KB | 0755 |
factor | File | 74.21 KB | 0755 |
faillog | File | 18.29 KB | 0755 |
faked-sysv | File | 26.11 KB | 0755 |
faked-tcp | File | 30.1 KB | 0755 |
fakeroot | File | 3.76 KB | 0755 |
fakeroot-sysv | File | 3.76 KB | 0755 |
fakeroot-tcp | File | 3.76 KB | 0755 |
fallocate | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
fc-cache | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-cat | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-list | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-match | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-pattern | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-query | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-scan | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fc-validate | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
fcgistarter | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
ffmpeg | File | 266.14 KB | 0755 |
ffplay | File | 134.16 KB | 0755 |
ffprobe | File | 158.15 KB | 0755 |
ffserver | File | 139.27 KB | 0755 |
file | File | 22.26 KB | 0755 |
find | File | 232.5 KB | 0755 |
flock | File | 30.16 KB | 0755 |
fmt | File | 42.18 KB | 0755 |
fold | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
fonttosfnt | File | 34.02 KB | 0755 |
free | File | 18.08 KB | 0755 |
freetype-config | File | 4.62 KB | 0755 |
from | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
ftp | File | 98.7 KB | 0755 |
funzip | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
futurize | File | 384 B | 0755 |
g++ | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
g++-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
gapplication | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
gawk | File | 642.65 KB | 0755 |
gcc | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
gcc-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
gcc-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
gcc-ar | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ar-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ar-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-nm | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-nm-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-nm-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ranlib | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ranlib-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ranlib-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
gccgo-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
gconf-merge-tree | File | 54.08 KB | 0755 |
gconftool | File | 62.07 KB | 0755 |
gconftool-2 | File | 62.07 KB | 0755 |
gcov | File | 616.09 KB | 0755 |
gcov-7 | File | 616.09 KB | 0755 |
gcov-8 | File | 640.09 KB | 0755 |
gcov-dump | File | 499.93 KB | 0755 |
gcov-dump-7 | File | 499.93 KB | 0755 |
gcov-dump-8 | File | 491.95 KB | 0755 |
gcov-tool | File | 535.99 KB | 0755 |
gcov-tool-7 | File | 535.99 KB | 0755 |
gcov-tool-8 | File | 512.02 KB | 0755 |
gdbus | File | 42.08 KB | 0755 |
gdbus-codegen | File | 2 KB | 0755 |
gdebi | File | 3.94 KB | 0755 |
gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer | File | 14.08 KB | 0755 |
genbrk | File | 14.48 KB | 0755 |
gencat | File | 22.22 KB | 0755 |
gencfu | File | 10.43 KB | 0755 |
gencnval | File | 22.32 KB | 0755 |
gendict | File | 22.55 KB | 0755 |
genrb | File | 123.59 KB | 0755 |
geqn | File | 193.19 KB | 0755 |
getconf | File | 30.13 KB | 0755 |
getent | File | 30.49 KB | 0755 |
getfacl | File | 22.62 KB | 0755 |
getkeycodes | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
getopt | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
gettext | File | 34.08 KB | 0755 |
gettext.sh | File | 4.52 KB | 0755 |
gettextize | File | 42.73 KB | 0755 |
ghostscript | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
ginstall-info | File | 43.09 KB | 0755 |
gio | File | 78.09 KB | 0755 |
gio-querymodules | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
git | File | 2.27 MB | 0755 |
git-receive-pack | File | 2.27 MB | 0755 |
git-shell | File | 1.26 MB | 0755 |
git-upload-archive | File | 2.27 MB | 0755 |
git-upload-pack | File | 1.27 MB | 0755 |
glib-compile-resources | File | 38.07 KB | 0755 |
glib-compile-schemas | File | 42.07 KB | 0755 |
glib-genmarshal | File | 39.97 KB | 0755 |
glib-gettextize | File | 5.25 KB | 0755 |
glib-mkenums | File | 27.15 KB | 0755 |
globaltime | File | 82.05 KB | 0755 |
gnome-help | File | 54.07 KB | 0755 |
gnome-terminal | File | 3.33 KB | 0755 |
gnome-terminal.real | File | 94.84 KB | 0755 |
gnome-terminal.wrapper | File | 2.36 KB | 0755 |
go | File | 1.76 MB | 0755 |
go-8 | File | 1.76 MB | 0755 |
gobject-query | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
gofmt | File | 127.6 KB | 0755 |
gofmt-8 | File | 127.6 KB | 0755 |
gold | File | 2.97 MB | 0755 |
gpasswd | File | 74.05 KB | 4755 |
gpg | File | 997.6 KB | 0755 |
gpg-agent | File | 392.7 KB | 0755 |
gpg-connect-agent | File | 154.85 KB | 0755 |
gpg-wks-server | File | 187.02 KB | 0755 |
gpg-zip | File | 3.36 KB | 0755 |
gpgconf | File | 166.32 KB | 0755 |
gpgparsemail | File | 26.07 KB | 0755 |
gpgsm | File | 491.09 KB | 0755 |
gpgsplit | File | 78.45 KB | 0755 |
gpgv | File | 427.02 KB | 0755 |
gpic | File | 204.03 KB | 0755 |
gprof | File | 99.73 KB | 0755 |
grafana-agent | File | 177.48 MB | 0755 |
grafana-agentctl | File | 161.58 MB | 0755 |
gresource | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
groff | File | 105.31 KB | 0755 |
grog | File | 2.71 KB | 0755 |
grops | File | 165.72 KB | 0755 |
grotty | File | 121.34 KB | 0755 |
groups | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
growpart | File | 21.37 KB | 0755 |
grub-editenv | File | 239.93 KB | 0755 |
grub-file | File | 659.79 KB | 0755 |
grub-fstest | File | 789.65 KB | 0755 |
grub-glue-efi | File | 235.77 KB | 0755 |
grub-kbdcomp | File | 1.64 KB | 0755 |
