[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * Summary: interface for all global variables of the library
 * Description: all the global variables and thread handling for
 *              those variables is handled by this module.
 * The bottom of this file is automatically generated by build_glob.py
 * based on the description file global.data
 * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * Author: Gary Pennington <Gary.Pennington@uk.sun.com>, Daniel Veillard

#ifndef __XML_GLOBALS_H
#define __XML_GLOBALS_H

#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
#include <libxml/SAX.h>
#include <libxml/SAX2.h>
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlInitGlobals(void);
XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlCleanupGlobals(void);

 * xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc:
 * @URI: the URI to read from
 * @enc: the requested source encoding
 * Signature for the function doing the lookup for a suitable input method
 * corresponding to an URI.
 * Returns the new xmlParserInputBufferPtr in case of success or NULL if no
 *         method was found.
typedef xmlParserInputBufferPtr (*xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc) (const char *URI,
									   xmlCharEncoding enc);

 * xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc:
 * @URI: the URI to write to
 * @enc: the requested target encoding
 * Signature for the function doing the lookup for a suitable output method
 * corresponding to an URI.
 * Returns the new xmlOutputBufferPtr in case of success or NULL if no
 *         method was found.
typedef xmlOutputBufferPtr (*xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc) (const char *URI,
								 xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder,
								 int compression);

XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc
XMLCALL xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault (xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
XMLPUBFUN xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc
XMLCALL xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameDefault (xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);

 * Externally global symbols which need to be protected for backwards
 * compatibility support.

#undef	docbDefaultSAXHandler
#undef	htmlDefaultSAXHandler
#undef	oldXMLWDcompatibility
#undef	xmlBufferAllocScheme
#undef	xmlDefaultBufferSize
#undef	xmlDefaultSAXHandler
#undef	xmlDefaultSAXLocator
#undef	xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue
#undef	xmlFree
#undef	xmlGenericError
#undef	xmlStructuredError
#undef	xmlGenericErrorContext
#undef	xmlStructuredErrorContext
#undef	xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue
#undef	xmlIndentTreeOutput
#undef  xmlTreeIndentString
#undef	xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue
#undef	xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue
#undef	xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue
#undef	xmlMalloc
#undef	xmlMallocAtomic
#undef	xmlMemStrdup
#undef	xmlParserDebugEntities
#undef	xmlParserVersion
#undef	xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue
#undef	xmlRealloc
#undef	xmlSaveNoEmptyTags
#undef	xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue
#undef  xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue
#undef  xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue
#undef  xmlLastError
#undef  xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue
#undef  xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue

 * xmlRegisterNodeFunc:
 * @node: the current node
 * Signature for the registration callback of a created node
typedef void (*xmlRegisterNodeFunc) (xmlNodePtr node);
 * xmlDeregisterNodeFunc:
 * @node: the current node
 * Signature for the deregistration callback of a discarded node
typedef void (*xmlDeregisterNodeFunc) (xmlNodePtr node);

typedef struct _xmlGlobalState xmlGlobalState;
typedef xmlGlobalState *xmlGlobalStatePtr;
struct _xmlGlobalState
	const char *xmlParserVersion;

	xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator;
	xmlSAXHandlerV1 xmlDefaultSAXHandler;
	xmlSAXHandlerV1 docbDefaultSAXHandler;
	xmlSAXHandlerV1 htmlDefaultSAXHandler;

	xmlFreeFunc xmlFree;
	xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc;
	xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup;
	xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc;

	xmlGenericErrorFunc xmlGenericError;
	xmlStructuredErrorFunc xmlStructuredError;
	void *xmlGenericErrorContext;

	int oldXMLWDcompatibility;

	xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme;
	int xmlDefaultBufferSize;

	int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue;
	int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue;
	int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue;
	int xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue;
	int xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue;
	int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue;
	int xmlParserDebugEntities;
	int xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue;

	int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags;
	int xmlIndentTreeOutput;
	const char *xmlTreeIndentString;

	xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue;
	xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue;

	xmlMallocFunc xmlMallocAtomic;
	xmlError xmlLastError;

	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue;
	xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue;

	void *xmlStructuredErrorContext;

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <libxml/threads.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL	xmlInitializeGlobalState(xmlGlobalStatePtr gs);

XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlThrDefSetGenericErrorFunc(void *ctx, xmlGenericErrorFunc handler);

XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL xmlThrDefSetStructuredErrorFunc(void *ctx, xmlStructuredErrorFunc handler);

XMLPUBFUN xmlRegisterNodeFunc XMLCALL xmlRegisterNodeDefault(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func);
XMLPUBFUN xmlRegisterNodeFunc XMLCALL xmlThrDefRegisterNodeDefault(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func);
XMLPUBFUN xmlDeregisterNodeFunc XMLCALL xmlDeregisterNodeDefault(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func);
XMLPUBFUN xmlDeregisterNodeFunc XMLCALL xmlThrDefDeregisterNodeDefault(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func);

XMLPUBFUN xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc XMLCALL
	xmlThrDefOutputBufferCreateFilenameDefault(xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc XMLCALL
				xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);

 * In general the memory allocation entry points are not kept
 * thread specific but this can be overridden by LIBXML_THREAD_ALLOC_ENABLED
 *    - xmlMalloc
 *    - xmlMallocAtomic
 *    - xmlRealloc
 *    - xmlMemStrdup
 *    - xmlFree

