[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# DistUpgradeCache.py
#  Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Canonical
#  Author: Michael Vogt <michael.vogt@ubuntu.com>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#  USA

import apt
import apt_pkg
import glob
import locale
import os
import re
import logging
import time
import datetime
import threading
import configparser
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from .DistUpgradeGettext import gettext as _
from .DistUpgradeGettext import ngettext

from .utils import inside_chroot

class CacheException(Exception):

class CacheExceptionLockingFailed(CacheException):

class CacheExceptionDpkgInterrupted(CacheException):

def estimate_kernel_initrd_size_in_boot():
    """estimate the amount of space used by the kernel and initramfs in /boot,
    including a safety margin
    kernel = 0
    initrd = 0
    kver = os.uname()[2]
    for f in glob.glob("/boot/*%s*" % kver):
        if f == '/boot/initrd.img-%s' % kver:
            initrd += os.path.getsize(f)
        # don't include in the estimate any files that are left behind by
        # an interrupted package manager run
        elif (f.find('initrd.img') >= 0 or f.find('.bak') >= 0
              or f.find('.dpkg-') >= 0):
            kernel += os.path.getsize(f)
    if kernel == 0:
            "estimate_kernel_initrd_size_in_boot() returned '0' for kernel?")
        kernel = 28*1024*1024
    if initrd == 0:
            "estimate_kernel_initrd_size_in_boot() returned '0' for initrd?")
        initrd = 45*1024*1024
    # add small safety buffer
    kernel += 1*1024*1024
    # safety buffer as a percentage of the existing initrd's size
    initrd_buffer = 1*1024*1024
    if initrd * 0.05 > initrd_buffer:
        initrd_buffer = initrd * 0.05
    initrd += initrd_buffer
    return kernel,initrd
KERNEL_SIZE, INITRD_SIZE = estimate_kernel_initrd_size_in_boot()

class FreeSpaceRequired(object):
    """ FreeSpaceRequired object:

    This exposes:
    - the total size required (size_total)
    - the dir that requires the space (dir)
    - the additional space that is needed (size_needed)
    def __init__(self, size_total, dir, size_needed):
        self.size_total = size_total
        self.dir = dir
        self.size_needed = size_needed
    def __str__(self):
        return "FreeSpaceRequired Object: Dir: %s size_total: %s size_needed: %s" % (self.dir, self.size_total, self.size_needed)

class NotEnoughFreeSpaceError(CacheException):
    Exception if there is not enough free space for this operation

    def __init__(self, free_space_required_list):
        self.free_space_required_list = free_space_required_list

class MyCache(apt.Cache):
    ReInstReq = 1
    HoldReInstReq = 3

    # init
    def __init__(self, config, view, quirks, progress=None, lock=True):
        self.to_install = []
        self.to_remove = []
        self.view = view
        self.quirks = quirks
        self.lock = False
        self.partialUpgrade = False
        self.config = config
        self.metapkgs = self.config.getlist("Distro", "MetaPkgs")
        # acquire lock
        self._listsLock = -1
        if lock:
                self.lock = True
            except SystemError as e:
                # checking for this is ok, its not translatable
                if "dpkg --configure -a" in str(e):
                    raise CacheExceptionDpkgInterrupted(e)
                raise CacheExceptionLockingFailed(e)
        # Do not create the cache until we know it is not locked
        apt.Cache.__init__(self, progress)
        # a list of regexp that are not allowed to be removed
        self.removal_blacklist = config.getListFromFile("Distro", "RemovalBlacklistFile")
        self.uname = Popen(["uname", "-r"], stdout=PIPE,
        # from hardy on we use recommends by default, so for the
        # transition to the new dist we need to enable them now
        if (config.get("Sources", "From") == "hardy" and
            not "RELEASE_UPGRADE_NO_RECOMMENDS" in os.environ):
            apt_pkg.config.set("APT::Install-Recommends", "true")

        apt_pkg.config.set("APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant", "false")

