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 *   Copyright (C) 1998-2010, International Business Machines
 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.


#include "LETypes.h"
#include "LEInsertionList.h"

 * \file 
 * \brief C++ API: This class encapsulates the per-glyph storage used by the ICU LayoutEngine.


 * This class encapsulates the per-glyph storage used by the ICU LayoutEngine.
 * For each glyph it holds the glyph ID, the index of the backing store character
 * which produced the glyph, the X and Y position of the glyph and an auxillary data
 * pointer.
 * The storage is growable using the <code>LEInsertionList</code> class.
 * @see LEInsertionList.h
 * @stable ICU 3.6
class U_LAYOUT_API LEGlyphStorage : public UObject, protected LEInsertionCallback
     * The number of entries in the per-glyph arrays.
     * @internal
    le_int32   fGlyphCount;

     * The glyph ID array.
     * @internal
    LEGlyphID *fGlyphs;
     * The char indices array.
     * @internal
    le_int32  *fCharIndices;

     * The glyph positions array.
     * @internal
    float     *fPositions;

     * The auxillary data array.
     * @internal
    le_uint32 *fAuxData;

     * The insertion list, used to grow the above arrays.
     * @internal
    LEInsertionList *fInsertionList;

     * The source index while growing the data arrays.
     * @internal
    le_int32 fSrcIndex;

     * The destination index used while growing the data arrays.
     * @internal
    le_int32 fDestIndex;

     * This implements <code>LEInsertionCallback</code>. The <code>LEInsertionList</code>
     * will call this method once for each insertion.
     * @param atPosition the position of the insertion
     * @param count the number of glyphs being inserted
     * @param newGlyphs the address of the new glyph IDs
     * @return <code>true</code> if <code>LEInsertionList</code> should stop
     *         processing the insertion list after this insertion.
     * @see LEInsertionList.h
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    virtual le_bool applyInsertion(le_int32 atPosition, le_int32 count, LEGlyphID newGlyphs[]);


     * Allocates an empty <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object. You must call
     * <code>allocateGlyphArray, allocatePositions and allocateAuxData</code>
     * to allocate the data.
     * @stable ICU 3.0

     * The destructor. This will deallocate all of the arrays.
     * @stable ICU 3.0

     * This method returns the number of glyphs in the glyph array.
     * @return the number of glyphs in the glyph array
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    inline le_int32 getGlyphCount() const;

     * This method copies the glyph array into a caller supplied array.
     * The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold all
     * the glyphs.
     * @param glyphs - the destiniation glyph array
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getGlyphs(LEGlyphID glyphs[], LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method copies the glyph array into a caller supplied array,
     * ORing in extra bits. (This functionality is needed by the JDK,
     * which uses 32 bits pre glyph idex, with the high 16 bits encoding
     * the composite font slot number)
     * @param glyphs - the destination (32 bit) glyph array
     * @param extraBits - this value will be ORed with each glyph index
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getGlyphs(le_uint32 glyphs[], le_uint32 extraBits, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method copies the character index array into a caller supplied array.
     * The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold a
     * character index for each glyph.
     * @param charIndices - the destiniation character index array
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getCharIndices(le_int32 charIndices[], LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method copies the character index array into a caller supplied array.
     * The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold a
     * character index for each glyph.
     * @param charIndices - the destiniation character index array
     * @param indexBase - an offset which will be added to each index
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getCharIndices(le_int32 charIndices[], le_int32 indexBase, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method copies the position array into a caller supplied array.
     * The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold an
     * X and Y position for each glyph, plus an extra X and Y for the
     * advance of the last glyph.
     * @param positions - the destiniation position array
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getGlyphPositions(float positions[], LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method returns the X and Y position of the glyph at
     * the given index.
     * Input parameters:
     * @param glyphIndex - the index of the glyph
     * Output parameters:
     * @param x - the glyph's X position
     * @param y - the glyph's Y position
     * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void getGlyphPosition(le_int32 glyphIndex, float &x, float &y, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This method allocates the glyph array, the char indices array and the insertion list. You
     * must call this method before using the object. This method also initializes the char indices
     * array.
     * @param initialGlyphCount the initial size of the glyph and char indices arrays.
     * @param rightToLeft <code>true</code> if the original input text is right to left.
     * @param success set to an error code if the storage cannot be allocated of if the initial
     *        glyph count is not positive.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void allocateGlyphArray(le_int32 initialGlyphCount, le_bool rightToLeft, LEErrorCode &success);

