[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/bin/sh -e
#    rcs_cost: approximate Rackspace Cloud Server cost (USD) of the current instance
#    Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jon Bernard
#    Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Dustin Kirkland
#    Author(s): Jon Bernard <jbernard@debian.org>
#               Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@byobu.org>
#    Derived from byobu's ec2_cost written by Dustin Kirkland, see
#    Byobu's project page: http://byobu.org for more information
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
#    Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

__rcs_cost_detail() {

__rcs_cost() {
	# Approximate Instance Cost Basis
	# Memory        US
	# 256MB         $0.015/h
	# 512MB         $0.030/h
	# 1024MB        $0.060/h
	# 2048MB        $0.120/h
	# 4096MB        $0.240/h
	# 8192MB        $0.480/h
	# 15872MB       $0.960/h

	# Instance memory
	memory=`grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'`

	# Round memory down to the nearest multiple of 64MB
	memory=$((${memory} - (${memory} % (64 * 1024))))

	# Apply the going rate
	INCREMENTS="256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536"
	for X in ${INCREMENTS}; do
		test "$((${X} * 1024 + 65536))" -ge ${memory} && break
	MEMORY_RATE=`printf "%s" "$X" | awk '{printf "%f", $1 / 256 * 15 / 1000}'`

	# Data Transfer Cost Basis
	# Incoming      $0.08/GB
	# Outgoing      $0.22/GB

	# Auto detect network interface
	[ -r "/proc/net/route" ] || return
	IF=$(tail -n1 /proc/net/route  | awk '{print $1}')

	ifconfig_out=`LC_ALL=C /sbin/ifconfig "$IF"`

	# Calculate bandwidth cost
	tx_gb=${ifconfig_out#*RX bytes:}
	tx_gb=$(printf "%s" ${tx_gb%% *} | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 }')
	rx_gb=${ifconfig_out#*TX bytes:}
	rx_gb=$(printf "%s" ${rx_gb%% *} | awk '{ printf "%f", $1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 }')
	network_cost=`printf "%s" "$tx_gb" "$TX_RATE" "$rx_gb" "$RX_RATE" | awk '{printf "%f %f", $1*$2, $3*$4}' | awk '{printf "%f", $1 + $2}'`

	# Calculate uptime cost
	hours=$(((`date +%s` - `stat --printf %Z /etc/hostname`) / 60 / 60 + 1))
	uptime_cost=`printf "%s" "$hours" | awk "{printf \"%f\", "$MEMORY_RATE" * $hours}"`
	total_cost=`printf "%s %s" "$network_cost" "$uptime_cost" | awk '{printf "%.2f", $1 + $2}'`

	if [ "$DETAIL" = "1" ]; then
		echo "=========================================================="
		echo "Estimated cost in Rackspace Cloud Server since last reboot"
		echo "=========================================================="
		echo "  Network sent:  $tx_gb GB   @ \$$RX_RATE/GB"
		echo "  Network recv:  $rx_gb GB   @ \$$TX_RATE/GB"
		echo "  Network cost:  \$$network_cost"
		echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
		echo "  Uptime:        $hours hr  @ \$$MEMORY_RATE/hr"
		echo "  Uptime cost:   \$$uptime_cost"
		echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
		echo "Total cost:      ~\$$total_cost"
		echo "=========================================================="

	[ -n "$total_cost" ] || return
	color K G; printf "R\$%s"; color -; color b K G; printf "%s" "$total_cost"; color --

# vi: syntax=sh ts=4 noexpandtab


Name Type Size Permission Actions
include Folder 0755
apport File 1.51 KB 0755
arch File 916 B 0755
battery File 4.1 KB 0755
color File 1.04 KB 0755
cpu_count File 1.03 KB 0755
cpu_freq File 1.84 KB 0755
cpu_temp File 1.79 KB 0755
custom File 1.88 KB 0755
date File 990 B 0755
disk File 1.8 KB 0755
disk_io File 2.92 KB 0755
distro File 1.04 KB 0755
ec2_cost File 4.21 KB 0755
entropy File 1.06 KB 0755
fan_speed File 1.85 KB 0755
hostname File 1.3 KB 0755
ip_address File 3.02 KB 0755
load_average File 1.1 KB 0755
logo File 3.92 KB 0755
mail File 1.31 KB 0755
memory File 2.61 KB 0755
menu File 1.61 KB 0755
network File 3.1 KB 0755
processes File 1.13 KB 0755
raid File 1.4 KB 0755
rcs_cost File 3.55 KB 0755
reboot_required File 2.15 KB 0755
release File 1.83 KB 0755
services File 2.08 KB 0755
session File 1.28 KB 0755
swap File 1.75 KB 0755
time File 1.06 KB 0755
time_binary File 4.18 KB 0755
time_utc File 960 B 0755
trash File 1.13 KB 0755
updates_available File 5.03 KB 0755
uptime File 1.64 KB 0755
users File 1.51 KB 0755
whoami File 959 B 0755
wifi_quality File 1.85 KB 0755