    def _apply_dselect_upgrade(self):
        """ honor the dselect install state """
        for pkg in self:
            if pkg.is_installed:
            if pkg._pkg.selected_state == apt_pkg.SELSTATE_INSTALL:
                # upgrade() will take care of this
                pkg.mark_install(auto_inst=False, auto_fix=False)

    def req_reinstall_pkgs(self):
        " return the packages not downloadable packages in reqreinst state "
        reqreinst = set()
        for pkg in self:
            if ((not pkg.candidate or not pkg.candidate.downloadable)
                (pkg._pkg.inst_state == self.ReInstReq or
                 pkg._pkg.inst_state == self.HoldReInstReq)):
        return reqreinst

    def fix_req_reinst(self, view):
        " check for reqreinst state and offer to fix it "
        reqreinst = self.req_reinstall_pkgs
        if len(reqreinst) > 0:
            header = ngettext("Remove package in bad state",
                              "Remove packages in bad state",
            summary = ngettext("The package '%s' is in an inconsistent "
                               "state and needs to be reinstalled, but "
                               "no archive can be found for it. "
                               "Do you want to remove this package "
                               "now to continue?",
                               "The packages '%s' are in an inconsistent "
                               "state and need to be reinstalled, but "
                               "no archives can be found for them. Do you "
                               "want to remove these packages now to "
                               len(reqreinst)) % ", ".join(reqreinst)
            if view.askYesNoQuestion(header, summary):
                cmd = ["/usr/bin/dpkg", "--remove", "--force-remove-reinstreq"] + list(reqreinst)
                return True
        return False

    # logging stuff
    def _initAptLog(self):
        " init logging, create log file"
        logdir = self.config.getWithDefault("Files", "LogDir",
        if not os.path.exists(logdir):
        apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Log", logdir)
        apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Log::Terminal", "apt-term.log")
        self.logfd = os.open(os.path.join(logdir, "apt.log"),
                             os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND, 0o644)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        header = "Log time: %s\n" % now
        os.write(self.logfd, header.encode("utf-8"))

        # turn on debugging in the cache
        apt_pkg.config.set("Debug::pkgProblemResolver", "true")
        apt_pkg.config.set("Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker", "true")
        apt_pkg.config.set("Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall", "true")
    def _startAptResolverLog(self):
        if hasattr(self, "old_stdout"):
        self.old_stdout = os.dup(1)
        self.old_stderr = os.dup(2)
        os.dup2(self.logfd, 1)
        os.dup2(self.logfd, 2)
    def _stopAptResolverLog(self):
        os.dup2(self.old_stdout, 1)
        os.dup2(self.old_stderr, 2)
    # use this decorator instead of the _start/_stop stuff directly
    # FIXME: this should probably be a decorator class where all
    #        logging is moved into?
    def withResolverLog(f):
        " decorator to ensure that the apt output is logged "
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            res = f(*args, **kwargs)
            return res
        return wrapper

    # properties
    def required_download(self):
        """ get the size of the packages that are required to download """
        pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache)
        fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire()
        pm.get_archives(fetcher, self._list, self._records)
        return fetcher.fetch_needed
    def additional_required_space(self):
        """ get the size of the additional required space on the fs """
        return self._depcache.usr_size
    def is_broken(self):
        """ is the cache broken """
        return self._depcache.broken_count > 0

    # methods
    def lock_lists_dir(self):
        name = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::State::Lists") + "lock"
        self._listsLock = apt_pkg.get_lock(name)
        if self._listsLock < 0:
            e = "Can not lock '%s' " % name
            raise CacheExceptionLockingFailed(e)
    def unlock_lists_dir(self):
        if self._listsLock > 0:
            self._listsLock = -1
    def update(self, fprogress=None):
        our own update implementation is required because we keep the lists
        dir lock
        res = apt.Cache.update(self, fprogress)
        if fprogress and fprogress.release_file_download_error:
            # FIXME: not ideal error message, but we just reuse a
            #        existing one here to avoid a new string
            raise IOError(_("The server may be overloaded"))
        if res == False:
            raise IOError("apt.cache.update() returned False, but did not raise exception?!?")

