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/* GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __G_CLOSURE_H__
#define __G_CLOSURE_H__

#if !defined (__GLIB_GOBJECT_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GOBJECT_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <glib-object.h> can be included directly."

#include        <gobject/gtype.h>


/* --- defines --- */
 * @closure: a #GClosure
 * Check if the closure still needs a marshaller. See g_closure_set_marshal().
 * Returns: %TRUE if a #GClosureMarshal marshaller has not yet been set on 
 * @closure.
#define	G_CLOSURE_NEEDS_MARSHAL(closure) (((GClosure*) (closure))->marshal == NULL)
 * @cl: a #GClosure
 * Get the total number of notifiers connected with the closure @cl. 
 * The count includes the meta marshaller, the finalize and invalidate notifiers 
 * and the marshal guards. Note that each guard counts as two notifiers. 
 * See g_closure_set_meta_marshal(), g_closure_add_finalize_notifier(),
 * g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier() and g_closure_add_marshal_guards().
 * Returns: number of notifiers
#define	G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS(cl)	 (((cl)->n_guards << 1L) + \
                                          (cl)->n_fnotifiers + (cl)->n_inotifiers)
 * @cclosure: a #GCClosure
 * Checks whether the user data of the #GCClosure should be passed as the
 * first parameter to the callback. See g_cclosure_new_swap().
 * Returns: %TRUE if data has to be swapped.
#define	G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA(cclosure)	 (((GClosure*) (cclosure))->derivative_flag)
 * @f: a function pointer.
 * Cast a function pointer to a #GCallback.
#define	G_CALLBACK(f)			 ((GCallback) (f))

/* -- typedefs --- */
typedef struct _GClosure		 GClosure;
typedef struct _GClosureNotifyData	 GClosureNotifyData;

 * GCallback:
 * The type used for callback functions in structure definitions and function 
 * signatures. This doesn't mean that all callback functions must take no 
 * parameters and return void. The required signature of a callback function 
 * is determined by the context in which is used (e.g. the signal to which it 
 * is connected). Use G_CALLBACK() to cast the callback function to a #GCallback. 
typedef void  (*GCallback)              (void);
 * GClosureNotify:
 * @data: data specified when registering the notification callback
 * @closure: the #GClosure on which the notification is emitted
 * The type used for the various notification callbacks which can be registered
 * on closures.
typedef void  (*GClosureNotify)		(gpointer	 data,
					 GClosure	*closure);
 * GClosureMarshal:
 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
 * @return_value: (nullable): a #GValue to store the return
 *  value. May be %NULL if the callback of @closure doesn't return a
 *  value.
 * @n_param_values: the length of the @param_values array
 * @param_values: (array length=n_param_values): an array of
 *  #GValues holding the arguments on which to invoke the
 *  callback of @closure
 * @invocation_hint: (nullable): the invocation hint given as the
 *  last argument to g_closure_invoke()
 * @marshal_data: (nullable): additional data specified when
 *  registering the marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and
 *  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()
 * The type used for marshaller functions.
typedef void  (*GClosureMarshal)	(GClosure	*closure,
					 GValue         *return_value,
					 guint           n_param_values,
					 const GValue   *param_values,
					 gpointer        invocation_hint,
					 gpointer	 marshal_data);

 * GVaClosureMarshal:
 * @closure: the #GClosure to which the marshaller belongs
 * @return_value: (nullable): a #GValue to store the return
 *  value. May be %NULL if the callback of @closure doesn't return a
 *  value.
 * @instance: (type GObject.TypeInstance): the instance on which the closure is
 *  invoked.
 * @args: va_list of arguments to be passed to the closure.
 * @marshal_data: (nullable): additional data specified when
 *  registering the marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and
 *  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()
 * @n_params: the length of the @param_types array
 * @param_types: (array length=n_params): the #GType of each argument from
 *  @args.
 * This is the signature of va_list marshaller functions, an optional
 * marshaller that can be used in some situations to avoid
 * marshalling the signal argument into GValues.
typedef void (* GVaClosureMarshal) (GClosure *closure,
				    GValue   *return_value,
				    gpointer  instance,
				    va_list   args,
				    gpointer  marshal_data,
				    int       n_params,
				    GType    *param_types);

 * GCClosure:
 * @closure: the #GClosure
 * @callback: the callback function
 * A #GCClosure is a specialization of #GClosure for C function callbacks.
typedef struct _GCClosure		 GCClosure;

/* --- structures --- */
struct _GClosureNotifyData
  gpointer       data;
  GClosureNotify notify;
 * GClosure:
 * @in_marshal: Indicates whether the closure is currently being invoked with 
 *  g_closure_invoke()
 * @is_invalid: Indicates whether the closure has been invalidated by 
 *  g_closure_invalidate()
 * A #GClosure represents a callback supplied by the programmer.
struct _GClosure
  /*< private >*/
  volatile      	guint	 ref_count : 15;
  /* meta_marshal is not used anymore but must be zero for historical reasons
     as it was exposed in the G_CLOSURE_N_NOTIFIERS macro */
  volatile       	guint	 meta_marshal_nouse : 1;
  volatile       	guint	 n_guards : 1;
  volatile       	guint	 n_fnotifiers : 2;	/* finalization notifiers */
  volatile       	guint	 n_inotifiers : 8;	/* invalidation notifiers */
  volatile       	guint	 in_inotify : 1;
  volatile       	guint	 floating : 1;
  /*< protected >*/
  volatile         	guint	 derivative_flag : 1;
  /*< public >*/
  volatile       	guint	 in_marshal : 1;
  volatile       	guint	 is_invalid : 1;

