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botdev@ ~ $
 * Copyright © 2011 Ryan Lortie
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Author: Ryan Lortie <desrt@desrt.ca>

#ifndef __G_ATOMIC_H__
#define __G_ATOMIC_H__

#if !defined (__GLIB_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GLIB_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <glib.h> can be included directly."

#include <glib/gtypes.h>


gint                    g_atomic_int_get                      (const volatile gint *atomic);
void                    g_atomic_int_set                      (volatile gint  *atomic,
                                                               gint            newval);
void                    g_atomic_int_inc                      (volatile gint  *atomic);
gboolean                g_atomic_int_dec_and_test             (volatile gint  *atomic);
gboolean                g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange     (volatile gint  *atomic,
                                                               gint            oldval,
                                                               gint            newval);
gint                    g_atomic_int_add                      (volatile gint  *atomic,
                                                               gint            val);
guint                   g_atomic_int_and                      (volatile guint *atomic,
                                                               guint           val);
guint                   g_atomic_int_or                       (volatile guint *atomic,
                                                               guint           val);
guint                   g_atomic_int_xor                      (volatile guint *atomic,
                                                               guint           val);

gpointer                g_atomic_pointer_get                  (const volatile void *atomic);
void                    g_atomic_pointer_set                  (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gpointer        newval);
gboolean                g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gpointer        oldval,
                                                               gpointer        newval);
gssize                  g_atomic_pointer_add                  (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gssize          val);
gsize                   g_atomic_pointer_and                  (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gsize           val);
gsize                   g_atomic_pointer_or                   (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gsize           val);
gsize                   g_atomic_pointer_xor                  (volatile void  *atomic,
                                                               gsize           val);

gint                    g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add         (volatile gint  *atomic,
                                                               gint            val);



/* We prefer the new C11-style atomic extension of GCC if available */
#if defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) && !defined(__clang__)

/* This assumes sizeof(int) is 4: gatomic.c statically
 * asserts that (using G_STATIC_ASSERT at top-level in a header was
 * problematic, see #730932) */

#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1);                                  \
    (gint) __atomic_load_4 ((atomic), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);                     \
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1);                                   \
    __atomic_store_4 ((atomic), (newval), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);                 \


#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (gpointer) __atomic_load_8 ((atomic), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);                 \
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    __atomic_store_8 ((atomic), (gsize) (newval), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);         \

#else /* GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 */

/* This assumes that if sizeof(void *) is not 8, then it is 4:
 * gatomic.c statically asserts that (using G_STATIC_ASSERT
 * at top-level in a header was problematic, see #730932) */

#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (gpointer) __atomic_load_4 ((atomic), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);                 \
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    __atomic_store_4 ((atomic), (gsize) (newval), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);         \

#endif /* GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 */

#else /* defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) */

#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1);                                  \
    __sync_synchronize ();                                                   \
    (gint) *(atomic);                                                        \
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1);                                   \
    *(atomic) = (newval);                                                    \
    __sync_synchronize ();                                                   \
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    __sync_synchronize ();                                                   \
    (gpointer) *(atomic);                                                    \
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    *(atomic) = (__typeof__ (*(atomic))) (gsize) (newval);                   \
    __sync_synchronize ();                                                   \

#endif /* !defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) */

#define g_atomic_int_inc(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1);                                  \
    (void) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), 1);                               \
#define g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1);                                  \
    __sync_fetch_and_sub ((atomic), 1) == 1;                                 \
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) : 1);                        \
    (gboolean) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval));  \
#define g_atomic_int_add(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1);                                      \
    (gint) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), (val));                           \
#define g_atomic_int_and(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1);                                      \
    (guint) __sync_fetch_and_and ((atomic), (val));                          \
#define g_atomic_int_or(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1);                                      \
    (guint) __sync_fetch_and_or ((atomic), (val));                           \
#define g_atomic_int_xor(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint));                     \
    (void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1);                                      \
    (guint) __sync_fetch_and_xor ((atomic), (val));                          \

#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    (gboolean) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval));  \
#define g_atomic_pointer_add(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    (void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1);                                          \
    (gssize) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), (val));                         \
#define g_atomic_pointer_and(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    (void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1);                                          \
    (gsize) __sync_fetch_and_and ((atomic), (val));                          \
#define g_atomic_pointer_or(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    (void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1);                                          \
    (gsize) __sync_fetch_and_or ((atomic), (val));                           \
#define g_atomic_pointer_xor(atomic, val) \
  (G_GNUC_EXTENSION ({                                                       \
    G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer));                 \
    (void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL);                                \
    (void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1);                                          \
    (gsize) __sync_fetch_and_xor ((atomic), (val));                          \

#else /* defined(G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE) && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4) */

#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
  (g_atomic_int_get ((gint *) (atomic)))
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
  (g_atomic_int_set ((gint *) (atomic), (gint) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
  (g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange ((gint *) (atomic), (oldval), (newval)))
#define g_atomic_int_add(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_int_add ((gint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_and(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_int_and ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_or(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_int_or ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_xor(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_int_xor ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_inc(atomic) \
  (g_atomic_int_inc ((gint *) (atomic)))
#define g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) \
  (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test ((gint *) (atomic)))

#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_get (atomic))
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_set ((atomic), (gpointer) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange ((atomic), (gpointer) (oldval), (gpointer) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_add(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_add ((atomic), (gssize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_and(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_and ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_or(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_or ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_xor(atomic, val) \
  (g_atomic_pointer_xor ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))

#endif /* defined(__GNUC__) && defined(G_ATOMIC_OP_USE_GCC_BUILTINS) */

#endif /* __G_ATOMIC_H__ */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
deprecated Folder 0755
galloca.h File 3.82 KB 0644
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gerror.h File 3.85 KB 0644
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gi18n.h File 1.14 KB 0644
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gmacros.h File 18.21 KB 0644
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gqsort.h File 1.46 KB 0644
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grand.h File 3.11 KB 0644
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gshell.h File 1.71 KB 0644
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gslist.h File 5.46 KB 0644
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gstringchunk.h File 2.08 KB 0644
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gthreadpool.h File 3.73 KB 0644
gtimer.h File 2.31 KB 0644
gtimezone.h File 3.41 KB 0644
gtrashstack.h File 1.74 KB 0644
gtree.h File 4.1 KB 0644
gtypes.h File 18.98 KB 0644
gunicode.h File 38.2 KB 0644
gurifuncs.h File 2.65 KB 0644
gutils.h File 11.01 KB 0644
guuid.h File 1.26 KB 0644
gvariant.h File 28.83 KB 0644
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