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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
 * others. All Rights Reserved.

#ifndef NORMLZR_H
#define NORMLZR_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"

 * \file 
 * \brief C++ API: Unicode Normalization

#include "unicode/chariter.h"
#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/unorm.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"

 * Old Unicode normalization API.
 * This API has been replaced by the Normalizer2 class and is only available
 * for backward compatibility. This class simply delegates to the Normalizer2 class.
 * There is one exception: The new API does not provide a replacement for Normalizer::compare().
 * The Normalizer class supports the standard normalization forms described in
 * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/" target="unicode">
 * Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms</a>.
 * The Normalizer class consists of two parts:
 * - static functions that normalize strings or test if strings are normalized
 * - a Normalizer object is an iterator that takes any kind of text and
 *   provides iteration over its normalized form
 * The Normalizer class is not suitable for subclassing.
 * For basic information about normalization forms and details about the C API
 * please see the documentation in unorm.h.
 * The iterator API with the Normalizer constructors and the non-static functions
 * use a CharacterIterator as input. It is possible to pass a string which
 * is then internally wrapped in a CharacterIterator.
 * The input text is not normalized all at once, but incrementally where needed
 * (providing efficient random access).
 * This allows to pass in a large text but spend only a small amount of time
 * normalizing a small part of that text.
 * However, if the entire text is normalized, then the iterator will be
 * slower than normalizing the entire text at once and iterating over the result.
 * A possible use of the Normalizer iterator is also to report an index into the
 * original text that is close to where the normalized characters come from.
 * <em>Important:</em> The iterator API was cleaned up significantly for ICU 2.0.
 * The earlier implementation reported the getIndex() inconsistently,
 * and previous() could not be used after setIndex(), next(), first(), and current().
 * Normalizer allows to start normalizing from anywhere in the input text by
 * calling setIndexOnly(), first(), or last().
 * Without calling any of these, the iterator will start at the beginning of the text.
 * At any time, next() returns the next normalized code point (UChar32),
 * with post-increment semantics (like CharacterIterator::next32PostInc()).
 * previous() returns the previous normalized code point (UChar32),
 * with pre-decrement semantics (like CharacterIterator::previous32()).
 * current() returns the current code point
 * (respectively the one at the newly set index) without moving
 * the getIndex(). Note that if the text at the current position
 * needs to be normalized, then these functions will do that.
 * (This is why current() is not const.)
 * It is more efficient to call setIndexOnly() instead, which does not
 * normalize.
 * getIndex() always refers to the position in the input text where the normalized
 * code points are returned from. It does not always change with each returned
 * code point.
 * The code point that is returned from any of the functions
 * corresponds to text at or after getIndex(), according to the
 * function's iteration semantics (post-increment or pre-decrement).
 * next() returns a code point from at or after the getIndex()
 * from before the next() call. After the next() call, the getIndex()
 * might have moved to where the next code point will be returned from
 * (from a next() or current() call).
 * This is semantically equivalent to array access with array[index++]
 * (post-increment semantics).
 * previous() returns a code point from at or after the getIndex()
 * from after the previous() call.
 * This is semantically equivalent to array access with array[--index]
 * (pre-decrement semantics).
 * Internally, the Normalizer iterator normalizes a small piece of text
 * starting at the getIndex() and ending at a following "safe" index.
 * The normalized results is stored in an internal string buffer, and
 * the code points are iterated from there.
 * With multiple iteration calls, this is repeated until the next piece
 * of text needs to be normalized, and the getIndex() needs to be moved.
 * The following "safe" index, the internal buffer, and the secondary
 * iteration index into that buffer are not exposed on the API.
 * This also means that it is currently not practical to return to
 * a particular, arbitrary position in the text because one would need to
 * know, and be able to set, in addition to the getIndex(), at least also the
 * current index into the internal buffer.
 * It is currently only possible to observe when getIndex() changes
 * (with careful consideration of the iteration semantics),
 * at which time the internal index will be 0.
 * For example, if getIndex() is different after next() than before it,
 * then the internal index is 0 and one can return to this getIndex()
 * later with setIndexOnly().
 * Note: While the setIndex() and getIndex() refer to indices in the
 * underlying Unicode input text, the next() and previous() methods
 * iterate through characters in the normalized output.
 * This means that there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence
 * between characters returned by next() and previous() and the indices
 * passed to and returned from setIndex() and getIndex().
 * It is for this reason that Normalizer does not implement the CharacterIterator interface.
 * @author Laura Werner, Mark Davis, Markus Scherer
 * @stable ICU 2.0
class U_COMMON_API Normalizer : public UObject {
   * If DONE is returned from an iteration function that returns a code point,
   * then there are no more normalization results available.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  enum {

