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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
*   Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
*   file name:  ucharstrie.h
*   encoding:   UTF-8
*   tab size:   8 (not used)
*   indentation:4
*   created on: 2010nov14
*   created by: Markus W. Scherer

#ifndef __UCHARSTRIE_H__
#define __UCHARSTRIE_H__

 * \file
 * \brief C++ API: Trie for mapping Unicode strings (or 16-bit-unit sequences)
 *                 to integer values.

#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/ustringtrie.h"


class Appendable;
class UCharsTrieBuilder;
class UVector32;

 * Light-weight, non-const reader class for a UCharsTrie.
 * Traverses a char16_t-serialized data structure with minimal state,
 * for mapping strings (16-bit-unit sequences) to non-negative integer values.
 * This class owns the serialized trie data only if it was constructed by
 * the builder's build() method.
 * The public constructor and the copy constructor only alias the data (only copy the pointer).
 * There is no assignment operator.
 * This class is not intended for public subclassing.
 * @stable ICU 4.8
class U_COMMON_API UCharsTrie : public UMemory {
     * Constructs a UCharsTrie reader instance.
     * The trieUChars must contain a copy of a char16_t sequence from the UCharsTrieBuilder,
     * starting with the first char16_t of that sequence.
     * The UCharsTrie object will not read more char16_ts than
     * the UCharsTrieBuilder generated in the corresponding build() call.
     * The array is not copied/cloned and must not be modified while
     * the UCharsTrie object is in use.
     * @param trieUChars The char16_t array that contains the serialized trie.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UCharsTrie(ConstChar16Ptr trieUChars)
            : ownedArray_(NULL), uchars_(trieUChars),
              pos_(uchars_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}

     * Destructor.
     * @stable ICU 4.8

     * Copy constructor, copies the other trie reader object and its state,
     * but not the char16_t array which will be shared. (Shallow copy.)
     * @param other Another UCharsTrie object.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UCharsTrie(const UCharsTrie &other)
            : ownedArray_(NULL), uchars_(other.uchars_),
              pos_(other.pos_), remainingMatchLength_(other.remainingMatchLength_) {}

     * Resets this trie to its initial state.
     * @return *this
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UCharsTrie &reset() {
        return *this;

     * UCharsTrie state object, for saving a trie's current state
     * and resetting the trie back to this state later.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    class State : public UMemory {
         * Constructs an empty State.
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        State() { uchars=NULL; }
        friend class UCharsTrie;

        const char16_t *uchars;
        const char16_t *pos;
        int32_t remainingMatchLength;

     * Saves the state of this trie.
     * @param state The State object to hold the trie's state.
     * @return *this
     * @see resetToState
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    const UCharsTrie &saveState(State &state) const {
        return *this;

     * Resets this trie to the saved state.
     * If the state object contains no state, or the state of a different trie,
     * then this trie remains unchanged.
     * @param state The State object which holds a saved trie state.
     * @return *this
     * @see saveState
     * @see reset
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UCharsTrie &resetToState(const State &state) {
        if(uchars_==state.uchars && uchars_!=NULL) {
        return *this;

     * Determines whether the string so far matches, whether it has a value,
     * and whether another input char16_t can continue a matching string.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UStringTrieResult current() const;

     * Traverses the trie from the initial state for this input char16_t.
     * Equivalent to reset().next(uchar).
     * @param uchar Input char value. Values below 0 and above 0xffff will never match.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    inline UStringTrieResult first(int32_t uchar) {
        return nextImpl(uchars_, uchar);

     * Traverses the trie from the initial state for the
     * one or two UTF-16 code units for this input code point.
     * Equivalent to reset().nextForCodePoint(cp).
     * @param cp A Unicode code point 0..0x10ffff.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UStringTrieResult firstForCodePoint(UChar32 cp);

     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this input char16_t.
     * @param uchar Input char value. Values below 0 and above 0xffff will never match.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UStringTrieResult next(int32_t uchar);

