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 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2012 - All Rights Reserved


#include "LETypes.h"
 * \file 
 * \brief C++ API: Layout Engine Font Instance object


 * Instances of this class are used by <code>LEFontInstance::mapCharsToGlyphs</code> and
 * <code>LEFontInstance::mapCharToGlyph</code> to adjust character codes before the character
 * to glyph mapping process. Examples of this are filtering out control characters
 * and character mirroring - replacing a character which has both a left and a right
 * hand form with the opposite form.
 * @stable ICU 3.2
class LECharMapper /* not : public UObject because this is an interface/mixin class */
     * Destructor.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual ~LECharMapper();

     * This method does the adjustments.
     * @param ch - the input character
     * @return the adjusted character
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual LEUnicode32 mapChar(LEUnicode32 ch) const = 0;

 * This is a forward reference to the class which holds the per-glyph
 * storage.
 * @stable ICU 3.0
class LEGlyphStorage;

 * This is a virtual base class that serves as the interface between a LayoutEngine
 * and the platform font environment. It allows a LayoutEngine to access font tables, do
 * character to glyph mapping, and obtain metrics information without knowing any platform
 * specific details. There are also a few utility methods for converting between points,
 * pixels and funits. (font design units)
 * An instance of an <code>LEFontInstance</code> represents a font at a particular point
 * size. Each instance can represent either a single physical font, or a composite font.
 * A composite font is a collection of physical fonts, each of which contains a subset of
 * the characters contained in the composite font.
 * Note: with the exception of <code>getSubFont</code>, the methods in this class only
 * make sense for a physical font. If you have an <code>LEFontInstance</code> which
 * represents a composite font you should only call the methods below which have
 * an <code>LEGlyphID</code>, an <code>LEUnicode</code> or an <code>LEUnicode32</code>
 * as one of the arguments because these can be used to select a particular subfont.
 * Subclasses which implement composite fonts should supply an implementation of these
 * methods with some default behavior such as returning constant values, or using the
 * values from the first subfont.
 * @stable ICU 3.0
class U_LAYOUT_API LEFontInstance : public UObject

     * This virtual destructor is here so that the subclass
     * destructors can be invoked through the base class.
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual ~LEFontInstance();

     * Get a physical font which can render the given text. For composite fonts,
     * if there is no single physical font which can render all of the text,
     * return a physical font which can render an initial substring of the text,
     * and set the <code>offset</code> parameter to the end of that substring.
     * Internally, the LayoutEngine works with runs of text all in the same
     * font and script, so it is best to call this method with text which is
     * in a single script, passing the script code in as a hint. If you don't
     * know the script of the text, you can use zero, which is the script code
     * for characters used in more than one script.
     * The default implementation of this method is intended for instances of
     * <code>LEFontInstance</code> which represent a physical font. It returns
     * <code>this</code> and indicates that the entire string can be rendered.
     * This method will return a valid <code>LEFontInstance</code> unless you
     * have passed illegal parameters, or an internal error has been encountered. 
     * For composite fonts, it may return the warning <code>LE_NO_SUBFONT_WARNING</code>
     * to indicate that the returned font may not be able to render all of
     * the text. Whenever a valid font is returned, the <code>offset</code> parameter
     * will be advanced by at least one.
     * Subclasses which implement composite fonts must override this method.
     * Where it makes sense, they should use the script code as a hint to render
     * characters from the COMMON script in the font which is used for the given
     * script. For example, if the input text is a series of Arabic words separated
     * by spaces, and the script code passed in is <code>arabScriptCode</code> you
     * should return the font used for Arabic characters for all of the input text,
     * including the spaces. If, on the other hand, the input text contains characters
     * which cannot be rendered by the font used for Arabic characters, but which can
     * be rendered by another font, you should return that font for those characters.
     * @param chars   - the array of Unicode characters.
     * @param offset  - a pointer to the starting offset in the text. On exit this
     *                  will be set the the limit offset of the text which can be
     *                  rendered using the returned font.
     * @param limit   - the limit offset for the input text.
     * @param script  - the script hint.
     * @param success - set to an error code if the arguments are illegal, or no font
     *                  can be returned for some reason. May also be set to
     *                  <code>LE_NO_SUBFONT_WARNING</code> if the subfont which
     *                  was returned cannot render all of the text.
     * @return an <code>LEFontInstance</code> for the sub font which can render the characters, or
     *         <code>NULL</code> if there is an error.
     * @see LEScripts.h
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual const LEFontInstance *getSubFont(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 *offset, le_int32 limit, le_int32 script, LEErrorCode &success) const;