grub-menulst2cfg | File | 216.04 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkfont | File | 264.34 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkimage | File | 328.84 KB | 0755 |
grub-mklayout | File | 240.09 KB | 0755 |
grub-mknetdir | File | 373.41 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 | File | 244.12 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkrelpath | File | 235.49 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkrescue | File | 822.23 KB | 0755 |
grub-mkstandalone | File | 449.74 KB | 0755 |
grub-mount | File | 608.21 KB | 0755 |
grub-render-label | File | 676.16 KB | 0755 |
grub-script-check | File | 259.62 KB | 0755 |
grub-syslinux2cfg | File | 624.68 KB | 0755 |
gs | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
gsbj | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsdj | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsdj500 | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsettings | File | 26.07 KB | 0755 |
gsettings-data-convert | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
gsettings-schema-convert | File | 40.83 KB | 0755 |
gslj | File | 353 B | 0755 |
gslp | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsnd | File | 277 B | 0755 |
gtbl | File | 126.2 KB | 0755 |
gtester | File | 22.01 KB | 0755 |
gtester-report | File | 18.39 KB | 0755 |
gtf | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
gtk-builder-tool | File | 26.42 KB | 0755 |
gtk-launch | File | 14.15 KB | 0755 |
gtk-query-settings | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
gtk-update-icon-cache | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
h2ph | File | 28.54 KB | 0755 |
h2xs | File | 59.44 KB | 0755 |
hd | File | 26.1 KB | 0755 |
head | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
helpztags | File | 2.46 KB | 0755 |
hexdump | File | 26.1 KB | 0755 |
host | File | 126.66 KB | 0755 |
hostid | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
hostnamectl | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
htcacheclean | File | 30 KB | 0755 |
htdbm | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
htdigest | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
htop | File | 180.68 KB | 0755 |
htpasswd | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
hwe-support-status | File | 10.58 KB | 0755 |
i386 | File | 18.34 KB | 0755 |
i686-linux-gnu-pkg-config | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
iceauth | File | 38.12 KB | 0755 |
ico | File | 48.13 KB | 0755 |
iconv | File | 62.25 KB | 0755 |
icu-config | File | 21.66 KB | 0755 |
icuinfo | File | 10.32 KB | 0755 |
id | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
ifnames | File | 4.03 KB | 0755 |
igawk | File | 3.11 KB | 0755 |
info | File | 245.72 KB | 0755 |
infobrowser | File | 245.72 KB | 0755 |
infocmp | File | 58.07 KB | 0755 |
infotocap | File | 82.11 KB | 0755 |
innochecksum | File | 3.52 MB | 0755 |
install | File | 142.25 KB | 0755 |
install-info | File | 43.09 KB | 0755 |
instmodsh | File | 4.27 KB | 0755 |
intel-virtual-output | File | 65.99 KB | 0755 |
ionice | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
ipcmk | File | 26.14 KB | 0755 |
ipcrm | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
ipcs | File | 50.08 KB | 0755 |
iptables-xml | File | 92.74 KB | 0755 |
ischroot | File | 10.04 KB | 0755 |
iscsiadm | File | 381.95 KB | 0755 |
isdv4-serial-debugger | File | 18.02 KB | 0755 |
isdv4-serial-inputattach | File | 18.02 KB | 0755 |
ispell-wrapper | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
join | File | 46.21 KB | 0755 |
jpegexiforient | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
jpegtran | File | 29.99 KB | 0755 |
json_pp | File | 3.87 KB | 0755 |
jsondiff | File | 1018 B | 0755 |
jsonpatch | File | 3.58 KB | 0755 |
jsonpointer | File | 1.31 KB | 0755 |
jsonschema | File | 398 B | 0755 |
kbdinfo | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
kbxutil | File | 158.69 KB | 0755 |
keep-one-running | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
kernel-install | File | 4.4 KB | 0755 |
keyring | File | 385 B | 0755 |
killall | File | 27.12 KB | 0755 |
kmodsign | File | 14.13 KB | 0755 |
landscape-sysinfo | File | 624 B | 0755 |
last | File | 42.08 KB | 0755 |
lastb | File | 42.08 KB | 0755 |
lastlog | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
lcf | File | 7.6 KB | 0755 |
ld | File | 1.7 MB | 0755 |
ld.bfd | File | 1.7 MB | 0755 |
ld.gold | File | 2.97 MB | 0755 |
ldd | File | 5.29 KB | 0755 |
less | File | 166.76 KB | 0755 |
lessecho | File | 10.02 KB | 0755 |
lessfile | File | 8.36 KB | 0755 |
lesskey | File | 19.39 KB | 0755 |
lesspipe | File | 8.36 KB | 0755 |
letsencrypt | File | 385 B | 0755 |
lexgrog | File | 90.57 KB | 0755 |
libnetcfg | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
libpng-config | File | 2.41 KB | 0755 |
libpng16-config | File | 2.41 KB | 0755 |
libtoolize | File | 126.16 KB | 0755 |
libwacom-list-local-devices | File | 10.1 KB | 0755 |
link | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
linux-boot-prober | File | 1.54 KB | 0755 |
linux-check-removal | File | 3.99 KB | 0755 |
linux-update-symlinks | File | 6.17 KB | 0755 |
linux-version | File | 2.63 KB | 0755 |
linux32 | File | 18.34 KB | 0755 |
linux64 | File | 18.34 KB | 0755 |
listres | File | 10.41 KB | 0755 |
lnstat | File | 22.35 KB | 0755 |
loadkeys | File | 206.57 KB | 0755 |
loadunimap | File | 26.13 KB | 0755 |
locale | File | 49.41 KB | 0755 |
locale-check | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
localectl | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
localedef | File | 330.8 KB | 0755 |
locate | File | 42.08 KB | 2755 |
logger | File | 46.67 KB | 0755 |
logname | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
logresolve | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
look | File | 10.23 KB | 0755 |
lorder | File | 2.82 KB | 0755 |