    def commit(self, fprogress, iprogress):
        if self.lock:
        apt.Cache.commit(self, fprogress, iprogress)

    def release_lock(self, pkgSystemOnly=True):
        if self.lock:
                self.lock = False
            except SystemError as e:
                logging.debug("failed to SystemUnLock() (%s) " % e)

    def get_lock(self, pkgSystemOnly=True):
        if not self.lock:
                self.lock = True
            except SystemError as e:
                logging.debug("failed to SystemLock() (%s) " % e)

    def downloadable(self, pkg, useCandidate=True):
        " check if the given pkg can be downloaded "
        if useCandidate:
            ver = self._depcache.get_candidate_ver(pkg._pkg)
            ver = pkg._pkg.current_ver
        if ver == None:
            logging.warning("no version information for '%s' (useCandidate=%s)" % (pkg.name, useCandidate))
            return False
        return ver.downloadable

    def pkg_auto_removable(self, pkg):
        """ check if the pkg is auto-removable """
        return (pkg.is_installed and

    def fix_broken(self):
        """ try to fix broken dependencies on the system, may throw
            SystemError when it can't"""
        return self._depcache.fix_broken()

    def create_snapshot(self):
        """ create a snapshot of the current changes """
        self.to_install = []
        self.to_remove = []
        for pkg in self.get_changes():
            if pkg.marked_install or pkg.marked_upgrade:
            if pkg.marked_delete:

    def clear(self):

    def restore_snapshot(self):
        """ restore a snapshot """
        actiongroup = apt_pkg.ActionGroup(self._depcache)
        # just make pyflakes shut up, later we need to use
        # with self.actiongroup():
        for name in self.to_remove:
            pkg = self[name]
        for name in self.to_install:
            pkg = self[name]
            pkg.mark_install(auto_fix=False, auto_inst=False)

    def need_server_mode(self):
        This checks if we run on a desktop or a server install.

        A server install has more freedoms, for a desktop install
        we force a desktop meta package to be install on the upgrade.

        We look for a installed desktop meta pkg and for key
        dependencies, if none of those are installed we assume
        server mode
        #logging.debug("need_server_mode() run")
        # check for the MetaPkgs (e.g. ubuntu-desktop)
        metapkgs = self.config.getlist("Distro", "MetaPkgs")
        for key in metapkgs:
            # if it is installed we are done
            if key in self and self[key].is_installed:
                logging.debug("need_server_mode(): run in 'desktop' mode, (because of pkg '%s')" % key)
                return False
            # if it is not installed, but its key depends are installed
            # we are done too (we auto-select the package later)
            deps_found = True
            for pkg in self.config.getlist(key, "KeyDependencies"):
                deps_found &= pkg in self and self[pkg].is_installed
            if deps_found:
                logging.debug("need_server_mode(): run in 'desktop' mode, (because of key deps for '%s')" % key)
                return False
        logging.debug("need_server_mode(): can not find a desktop meta package or key deps, running in server mode")
        return True

    def sanity_check(self, view):
        """ check if the cache is ok and if the required metapkgs
            are installed
        if self.is_broken:
                logging.debug("Have broken pkgs, trying to fix them")
            except SystemError:
                view.error(_("Broken packages"),
                                 _("Your system contains broken packages "
                                   "that couldn't be fixed with this "
                                   "software. "
                                   "Please fix them first using synaptic or "
                                   "apt-get before proceeding."))
                return False
        return True

    def mark_install(self, pkg, reason=""):
        logging.debug("Installing '%s' (%s)" % (pkg, reason))
        if pkg in self:
            if not (self[pkg].marked_install or self[pkg].marked_upgrade):
                logging.error("Installing/upgrading '%s' failed" % pkg)
                #raise SystemError("Installing '%s' failed" % pkg)
                return False
        return True