XMLPUBFUN  xmlMallocFunc * XMLCALL __xmlMalloc(void);
#define xmlMalloc \
XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc;

XMLPUBFUN  xmlMallocFunc * XMLCALL __xmlMallocAtomic(void);
#define xmlMallocAtomic \
XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMallocAtomic;

XMLPUBFUN  xmlReallocFunc * XMLCALL __xmlRealloc(void);
#define xmlRealloc \
XMLPUBVAR xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc;

XMLPUBFUN  xmlFreeFunc * XMLCALL __xmlFree(void);
#define xmlFree \
XMLPUBVAR xmlFreeFunc xmlFree;

XMLPUBFUN  xmlStrdupFunc * XMLCALL __xmlMemStrdup(void);
#define xmlMemStrdup \
XMLPUBVAR xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup;

XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc;
XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMallocAtomic;
XMLPUBVAR xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc;
XMLPUBVAR xmlFreeFunc xmlFree;
XMLPUBVAR xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup;

XMLPUBFUN  xmlSAXHandlerV1 * XMLCALL __docbDefaultSAXHandler(void);
#define docbDefaultSAXHandler \
XMLPUBVAR xmlSAXHandlerV1 docbDefaultSAXHandler;

XMLPUBFUN xmlSAXHandlerV1 * XMLCALL __htmlDefaultSAXHandler(void);
#define htmlDefaultSAXHandler \
XMLPUBVAR xmlSAXHandlerV1 htmlDefaultSAXHandler;

XMLPUBFUN xmlError * XMLCALL __xmlLastError(void);
#define xmlLastError \
XMLPUBVAR xmlError xmlLastError;

 * Everything starting from the line below is
 * Automatically generated by build_glob.py.
 * Do not modify the previous line.

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __oldXMLWDcompatibility(void);
#define oldXMLWDcompatibility \
XMLPUBVAR int oldXMLWDcompatibility;

XMLPUBFUN xmlBufferAllocationScheme * XMLCALL __xmlBufferAllocScheme(void);
#define xmlBufferAllocScheme \
XMLPUBVAR xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme;
XMLPUBFUN xmlBufferAllocationScheme XMLCALL
	xmlThrDefBufferAllocScheme(xmlBufferAllocationScheme v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlDefaultBufferSize(void);
#define xmlDefaultBufferSize \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlDefaultBufferSize;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize(int v);

XMLPUBFUN xmlSAXHandlerV1 * XMLCALL __xmlDefaultSAXHandler(void);
#define xmlDefaultSAXHandler \
XMLPUBVAR xmlSAXHandlerV1 xmlDefaultSAXHandler;

XMLPUBFUN xmlSAXLocator * XMLCALL __xmlDefaultSAXLocator(void);
#define xmlDefaultSAXLocator \
XMLPUBVAR xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator;

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN xmlGenericErrorFunc * XMLCALL __xmlGenericError(void);
#define xmlGenericError \
XMLPUBVAR xmlGenericErrorFunc xmlGenericError;

XMLPUBFUN xmlStructuredErrorFunc * XMLCALL __xmlStructuredError(void);
#define xmlStructuredError \
XMLPUBVAR xmlStructuredErrorFunc xmlStructuredError;

XMLPUBFUN void * * XMLCALL __xmlGenericErrorContext(void);
#define xmlGenericErrorContext \
XMLPUBVAR void * xmlGenericErrorContext;

XMLPUBFUN void * * XMLCALL __xmlStructuredErrorContext(void);
#define xmlStructuredErrorContext \
XMLPUBVAR void * xmlStructuredErrorContext;

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlIndentTreeOutput(void);
#define xmlIndentTreeOutput \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlIndentTreeOutput;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefIndentTreeOutput(int v);

XMLPUBFUN const char * * XMLCALL __xmlTreeIndentString(void);
#define xmlTreeIndentString \
XMLPUBVAR const char * xmlTreeIndentString;
XMLPUBFUN const char * XMLCALL xmlThrDefTreeIndentString(const char * v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlParserDebugEntities(void);
#define xmlParserDebugEntities \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlParserDebugEntities;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefParserDebugEntities(int v);

XMLPUBFUN const char * * XMLCALL __xmlParserVersion(void);
#define xmlParserVersion \
XMLPUBVAR const char * xmlParserVersion;

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlSaveNoEmptyTags(void);
#define xmlSaveNoEmptyTags \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefSaveNoEmptyTags(int v);

XMLPUBFUN int * XMLCALL __xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue;
XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL xmlThrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue(int v);

XMLPUBFUN xmlRegisterNodeFunc * XMLCALL __xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue;

XMLPUBFUN xmlDeregisterNodeFunc * XMLCALL __xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue(void);
#define xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue \
XMLPUBVAR xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue;

XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc * XMLCALL \
#define xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue \
XMLPUBVAR xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue;

XMLPUBFUN xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc * XMLCALL __xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue(void);
#define xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue \
XMLPUBVAR xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue;

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __XML_GLOBALS_H */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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c14n.h File 3.04 KB 0644
catalog.h File 4.79 KB 0644
chvalid.h File 5.04 KB 0644
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