    // Font file access

     * This method reads a table from the font. Note that in general,
     * it only makes sense to call this method on an <code>LEFontInstance</code>
     * which represents a physical font - i.e. one which has been returned by
     * <code>getSubFont()</code>. This is because each subfont in a composite font
     * will have different tables, and there's no way to know which subfont to access.
     * Subclasses which represent composite fonts should always return <code>NULL</code>.
     * @param tableTag - the four byte table tag. (e.g. 'cmap') 
     * @return the address of the table in memory, or <code>NULL</code>
     *         if the table doesn't exist.
     * @stable ICU 2.8
     * IMPORTANT (icu-le-hb):
     * We intentionally do NOT provide this method.  No client should use this.
     * It's a huge security risk to use it.  Implement getFontTable(LETag, size_t&) instead.
     * See:
     * http://site.icu-project.org/download/51#TOC-Known-Issues
     * http://www.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/11450
    //virtual const void *getFontTable(LETag tableTag) const = 0;

     * This method reads a table from the font. Note that in general,
     * it only makes sense to call this method on an <code>LEFontInstance</code>
     * which represents a physical font - i.e. one which has been returned by
     * <code>getSubFont()</code>. This is because each subfont in a composite font
     * will have different tables, and there's no way to know which subfont to access.
     * Subclasses which represent composite fonts should always return <code>NULL</code>.
     * This version sets a length, for range checking.
     * @param tableTag - the four byte table tag. (e.g. 'cmap') 
     * @param length - ignored on entry, on exit will be the length of the table if known, or -1 if unknown.
     * @return the address of the table in memory, or <code>NULL</code>
     *         if the table doesn't exist.
     * @internal
     * IMPORTANT (icu-le-hb):
     * We do not provide a default implementation of this method.  All clients must
     * implement it.
     * See:
     * http://site.icu-project.org/download/51#TOC-Known-Issues
     * http://www.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/11450
    virtual const void* getFontTable(LETag tableTag, size_t &length) const = 0;// { length=-1; return getFontTable(tableTag); }  /* -1 = unknown length */

     * This method is used to determine if the font can
     * render the given character. This can usually be done
     * by looking the character up in the font's character
     * to glyph mapping.
     * The default implementation of this method will return
     * <code>TRUE</code> if <code>mapCharToGlyph(ch)</code>
     * returns a non-zero value.
     * @param ch - the character to be tested
     * @return <code>TRUE</code> if the font can render ch.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual le_bool canDisplay(LEUnicode32 ch) const;

     * This method returns the number of design units in
     * the font's EM square.
     * @return the number of design units pre EM.
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual le_int32 getUnitsPerEM() const = 0;

     * This method maps an array of character codes to an array of glyph
     * indices, using the font's character to glyph map.
     * The default implementation iterates over all of the characters and calls
     * <code>mapCharToGlyph(ch, mapper)</code> on each one. It also handles surrogate
     * characters, storing the glyph ID for the high surrogate, and a deleted glyph (0xFFFF)
     * for the low surrogate.
     * Most sublcasses will not need to implement this method.
     * @param chars - the character array
     * @param offset - the index of the first character
     * @param count - the number of characters
     * @param reverse - if <code>TRUE</code>, store the glyph indices in reverse order.
     * @param mapper - the character mapper.
     * @param filterZeroWidth - <code>TRUE</code> if ZWJ / ZWNJ characters should map to a glyph w/ no contours.
     * @param glyphStorage - the object which contains the output glyph array
     * @see LECharMapper
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    virtual void mapCharsToGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse, const LECharMapper *mapper, le_bool filterZeroWidth, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage) const;

     * This method maps a single character to a glyph index, using the
     * font's character to glyph map. The default implementation of this
     * method calls the mapper, and then calls <code>mapCharToGlyph(mappedCh)</code>.
     * @param ch - the character
     * @param mapper - the character mapper
     * @param filterZeroWidth - <code>TRUE</code> if ZWJ / ZWNJ characters should map to a glyph w/ no contours.
     * @return the glyph index
     * @see LECharMapper
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    virtual LEGlyphID mapCharToGlyph(LEUnicode32 ch, const LECharMapper *mapper, le_bool filterZeroWidth) const;

     * This method maps a single character to a glyph index, using the
     * font's character to glyph map. The default implementation of this
     * method calls the mapper, and then calls <code>mapCharToGlyph(mappedCh)</code>.
     * @param ch - the character
     * @param mapper - the character mapper
     * @return the glyph index
     * @see LECharMapper
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual LEGlyphID mapCharToGlyph(LEUnicode32 ch, const LECharMapper *mapper) const;

     * This method maps a single character to a glyph index, using the
     * font's character to glyph map. There is no default implementation
     * of this method because it requires information about the platform
     * font implementation.
     * @param ch - the character
     * @return the glyph index
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual LEGlyphID mapCharToGlyph(LEUnicode32 ch) const = 0;

    // Metrics

     * This method gets the X and Y advance of a particular glyph, in pixels.
     * @param glyph - the glyph index
     * @param advance - the X and Y pixel values will be stored here
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual void getGlyphAdvance(LEGlyphID glyph, LEPoint &advance) const = 0;