    def mark_upgrade(self, pkg, reason=""):
        logging.debug("Upgrading '%s' (%s)" % (pkg, reason))
        if pkg in self and self[pkg].is_installed:
            if not self[pkg].marked_upgrade:
                logging.error("Upgrading '%s' failed" % pkg)
                return False
        return True

    def mark_remove(self, pkg, reason=""):
        logging.debug("Removing '%s' (%s)" % (pkg, reason))
        if pkg in self:

    def mark_purge(self, pkg, reason=""):
        logging.debug("Purging '%s' (%s)" % (pkg, reason))
        if pkg in self:
            self._depcache.mark_delete(self[pkg]._pkg, True)

    def _keep_installed(self, pkgname, reason):
        if (pkgname in self
            and self[pkgname].is_installed
            and self[pkgname].marked_delete):
            self.mark_install(pkgname, reason)

    def keep_installed_rule(self):
        """ run after the dist-upgrade to ensure that certain
            packages are kept installed """
        # first the global list
        for pkgname in self.config.getlist("Distro", "KeepInstalledPkgs"):
            self._keep_installed(pkgname, "Distro KeepInstalledPkgs rule")
        # the the per-metapkg rules
        for key in self.metapkgs:
            if key in self and (self[key].is_installed or
                for pkgname in self.config.getlist(key, "KeepInstalledPkgs"):
                    self._keep_installed(pkgname, "%s KeepInstalledPkgs rule" % key)

        # only enforce section if we have a network. Otherwise we run
        # into CD upgrade issues for installed language packs etc
        if self.config.get("Options", "withNetwork") == "True":
            logging.debug("Running KeepInstalledSection rules")
            # now the KeepInstalledSection code
            for section in self.config.getlist("Distro", "KeepInstalledSection"):
                for pkg in self:
                    if (pkg.candidate and pkg.candidate.downloadable
                        and pkg.marked_delete and pkg.section == section):
                        self._keep_installed(pkg.name, "Distro KeepInstalledSection rule: %s" % section)
            for key in self.metapkgs:
                if key in self and (self[key].is_installed or
                    for section in self.config.getlist(key, "KeepInstalledSection"):
                        for pkg in self:
                            if (pkg.candidate and pkg.candidate.downloadable
                                and pkg.marked_delete and
                                pkg.section == section):
                                self._keep_installed(pkg.name, "%s KeepInstalledSection rule: %s" % (key, section))

    def post_upgrade_rule(self):
        " run after the upgrade was done in the cache "
        for (rule, action) in [("Install", self.mark_install),
                               ("Upgrade", self.mark_upgrade),
                               ("Remove", self.mark_remove),
                               ("Purge", self.mark_purge)]:
            # first the global list
            for pkg in self.config.getlist("Distro", "PostUpgrade%s" % rule):
                action(pkg, "Distro PostUpgrade%s rule" % rule)
            for key in self.metapkgs:
                if key in self and (self[key].is_installed or
                    for pkg in self.config.getlist(key, "PostUpgrade%s" % rule):
                        action(pkg, "%s PostUpgrade%s rule" % (key, rule))
        # run the quirks handlers
        if not self.partialUpgrade:

    def identifyObsoleteKernels(self):
        # we have a funny policy that we remove security updates
        # for the kernel from the archive again when a new ABI
        # version hits the archive. this means that we have
        # e.g.
        # linux-image-2.6.24-15-generic
        # is obsolete when
        # linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic
        # is available
        # ...
        # This code tries to identify the kernels that can be removed
        obsolete_kernels = set()
        version = self.config.get("KernelRemoval", "Version")
        basenames = self.config.getlist("KernelRemoval", "BaseNames")
        types = self.config.getlist("KernelRemoval", "Types")
        for pkg in self:
            for base in basenames:
                basename = "%s-%s-" % (base, version)
                for type in types:
                    if (pkg.name.startswith(basename) and
                        pkg.name.endswith(type) and
                        if (pkg.name == "%s-%s" % (base, self.uname)):
                            logging.debug("skipping running kernel %s" % pkg.name)
                        logging.debug("removing obsolete kernel '%s'" % pkg.name)
        logging.debug("identifyObsoleteKernels found '%s'" % obsolete_kernels)
        return obsolete_kernels