     * This method allocates the storage for the glyph positions. It allocates one extra X, Y
     * position pair for the position just after the last glyph.
     * @param success set to an error code if the positions array cannot be allocated.
     * @return the number of X, Y position pairs allocated.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    le_int32 allocatePositions(LEErrorCode &success);

     * This method allocates the storage for the auxillary glyph data.
     * @param success set to an error code if the aulillary data array cannot be allocated.
     * @return the size of the auxillary data array.
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    le_int32 allocateAuxData(LEErrorCode &success);

     * Copy the entire auxillary data array.
     * @param auxData the auxillary data array will be copied to this address
     * @param success set to an error code if the data cannot be copied
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    void getAuxData(le_uint32 auxData[], LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * Get the glyph ID for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index into the glyph array
     * @param success set to an error code if the glyph ID cannot be retrieved.
     * @return the glyph ID
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    LEGlyphID getGlyphID(le_int32 glyphIndex, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * Get the char index for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index into the glyph array
     * @param success set to an error code if the char index cannot be retrieved.
     * @return the character index
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    le_int32  getCharIndex(le_int32 glyphIndex, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * Get the auxillary data for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index into the glyph array
     * @param success set to an error code if the auxillary data cannot be retrieved.
     * @return the auxillary data
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    le_uint32 getAuxData(le_int32 glyphIndex, LEErrorCode &success) const;

     * This operator allows direct access to the glyph array
     * using the index operator.
     * @param glyphIndex the index into the glyph array
     * @return a reference to the given location in the glyph array
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    inline LEGlyphID &operator[](le_int32 glyphIndex) const;

     * Call this method to replace a single glyph in the glyph array
     * with multiple glyphs. This method uses the <code>LEInsertionList</code>
     * to do the insertion. It returns the address of storage where the new
     * glyph IDs can be stored. They will not actually be inserted into the
     * glyph array until <code>applyInsertions</code> is called.
     * @param atIndex the index of the glyph to be replaced
     * @param insertCount the number of glyphs to replace it with
     * @param success set to an error code if the auxillary data cannot be retrieved.
     * @return the address at which to store the replacement glyphs.
     * @see LEInsertionList.h
     * @stable ICU 4.2
    LEGlyphID *insertGlyphs(le_int32 atIndex, le_int32 insertCount, LEErrorCode& success);

     * Call this method to replace a single glyph in the glyph array
     * with multiple glyphs. This method uses the <code>LEInsertionList</code>
     * to do the insertion. It returns the address of storage where the new
     * glyph IDs can be stored. They will not actually be inserted into the
     * glyph array until <code>applyInsertions</code> is called.
     * Note: Don't use this version, use the other version of this function which has an error code.
     * @param atIndex the index of the glyph to be replaced
     * @param insertCount the number of glyphs to replace it with
     * @return the address at which to store the replacement glyphs.
     * @see LEInsertionList.h
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    LEGlyphID *insertGlyphs(le_int32 atIndex, le_int32 insertCount);

     * This method is used to reposition glyphs during Indic v2 processing.  It moves 
     * all of the relevant glyph information ( glyph, indices, positions, and auxData ), 
     * from the source position to the target position, and also allows for a marker bit
     * to be set in the target glyph's auxData so that it won't be reprocessed later in the
     * cycle.
     * @param fromPosition - position of the glyph to be moved
     * @param toPosition - target position of the glyph
     * @param marker marker bit
     * @stable ICU 4.2
    void moveGlyph(le_int32 fromPosition, le_int32 toPosition, le_uint32 marker);

     * This method causes all of the glyph insertions recorded by
     * <code>insertGlyphs</code> to be applied to the glyph array. The
     * new slots in the char indices and the auxillary data arrays
     * will be filled in with the values for the glyph being replaced.
     * @return the new size of the glyph array
     * @see LEInsertionList.h
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    le_int32 applyInsertions();

