/* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if !defined _IMMINTRIN_H_INCLUDED # error "Never use <avx512bitalgintrin.h> directly; include <x86intrin.h> instead." #endif #ifndef _AVX512BITALGINTRIN_H_INCLUDED #define _AVX512BITALGINTRIN_H_INCLUDED #ifndef __AVX512BITALG__ #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC target("avx512bitalg") #define __DISABLE_AVX512BITALG__ #endif /* __AVX512BITALG__ */ extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_popcnt_epi8 (__m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v64qi ((__v64qi) __A); } extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_popcnt_epi16 (__m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v32hi ((__v32hi) __A); } #ifdef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALG__ #undef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALG__ #pragma GCC pop_options #endif /* __DISABLE_AVX512BITALG__ */ #if !defined(__AVX512BITALG__) || !defined(__AVX512BW__) #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC target("avx512bitalg,avx512bw") #define __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGBW__ #endif /* __AVX512VLBW__ */ extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_mask_popcnt_epi8 (__m512i __W, __mmask64 __U, __m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v64qi_mask ((__v64qi) __A, (__v64qi) __W, (__mmask64) __U); } extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_maskz_popcnt_epi8 (__mmask64 __U, __m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v64qi_mask ((__v64qi) __A, (__v64qi) _mm512_setzero_si512 (), (__mmask64) __U); } extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_mask_popcnt_epi16 (__m512i __W, __mmask32 __U, __m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v32hi_mask ((__v32hi) __A, (__v32hi) __W, (__mmask32) __U); } extern __inline __m512i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_maskz_popcnt_epi16 (__mmask32 __U, __m512i __A) { return (__m512i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v32hi_mask ((__v32hi) __A, (__v32hi) _mm512_setzero_si512 (), (__mmask32) __U); } extern __inline __mmask64 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__m512i __A, __m512i __B) { return (__mmask64) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb512_mask ((__v64qi) __A, (__v64qi) __B, (__mmask64) -1); } extern __inline __mmask64 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm512_mask_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__mmask64 __M, __m512i __A, __m512i __B) { return (__mmask64) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb512_mask ((__v64qi) __A, (__v64qi) __B, (__mmask64) __M); } #ifdef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGBW__ #undef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGBW__ #pragma GCC pop_options #endif /* __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGBW__ */ #if !defined(__AVX512BITALG__) || !defined(__AVX512VL__) || !defined(__AVX512BW__) #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC target("avx512bitalg,avx512vl,avx512bw") #define __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVLBW__ #endif /* __AVX512VLBW__ */ extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_mask_popcnt_epi8 (__m256i __W, __mmask32 __U, __m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v32qi_mask ((__v32qi) __A, (__v32qi) __W, (__mmask32) __U); } extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_maskz_popcnt_epi8 (__mmask32 __U, __m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v32qi_mask ((__v32qi) __A, (__v32qi) _mm256_setzero_si256 (), (__mmask32) __U); } extern __inline __mmask32 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__m256i __A, __m256i __B) { return (__mmask32) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb256_mask ((__v32qi) __A, (__v32qi) __B, (__mmask32) -1); } extern __inline __mmask32 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_mask_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__mmask32 __M, __m256i __A, __m256i __B) { return (__mmask32) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb256_mask ((__v32qi) __A, (__v32qi) __B, (__mmask32) __M); } #ifdef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVLBW__ #undef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVLBW__ #pragma GCC pop_options #endif /* __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVLBW__ */ #if !defined(__AVX512BITALG__) || !defined(__AVX512VL__) #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC target("avx512bitalg,avx512vl") #define __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVL__ #endif /* __AVX512VLBW__ */ extern __inline __mmask16 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__m128i __A, __m128i __B) { return (__mmask16) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb128_mask ((__v16qi) __A, (__v16qi) __B, (__mmask16) -1); } extern __inline __mmask16 __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_mask_bitshuffle_epi64_mask (__mmask16 __M, __m128i __A, __m128i __B) { return (__mmask16) __builtin_ia32_vpshufbitqmb128_mask ((__v16qi) __A, (__v16qi) __B, (__mmask16) __M); } extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_popcnt_epi8 (__m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v32qi ((__v32qi) __A); } extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_popcnt_epi16 (__m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v16hi ((__v16hi) __A); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_popcnt_epi8 (__m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v16qi ((__v16qi) __A); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_popcnt_epi16 (__m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v8hi ((__v8hi) __A); } extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_mask_popcnt_epi16 (__m256i __W, __mmask16 __U, __m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v16hi_mask ((__v16hi) __A, (__v16hi) __W, (__mmask16) __U); } extern __inline __m256i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm256_maskz_popcnt_epi16 (__mmask16 __U, __m256i __A) { return (__m256i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v16hi_mask ((__v16hi) __A, (__v16hi) _mm256_setzero_si256 (), (__mmask16) __U); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_mask_popcnt_epi8 (__m128i __W, __mmask16 __U, __m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v16qi_mask ((__v16qi) __A, (__v16qi) __W, (__mmask16) __U); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_maskz_popcnt_epi8 (__mmask16 __U, __m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountb_v16qi_mask ((__v16qi) __A, (__v16qi) _mm_setzero_si128 (), (__mmask16) __U); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_mask_popcnt_epi16 (__m128i __W, __mmask8 __U, __m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v8hi_mask ((__v8hi) __A, (__v8hi) __W, (__mmask8) __U); } extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__)) _mm_maskz_popcnt_epi16 (__mmask8 __U, __m128i __A) { return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vpopcountw_v8hi_mask ((__v8hi) __A, (__v8hi) _mm_setzero_si128 (), (__mmask8) __U); } #ifdef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVL__ #undef __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGVL__ #pragma GCC pop_options #endif /* __DISABLE_AVX512BITALGBW__ */ #endif /* _AVX512BITALGINTRIN_H_INCLUDED */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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