lsattr | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
lsb_release | File | 3.55 KB | 0755 |
lscpu | File | 70.08 KB | 0755 |
lshw | File | 682.95 KB | 0755 |
lsinitramfs | File | 625 B | 0755 |
lsipc | File | 70.08 KB | 0755 |
lslocks | File | 34.41 KB | 0755 |
lslogins | File | 62.08 KB | 0755 |
lsmem | File | 42.08 KB | 0755 |
lsns | File | 38.08 KB | 0755 |
lsof | File | 159.4 KB | 0755 |
lspci | File | 79.67 KB | 0755 |
lspgpot | File | 1.06 KB | 0755 |
lstmeval | File | 62.2 KB | 0755 |
lstmtraining | File | 74.2 KB | 0755 |
lsusb | File | 114.43 KB | 0755 |
ltrace | File | 325.21 KB | 0755 |
luit | File | 48.12 KB | 0755 |
lwp-download | File | 10.05 KB | 0755 |
lwp-dump | File | 2.65 KB | 0755 |
lwp-mirror | File | 2.36 KB | 0755 |
lwp-request | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
lxc | File | 10.28 MB | 0755 |
lxcfs | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
lxd | File | 105 B | 0755 |
lzcat | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
lzcmp | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
lzdiff | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
lzegrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
lzfgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
lzgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
lzless | File | 1.76 KB | 0755 |
lzma | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
lzmainfo | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
lzmore | File | 2.11 KB | 0755 |
m4 | File | 154.3 KB | 0755 |
make | File | 217.57 KB | 0755 |
make-first-existing-target | File | 4.79 KB | 0755 |
makeconv | File | 46.77 KB | 0755 |
man | File | 104.5 KB | 0755 |
mandb | File | 126.72 KB | 0755 |
manifest | File | 1.9 KB | 0755 |
manpath | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
mapscrn | File | 22.13 KB | 0755 |
markdown_py | File | 1013 B | 0755 |
mawk | File | 122.48 KB | 0755 |
mcookie | File | 30.14 KB | 0755 |
md5sum | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
md5sum.textutils | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
mdig | File | 42.13 KB | 0755 |
merge_unicharsets | File | 10.09 KB | 0755 |
mesg | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
mftraining | File | 62.2 KB | 0755 |
migrate-pubring-from-classic-gpg | File | 2.14 KB | 0755 |
mimeopen | File | 8.42 KB | 0755 |
mimetype | File | 11.81 KB | 0755 |
miniterm | File | 34.28 KB | 0755 |
mk_modmap | File | 15.78 KB | 0755 |
mkfifo | File | 62.18 KB | 0755 |
mkfontdir | File | 65 B | 0755 |
mkfontscale | File | 38.52 KB | 0755 |
mksquashfs | File | 184.99 KB | 0755 |
mlocate | File | 42.08 KB | 2755 |
mmcli | File | 199.82 KB | 0755 |
mokutil | File | 55.4 KB | 0755 |
mousepad | File | 262.15 KB | 0755 |
msgattrib | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
msgcat | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
msgcmp | File | 22.08 KB | 0755 |
msgcomm | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
msgconv | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
msgen | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
msgexec | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
msgfilter | File | 26.07 KB | 0755 |
msgfmt | File | 78.27 KB | 0755 |
msggrep | File | 34.19 KB | 0755 |
msginit | File | 62.41 KB | 0755 |
msgmerge | File | 66.45 KB | 0755 |
msgunfmt | File | 30.09 KB | 0755 |
msguniq | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
mtr | File | 71.94 KB | 0755 |
mtr-packet | File | 25.99 KB | 0755 |
mtrace | File | 6.34 KB | 0755 |
my_print_defaults | File | 3.45 MB | 0755 |
myisam_ftdump | File | 3.75 MB | 0755 |
myisamchk | File | 3.85 MB | 0755 |
myisamlog | File | 3.73 MB | 0755 |
myisampack | File | 3.78 MB | 0755 |
mysql | File | 3.81 MB | 0755 |
mysql_config_editor | File | 3.46 MB | 0755 |
mysql_embedded | File | 21.17 MB | 0755 |
mysql_install_db | File | 5.01 MB | 0755 |
mysql_plugin | File | 3.45 MB | 0755 |
mysql_secure_installation | File | 3.69 MB | 0755 |
mysql_ssl_rsa_setup | File | 3.49 MB | 0755 |
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql | File | 3.4 MB | 0755 |
mysql_upgrade | File | 4.32 MB | 0755 |
mysqladmin | File | 3.71 MB | 0755 |
mysqlanalyze | File | 3.73 MB | 0755 |
mysqlbinlog | File | 3.96 MB | 0755 |
mysqlcheck | File | 3.73 MB | 0755 |
mysqld_multi | File | 26.3 KB | 0755 |
mysqld_safe | File | 27.16 KB | 0755 |
mysqldump | File | 3.78 MB | 0755 |
mysqldumpslow | File | 7.66 KB | 0755 |
mysqlimport | File | 3.7 MB | 0755 |
mysqloptimize | File | 3.73 MB | 0755 |
mysqlpump | File | 4.17 MB | 0755 |
mysqlrepair | File | 3.73 MB | 0755 |
mysqlreport | File | 38.1 KB | 0755 |
mysqlshow | File | 3.7 MB | 0755 |
mysqlslap | File | 3.71 MB | 0755 |
mysqltuner | File | 208.31 KB | 0755 |
mytop | File | 59.58 KB | 0755 |
namei | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
nawk | File | 642.65 KB | 0755 |
ncal | File | 28.79 KB | 0755 |
neqn | File | 908 B | 0755 |
netkit-ftp | File | 98.7 KB | 0755 |
networkd-dispatcher | File | 19.53 KB | 0755 |
newgidmap | File | 36.27 KB | 4755 |
newgrp | File | 39.4 KB | 4755 |
newuidmap | File | 36.27 KB | 4755 |
ngettext | File | 34.08 KB | 0755 |
nice | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
nl | File | 42.27 KB | 0755 |
nm | File | 43.27 KB | 0755 |
nm-online | File | 13.98 KB | 0755 |
nmcli | File | 678.7 KB | 0755 |
nmtui | File | 243.31 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-connect | File | 243.31 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-edit | File | 243.31 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-hostname | File | 243.31 KB | 0755 |
nohup | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
notify-send | File | 14.09 KB | 0755 |
nproc | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
nroff | File | 3.25 KB | 0755 |
nsenter | File | 30.28 KB | 0755 |
nslookup | File | 130.51 KB | 0755 |
nstat | File | 26.07 KB | 0755 |