     * Traverses the trie from the current state for the
     * one or two UTF-16 code units for this input code point.
     * @param cp A Unicode code point 0..0x10ffff.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UStringTrieResult nextForCodePoint(UChar32 cp);

     * Traverses the trie from the current state for this string.
     * Equivalent to
     * \code
     * Result result=current();
     * for(each c in s)
     *   result=next(c);
     * return result;
     * \endcode
     * @param s A string. Can be NULL if length is 0.
     * @param length The length of the string. Can be -1 if NUL-terminated.
     * @return The match/value Result.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    UStringTrieResult next(ConstChar16Ptr s, int32_t length);

     * Returns a matching string's value if called immediately after
     * current()/first()/next() returned USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE or USTRINGTRIE_FINAL_VALUE.
     * getValue() can be called multiple times.
     * Do not call getValue() after USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH or USTRINGTRIE_NO_VALUE!
     * @return The value for the string so far.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    inline int32_t getValue() const {
        const char16_t *pos=pos_;
        int32_t leadUnit=*pos++;
        // U_ASSERT(leadUnit>=kMinValueLead);
        return leadUnit&kValueIsFinal ?
            readValue(pos, leadUnit&0x7fff) : readNodeValue(pos, leadUnit);

     * Determines whether all strings reachable from the current state
     * map to the same value.
     * @param uniqueValue Receives the unique value, if this function returns TRUE.
     *                    (output-only)
     * @return TRUE if all strings reachable from the current state
     *         map to the same value.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    inline UBool hasUniqueValue(int32_t &uniqueValue) const {
        const char16_t *pos=pos_;
        // Skip the rest of a pending linear-match node.
        return pos!=NULL && findUniqueValue(pos+remainingMatchLength_+1, FALSE, uniqueValue);

     * Finds each char16_t which continues the string from the current state.
     * That is, each char16_t c for which it would be next(c)!=USTRINGTRIE_NO_MATCH now.
     * @param out Each next char16_t is appended to this object.
     * @return the number of char16_ts which continue the string from here
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    int32_t getNextUChars(Appendable &out) const;

     * Iterator for all of the (string, value) pairs in a UCharsTrie.
     * @stable ICU 4.8
    class U_COMMON_API Iterator : public UMemory {
         * Iterates from the root of a char16_t-serialized UCharsTrie.
         * @param trieUChars The trie char16_ts.
         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings.
         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        Iterator(ConstChar16Ptr trieUChars, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);

         * Iterates from the current state of the specified UCharsTrie.
         * @param trie The trie whose state will be copied for iteration.
         * @param maxStringLength If 0, the iterator returns full strings.
         *                        Otherwise, the iterator returns strings with this maximum length.
         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        Iterator(const UCharsTrie &trie, int32_t maxStringLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);

         * Destructor.
         * @stable ICU 4.8

         * Resets this iterator to its initial state.
         * @return *this
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        Iterator &reset();

         * @return TRUE if there are more elements.
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        UBool hasNext() const;

         * Finds the next (string, value) pair if there is one.
         * If the string is truncated to the maximum length and does not
         * have a real value, then the value is set to -1.
         * In this case, this "not a real value" is indistinguishable from
         * a real value of -1.
         * @param errorCode Standard ICU error code. Its input value must
         *                  pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the function returns
         *                  immediately. Check for U_FAILURE() on output or use with
         *                  function chaining. (See User Guide for details.)
         * @return TRUE if there is another element.
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        UBool next(UErrorCode &errorCode);

         * @return The string for the last successful next().
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        const UnicodeString &getString() const { return str_; }
         * @return The value for the last successful next().
         * @stable ICU 4.8
        int32_t getValue() const { return value_; }

        UBool truncateAndStop() {
            value_=-1;  // no real value for str
            return TRUE;

        const char16_t *branchNext(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);

        const char16_t *uchars_;
        const char16_t *pos_;
        const char16_t *initialPos_;
        int32_t remainingMatchLength_;
        int32_t initialRemainingMatchLength_;
        UBool skipValue_;  // Skip intermediate value which was already delivered.

