[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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/*                                                                         */
/*  fttrigon.h                                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*    FreeType trigonometric functions (specification).                    */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2001-2017 by                                                 */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#ifndef FTTRIGON_H_
#define FTTRIGON_H_

#include FT_FREETYPE_H

#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."


  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Section>                                                             */
  /*   computations                                                        */
  /*                                                                       */

   * @type:
   *   FT_Angle
   * @description:
   *   This type is used to model angle values in FreeType.  Note that the
   *   angle is a 16.16 fixed-point value expressed in degrees.
  typedef FT_Fixed  FT_Angle;

   * @macro:
   *   FT_ANGLE_PI
   * @description:
   *   The angle pi expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI  ( 180L << 16 )

   * @macro:
   *   FT_ANGLE_2PI
   * @description:
   *   The angle 2*pi expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_2PI  ( FT_ANGLE_PI * 2 )

   * @macro:
   *   FT_ANGLE_PI2
   * @description:
   *   The angle pi/2 expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI2  ( FT_ANGLE_PI / 2 )

   * @macro:
   *   FT_ANGLE_PI4
   * @description:
   *   The angle pi/4 expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI4  ( FT_ANGLE_PI / 4 )

   * @function:
   *   FT_Sin
   * @description:
   *   Return the sinus of a given angle in fixed-point format.
   * @input:
   *   angle ::
   *     The input angle.
   * @return:
   *   The sinus value.
   * @note:
   *   If you need both the sinus and cosinus for a given angle, use the
   *   function @FT_Vector_Unit.
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Fixed )
  FT_Sin( FT_Angle  angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Cos
   * @description:
   *   Return the cosinus of a given angle in fixed-point format.
   * @input:
   *   angle ::
   *     The input angle.
   * @return:
   *   The cosinus value.
   * @note:
   *   If you need both the sinus and cosinus for a given angle, use the
   *   function @FT_Vector_Unit.
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Fixed )
  FT_Cos( FT_Angle  angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Tan
   * @description:
   *   Return the tangent of a given angle in fixed-point format.
   * @input:
   *   angle ::
   *     The input angle.
   * @return:
   *   The tangent value.
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Fixed )
  FT_Tan( FT_Angle  angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Atan2
   * @description:
   *   Return the arc-tangent corresponding to a given vector (x,y) in
   *   the 2d plane.
   * @input:
   *   x ::
   *     The horizontal vector coordinate.
   *   y ::
   *     The vertical vector coordinate.
   * @return:
   *   The arc-tangent value (i.e. angle).
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Angle )
  FT_Atan2( FT_Fixed  x,
            FT_Fixed  y );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Angle_Diff
   * @description:
   *   Return the difference between two angles.  The result is always
   *   constrained to the ]-PI..PI] interval.
   * @input:
   *   angle1 ::
   *     First angle.
   *   angle2 ::
   *     Second angle.
   * @return:
   *   Constrained value of `value2-value1'.
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Angle )
  FT_Angle_Diff( FT_Angle  angle1,
                 FT_Angle  angle2 );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Vector_Unit
   * @description:
   *   Return the unit vector corresponding to a given angle.  After the
   *   call, the value of `vec.x' will be `cos(angle)', and the value of
   *   `vec.y' will be `sin(angle)'.
   *   This function is useful to retrieve both the sinus and cosinus of a
   *   given angle quickly.
   * @output:
   *   vec ::
   *     The address of target vector.
   * @input:
   *   angle ::
   *     The input angle.
  FT_EXPORT( void )
  FT_Vector_Unit( FT_Vector*  vec,
                  FT_Angle    angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Vector_Rotate
   * @description:
   *   Rotate a vector by a given angle.
   * @inout:
   *   vec ::
   *     The address of target vector.
   * @input:
   *   angle ::
   *     The input angle.
  FT_EXPORT( void )
  FT_Vector_Rotate( FT_Vector*  vec,
                    FT_Angle    angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Vector_Length
   * @description:
   *   Return the length of a given vector.
   * @input:
   *   vec ::
   *     The address of target vector.
   * @return:
   *   The vector length, expressed in the same units that the original
   *   vector coordinates.
  FT_EXPORT( FT_Fixed )
  FT_Vector_Length( FT_Vector*  vec );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Vector_Polarize
   * @description:
   *   Compute both the length and angle of a given vector.
   * @input:
   *   vec ::
   *     The address of source vector.
   * @output:
   *   length ::
   *     The vector length.
   *   angle ::
   *     The vector angle.
  FT_EXPORT( void )
  FT_Vector_Polarize( FT_Vector*  vec,
                      FT_Fixed   *length,
                      FT_Angle   *angle );

   * @function:
   *   FT_Vector_From_Polar
   * @description:
   *   Compute vector coordinates from a length and angle.
   * @output:
   *   vec ::
   *     The address of source vector.
   * @input:
   *   length ::
   *     The vector length.
   *   angle ::
   *     The vector angle.
  FT_EXPORT( void )
  FT_Vector_From_Polar( FT_Vector*  vec,
                        FT_Fixed    length,
                        FT_Angle    angle );

  /* */


#endif /* FTTRIGON_H_ */

/* END */


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