[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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/*                                                                         */
/*  fterrdef.h                                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*    FreeType error codes (specification).                                */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2002-2017 by                                                 */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Section>                                                             */
  /*   error_code_values                                                   */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Title>                                                               */
  /*   Error Code Values                                                   */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Abstract>                                                            */
  /*   All possible error codes returned by FreeType functions.            */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*   The list below is taken verbatim from the file `fterrdef.h'         */
  /*   (loaded automatically by including `FT_FREETYPE_H').  The first     */
  /*   argument of the `FT_ERROR_DEF_' macro is the error label; by        */
  /*   default, the prefix `FT_Err_' gets added so that you get error      */
  /*   names like `FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource'.  The second argument is   */
  /*   the error code, and the last argument an error string, which is not */
  /*   used by FreeType.                                                   */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*   Within your application you should *only* use error names and       */
  /*   *never* its numeric values!  The latter might (and actually do)     */
  /*   change in forthcoming FreeType versions.                            */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*   Macro `FT_NOERRORDEF_' defines `FT_Err_Ok', which is always zero.   */
  /*   See the `Error Enumerations' subsection how to automatically        */
  /*   generate a list of error strings.                                   */
  /*                                                                       */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Enum>                                                                */
  /*    FT_Err_XXX                                                         */
  /*                                                                       */

  /* generic errors */

  FT_NOERRORDEF_( Ok,                                        0x00,
                  "no error" )

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Open_Resource,                        0x01,
                "cannot open resource" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Unknown_File_Format,                         0x02,
                "unknown file format" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_File_Format,                         0x03,
                "broken file" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Version,                             0x04,
                "invalid FreeType version" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Lower_Module_Version,                        0x05,
                "module version is too low" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Argument,                            0x06,
                "invalid argument" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Unimplemented_Feature,                       0x07,
                "unimplemented feature" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Table,                               0x08,
                "broken table" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Offset,                              0x09,
                "broken offset within table" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Array_Too_Large,                             0x0A,
                "array allocation size too large" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Module,                              0x0B,
                "missing module" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Property,                            0x0C,
                "missing property" )

  /* glyph/character errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Glyph_Index,                         0x10,
                "invalid glyph index" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Character_Code,                      0x11,
                "invalid character code" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Glyph_Format,                        0x12,
                "unsupported glyph image format" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Render_Glyph,                         0x13,
                "cannot render this glyph format" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Outline,                             0x14,
                "invalid outline" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Composite,                           0x15,
                "invalid composite glyph" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Hints,                              0x16,
                "too many hints" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Pixel_Size,                          0x17,
                "invalid pixel size" )

  /* handle errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Handle,                              0x20,
                "invalid object handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Library_Handle,                      0x21,
                "invalid library handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Driver_Handle,                       0x22,
                "invalid module handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Face_Handle,                         0x23,
                "invalid face handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Size_Handle,                         0x24,
                "invalid size handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Slot_Handle,                         0x25,
                "invalid glyph slot handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CharMap_Handle,                      0x26,
                "invalid charmap handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Cache_Handle,                        0x27,
                "invalid cache manager handle" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Handle,                       0x28,
                "invalid stream handle" )

  /* driver errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Drivers,                            0x30,
                "too many modules" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Extensions,                         0x31,
                "too many extensions" )

  /* memory errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Out_Of_Memory,                               0x40,
                "out of memory" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Unlisted_Object,                             0x41,
                "unlisted object" )

  /* stream errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Open_Stream,                          0x51,
                "cannot open stream" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Seek,                         0x52,
                "invalid stream seek" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Skip,                         0x53,
                "invalid stream skip" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Read,                         0x54,
                "invalid stream read" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Operation,                    0x55,
                "invalid stream operation" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Frame_Operation,                     0x56,
                "invalid frame operation" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Nested_Frame_Access,                         0x57,
                "nested frame access" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Frame_Read,                          0x58,
                "invalid frame read" )

  /* raster errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Uninitialized,                        0x60,
                "raster uninitialized" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Corrupted,                            0x61,
                "raster corrupted" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Overflow,                             0x62,
                "raster overflow" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Negative_Height,                      0x63,
                "negative height while rastering" )

  /* cache errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Caches,                             0x70,
                "too many registered caches" )