    def checkForNvidia(self):
        this checks for nvidia hardware and checks what driver is needed
        # if the free drivers would give us a equally hard time, we would
        # never be able to release
            from NvidiaDetector.nvidiadetector import NvidiaDetection
        except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as e:
            # SyntaxError is temporary until the port of NvidiaDetector to
            # Python 3 is in the archive.
            logging.error("NvidiaDetector can not be imported %s" % e)
            return False
            # get new detection module and use the modalises files
            # from within the release-upgrader
            nv = NvidiaDetection(obsolete="./ubuntu-drivers-obsolete.pkgs")
            #nv = NvidiaDetection()
            # check if a binary driver is installed now
            for oldDriver in nv.oldPackages:
                if oldDriver in self and self[oldDriver].is_installed:
                    self.mark_remove(oldDriver, "old nvidia driver")
                logging.info("no old nvidia driver installed, installing no new")
                return False
            # check which one to use
            driver = nv.selectDriver()
            logging.debug("nv.selectDriver() returned '%s'" % driver)
            if not driver in self:
                logging.warning("no '%s' found" % driver)
                return False
            if not (self[driver].marked_install or self[driver].marked_upgrade):
                logging.info("installing %s as suggested by NvidiaDetector" % driver)
                return True
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("NvidiaDetection returned a error: %s" % e)
        return False

    def _has_kernel_headers_installed(self):
        for pkg in self:
            if (pkg.name.startswith("linux-headers-") and
                return True
        return False

    def checkForKernel(self):
        """ check for the running kernel and try to ensure that we have
            an updated version
        logging.debug("Kernel uname: '%s' " % self.uname)
            (version, build, flavour) = self.uname.split("-")
        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning("Can't parse kernel uname: '%s' (self compiled?)" % e)
            return False
        # now check if we have a SMP system
        dmesg = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
        if b"WARNING: NR_CPUS limit" in dmesg:
            logging.debug("UP kernel on SMP system!?!")
        return True

    def checkPriority(self):
        # tuple of priorities we require to be installed
        need = ('required', )
        # stuff that its ok not to have
        removeEssentialOk = self.config.getlist("Distro", "RemoveEssentialOk")
        # check now
        for pkg in self:
            # WORKAROUND bug on the CD/python-apt #253255
            ver = pkg._pcache._depcache.get_candidate_ver(pkg._pkg)
            if ver and ver.priority == 0:
                logging.error("Package %s has no priority set" % pkg.name)
            if (pkg.candidate and pkg.candidate.downloadable and
                not (pkg.is_installed or pkg.marked_install) and
                not pkg.name in removeEssentialOk and
                # ignore multiarch priority required packages
                not ":" in pkg.name and
                pkg.candidate.priority in need):
                self.mark_install(pkg.name, "priority in required set '%s' but not scheduled for install" % need)

    # FIXME: make this a decorator (just like the withResolverLog())
    def updateGUI(self, view, lock):
        i = 0
        while lock.locked():
            if i % 15 == 0:
            i += 1

    def distUpgrade(self, view, serverMode, partialUpgrade):
        # keep the GUI alive
        lock = threading.Lock()
        t = threading.Thread(target=self.updateGUI, args=(self.view, lock,))
            # mvo: disabled as it casues to many errornous installs

            # upgrade (and make sure this way that the cache is ok)

            # check that everything in priority required is installed

            # see if our KeepInstalled rules are honored

            # check if we got a new kernel (if we are not inside a
            # chroot)
            if inside_chroot():
                logging.warning("skipping kernel checks because we run inside a chroot")

