[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import sys

Python 3 Stuff
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if PY3:  # pragma: no cover
    string_type = str
    text_type = str
    int2str = chr
else:  # pragma: no cover
    string_type = basestring   # noqa
    text_type = unicode        # noqa
    int2str = unichr           # noqa

Constants you might want to modify

# Placeholders
STX = '\u0002'  # Use STX ("Start of text") for start-of-placeholder
ETX = '\u0003'  # Use ETX ("End of text") for end-of-placeholder
HTML_PLACEHOLDER = STX + "wzxhzdk:%s" + ETX
HTML_PLACEHOLDER_RE = re.compile(HTML_PLACEHOLDER % r'([0-9]+)')
TAG_PLACEHOLDER = STX + "hzzhzkh:%s" + ETX

Constants you probably do not need to change

    ('\u0590', '\u07FF'),
    # Hebrew (0590-05FF), Arabic (0600-06FF),
    # Syriac (0700-074F), Arabic supplement (0750-077F),
    # Thaana (0780-07BF), Nko (07C0-07FF).
    ('\u2D30', '\u2D7F')  # Tifinagh

# Extensions should use "markdown.util.etree" instead of "etree" (or do `from
# markdown.util import etree`).  Do not import it by yourself.

try:  # pragma: no cover
    # Is the C implementation of ElementTree available?
    import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
    from xml.etree.ElementTree import Comment
    # Serializers (including ours) test with non-c Comment
    etree.test_comment = Comment
    if etree.VERSION < "1.0.5":
        raise RuntimeError("cElementTree version 1.0.5 or higher is required.")
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):  # pragma: no cover
    # Use the Python implementation of ElementTree?
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
    if etree.VERSION < "1.1":
        raise RuntimeError("ElementTree version 1.1 or higher is required")


def isBlockLevel(tag):
    """Check if the tag is a block level HTML tag."""
    if isinstance(tag, string_type):
        return BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS.match(tag)
    # Some ElementTree tags are not strings, so return False.
    return False

def parseBoolValue(value, fail_on_errors=True, preserve_none=False):
    """Parses a string representing bool value. If parsing was successful,
       returns True or False. If preserve_none=True, returns True, False,
       or None. If parsing was not successful, raises  ValueError, or, if
       fail_on_errors=False, returns None."""
    if not isinstance(value, string_type):
        if preserve_none and value is None:
            return value
        return bool(value)
    elif preserve_none and value.lower() == 'none':
        return None
    elif value.lower() in ('true', 'yes', 'y', 'on', '1'):
        return True
    elif value.lower() in ('false', 'no', 'n', 'off', '0', 'none'):
        return False
    elif fail_on_errors:
        raise ValueError('Cannot parse bool value: %r' % value)


class AtomicString(text_type):
    """A string which should not be further processed."""

class Processor(object):
    def __init__(self, markdown_instance=None):
        if markdown_instance:
            self.markdown = markdown_instance

class HtmlStash(object):
    This class is used for stashing HTML objects that we extract
    in the beginning and replace with place-holders.

    def __init__(self):
        """ Create a HtmlStash. """
        self.html_counter = 0  # for counting inline html segments
        self.rawHtmlBlocks = []
        self.tag_counter = 0
        self.tag_data = []  # list of dictionaries in the order tags appear

    def store(self, html, safe=False):
        Saves an HTML segment for later reinsertion.  Returns a
        placeholder string that needs to be inserted into the

        Keyword arguments:

        * html: an html segment
        * safe: label an html segment as safe for safemode

        Returns : a placeholder string

        self.rawHtmlBlocks.append((html, safe))
        placeholder = self.get_placeholder(self.html_counter)
        self.html_counter += 1
        return placeholder

    def reset(self):
        self.html_counter = 0
        self.rawHtmlBlocks = []

    def get_placeholder(self, key):
        return HTML_PLACEHOLDER % key

    def store_tag(self, tag, attrs, left_index, right_index):
        """Store tag data and return a placeholder."""
        self.tag_data.append({'tag': tag, 'attrs': attrs,
                              'left_index': left_index,
                              'right_index': right_index})
        placeholder = TAG_PLACEHOLDER % str(self.tag_counter)
        self.tag_counter += 1  # equal to the tag's index in self.tag_data
        return placeholder


Name Type Size Permission Actions
extensions Folder 0755
__init__.py File 20.31 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 16.28 KB 0644
__main__.py File 5.02 KB 0644
__main__.pyc File 4.29 KB 0644
__version__.py File 880 B 0644
__version__.pyc File 941 B 0644
blockparser.py File 3.43 KB 0644
blockparser.pyc File 4.65 KB 0644
blockprocessors.py File 22.47 KB 0644
blockprocessors.pyc File 19.21 KB 0644
inlinepatterns.py File 16.73 KB 0644
inlinepatterns.pyc File 20.04 KB 0644
odict.py File 5.9 KB 0644
odict.pyc File 7.78 KB 0644
postprocessors.py File 3.53 KB 0644
postprocessors.pyc File 5.33 KB 0644
preprocessors.py File 14.3 KB 0644
preprocessors.pyc File 10.9 KB 0644
serializers.py File 9.59 KB 0644
serializers.pyc File 6.99 KB 0644
treeprocessors.py File 12.73 KB 0644
treeprocessors.pyc File 11.54 KB 0644
util.py File 5.51 KB 0644
util.pyc File 5.46 KB 0644