     * Set the glyph ID for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index of the glyph
     * @param glyphID the new glyph ID
     * @param success will be set to an error code if the glyph ID cannot be set.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void setGlyphID(le_int32 glyphIndex, LEGlyphID glyphID, LEErrorCode &success);

     * Set the char index for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index of the glyph
     * @param charIndex the new char index
     * @param success will be set to an error code if the char index cannot be set.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void setCharIndex(le_int32 glyphIndex, le_int32 charIndex, LEErrorCode &success);

     * Set the X, Y position for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index of the glyph
     * @param x the new X position
     * @param y the new Y position
     * @param success will be set to an error code if the position cannot be set.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void setPosition(le_int32 glyphIndex, float x, float y, LEErrorCode &success);

     * Adjust the X, Y position for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index of the glyph
     * @param xAdjust the adjustment to the glyph's X position
     * @param yAdjust the adjustment to the glyph's Y position
     * @param success will be set to an error code if the glyph's position cannot be adjusted.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adjustPosition(le_int32 glyphIndex, float xAdjust, float yAdjust, LEErrorCode &success);

     * Set the auxillary data for a particular glyph.
     * @param glyphIndex the index of the glyph
     * @param auxData the new auxillary data
     * @param success will be set to an error code if the auxillary data cannot be set.
     * @stable ICU 3.6
    void setAuxData(le_int32 glyphIndex, le_uint32 auxData, LEErrorCode &success);

     * Delete the glyph array and replace it with the one
     * in <code>from</code>. Set the glyph array pointer
     * in <code>from</code> to <code>NULL</code>.
     * @param from the <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object from which
     *             to get the new glyph array.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptGlyphArray(LEGlyphStorage &from);

     * Delete the char indices array and replace it with the one
     * in <code>from</code>. Set the char indices array pointer
     * in <code>from</code> to <code>NULL</code>.
     * @param from the <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object from which
     *             to get the new char indices array.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptCharIndicesArray(LEGlyphStorage &from);

     * Delete the position array and replace it with the one
     * in <code>from</code>. Set the position array pointer
     * in <code>from</code> to <code>NULL</code>.
     * @param from the <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object from which
     *             to get the new position array.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptPositionArray(LEGlyphStorage &from);

     * Delete the auxillary data array and replace it with the one
     * in <code>from</code>. Set the auxillary data array pointer
     * in <code>from</code> to <code>NULL</code>.
     * @param from the <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object from which
     *             to get the new auxillary data array.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptAuxDataArray(LEGlyphStorage &from);

     * Change the glyph count of this object to be the same
     * as the one in <code>from</code>.
     * @param from the <code>LEGlyphStorage</code> object from which
     *             to get the new glyph count.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptGlyphCount(LEGlyphStorage &from);

     * Change the glyph count of this object to the given value.
     * @param newGlyphCount the new glyph count.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void adoptGlyphCount(le_int32 newGlyphCount);

     * This method frees the glyph, character index, position  and
     * auxillary data arrays so that the LayoutEngine can be reused
     * to layout a different characer array. (This method is also called
     * by the destructor)
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    void reset();

     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;

     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
     * @stable ICU 3.0
    static UClassID getStaticClassID();

inline le_int32 LEGlyphStorage::getGlyphCount() const
    return fGlyphCount;

inline LEGlyphID &LEGlyphStorage::operator[](le_int32 glyphIndex) const
    return fGlyphs[glyphIndex];



Name Type Size Permission Actions
LEFontInstance.h File 18.6 KB 0644
LEGlyphFilter.h File 883 B 0644
LEGlyphStorage.h File 16.66 KB 0644
LEInsertionList.h File 4.53 KB 0644
LELanguages.h File 2.47 KB 0644
LEScripts.h File 5.11 KB 0644
LESwaps.h File 2.63 KB 0644
LETypes.h File 22.35 KB 0644
LayoutEngine.h File 9.45 KB 0644
loengine.h File 6.33 KB 0644