            # check for nvidia stuff

            # and if we have some special rules

            # install missing meta-packages (if not in server upgrade mode)
            if not serverMode:
                # if this fails, a system error is raised

            # see if it all makes sense, if not this function raises

        except SystemError as e:
            # this should go into a finally: line, see below for the
            # rationale why it doesn't
            # the most likely problem is the 3rd party pkgs so don't address
            # foreignPkgs and devRelease being True
            details =  _("An unresolvable problem occurred while "
                         "calculating the upgrade.\n\n ")
            if self.config.get("Options", "foreignPkgs") == "True":
                details += _("This was likely caused by:\n"
                             " * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu\n"
                             "Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge \n"
                             "package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and \n"
                             "try the upgrade again.\n"
            elif self.config.get("Options", "foreignPkgs") == "False" and \
                self.config.get("Options", "devRelease") == "True":
                details +=  _("This was caused by:\n"
                              " * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu\n"
                              "This is most likely a transient problem, \n"
                              "please try again later.\n")
            # we never have partialUpgrades (including removes) on a stable system
            # with only ubuntu sources so we do not recommend reporting a bug
            if partialUpgrade:
                details += _("This is most likely a transient problem, "
                             "please try again later.")
                details += _("If none of this applies, then please report this bug using "
                             "the command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal.")
                details += _("If you want to investigate this yourself the log files in "
                             "'/var/log/dist-upgrade' will contain details about the upgrade. "
                             "Specifically, look at 'main.log' and 'apt.log'.")
            # make the error text available again on stdout for the
            # text frontend
            view.error(_("Could not calculate the upgrade"), details)
            # may contain utf-8 (LP: #1310053)
            error_msg = str(e)
            logging.error("Dist-upgrade failed: '%s'", error_msg)
            # start the resolver log again because this is run with
            # the withResolverLog decorator
            return False
        # would be nice to be able to use finally: here, but we need
        # to run on python2.4 too
        # wait for the gui-update thread to exit

        # check the trust of the packages that are going to change
        untrusted = []
        downgrade = []
        for pkg in self.get_changes():
            if pkg.marked_delete:
            # special case because of a bug in pkg.candidate.origins
            if pkg.marked_downgrade:
                for ver in pkg._pkg.version_list:
                    # version is lower than installed one
                    if apt_pkg.version_compare(
                        ver.ver_str, pkg.installed.version) < 0:
                        for (verFileIter, index) in ver.file_list:
                            indexfile = pkg._pcache._list.find_index(verFileIter)
                            if indexfile and not indexfile.is_trusted:
            origins = pkg.candidate.origins
            trusted = False
            for origin in origins:
                trusted |= origin.trusted
            if not trusted:
        # check if the user overwrote the unauthenticated warning
            b = self.config.getboolean("Distro", "AllowUnauthenticated")
            if b:
                logging.warning("AllowUnauthenticated set!")
                return True
        except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
        if len(downgrade) > 0:
            logging.error("Packages to downgrade found: '%s'" %
                          " ".join(downgrade))
        if len(untrusted) > 0:
            logging.error("Unauthenticated packages found: '%s'" %
                          " ".join(untrusted))
            # FIXME: maybe ask a question here? instead of failing?
            view.error(_("Error authenticating some packages"),
                       _("It was not possible to authenticate some "
                         "packages. This may be a transient network problem. "
                         "You may want to try again later. See below for a "
                         "list of unauthenticated packages."),
            # start the resolver log again because this is run with
            # the withResolverLog decorator
            return False
        return True