nsupdate | File | 66.02 KB | 0755 |
ntfsdecrypt | File | 46.12 KB | 0755 |
numfmt | File | 62.24 KB | 0755 |
objcopy | File | 230.2 KB | 0755 |
objdump | File | 404.55 KB | 0755 |
oclock | File | 23.34 KB | 0755 |
od | File | 66.21 KB | 0755 |
on_ac_power | File | 2.16 KB | 0755 |
openssl | File | 706.98 KB | 0755 |
orage | File | 330.79 KB | 0755 |
os-prober | File | 4.44 KB | 0755 |
p7zip | File | 4.64 KB | 0755 |
pacat | File | 42.11 KB | 0755 |
pacmd | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
pactl | File | 62.09 KB | 0755 |
padsp | File | 2.21 KB | 0755 |
pager | File | 166.76 KB | 0755 |
pamon | File | 42.11 KB | 0755 |
paperconf | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
paplay | File | 42.11 KB | 0755 |
parec | File | 42.11 KB | 0755 |
parecord | File | 42.11 KB | 0755 |
partx | File | 86.08 KB | 0755 |
passwd | File | 58.24 KB | 4755 |
paste | File | 34.21 KB | 0755 |
pastebinit | File | 16.25 KB | 0755 |
pasteurize | File | 388 B | 0755 |
pasuspender | File | 14.08 KB | 0755 |
patch | File | 178.37 KB | 0755 |
pathchk | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
pavucontrol | File | 442.2 KB | 0755 |
pax11publish | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
pbget | File | 2.51 KB | 0755 |
pbput | File | 2.51 KB | 0755 |
pbputs | File | 2.51 KB | 0755 |
pbr | File | 152 B | 0755 |
pcimodules | File | 14.13 KB | 0755 |
pcre-config | File | 2.29 KB | 0755 |
pdb | File | 45.02 KB | 0755 |
pdb2.7 | File | 45.02 KB | 0755 |
pdb3 | File | 59.87 KB | 0755 |
pdb3.6 | File | 59.87 KB | 0755 |
pdf2dsc | File | 698 B | 0755 |
pdf2ps | File | 909 B | 0755 |
pear | File | 793 B | 0755 |
peardev | File | 814 B | 0755 |
pecl | File | 727 B | 0755 |
peekfd | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
perl | File | 2 MB | 0755 |
perl5.26-x86_64-linux-gnu | File | 9.98 KB | 0755 |
perl5.26.1 | File | 2 MB | 0755 |
perlbug | File | 44.78 KB | 0755 |
perldoc | File | 125 B | 0755 |
perlivp | File | 10.61 KB | 0755 |
perlthanks | File | 44.78 KB | 0755 |
perror | File | 3.58 MB | 0755 |
pf2afm | File | 498 B | 0755 |
pfbtopfa | File | 516 B | 0755 |
pftp | File | 98.7 KB | 0755 |
pgrep | File | 26.09 KB | 0755 |
phar | File | 14.47 KB | 0755 |
phar.phar | File | 14.47 KB | 0755 |
phar.phar7.0 | File | 14.48 KB | 0755 |
phar.phar7.2 | File | 14.47 KB | 0755 |
phar7.0 | File | 14.48 KB | 0755 |
phar7.2 | File | 14.47 KB | 0755 |
php | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
php | File | 36.89 MB | 0755 |
php7.0 | File | 4.2 MB | 0755 |
php7.2 | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
pic | File | 204.03 KB | 0755 |
pico | File | 240.11 KB | 0755 |
piconv | File | 8.16 KB | 0755 |
pigz | File | 114.2 KB | 0755 |
pinentry | File | 62.49 KB | 0755 |
pinentry-curses | File | 62.49 KB | 0755 |
pinky | File | 38.21 KB | 0755 |
pip3 | File | 293 B | 0755 |
pkaction | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
pkcheck | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
pkexec | File | 21.99 KB | 4755 |
pkg-config | File | 50.09 KB | 0755 |
pkgdata | File | 43.22 KB | 0755 |
pkill | File | 26.09 KB | 0755 |
pkttyagent | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
pl2pm | File | 4.43 KB | 0755 |
pldd | File | 14.22 KB | 0755 |
plog | File | 146 B | 0755 |
pmap | File | 30.09 KB | 0755 |
png-fix-itxt | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
pngfix | File | 46.08 KB | 0755 |
po2debconf | File | 8.47 KB | 0755 |
pod2html | File | 4.04 KB | 0755 |
pod2man | File | 14.73 KB | 0755 |
pod2text | File | 10.72 KB | 0755 |
pod2usage | File | 3.86 KB | 0755 |
podchecker | File | 3.57 KB | 0755 |
podebconf-display-po | File | 12.67 KB | 0755 |
podebconf-report-po | File | 31.76 KB | 0755 |
podselect | File | 2.47 KB | 0755 |
poff | File | 2.77 KB | 0755 |
pollinate | File | 8.54 KB | 0755 |
pon | File | 1.33 KB | 0755 |
pphs | File | 404 B | 0755 |
pr | File | 70.27 KB | 0755 |
precat | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
preconv | File | 46.2 KB | 0755 |
preunzip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip-bin | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
File | 17.74 KB | 0755 |
printafm | File | 395 B | 0755 |
printenv | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
printerbanner | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
printf | File | 50.18 KB | 0755 |
prlimit | File | 34.59 KB | 0755 |
pro | File | 442 B | 0755 |
protonvpn-cli | File | 415 B | 0755 |
prove | File | 13.27 KB | 0755 |
prtstat | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
ps2ascii | File | 631 B | 0755 |
ps2epsi | File | 2.69 KB | 0755 |
ps2pdf | File | 272 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf12 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf13 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf14 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdfwr | File | 1.07 KB | 0755 |
ps2ps | File | 647 B | 0755 |
ps2ps2 | File | 669 B | 0755 |
ps2txt | File | 631 B | 0755 |
psfaddtable | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
psfgettable | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
psfstriptable | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
psfxtable | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
pslog | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
pspell-config | File | 374 B | 0755 |
pstree | File | 26.95 KB | 0755 |
pstree.x11 | File | 26.95 KB | 0755 |
ptar | File | 3.47 KB | 0755 |
ptardiff | File | 2.57 KB | 0755 |
ptargrep | File | 4.29 KB | 0755 |
ptx | File | 70.24 KB | 0755 |
pulseaudio | File | 90.16 KB | 0755 |
purge-old-kernels | File | 1.12 KB | 0755 |
pwdx | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
py3clean | File | 7.63 KB | 0755 |
py3compile | File | 11.83 KB | 0755 |
py3versions | File | 11.44 KB | 0755 |
pybuild | File | 25.03 KB | 0755 |
pyclean | File | 4.03 KB | 0755 |