        UnicodeString str_;
        int32_t maxLength_;
        int32_t value_;

        // The stack stores pairs of integers for backtracking to another
        // outbound edge of a branch node.
        // The first integer is an offset from uchars_.
        // The second integer has the str_.length() from before the node in bits 15..0,
        // and the remaining branch length in bits 31..16.
        // (We could store the remaining branch length minus 1 in bits 30..16 and not use the sign bit,
        // but the code looks more confusing that way.)
        UVector32 *stack_;

    friend class UCharsTrieBuilder;

     * Constructs a UCharsTrie reader instance.
     * Unlike the public constructor which just aliases an array,
     * this constructor adopts the builder's array.
     * This constructor is only called by the builder.
    UCharsTrie(char16_t *adoptUChars, const char16_t *trieUChars)
            : ownedArray_(adoptUChars), uchars_(trieUChars),
              pos_(uchars_), remainingMatchLength_(-1) {}

    // No assignment operator.
    UCharsTrie &operator=(const UCharsTrie &other);

    inline void stop() {

    // Reads a compact 32-bit integer.
    // pos is already after the leadUnit, and the lead unit has bit 15 reset.
    static inline int32_t readValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
        int32_t value;
        if(leadUnit<kMinTwoUnitValueLead) {
        } else if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitValueLead) {
        } else {
        return value;
    static inline const char16_t *skipValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
        if(leadUnit>=kMinTwoUnitValueLead) {
            if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitValueLead) {
            } else {
        return pos;
    static inline const char16_t *skipValue(const char16_t *pos) {
        int32_t leadUnit=*pos++;
        return skipValue(pos, leadUnit&0x7fff);

    static inline int32_t readNodeValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
        // U_ASSERT(kMinValueLead<=leadUnit && leadUnit<kValueIsFinal);
        int32_t value;
        if(leadUnit<kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead) {
        } else if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitNodeValueLead) {
        } else {
        return value;
    static inline const char16_t *skipNodeValue(const char16_t *pos, int32_t leadUnit) {
        // U_ASSERT(kMinValueLead<=leadUnit && leadUnit<kValueIsFinal);
        if(leadUnit>=kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead) {
            if(leadUnit<kThreeUnitNodeValueLead) {
            } else {
        return pos;

    static inline const char16_t *jumpByDelta(const char16_t *pos) {
        int32_t delta=*pos++;
        if(delta>=kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead) {
            if(delta==kThreeUnitDeltaLead) {
            } else {
        return pos+delta;

    static const char16_t *skipDelta(const char16_t *pos) {
        int32_t delta=*pos++;
        if(delta>=kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead) {
            if(delta==kThreeUnitDeltaLead) {
            } else {
        return pos;

    static inline UStringTrieResult valueResult(int32_t node) {
        return (UStringTrieResult)(USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE-(node>>15));

    // Handles a branch node for both next(uchar) and next(string).
    UStringTrieResult branchNext(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, int32_t uchar);

    // Requires remainingLength_<0.
    UStringTrieResult nextImpl(const char16_t *pos, int32_t uchar);

    // Helper functions for hasUniqueValue().
    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
    // from a branch.
    static const char16_t *findUniqueValueFromBranch(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length,
                                                  UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);
    // Recursively finds a unique value (or whether there is not a unique one)
    // starting from a position on a node lead unit.
    static UBool findUniqueValue(const char16_t *pos, UBool haveUniqueValue, int32_t &uniqueValue);

    // Helper functions for getNextUChars().
    // getNextUChars() when pos is on a branch node.
    static void getNextBranchUChars(const char16_t *pos, int32_t length, Appendable &out);