  // Constructors

   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
   * normalized form of a given string.
   * <p>
   * @param str   The string to be normalized.  The normalization
   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  Normalizer(const UnicodeString& str, UNormalizationMode mode);

   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
   * normalized form of a given string.
   * <p>
   * @param str   The string to be normalized.  The normalization
   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
   * @param length Length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated.
   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  Normalizer(ConstChar16Ptr str, int32_t length, UNormalizationMode mode);

   * Creates a new <code>Normalizer</code> object for iterating over the
   * normalized form of the given text.
   * <p>
   * @param iter  The input text to be normalized.  The normalization
   *              will start at the beginning of the string.
   * @param mode  The normalization mode.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  Normalizer(const CharacterIterator& iter, UNormalizationMode mode);

   * Copy constructor.
   * @param copy The object to be copied.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  Normalizer(const Normalizer& copy);

   * Destructor
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  virtual ~Normalizer();

  // Static utility methods

   * Normalizes a <code>UnicodeString</code> according to the specified normalization mode.
   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
   * @param source    the input string to be normalized.
   * @param mode      the normalization mode
   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
   * @param result    The normalized string (on output).
   * @param status    The error code.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static void U_EXPORT2 normalize(const UnicodeString& source,
                        UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
                        UnicodeString& result,
                        UErrorCode &status);

   * Compose a <code>UnicodeString</code>.
   * This is equivalent to normalize() with mode UNORM_NFC or UNORM_NFKC.
   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
   * @param source    the string to be composed.
   * @param compat    Perform compatibility decomposition before composition.
   *                  If this argument is <code>FALSE</code>, only canonical
   *                  decomposition will be performed.
   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
   * @param result    The composed string (on output).
   * @param status    The error code.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static void U_EXPORT2 compose(const UnicodeString& source,
                      UBool compat, int32_t options,
                      UnicodeString& result,
                      UErrorCode &status);

   * Static method to decompose a <code>UnicodeString</code>.
   * This is equivalent to normalize() with mode UNORM_NFD or UNORM_NFKD.
   * This is a wrapper for unorm_normalize(), using UnicodeString's.
   * The <code>options</code> parameter specifies which optional
   * <code>Normalizer</code> features are to be enabled for this operation.
   * @param source    the string to be decomposed.
   * @param compat    Perform compatibility decomposition.
   *                  If this argument is <code>FALSE</code>, only canonical
   *                  decomposition will be performed.
   * @param options   the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
   * @param result    The decomposed string (on output).
   * @param status    The error code.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static void U_EXPORT2 decompose(const UnicodeString& source,
                        UBool compat, int32_t options,
                        UnicodeString& result,
                        UErrorCode &status);

   * Performing quick check on a string, to quickly determine if the string is
   * in a particular normalization format.
   * This is a wrapper for unorm_quickCheck(), using a UnicodeString.
   * Three types of result can be returned UNORM_YES, UNORM_NO or
   * UNORM_MAYBE. Result UNORM_YES indicates that the argument
   * string is in the desired normalized format, UNORM_NO determines that
   * argument string is not in the desired normalized format. A
   * UNORM_MAYBE result indicates that a more thorough check is required,
   * the user may have to put the string in its normalized form and compare the
   * results.
   * @param source       string for determining if it is in a normalized format
   * @param mode         normalization format
   * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
   * @see isNormalized
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static inline UNormalizationCheckResult
  quickCheck(const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &status);

   * Performing quick check on a string; same as the other version of quickCheck
   * but takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
   * @param source       string for determining if it is in a normalized format
   * @param mode         normalization format
   * @param options      the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
   * @param status A reference to a UErrorCode to receive any errors
   * @see isNormalized
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static UNormalizationCheckResult
  quickCheck(const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &status);