pycompile | File | 11.62 KB | 0755 |
pydoc | File | 79 B | 0755 |
pydoc2.7 | File | 79 B | 0755 |
pydoc3 | File | 79 B | 0755 |
pydoc3.6 | File | 79 B | 0755 |
pygettext | File | 21.56 KB | 0755 |
pygettext2.7 | File | 21.56 KB | 0755 |
pygettext3 | File | 21.04 KB | 0755 |
pygettext3.6 | File | 21.04 KB | 0755 |
pygmentize | File | 149 B | 0755 |
pyhtmlizer3 | File | 392 B | 0755 |
pyjwt3 | File | 372 B | 0755 |
python | File | 3.47 MB | 0755 |
python2 | File | 3.47 MB | 0755 |
python2.7 | File | 3.47 MB | 0755 |
python3 | File | 4.32 MB | 0755 |
python3-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
python3-futurize | File | 384 B | 0755 |
python3-jsondiff | File | 1018 B | 0755 |
python3-jsonpatch | File | 3.58 KB | 0755 |
python3-jsonpointer | File | 1.31 KB | 0755 |
python3-jsonschema | File | 398 B | 0755 |
python3-pasteurize | File | 388 B | 0755 |
python3-pbr | File | 152 B | 0755 |
python3.6 | File | 4.32 MB | 0755 |
python3.6-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
python3.6m | File | 4.32 MB | 0755 |
python3.6m-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
python3m | File | 4.32 MB | 0755 |
python3m-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
pyversions | File | 14.75 KB | 0755 |
qt-faststart | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
ranlib | File | 58.27 KB | 0755 |
rcp | File | 98.14 KB | 0755 |
rdjpgcom | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
rdma | File | 26.07 KB | 0755 |
readelf | File | 582.46 KB | 0755 |
realpath | File | 46.21 KB | 0755 |
recode-sr-latin | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
rename.ul | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
rendercheck | File | 55.65 KB | 0755 |
renice | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
replace | File | 3.42 MB | 0755 |
reset | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
resizecons | File | 18.13 KB | 0755 |
resizepart | File | 38.08 KB | 0755 |
resolveip | File | 3.44 MB | 0755 |
rev | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
rgrep | File | 30 B | 0755 |
ristretto | File | 228.32 KB | 0755 |
rlogin | File | 710.79 KB | 0755 |
rotatelogs | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
routef | File | 208 B | 0755 |
routel | File | 1.62 KB | 0755 |
rpcgen | File | 98.53 KB | 0755 |
rsh | File | 710.79 KB | 0755 |
rstart | File | 2.55 KB | 0755 |
rstartd | File | 1.43 KB | 0755 |
rsync | File | 496.43 KB | 0755 |
rtstat | File | 22.35 KB | 0755 |
run-mailcap | File | 17.74 KB | 0755 |
run-one | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
run-one-constantly | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
run-one-until-failure | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
run-one-until-success | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
run-this-one | File | 3.51 KB | 0755 |
run-with-aspell | File | 57 B | 0755 |
runcon | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
rview | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
rvim | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
savelog | File | 10.22 KB | 0755 |
sbattach | File | 50.33 KB | 0755 |
sbkeysync | File | 58.55 KB | 0755 |
sbsiglist | File | 50.39 KB | 0755 |
sbsign | File | 54.39 KB | 0755 |
sbvarsign | File | 54.45 KB | 0755 |
sbverify | File | 54.33 KB | 0755 |
scp | File | 98.14 KB | 0755 |
screen | File | 455.01 KB | 0755 |
screendump | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
script | File | 30.07 KB | 0755 |
scriptreplay | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
sdiff | File | 50.09 KB | 0755 |
secret-tool | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
see | File | 17.74 KB | 0755 |
select-default-iwrap | File | 474 B | 0755 |
select-editor | File | 2.38 KB | 0755 |
sensible-browser | File | 1.18 KB | 0755 |
sensible-editor | File | 1.08 KB | 0755 |
sensible-pager | File | 433 B | 0755 |
sensors | File | 26.2 KB | 0755 |
sensors-conf-convert | File | 13.7 KB | 0755 |
seq | File | 46.18 KB | 0755 |
sessreg | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
set_unicharset_properties | File | 114.2 KB | 0755 |
setarch | File | 18.34 KB | 0755 |
setfacl | File | 34.68 KB | 0755 |
setkeycodes | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
setleds | File | 14.05 KB | 0755 |
setlogcons | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
setmetamode | File | 10.1 KB | 0755 |
setpci | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
setsid | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
setterm | File | 42.08 KB | 0755 |
setxkbmap | File | 22.39 KB | 0755 |
sftp | File | 150.35 KB | 0755 |
sg | File | 39.4 KB | 4755 |
sha1sum | File | 46.21 KB | 0755 |
sha224sum | File | 54.21 KB | 0755 |
sha256sum | File | 54.21 KB | 0755 |
sha384sum | File | 58.21 KB | 0755 |
sha512sum | File | 58.21 KB | 0755 |
shapeclustering | File | 50.2 KB | 0755 |
shasum | File | 9.15 KB | 0755 |
showconsolefont | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
showkey | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
showrgb | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
shred | File | 58.21 KB | 0755 |
shuf | File | 54.18 KB | 0755 |
size | File | 30.3 KB | 0755 |
skill | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
slabtop | File | 18.08 KB | 0755 |
slogin | File | 710.79 KB | 0755 |
smproxy | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
snap | File | 23.88 MB | 0755 |
snapctl | File | 8.42 MB | 0755 |
snapfuse | File | 38.13 KB | 0755 |
snice | File | 26.08 KB | 0755 |
soelim | File | 30.2 KB | 0755 |
sort | File | 110.47 KB | 0755 |
sos | File | 596 B | 0755 |
sos-collector | File | 1.04 KB | 0755 |
sosreport | File | 1.03 KB | 0755 |
sotruss | File | 4.21 KB | 0755 |
splain | File | 18.7 KB | 0755 |
split | File | 54.63 KB | 0755 |
splitfont | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