  /* TrueType and SFNT errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Opcode,                              0x80,
                "invalid opcode" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Few_Arguments,                           0x81,
                "too few arguments" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Stack_Overflow,                              0x82,
                "stack overflow" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Code_Overflow,                               0x83,
                "code overflow" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Bad_Argument,                                0x84,
                "bad argument" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Divide_By_Zero,                              0x85,
                "division by zero" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Reference,                           0x86,
                "invalid reference" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Debug_OpCode,                                0x87,
                "found debug opcode" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( ENDF_In_Exec_Stream,                         0x88,
                "found ENDF opcode in execution stream" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Nested_DEFS,                                 0x89,
                "nested DEFS" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CodeRange,                           0x8A,
                "invalid code range" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Execution_Too_Long,                          0x8B,
                "execution context too long" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Function_Defs,                      0x8C,
                "too many function definitions" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Instruction_Defs,                   0x8D,
                "too many instruction definitions" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Table_Missing,                               0x8E,
                "SFNT font table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Horiz_Header_Missing,                        0x8F,
                "horizontal header (hhea) table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Locations_Missing,                           0x90,
                "locations (loca) table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Name_Table_Missing,                          0x91,
                "name table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( CMap_Table_Missing,                          0x92,
                "character map (cmap) table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Hmtx_Table_Missing,                          0x93,
                "horizontal metrics (hmtx) table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Post_Table_Missing,                          0x94,
                "PostScript (post) table missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Horiz_Metrics,                       0x95,
                "invalid horizontal metrics" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CharMap_Format,                      0x96,
                "invalid character map (cmap) format" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_PPem,                                0x97,
                "invalid ppem value" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Vert_Metrics,                        0x98,
                "invalid vertical metrics" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Could_Not_Find_Context,                      0x99,
                "could not find context" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Post_Table_Format,                   0x9A,
                "invalid PostScript (post) table format" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Post_Table,                          0x9B,
                "invalid PostScript (post) table" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( DEF_In_Glyf_Bytecode,                        0x9C,
                "found FDEF or IDEF opcode in glyf bytecode" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Bitmap,                              0x9D,
                "missing bitmap in strike" )

  /* CFF, CID, and Type 1 errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Syntax_Error,                                0xA0,
                "opcode syntax error" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Stack_Underflow,                             0xA1,
                "argument stack underflow" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Ignore,                                      0xA2,
                "ignore" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( No_Unicode_Glyph_Name,                       0xA3,
                "no Unicode glyph name found" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Glyph_Too_Big,                               0xA4,
                "glyph too big for hinting" )

  /* BDF errors */

  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Startfont_Field,                     0xB0,
                "`STARTFONT' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Font_Field,                          0xB1,
                "`FONT' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Size_Field,                          0xB2,
                "`SIZE' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Fontboundingbox_Field,               0xB3,
                "`FONTBOUNDINGBOX' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Chars_Field,                         0xB4,
                "`CHARS' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Startchar_Field,                     0xB5,
                "`STARTCHAR' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Encoding_Field,                      0xB6,
                "`ENCODING' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Bbx_Field,                           0xB7,
                "`BBX' field missing" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Bbx_Too_Big,                                 0xB8,
                "`BBX' too big" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Corrupted_Font_Header,                       0xB9,
                "Font header corrupted or missing fields" )
  FT_ERRORDEF_( Corrupted_Font_Glyphs,                       0xBA,
                "Font glyphs corrupted or missing fields" )

  /* */

/* END */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
config Folder 0755
freetype.h File 281.12 KB 0644
ftadvanc.h File 10.39 KB 0644
ftautoh.h File 19.44 KB 0644
ftbbox.h File 5.11 KB 0644
ftbdf.h File 6.63 KB 0644
ftbitmap.h File 14.35 KB 0644
ftbzip2.h File 4.2 KB 0644
ftcache.h File 56.17 KB 0644
ftcffdrv.h File 12.11 KB 0644
ftchapters.h File 9.38 KB 0644
ftcid.h File 5.52 KB 0644
fterrdef.h File 14.21 KB 0644
fterrors.h File 11.1 KB 0644
ftfntfmt.h File 4.86 KB 0644
ftgasp.h File 4.68 KB 0644
ftglyph.h File 38.46 KB 0644
ftgxval.h File 13.08 KB 0644
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ftmoderr.h File 10.17 KB 0644
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ftpcfdrv.h File 3.68 KB 0644
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ftsynth.h File 4.03 KB 0644
ftsystem.h File 10.31 KB 0644
fttrigon.h File 8.23 KB 0644
ftttdrv.h File 15.13 KB 0644
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ftwinfnt.h File 10.16 KB 0644
t1tables.h File 34.21 KB 0644
ttnameid.h File 58.54 KB 0644
tttables.h File 44.64 KB 0644
tttags.h File 5.5 KB 0644
ttunpat.h File 2.28 KB 0644