    def _verifyChanges(self):
        """ this function tests if the current changes don't violate
            our constrains (blacklisted removals etc)
        main_arch = apt_pkg.config.find("APT::Architecture")
        removeEssentialOk = self.config.getlist("Distro", "RemoveEssentialOk")
        # check changes
        for pkg in self.get_changes():
            if pkg.marked_delete and self._inRemovalBlacklist(pkg.name):
                logging.debug("The package '%s' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist", pkg.name)
                raise SystemError(_("The package '%s' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.") % pkg.name)
            if pkg.marked_delete and (
                    pkg._pkg.essential == True and
                    pkg.installed.architecture in (main_arch, "all") and
                    not pkg.name in removeEssentialOk):
                logging.debug("The package '%s' is marked for removal but it's an ESSENTIAL package", pkg.name)
                raise SystemError(_("The essential package '%s' is marked for removal.") % pkg.name)
        # check bad-versions blacklist
        badVersions = self.config.getlist("Distro", "BadVersions")
        for bv in badVersions:
            (pkgname, ver) = bv.split("_")
            if (pkgname in self and self[pkgname].candidate and
                self[pkgname].candidate.version == ver and
                (self[pkgname].marked_install or
                raise SystemError(_("Trying to install blacklisted version '%s'") % bv)
        return True

    def _lookupPkgRecord(self, pkg):
        helper to make sure that the pkg._records is pointing to the right
        location - needed because python-apt 0.7.9 dropped the python-apt
        version but we can not yet use the new version because on upgrade
        the old version is still installed
        ver = pkg._pcache._depcache.get_candidate_ver(pkg._pkg)
        if ver is None:
            print("No candidate ver: ", pkg.name)
            return False
        if ver.file_list is None:
            print("No file_list for: %s " % self._pkg.name())
            return False
        f, index = ver.file_list.pop(0)
        pkg._pcache._records.lookup((f, index))
        return True

    def installedTasks(self):
        tasks = {}
        installed_tasks = set()
        for pkg in self:
            if not self._lookupPkgRecord(pkg):
                logging.debug("no PkgRecord found for '%s', skipping " % pkg.name)
            for line in pkg._pcache._records.record.split("\n"):
                if line.startswith("Task:"):
                    for task in (line[len("Task:"):]).split(","):
                        task = task.strip()
                        if task not in tasks:
                            tasks[task] = set()
        for task in tasks:
            installed = True
            for pkgname in tasks[task]:
                if not self[pkgname].is_installed:
                    installed = False
            if installed:
        return installed_tasks

    def installTasks(self, tasks):
        logging.debug("running installTasks")
        for pkg in self:
            if pkg.marked_install or pkg.is_installed:
            if not (hasattr(pkg._pcache._records, "record") and pkg._pcache._records.record):
                logging.warning("can not find Record for '%s'" % pkg.name)
            for line in pkg._pcache._records.record.split("\n"):
                if line.startswith("Task:"):
                    for task in (line[len("Task:"):]).split(","):
                        task = task.strip()
                        if task in tasks:
        return True

    def _keepBaseMetaPkgsInstalled(self, view):
        for pkg in self.config.getlist("Distro", "BaseMetaPkgs"):
            self._keep_installed(pkg, "base meta package keep installed rule")

    def _installMetaPkgs(self, view):

        def metaPkgInstalled():
            internal helper that checks if at least one meta-pkg is
            installed or marked install
            for key in metapkgs:
                if key in self:
                    pkg = self[key]
                    if pkg.is_installed and pkg.marked_delete:
                        logging.debug("metapkg '%s' installed but marked_delete" % pkg.name)
                    if ((pkg.is_installed and not pkg.marked_delete)
                        or self[key].marked_install):
                        return True
            return False

        # now check for ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop
        metapkgs = self.config.getlist("Distro", "MetaPkgs")

        # we never go without ubuntu-base
        for pkg in self.config.getlist("Distro", "BaseMetaPkgs"):

        # every meta-pkg that is installed currently, will be marked
        # install (that result in a upgrade and removes a mark_delete)
        for key in metapkgs:
                if (key in self and
                    self[key].is_installed and
                    logging.debug("Marking '%s' for upgrade" % key)
            except SystemError as e:
                # warn here, but don't fail, its possible that meta-packages
                # conflict (like ubuntu-desktop vs xubuntu-desktop) LP: #775411
                logging.warning("Can't mark '%s' for upgrade (%s)" % (key, e))