sprof | File | 26.21 KB | 0755 |
ssh | File | 710.79 KB | 0755 |
ssh-add | File | 338.13 KB | 0755 |
ssh-agent | File | 354.14 KB | 2755 |
ssh-argv0 | File | 1.42 KB | 0755 |
ssh-copy-id | File | 10.41 KB | 0755 |
ssh-import-id | File | 1.73 KB | 0755 |
ssh-import-id-gh | File | 782 B | 0755 |
ssh-import-id-lp | File | 782 B | 0755 |
ssh-keygen | File | 410.16 KB | 0755 |
ssh-keyscan | File | 410.16 KB | 0755 |
start-pulseaudio-x11 | File | 1.51 KB | 0755 |
startx | File | 5.39 KB | 0755 |
startxfce4 | File | 2.9 KB | 0755 |
stat | File | 78.21 KB | 0755 |
stdbuf | File | 46.18 KB | 0755 |
strace | File | 1.31 MB | 0755 |
strace-log-merge | File | 2.58 KB | 0755 |
strings | File | 30.5 KB | 0755 |
strip | File | 230.2 KB | 0755 |
sudo | File | 145.59 KB | 4755 |
sudoedit | File | 145.59 KB | 4755 |
sudoreplay | File | 54.81 KB | 0755 |
sum | File | 38.19 KB | 0755 |
symcryptrun | File | 110.73 KB | 0755 |
systemd-analyze | File | 1.49 MB | 0755 |
systemd-cat | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgls | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgtop | File | 30.09 KB | 0755 |
systemd-delta | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-detect-virt | File | 10.06 KB | 0755 |
systemd-mount | File | 42.09 KB | 0755 |
systemd-path | File | 10.06 KB | 0755 |
systemd-resolve | File | 86.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-run | File | 42.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-socket-activate | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-stdio-bridge | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
systemd-umount | File | 42.09 KB | 0755 |
tabs | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
tac | File | 38.18 KB | 0755 |
tail | File | 66.24 KB | 0755 |
taskset | File | 30.08 KB | 0755 |
tbl | File | 126.2 KB | 0755 |
tee | File | 34.21 KB | 0755 |
telnet | File | 108.42 KB | 0755 |
telnet.netkit | File | 108.42 KB | 0755 |
tesseract | File | 26.09 KB | 0755 |
test | File | 46.18 KB | 0755 |
text2image | File | 190.2 KB | 0755 |
thunar | File | 755.85 KB | 0755 |
thunar-settings | File | 333 B | 0755 |
thunar-volman | File | 42.41 KB | 0755 |
thunar-volman-settings | File | 38.07 KB | 0755 |
tic | File | 82.11 KB | 0755 |
time | File | 14.38 KB | 0755 |
timedatectl | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
timeout | File | 38.63 KB | 0755 |
tkconch3 | File | 386 B | 0755 |
tload | File | 14.09 KB | 0755 |
tmux | File | 563.56 KB | 0755 |
toe | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
top | File | 105.77 KB | 0755 |
touch | File | 86.21 KB | 0755 |
tput | File | 18.02 KB | 0755 |
tr | File | 46.18 KB | 0755 |
tracepath | File | 14.01 KB | 0755 |
traceroute6 | File | 18.02 KB | 4755 |
traceroute6.iputils | File | 18.02 KB | 4755 |
transset | File | 18.48 KB | 0755 |
trial3 | File | 382 B | 0755 |
troff | File | 719.34 KB | 0755 |
truncate | File | 38.18 KB | 0755 |
tset | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
tsort | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
tty | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
twist3 | File | 382 B | 0755 |
twistd3 | File | 384 B | 0755 |
tz_convert | File | 38.02 KB | 0755 |
tzselect | File | 15.04 KB | 0755 |
ua | File | 442 B | 0755 |
ubuntu-advantage | File | 442 B | 0755 |
ubuntu-bug | File | 2.5 KB | 0755 |
ubuntu-core-launcher | File | 127.21 KB | 4755 |
ubuntu-distro-info | File | 18.59 KB | 0755 |
ubuntu-support-status | File | 7.84 KB | 0755 |
ucf | File | 39.73 KB | 0755 |
ucfq | File | 18.91 KB | 0755 |
ucfr | File | 10.47 KB | 0755 |
uconv | File | 50.6 KB | 0755 |
ucs2any | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
udisksctl | File | 54.07 KB | 0755 |
ul | File | 14.01 KB | 0755 |
unattended-upgrade | File | 82.55 KB | 0755 |
unattended-upgrades | File | 82.55 KB | 0755 |
unexpand | File | 38.21 KB | 0755 |
unicharset_extractor | File | 102.16 KB | 0755 |
unicode_stop | File | 530 B | 0755 |
uniq | File | 42.21 KB | 0755 |
unlink | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
unlzma | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
unmkinitramfs | File | 2.94 KB | 0755 |
unpigz | File | 114.2 KB | 0755 |
unshare | File | 18.27 KB | 0755 |
unsquashfs | File | 99.71 KB | 0755 |
unxz | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
unzip | File | 174.13 KB | 0755 |
unzipsfx | File | 78.12 KB | 0755 |
update-alternatives | File | 46.01 KB | 0755 |
update-desktop-database | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
update-gconf-defaults | File | 5.87 KB | 0755 |
update-mime-database | File | 50.19 KB | 0755 |
updatedb | File | 46.08 KB | 0755 |
updatedb.mlocate | File | 46.08 KB | 0755 |
upower | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
uptime | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
usb-devices | File | 4.12 KB | 0755 |
usbhid-dump | File | 22.08 KB | 0755 |
users | File | 34.18 KB | 0755 |
utmpdump | File | 22.07 KB | 0755 |
uuidgen | File | 14.07 KB | 0755 |
uuidparse | File | 34.08 KB | 0755 |
vcs-run | File | 6.75 KB | 0755 |
verve-focus | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
vi | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
view | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
viewres | File | 26.96 KB | 0755 |
vigpg | File | 2.58 KB | 0755 |
vim | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
vim.basic | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
vim.tiny | File | 1.06 MB | 0755 |
vimdiff | File | 2.55 MB | 0755 |
vimtutor | File | 2.05 KB | 0755 |
vmhgfs-fuse | File | 50.48 KB | 0755 |
vmstat | File | 34.09 KB | 0755 |
vmtoolsd | File | 54.25 KB | 0755 |
vmware-checkvm | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
vmware-hgfsclient | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
vmware-namespace-cmd | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
vmware-rpctool | File | 17.99 KB | 0755 |