   * Test if a string is in a given normalization form.
   * This is semantically equivalent to source.equals(normalize(source, mode)) .
   * Unlike unorm_quickCheck(), this function returns a definitive result,
   * never a "maybe".
   * For NFD, NFKD, and FCD, both functions work exactly the same.
   * For NFC and NFKC where quickCheck may return "maybe", this function will
   * perform further tests to arrive at a TRUE/FALSE result.
   * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
   * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
   * @param errorCode  ICU error code in/out parameter.
   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
   * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
   *         "mode" normalization form.
   * @see quickCheck
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static inline UBool
  isNormalized(const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode);

   * Test if a string is in a given normalization form; same as the other version of isNormalized
   * but takes an extra options parameter like most normalization functions.
   * @param src        String that is to be tested if it is in a normalization format.
   * @param mode       Which normalization form to test for.
   * @param options      the optional features to be enabled (0 for no options)
   * @param errorCode  ICU error code in/out parameter.
   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
   * @return Boolean value indicating whether the source string is in the
   *         "mode" normalization form.
   * @see quickCheck
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static UBool
  isNormalized(const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode);

   * Concatenate normalized strings, making sure that the result is normalized as well.
   * If both the left and the right strings are in
   * the normalization form according to "mode/options",
   * then the result will be
   * \code
   *     dest=normalize(left+right, mode, options)
   * \endcode
   * For details see unorm_concatenate in unorm.h.
   * @param left Left source string.
   * @param right Right source string.
   * @param result The output string.
   * @param mode The normalization mode.
   * @param options A bit set of normalization options.
   * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
   *                   Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
   * @return result
   * @see unorm_concatenate
   * @see normalize
   * @see unorm_next
   * @see unorm_previous
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static UnicodeString &
  U_EXPORT2 concatenate(const UnicodeString &left, const UnicodeString &right,
              UnicodeString &result,
              UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options,
              UErrorCode &errorCode);

   * Compare two strings for canonical equivalence.
   * Further options include case-insensitive comparison and
   * code point order (as opposed to code unit order).
   * Canonical equivalence between two strings is defined as their normalized
   * forms (NFD or NFC) being identical.
   * This function compares strings incrementally instead of normalizing
   * (and optionally case-folding) both strings entirely,
   * improving performance significantly.
   * Bulk normalization is only necessary if the strings do not fulfill the FCD
   * conditions. Only in this case, and only if the strings are relatively long,
   * is memory allocated temporarily.
   * For FCD strings and short non-FCD strings there is no memory allocation.
   * Semantically, this is equivalent to
   *   strcmp[CodePointOrder](NFD(foldCase(s1)), NFD(foldCase(s2)))
   * where code point order and foldCase are all optional.
   * UAX 21 2.5 Caseless Matching specifies that for a canonical caseless match
   * the case folding must be performed first, then the normalization.
   * @param s1 First source string.
   * @param s2 Second source string.
   * @param options A bit set of options:
   *   - U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT or 0 is used for default options:
   *     Case-sensitive comparison in code unit order, and the input strings
   *     are quick-checked for FCD.
   *     Set if the caller knows that both s1 and s2 fulfill the FCD conditions.
   *     If not set, the function will quickCheck for FCD
   *     and normalize if necessary.
   *     Set to choose code point order instead of code unit order
   *     (see u_strCompare for details).
   *     Set to compare strings case-insensitively using case folding,
   *     instead of case-sensitively.
   *     If set, then the following case folding options are used.
   *   - Options as used with case-insensitive comparisons, currently:
   *    (see u_strCaseCompare for details)
   *   - regular normalization options shifted left by UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT
   * @param errorCode ICU error code in/out parameter.
   *                  Must fulfill U_SUCCESS before the function call.
   * @return <0 or 0 or >0 as usual for string comparisons
   * @see unorm_compare
   * @see normalize
   * @see UNORM_FCD
   * @see u_strCompare
   * @see u_strCaseCompare
   * @stable ICU 2.2
  static inline int32_t
  compare(const UnicodeString &s1, const UnicodeString &s2,
          uint32_t options,
          UErrorCode &errorCode);

  // Iteration API

   * Return the current character in the normalized text.
   * current() may need to normalize some text at getIndex().
   * The getIndex() is not changed.
   * @return the current normalized code point
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UChar32              current(void);

