[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    An algorithm that generates optimized regexes for matching long lists of
    literal strings.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import re
from re import escape
from os.path import commonprefix
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

CS_ESCAPE = re.compile(r'[\^\\\-\]]')
FIRST_ELEMENT = itemgetter(0)

def make_charset(letters):
    return '[' + CS_ESCAPE.sub(lambda m: '\\' + m.group(), ''.join(letters)) + ']'

def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return open_paren + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren

def regex_opt(strings, prefix='', suffix=''):
    """Return a compiled regex that matches any string in the given list.

    The strings to match must be literal strings, not regexes.  They will be

    *prefix* and *suffix* are pre- and appended to the final regex.
    strings = sorted(strings)
    return prefix + regex_opt_inner(strings, '(') + suffix


Name Type Size Permission Actions
filters Folder 0755
formatters Folder 0755
lexers Folder 0755
styles Folder 0755
__init__.py File 3.07 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
cmdline.py File 18.87 KB 0644
cmdline.pyc File 14.11 KB 0644
console.py File 1.77 KB 0644
console.pyc File 2.27 KB 0644
filter.py File 1.99 KB 0644
filter.pyc File 3.11 KB 0644
formatter.py File 2.88 KB 0644
formatter.pyc File 3.35 KB 0644
lexer.py File 30.33 KB 0644
lexer.pyc File 28.3 KB 0644
modeline.py File 1010 B 0644
modeline.pyc File 1.34 KB 0644
plugin.py File 1.68 KB 0644
plugin.pyc File 2.33 KB 0644
regexopt.py File 3.02 KB 0644
regexopt.pyc File 3.15 KB 0644
scanner.py File 3.05 KB 0644
scanner.pyc File 4.08 KB 0644
sphinxext.py File 4.55 KB 0644
sphinxext.pyc File 5.46 KB 0644
style.py File 4.69 KB 0644
style.pyc File 4.68 KB 0644
token.py File 6.02 KB 0644
token.pyc File 5.53 KB 0644
unistring.py File 49.95 KB 0644
unistring.pyc File 26.58 KB 0644
util.py File 11.62 KB 0644
util.pyc File 12.69 KB 0644