vmware-toolbox-cmd | File | 38.28 KB | 0755 |
vmware-vgauth-cmd | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
vmware-vgauth-smoketest | File | 18.01 KB | 0755 |
vmware-vmblock-fuse | File | 18.41 KB | 0755 |
vmware-xferlogs | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
vmwarectrl | File | 10.1 KB | 0755 |
volname | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
w | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
w.procps | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
wall | File | 30.08 KB | 2755 |
watch | File | 22.41 KB | 0755 |
watchgnupg | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
wc | File | 42.19 KB | 0755 |
wget | File | 487.56 KB | 0755 |
whatis | File | 46.98 KB | 0755 |
whereis | File | 26.51 KB | 0755 |
which | File | 946 B | 0755 |
who | File | 50.21 KB | 0755 |
whoami | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
wifi-status | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
word-list-compress | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
wordlist2dawg | File | 18.16 KB | 0755 |
wpa_passphrase | File | 62 KB | 0755 |
write | File | 13.99 KB | 2755 |
wrjpgcom | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
x-session-manager | File | 2.9 KB | 0755 |
x-terminal-emulator | File | 2.36 KB | 0755 |
x-window-manager | File | 382.26 KB | 0755 |
x11perf | File | 189.16 KB | 0755 |
x11perfcomp | File | 2.74 KB | 0755 |
x86_64 | File | 18.34 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-addr2line | File | 30.55 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-ar | File | 58.24 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-as | File | 895.98 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-c++filt | File | 26.12 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-dwp | File | 2.75 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-elfedit | File | 30.45 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-7 | File | 1022.94 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib-7 | File | 30.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib-8 | File | 26.47 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gccgo-8 | File | 1.01 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov | File | 616.09 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-7 | File | 616.09 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-8 | File | 640.09 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump | File | 499.93 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-7 | File | 499.93 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-8 | File | 491.95 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool | File | 535.99 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-7 | File | 535.99 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-8 | File | 512.02 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-go-8 | File | 1.76 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gofmt-8 | File | 127.6 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gold | File | 2.97 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-gprof | File | 99.73 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-ld | File | 1.7 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-ld.bfd | File | 1.7 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-ld.gold | File | 2.97 MB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-nm | File | 43.27 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy | File | 230.2 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump | File | 404.55 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-pkg-config | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-python3-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-python3.6-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-python3.6m-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-python3m-config | File | 3.21 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-ranlib | File | 58.27 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-readelf | File | 582.46 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-size | File | 30.3 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-strings | File | 30.5 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-linux-gnu-strip | File | 230.2 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config | File | 50.09 KB | 0755 |
xarchiver | File | 282.96 KB | 0755 |
xargs | File | 70.21 KB | 0755 |
xauth | File | 50.81 KB | 0755 |
xbiff | File | 19.88 KB | 0755 |
xcalc | File | 35.05 KB | 0755 |
xclip | File | 22.02 KB | 0755 |
xclip-copyfile | File | 572 B | 0755 |
xclip-cutfile | File | 386 B | 0755 |
xclip-pastefile | File | 133 B | 0755 |
xclipboard | File | 18.27 KB | 0755 |
xclock | File | 48.76 KB | 0755 |
xcmsdb | File | 34.74 KB | 0755 |
xconsole | File | 18.9 KB | 0755 |
xcursorgen | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
xcutsel | File | 14.26 KB | 0755 |
xdelta3 | File | 150.3 KB | 0755 |
xdg-desktop-icon | File | 20.09 KB | 0755 |
xdg-desktop-menu | File | 42.2 KB | 0755 |
xdg-email | File | 27.27 KB | 0755 |
xdg-icon-resource | File | 29.26 KB | 0755 |
xdg-mime | File | 41 KB | 0755 |
xdg-open | File | 24.65 KB | 0755 |
xdg-screensaver | File | 36.79 KB | 0755 |
xdg-settings | File | 36.85 KB | 0755 |
xdg-user-dir | File | 234 B | 0755 |
xdg-user-dirs-update | File | 18.07 KB | 0755 |
xditview | File | 99.84 KB | 0755 |
xdpyinfo | File | 34.76 KB | 0755 |
xdriinfo | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xedit | File | 661.05 KB | 0755 |
xev | File | 30.48 KB | 0755 |
xeyes | File | 23.41 KB | 0755 |