   * Return the first character in the normalized text.
   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(startIndex()) followed by next().
   * (Post-increment semantics.)
   * @return the first normalized code point
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UChar32              first(void);

   * Return the last character in the normalized text.
   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(endIndex()) followed by previous().
   * (Pre-decrement semantics.)
   * @return the last normalized code point
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UChar32              last(void);

   * Return the next character in the normalized text.
   * (Post-increment semantics.)
   * If the end of the text has already been reached, DONE is returned.
   * The DONE value could be confused with a U+FFFF non-character code point
   * in the text. If this is possible, you can test getIndex()<endIndex()
   * before calling next(), or (getIndex()<endIndex() || last()!=DONE)
   * after calling next(). (Calling last() will change the iterator state!)
   * The C API unorm_next() is more efficient and does not have this ambiguity.
   * @return the next normalized code point
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UChar32              next(void);

   * Return the previous character in the normalized text and decrement.
   * (Pre-decrement semantics.)
   * If the beginning of the text has already been reached, DONE is returned.
   * The DONE value could be confused with a U+FFFF non-character code point
   * in the text. If this is possible, you can test
   * (getIndex()>startIndex() || first()!=DONE). (Calling first() will change
   * the iterator state!)
   * The C API unorm_previous() is more efficient and does not have this ambiguity.
   * @return the previous normalized code point
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UChar32              previous(void);

   * Set the iteration position in the input text that is being normalized,
   * without any immediate normalization.
   * After setIndexOnly(), getIndex() will return the same index that is
   * specified here.
   * @param index the desired index in the input text.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void                 setIndexOnly(int32_t index);

   * Reset the index to the beginning of the text.
   * This is equivalent to setIndexOnly(startIndex)).
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void                reset(void);

   * Retrieve the current iteration position in the input text that is
   * being normalized.
   * A following call to next() will return a normalized code point from
   * the input text at or after this index.
   * After a call to previous(), getIndex() will point at or before the
   * position in the input text where the normalized code point
   * was returned from with previous().
   * @return the current index in the input text
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  int32_t            getIndex(void) const;

   * Retrieve the index of the start of the input text. This is the begin index
   * of the <code>CharacterIterator</code> or the start (i.e. index 0) of the string
   * over which this <code>Normalizer</code> is iterating.
   * @return the smallest index in the input text where the Normalizer operates
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  int32_t            startIndex(void) const;

   * Retrieve the index of the end of the input text. This is the end index
   * of the <code>CharacterIterator</code> or the length of the string
   * over which this <code>Normalizer</code> is iterating.
   * This end index is exclusive, i.e., the Normalizer operates only on characters
   * before this index.
   * @return the first index in the input text where the Normalizer does not operate
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  int32_t            endIndex(void) const;

   * Returns TRUE when both iterators refer to the same character in the same
   * input text.
   * @param that a Normalizer object to compare this one to
   * @return comparison result
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UBool        operator==(const Normalizer& that) const;

   * Returns FALSE when both iterators refer to the same character in the same
   * input text.
   * @param that a Normalizer object to compare this one to
   * @return comparison result
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  inline UBool        operator!=(const Normalizer& that) const;

   * Returns a pointer to a new Normalizer that is a clone of this one.
   * The caller is responsible for deleting the new clone.
   * @return a pointer to a new Normalizer
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  Normalizer*        clone(void) const;

   * Generates a hash code for this iterator.
   * @return the hash code
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  int32_t                hashCode(void) const;

  // Property access methods

   * Set the normalization mode for this object.
   * <p>
   * <b>Note:</b>If the normalization mode is changed while iterating
   * over a string, calls to {@link #next() } and {@link #previous() } may
   * return previously buffers characters in the old normalization mode
   * until the iteration is able to re-sync at the next base character.
   * It is safest to call {@link #setIndexOnly }, {@link #reset() },
   * {@link #setText }, {@link #first() },
   * {@link #last() }, etc. after calling <code>setMode</code>.
   * <p>
   * @param newMode the new mode for this <code>Normalizer</code>.
   * @see #getUMode
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void setMode(UNormalizationMode newMode);

   * Return the normalization mode for this object.
   * This is an unusual name because there used to be a getMode() that
   * returned a different type.
   * @return the mode for this <code>Normalizer</code>
   * @see #setMode
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UNormalizationMode getUMode(void) const;

