[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#           Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Total Control Software
#                         All Rights Reserved
# Module Name:  dbShelve.py
# Description:  A reimplementation of the standard shelve.py that
#               forces the use of cPickle, and DB.
# Creation Date:    11/3/97 3:39:04PM
# License:      This is free software.  You may use this software for any
#               purpose including modification/redistribution, so long as
#               this header remains intact and that you do not claim any
#               rights of ownership or authorship of this software.  This
#               software has been tested, but no warranty is expressed or
#               implied.
# 13-Dec-2000:  Updated to be used with the new bsddb3 package.
#               Added DBShelfCursor class.

"""Manage shelves of pickled objects using bsddb database files for the


import sys
absolute_import = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
if absolute_import :
    # Because this syntaxis is not valid before Python 2.5
    exec("from . import db")
else :
    import db

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 :
    import cPickle  # Will be converted to "pickle" by "2to3"
else :
    if sys.version_info < (2, 6) :
        import cPickle
    else :
        # When we drop support for python 2.4
        # we could use: (in 2.5 we need a __future__ statement)
        #    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        #        warnings.filterwarnings(...)
        #        ...
        # We can not use "with" as is, because it would be invalid syntax
        # in python 2.4 and (with no __future__) 2.5.
        # Here we simulate "with" following PEP 343 :
        import warnings
        w = warnings.catch_warnings()
        try :
                message='the cPickle module has been removed in Python 3.0',
            import cPickle
        finally :
        del w

def _dumps(object, protocol):
    return cPickle.dumps(object, protocol=protocol)

if sys.version_info < (2, 6) :
    from UserDict import DictMixin as MutableMapping
else :
    import collections
    MutableMapping = collections.MutableMapping


def open(filename, flags=db.DB_CREATE, mode=0660, filetype=db.DB_HASH,
         dbenv=None, dbname=None):
    A simple factory function for compatibility with the standard
    shleve.py module.  It can be used like this, where key is a string
    and data is a pickleable object:

        from bsddb import dbshelve
        db = dbshelve.open(filename)

        db[key] = data

    if type(flags) == type(''):
        sflag = flags
        if sflag == 'r':
            flags = db.DB_RDONLY
        elif sflag == 'rw':
            flags = 0
        elif sflag == 'w':
            flags =  db.DB_CREATE
        elif sflag == 'c':
            flags =  db.DB_CREATE
        elif sflag == 'n':
            flags = db.DB_TRUNCATE | db.DB_CREATE
            raise db.DBError, "flags should be one of 'r', 'w', 'c' or 'n' or use the bsddb.db.DB_* flags"

    d = DBShelf(dbenv)
    d.open(filename, dbname, filetype, flags, mode)
    return d


class DBShelveError(db.DBError): pass

class DBShelf(MutableMapping):
    """A shelf to hold pickled objects, built upon a bsddb DB object.  It
    automatically pickles/unpickles data objects going to/from the DB.
    def __init__(self, dbenv=None):
        self.db = db.DB(dbenv)
        self._closed = True
            self.protocol = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
            self.protocol = 1

    def __del__(self):

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Many methods we can just pass through to the DB object.
        (See below)
        return getattr(self.db, name)

    # Dictionary access methods

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.db)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        data = self.db[key]
        return cPickle.loads(data)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        self.db[key] = data

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.db[key]

    def keys(self, txn=None):
        if txn is not None:
            return self.db.keys(txn)
            return self.db.keys()

    if sys.version_info >= (2, 6) :
        def __iter__(self) :  # XXX: Load all keys in memory :-(
            for k in self.db.keys() :
                yield k

        # Do this when "DB"  support iteration
        # Or is it enough to pass thru "getattr"?
        # def __iter__(self) :
        #    return self.db.__iter__()

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.db.open(*args, **kwargs)
        self._closed = False

    def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.db.close(*args, **kwargs)
        self._closed = True

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._closed:
            return '<DBShelf @ 0x%x - closed>' % (id(self))
            return repr(dict(self.iteritems()))

    def items(self, txn=None):
        if txn is not None:
            items = self.db.items(txn)
            items = self.db.items()
        newitems = []

        for k, v in items:
            newitems.append( (k, cPickle.loads(v)) )
        return newitems

    def values(self, txn=None):
        if txn is not None:
            values = self.db.values(txn)
            values = self.db.values()

        return map(cPickle.loads, values)