xfburn | File | 247.04 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-about | File | 122.37 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-accessibility-settings | File | 46.15 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-appearance-settings | File | 67 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-appfinder | File | 122.59 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-clipman | File | 62.05 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-clipman-settings | File | 86.05 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-dict | File | 130.64 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-display-settings | File | 298.27 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-find-cursor | File | 14.01 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-keyboard-settings | File | 90.15 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-mime-settings | File | 50.1 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-mouse-settings | File | 82.27 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-notes | File | 134.07 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-notes-settings | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-notifyd-config | File | 85.99 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-panel | File | 302.66 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu | File | 1.53 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-clipman | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-clipman-actions | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-directorymenu | File | 1.46 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-notes | File | 10 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-places | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-whiskermenu | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-popup-windowmenu | File | 1.46 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-power-manager | File | 218.12 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-power-manager-settings | File | 146.12 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-screenshooter | File | 98.57 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-sensors | File | 22 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-session | File | 170.23 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-session-logout | File | 10.38 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-session-settings | File | 106.23 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-settings-editor | File | 70.23 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-settings-manager | File | 50.15 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-taskmanager | File | 130.26 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-terminal | File | 222.53 KB | 0755 |
xfce4-terminal.wrapper | File | 1.1 KB | 0755 |
xfconf-query | File | 26.66 KB | 0755 |
xfd | File | 35.76 KB | 0755 |
xfdesktop | File | 370.1 KB | 0755 |
xfdesktop-settings | File | 138.59 KB | 0755 |
xfhelp4 | File | 1.89 KB | 0755 |
xflock4 | File | 1.51 KB | 0755 |
xfontsel | File | 43.6 KB | 0755 |
xfrun4 | File | 122.59 KB | 0755 |
xfsettingsd | File | 102.27 KB | 0755 |
xfwm4 | File | 382.26 KB | 0755 |
xfwm4-settings | File | 98.23 KB | 0755 |
xfwm4-tweaks-settings | File | 66.23 KB | 0755 |
xfwm4-workspace-settings | File | 130.15 KB | 0755 |
xgamma | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xgc | File | 74.12 KB | 0755 |
xgettext | File | 260.64 KB | 0755 |
xhost | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
xinit | File | 18.17 KB | 0755 |
xinput | File | 50.67 KB | 0755 |
xkbbell | File | 14.01 KB | 0755 |
xkbcomp | File | 207.72 KB | 0755 |
xkbevd | File | 34.08 KB | 0755 |
xkbprint | File | 86.03 KB | 0755 |
xkbvleds | File | 22.77 KB | 0755 |
xkbwatch | File | 18.87 KB | 0755 |
xkeystone | File | 16.58 KB | 0755 |
xkill | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
xload | File | 14.62 KB | 0755 |
xlogo | File | 18.88 KB | 0755 |
xlsatoms | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xlsclients | File | 14 KB | 0755 |
xlsfonts | File | 18.09 KB | 0755 |
xmag | File | 40.04 KB | 0755 |
xman | File | 68.9 KB | 0755 |
xmessage | File | 22.88 KB | 0755 |
xml2-config | File | 1.6 KB | 0755 |
xmodmap | File | 34.34 KB | 0755 |
xmore | File | 10.2 KB | 0755 |
xprop | File | 40.29 KB | 0755 |
xrandr | File | 62.09 KB | 0755 |
xrdb | File | 26.09 KB | 0755 |
xrefresh | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver | File | 264.15 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-command | File | 21.99 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-demo | File | 207.55 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-getimage | File | 139.77 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-getimage-file | File | 30.91 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-getimage-video | File | 4.41 KB | 0755 |
xscreensaver-text | File | 25.28 KB | 0755 |
xset | File | 29.99 KB | 0755 |
xsetmode | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xsetpointer | File | 9.99 KB | 0755 |
xsetroot | File | 18 KB | 0755 |
xsetwacom | File | 55.54 KB | 0755 |
xslt-config | File | 2.47 KB | 0755 |
xsm | File | 94.45 KB | 0755 |
xstdcmap | File | 14.57 KB | 0755 |
xsubpp | File | 5.04 KB | 0755 |
xvidtune | File | 39.41 KB | 0755 |
xvinfo | File | 13.99 KB | 0755 |
xwd | File | 30.01 KB | 0755 |
xwininfo | File | 46.08 KB | 0755 |
xwud | File | 25.99 KB | 0755 |
xxd | File | 18.12 KB | 0755 |
xz | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
xzcat | File | 74.36 KB | 0755 |
xzcmp | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzdiff | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzegrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzfgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzless | File | 1.76 KB | 0755 |
xzmore | File | 2.11 KB | 0755 |
yarn | File | 20.25 KB | 0755 |
yelp | File | 54.07 KB | 0755 |
yes | File | 30.18 KB | 0755 |
zdump | File | 18.05 KB | 0755 |
zipdetails | File | 47.36 KB | 0755 |
zipgrep | File | 2.88 KB | 0755 |
zipinfo | File | 174.13 KB | 0755 |