  /*< private >*/	void   (*marshal)  (GClosure       *closure,
					    GValue /*out*/ *return_value,
					    guint           n_param_values,
					    const GValue   *param_values,
					    gpointer        invocation_hint,
					    gpointer	    marshal_data);
  /*< protected >*/	gpointer data;

  /*< private >*/	GClosureNotifyData *notifiers;

  /* invariants/constrains:
   * - ->marshal and ->data are _invalid_ as soon as ->is_invalid==TRUE
   * - invocation of all inotifiers occours prior to fnotifiers
   * - order of inotifiers is random
   *   inotifiers may _not_ free/invalidate parameter values (e.g. ->data)
   * - order of fnotifiers is random
   * - each notifier may only be removed before or during its invocation
   * - reference counting may only happen prior to fnotify invocation
   *   (in that sense, fnotifiers are really finalization handlers)
/* closure for C function calls, callback() is the user function
struct _GCClosure
  GClosure	closure;
  gpointer	callback;

/* --- prototypes --- */
GClosure* g_cclosure_new			(GCallback	callback_func,
						 gpointer	user_data,
						 GClosureNotify destroy_data);
GClosure* g_cclosure_new_swap			(GCallback	callback_func,
						 gpointer	user_data,
						 GClosureNotify destroy_data);
GClosure* g_signal_type_cclosure_new		(GType          itype,
						 guint          struct_offset);

/* --- prototypes --- */
GClosure* g_closure_ref				(GClosure	*closure);
void	  g_closure_sink			(GClosure	*closure);
void	  g_closure_unref			(GClosure	*closure);
/* intimidating */
GClosure* g_closure_new_simple			(guint		 sizeof_closure,
						 gpointer	 data);
void	  g_closure_add_finalize_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
						 gpointer	 notify_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
void	  g_closure_remove_finalize_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
						 gpointer	 notify_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
void	  g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
						 gpointer	 notify_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
void	  g_closure_remove_invalidate_notifier	(GClosure       *closure,
						 gpointer	 notify_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 notify_func);
void	  g_closure_add_marshal_guards		(GClosure	*closure,
						 gpointer        pre_marshal_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 pre_marshal_notify,
						 gpointer        post_marshal_data,
						 GClosureNotify	 post_marshal_notify);
void	  g_closure_set_marshal			(GClosure	*closure,
						 GClosureMarshal marshal);
void	  g_closure_set_meta_marshal		(GClosure       *closure,
						 gpointer	 marshal_data,
						 GClosureMarshal meta_marshal);
void	  g_closure_invalidate			(GClosure	*closure);
void	  g_closure_invoke			(GClosure 	*closure,
						 GValue	/*out*/	*return_value,
						 guint		 n_param_values,
						 const GValue	*param_values,
						 gpointer	 invocation_hint);

   OK:  data_object::destroy		-> closure_invalidate();
   MIS:	closure_invalidate()		-> disconnect(closure);
   MIS:	disconnect(closure)		-> (unlink) closure_unref();
   OK:	closure_finalize()		-> g_free (data_string);

   random remarks:
   - need marshaller repo with decent aliasing to base types
   - provide marshaller collection, virtually covering anything out there

void g_cclosure_marshal_generic (GClosure     *closure,
                                 GValue       *return_gvalue,
                                 guint         n_param_values,
                                 const GValue *param_values,
                                 gpointer      invocation_hint,
                                 gpointer      marshal_data);

void g_cclosure_marshal_generic_va (GClosure *closure,
				    GValue   *return_value,
				    gpointer  instance,
				    va_list   args_list,
				    gpointer  marshal_data,
				    int       n_params,
				    GType    *param_types);


#endif /* __G_CLOSURE_H__ */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
gbinding.h File 6.19 KB 0644
gboxed.h File 3.87 KB 0644
gclosure.h File 10.79 KB 0644
genums.h File 7.85 KB 0644
glib-types.h File 8.45 KB 0644
gmarshal.h File 19.82 KB 0644
gobject-autocleanups.h File 1.11 KB 0644
gobject.h File 31.69 KB 0644
gobjectnotifyqueue.c File 5.39 KB 0644
gparam.h File 16 KB 0644
gparamspecs.h File 33.94 KB 0644
gsignal.h File 23.36 KB 0644
gsourceclosure.h File 1.25 KB 0644
gtype.h File 87.63 KB 0644
gtypemodule.h File 10.52 KB 0644
gtypeplugin.h File 4.85 KB 0644
gvalue.h File 5.52 KB 0644
gvaluearray.h File 3.1 KB 0644
gvaluecollector.h File 9.33 KB 0644
gvaluetypes.h File 9.43 KB 0644