    // UCharsTrie data structure
    // The trie consists of a series of char16_t-serialized nodes for incremental
    // Unicode string/char16_t sequence matching. (char16_t=16-bit unsigned integer)
    // The root node is at the beginning of the trie data.
    // Types of nodes are distinguished by their node lead unit ranges.
    // After each node, except a final-value node, another node follows to
    // encode match values or continue matching further units.
    // Node types:
    //  - Final-value node: Stores a 32-bit integer in a compact, variable-length format.
    //    The value is for the string/char16_t sequence so far.
    //  - Match node, optionally with an intermediate value in a different compact format.
    //    The value, if present, is for the string/char16_t sequence so far.
    //  Aside from the value, which uses the node lead unit's high bits:
    //  - Linear-match node: Matches a number of units.
    //  - Branch node: Branches to other nodes according to the current input unit.
    //    The node unit is the length of the branch (number of units to select from)
    //    minus 1. It is followed by a sub-node:
    //    - If the length is at most kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
    //      there are length-1 (key, value) pairs and then one more comparison unit.
    //      If one of the key units matches, then the value is either a final value for
    //      the string so far, or a "jump" delta to the next node.
    //      If the last unit matches, then matching continues with the next node.
    //      (Values have the same encoding as final-value nodes.)
    //    - If the length is greater than kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength, then
    //      there is one unit and one "jump" delta.
    //      If the input unit is less than the sub-node unit, then "jump" by delta to
    //      the next sub-node which will have a length of length/2.
    //      (The delta has its own compact encoding.)
    //      Otherwise, skip the "jump" delta to the next sub-node
    //      which will have a length of length-length/2.

    // Match-node lead unit values, after masking off intermediate-value bits:

    // 0000..002f: Branch node. If node!=0 then the length is node+1, otherwise
    // the length is one more than the next unit.

    // For a branch sub-node with at most this many entries, we drop down
    // to a linear search.
    static const int32_t kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength=5;

    // 0030..003f: Linear-match node, match 1..16 units and continue reading the next node.
    static const int32_t kMinLinearMatch=0x30;
    static const int32_t kMaxLinearMatchLength=0x10;

    // Match-node lead unit bits 14..6 for the optional intermediate value.
    // If these bits are 0, then there is no intermediate value.
    // Otherwise, see the *NodeValue* constants below.
    static const int32_t kMinValueLead=kMinLinearMatch+kMaxLinearMatchLength;  // 0x0040
    static const int32_t kNodeTypeMask=kMinValueLead-1;  // 0x003f

    // A final-value node has bit 15 set.
    static const int32_t kValueIsFinal=0x8000;

    // Compact value: After testing and masking off bit 15, use the following thresholds.
    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitValue=0x3fff;

    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitValueLead=kMaxOneUnitValue+1;  // 0x4000
    static const int32_t kThreeUnitValueLead=0x7fff;

    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitValue=((kThreeUnitValueLead-kMinTwoUnitValueLead)<<16)-1;  // 0x3ffeffff

    // Compact intermediate-value integer, lead unit shared with a branch or linear-match node.
    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitNodeValue=0xff;
    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead=kMinValueLead+((kMaxOneUnitNodeValue+1)<<6);  // 0x4040
    static const int32_t kThreeUnitNodeValueLead=0x7fc0;

    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitNodeValue=
        ((kThreeUnitNodeValueLead-kMinTwoUnitNodeValueLead)<<10)-1;  // 0xfdffff

    // Compact delta integers.
    static const int32_t kMaxOneUnitDelta=0xfbff;
    static const int32_t kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead=kMaxOneUnitDelta+1;  // 0xfc00
    static const int32_t kThreeUnitDeltaLead=0xffff;

    static const int32_t kMaxTwoUnitDelta=((kThreeUnitDeltaLead-kMinTwoUnitDeltaLead)<<16)-1;  // 0x03feffff

    char16_t *ownedArray_;

    // Fixed value referencing the UCharsTrie words.
    const char16_t *uchars_;

    // Iterator variables.

    // Pointer to next trie unit to read. NULL if no more matches.
    const char16_t *pos_;
    // Remaining length of a linear-match node, minus 1. Negative if not in such a node.
    int32_t remainingMatchLength_;


#endif  // __UCHARSTRIE_H__


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