    # Other methods

    def __append(self, value, txn=None):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        return self.db.append(data, txn)

    def append(self, value, txn=None):
        if self.get_type() == db.DB_RECNO:
            return self.__append(value, txn=txn)
        raise DBShelveError, "append() only supported when dbshelve opened with filetype=dbshelve.db.DB_RECNO"

    def associate(self, secondaryDB, callback, flags=0):
        def _shelf_callback(priKey, priData, realCallback=callback):
            # Safe in Python 2.x because expresion short circuit
            if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or isinstance(priData, bytes) :
                data = cPickle.loads(priData)
            else :
                data = cPickle.loads(bytes(priData, "iso8859-1"))  # 8 bits
            return realCallback(priKey, data)

        return self.db.associate(secondaryDB, _shelf_callback, flags)

    #def get(self, key, default=None, txn=None, flags=0):
    def get(self, *args, **kw):
        # We do it with *args and **kw so if the default value wasn't
        # given nothing is passed to the extension module.  That way
        # an exception can be raised if set_get_returns_none is turned
        # off.
        data = self.db.get(*args, **kw)
            return cPickle.loads(data)
        except (EOFError, TypeError, cPickle.UnpicklingError):
            return data  # we may be getting the default value, or None,
                         # so it doesn't need unpickled.

    def get_both(self, key, value, txn=None, flags=0):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        data = self.db.get(key, data, txn, flags)
        return cPickle.loads(data)

    def cursor(self, txn=None, flags=0):
        c = DBShelfCursor(self.db.cursor(txn, flags))
        c.protocol = self.protocol
        return c

    def put(self, key, value, txn=None, flags=0):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        return self.db.put(key, data, txn, flags)

    def join(self, cursorList, flags=0):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Methods allowed to pass-through to self.db
    #    close,  delete, fd, get_byteswapped, get_type, has_key,
    #    key_range, open, remove, rename, stat, sync,
    #    upgrade, verify, and all set_* methods.


class DBShelfCursor:
    def __init__(self, cursor):
        self.dbc = cursor

    def __del__(self):

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Some methods we can just pass through to the cursor object.  (See below)"""
        return getattr(self.dbc, name)


    def dup(self, flags=0):
        c = DBShelfCursor(self.dbc.dup(flags))
        c.protocol = self.protocol
        return c

    def put(self, key, value, flags=0):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        return self.dbc.put(key, data, flags)

    def get(self, *args):
        count = len(args)  # a method overloading hack
        method = getattr(self, 'get_%d' % count)

    def get_1(self, flags):
        rec = self.dbc.get(flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def get_2(self, key, flags):
        rec = self.dbc.get(key, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def get_3(self, key, value, flags):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        rec = self.dbc.get(key, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def current(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_CURRENT)
    def first(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_FIRST)
    def last(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_LAST)
    def next(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT)
    def prev(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_PREV)
    def consume(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_CONSUME)
    def next_dup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT_DUP)
    def next_nodup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT_NODUP)
    def prev_nodup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_PREV_NODUP)

    def get_both(self, key, value, flags=0):
        data = _dumps(value, self.protocol)
        rec = self.dbc.get_both(key, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def set(self, key, flags=0):
        rec = self.dbc.set(key, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def set_range(self, key, flags=0):
        rec = self.dbc.set_range(key, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    def set_recno(self, recno, flags=0):
        rec = self.dbc.set_recno(recno, flags)
        return self._extract(rec)

    set_both = get_both

    def _extract(self, rec):
        if rec is None:
            return None
            key, data = rec
            # Safe in Python 2.x because expresion short circuit
            if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or isinstance(data, bytes) :
                return key, cPickle.loads(data)
            else :
                return key, cPickle.loads(bytes(data, "iso8859-1"))  # 8 bits

    # Methods allowed to pass-through to self.dbc
    # close, count, delete, get_recno, join_item



Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.py File 15.61 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 12.09 KB 0644
db.py File 2.67 KB 0644
db.pyc File 590 B 0644
dbobj.py File 11.07 KB 0644
dbobj.pyc File 18.17 KB 0644
dbrecio.py File 5.18 KB 0644
dbrecio.pyc File 5.15 KB 0644
dbshelve.py File 11.29 KB 0644
dbshelve.pyc File 12.62 KB 0644
dbtables.py File 30.14 KB 0644
dbtables.pyc File 23.84 KB 0644
dbutils.py File 2.89 KB 0644
dbutils.pyc File 1.58 KB 0644