   * Set options that affect this <code>Normalizer</code>'s operation.
   * Options do not change the basic composition or decomposition operation
   * that is being performed, but they control whether
   * certain optional portions of the operation are done.
   * Currently the only available option is obsolete.
   * It is possible to specify multiple options that are all turned on or off.
   * @param   option  the option(s) whose value is/are to be set.
   * @param   value   the new setting for the option.  Use <code>TRUE</code> to
   *                  turn the option(s) on and <code>FALSE</code> to turn it/them off.
   * @see #getOption
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void setOption(int32_t option,
         UBool value);

   * Determine whether an option is turned on or off.
   * If multiple options are specified, then the result is TRUE if any
   * of them are set.
   * <p>
   * @param option the option(s) that are to be checked
   * @return TRUE if any of the option(s) are set
   * @see #setOption
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  UBool getOption(int32_t option) const;

   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
   * @param newText a string that replaces the current input text
   * @param status a UErrorCode
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void setText(const UnicodeString& newText,
           UErrorCode &status);

   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
   * @param newText a CharacterIterator object that replaces the current input text
   * @param status a UErrorCode
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void setText(const CharacterIterator& newText,
           UErrorCode &status);

   * Set the input text over which this <code>Normalizer</code> will iterate.
   * The iteration position is set to the beginning.
   * @param newText a string that replaces the current input text
   * @param length the length of the string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
   * @param status a UErrorCode
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void setText(ConstChar16Ptr newText,
                    int32_t length,
            UErrorCode &status);
   * Copies the input text into the UnicodeString argument.
   * @param result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  void            getText(UnicodeString&  result);

   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
   * @returns a UClassID for this class.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();

   * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
   * @return a UClassID for the actual class.
   * @deprecated ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;

  // Private functions

  Normalizer(); // default constructor not implemented
  Normalizer &operator=(const Normalizer &that); // assignment operator not implemented

  // Private utility methods for iteration
  // For documentation, see the source code
  UBool nextNormalize();
  UBool previousNormalize();

  void    init();
  void    clearBuffer(void);

  // Private data

  FilteredNormalizer2*fFilteredNorm2;  // owned if not NULL
  const Normalizer2  *fNorm2;  // not owned; may be equal to fFilteredNorm2
  UNormalizationMode  fUMode;  // deprecated
  int32_t             fOptions;

  // The input text and our position in it
  CharacterIterator  *text;

  // The normalization buffer is the result of normalization
  // of the source in [currentIndex..nextIndex[ .
  int32_t         currentIndex, nextIndex;

  // A buffer for holding intermediate results
  UnicodeString       buffer;
  int32_t         bufferPos;

// Inline implementations

inline UBool
Normalizer::operator!= (const Normalizer& other) const
{ return ! operator==(other); }

inline UNormalizationCheckResult
Normalizer::quickCheck(const UnicodeString& source,
                       UNormalizationMode mode,
                       UErrorCode &status) {
    return quickCheck(source, mode, 0, status);

inline UBool
Normalizer::isNormalized(const UnicodeString& source,
                         UNormalizationMode mode,
                         UErrorCode &status) {
    return isNormalized(source, mode, 0, status);

inline int32_t
Normalizer::compare(const UnicodeString &s1, const UnicodeString &s2,
                    uint32_t options,
                    UErrorCode &errorCode) {
  // all argument checking is done in unorm_compare
  return unorm_compare(toUCharPtr(s1.getBuffer()), s1.length(),
                       toUCharPtr(s2.getBuffer()), s2.length(),



#endif // NORMLZR_H


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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brkiter.h File 27.54 KB 0644
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bytestrie.h File 19.26 KB 0644
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calendar.h File 105.35 KB 0644
caniter.h File 7.35 KB 0644
casemap.h File 25.31 KB 0644
char16ptr.h File 7.29 KB 0644
chariter.h File 24 KB 0644
choicfmt.h File 23.85 KB 0644
coleitr.h File 13.7 KB 0644
coll.h File 55.61 KB 0644
compactdecimalformat.h File 16.58 KB 0644
curramt.h File 3.69 KB 0644
currpinf.h File 7.08 KB 0644
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