     * This method gets the hinted X and Y pixel coordinates of a particular
     * point in the outline of the given glyph.
     * @param glyph - the glyph index
     * @param pointNumber - the number of the point
     * @param point - the point's X and Y pixel values will be stored here
     * @return <code>TRUE</code> if the point coordinates could be stored.
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual le_bool getGlyphPoint(LEGlyphID glyph, le_int32 pointNumber, LEPoint &point) const = 0;

     * This method returns the width of the font's EM square
     * in pixels.
     * @return the pixel width of the EM square
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual float getXPixelsPerEm() const = 0;

     * This method returns the height of the font's EM square
     * in pixels.
     * @return the pixel height of the EM square
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    virtual float getYPixelsPerEm() const = 0;

     * This method converts font design units in the
     * X direction to points.
     * @param xUnits - design units in the X direction
     * @return points in the X direction
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float xUnitsToPoints(float xUnits) const;

     * This method converts font design units in the
     * Y direction to points.
     * @param yUnits - design units in the Y direction
     * @return points in the Y direction
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float yUnitsToPoints(float yUnits) const;

     * This method converts font design units to points.
     * @param units - X and Y design units
     * @param points - set to X and Y points
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual void unitsToPoints(LEPoint &units, LEPoint &points) const;

     * This method converts pixels in the
     * X direction to font design units.
     * @param xPixels - pixels in the X direction
     * @return font design units in the X direction
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float xPixelsToUnits(float xPixels) const;

     * This method converts pixels in the
     * Y direction to font design units.
     * @param yPixels - pixels in the Y direction
     * @return font design units in the Y direction
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float yPixelsToUnits(float yPixels) const;

     * This method converts pixels to font design units.
     * @param pixels - X and Y pixel
     * @param units - set to X and Y font design units
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual void pixelsToUnits(LEPoint &pixels, LEPoint &units) const;

     * Get the X scale factor from the font's transform. The default
     * implementation of <code>transformFunits()</code> will call this method.
     * @return the X scale factor.
     * @see transformFunits
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float getScaleFactorX() const = 0;

     * Get the Y scale factor from the font's transform. The default
     * implementation of <code>transformFunits()</code> will call this method.
     * @return the Yscale factor.
     * @see transformFunits
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual float getScaleFactorY() const = 0;

     * This method transforms an X, Y point in font design units to a
     * pixel coordinate, applying the font's transform. The default
     * implementation of this method calls <code>getScaleFactorX()</code>
     * and <code>getScaleFactorY()</code>.
     * @param xFunits - the X coordinate in font design units
     * @param yFunits - the Y coordinate in font design units
     * @param pixels - the tranformed co-ordinate in pixels
     * @see getScaleFactorX
     * @see getScaleFactorY
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual void transformFunits(float xFunits, float yFunits, LEPoint &pixels) const;

     * This is a convenience method used to convert
     * values in a 16.16 fixed point format to floating point.
     * @param fixed - the fixed point value
     * @return the floating point value
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    static inline float fixedToFloat(le_int32 fixed);

     * This is a convenience method used to convert
     * floating point values to 16.16 fixed point format.
     * @param theFloat - the floating point value
     * @return the fixed point value
     * @stable ICU 2.8
    static inline le_int32 floatToFixed(float theFloat);

    // These methods won't ever be called by the LayoutEngine,
    // but are useful for clients of <code>LEFontInstance</code> who
    // need to render text.

     * Get the font's ascent.
     * @return the font's ascent, in points. This value
     * will always be positive.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual le_int32 getAscent() const = 0;

     * Get the font's descent.
     * @return the font's descent, in points. This value
     * will always be positive.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual le_int32 getDescent() const = 0;

     * Get the font's leading.
     * @return the font's leading, in points. This value
     * will always be positive.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual le_int32 getLeading() const = 0;

     * Get the line height required to display text in
     * this font. The default implementation of this method
     * returns the sum of the ascent, descent, and leading.
     * @return the line height, in points. This vaule will
     * always be positive.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual le_int32 getLineHeight() const;

     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;

     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
     * @stable ICU 3.2
    static UClassID getStaticClassID();


inline float LEFontInstance::fixedToFloat(le_int32 fixed)
    return (float) (fixed / 65536.0);

inline le_int32 LEFontInstance::floatToFixed(float theFloat)
    return (le_int32) (theFloat * 65536.0);



Name Type Size Permission Actions
LEFontInstance.h File 18.6 KB 0644
LEGlyphFilter.h File 883 B 0644
LEGlyphStorage.h File 16.66 KB 0644
LEInsertionList.h File 4.53 KB 0644
LELanguages.h File 2.47 KB 0644
LEScripts.h File 5.11 KB 0644
LESwaps.h File 2.63 KB 0644
LETypes.h File 22.35 KB 0644
LayoutEngine.h File 9.45 KB 0644
loengine.h File 6.33 KB 0644