        # check if we have a meta-pkg, if not, try to guess which one to pick
        if not metaPkgInstalled():
            logging.debug("none of the '%s' meta-pkgs installed" % metapkgs)
            for key in metapkgs:
                deps_found = True
                for pkg in self.config.getlist(key, "KeyDependencies"):
                    deps_found &= pkg in self and self[pkg].is_installed
                if deps_found:
                    logging.debug("guessing '%s' as missing meta-pkg" % key)
                    except (SystemError, KeyError) as e:
                        logging.error("failed to mark '%s' for install (%s)" %
                                      (key, e))
                        view.error(_("Can't install '%s'") % key,
                                   _("It was impossible to install a "
                                     "required package. Please report "
                                     "this as a bug using "
                                     "'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in "
                                     "a terminal."))
                        return False
                    logging.debug("marked_install: '%s' -> '%s'" % (key, self[key].marked_install))
        # check if we actually found one
        if not metaPkgInstalled():
            meta_pkgs = ', '.join(metapkgs[0:-1])
            view.error(_("Can't guess meta-package"),
                       _("Your system does not contain a "
                         "%s or %s package and it was not "
                         "possible to detect which version of "
                         "Ubuntu you are running.\n "
                         "Please install one of the packages "
                         "above first using synaptic or "
                         "apt-get before proceeding.") %
                        (meta_pkgs, metapkgs[-1]))
            return False
        return True

    def _inRemovalBlacklist(self, pkgname):
        for expr in self.removal_blacklist:
            if re.compile(expr).match(pkgname):
                logging.debug("blacklist expr '%s' matches '%s'" % (expr, pkgname))
                return True
        return False

    def tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval(self, pkgname, remove_candidates, foreign_pkgs):
        #logging.debug("tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval(): %s" % pkgname)
        # sanity check, first see if it looks like a running kernel pkg
        if pkgname.endswith(self.uname):
            logging.debug("skipping running kernel pkg '%s'" % pkgname)
            return False
        if self._inRemovalBlacklist(pkgname):
            logging.debug("skipping '%s' (in removalBlacklist)" % pkgname)
            return False
        # ensure we honor KeepInstalledSection here as well
        for section in self.config.getlist("Distro", "KeepInstalledSection"):
            if pkgname in self and self[pkgname].section == section:
                logging.debug("skipping '%s' (in KeepInstalledSection)" % pkgname)
                return False
        # if we don't have the package anyway, we are fine (this can
        # happen when forced_obsoletes are specified in the config file)
        if pkgname not in self:
            #logging.debug("package '%s' not in cache" % pkgname)
            return True
        # check if we want to purge
            purge = self.config.getboolean("Distro", "PurgeObsoletes")
        except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
            purge = False

        # this is a delete candidate, only actually delete,
        # if it dosn't remove other packages depending on it
        # that are not obsolete as well
        actiongroup = apt_pkg.ActionGroup(self._depcache)
        # just make pyflakes shut up, later we should use
        # with self.actiongroup():
            #logging.debug("marking '%s' for removal" % pkgname)
            for pkg in self.get_changes():
                if (pkg.name not in remove_candidates or
                      pkg.name in foreign_pkgs or
                    logging.debug("package '%s' has unwanted removals, skipping" % pkgname)
                    return False
        except (SystemError, KeyError) as e:
            logging.warning("_tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval failed for '%s' (%s: %s)" % (pkgname, repr(e), e))
            return False
        return True

    def _getObsoletesPkgs(self):
        " get all package names that are not downloadable "
        obsolete_pkgs = set()
        for pkg in self:
            if pkg.is_installed:
                # check if any version is downloadable. we need to check
                # for older ones too, because there might be
                # cases where e.g. firefox in gutsy-updates is newer
                # than hardy
                if not self.anyVersionDownloadable(pkg):
        return obsolete_pkgs

    def anyVersionDownloadable(self, pkg):
        " helper that checks if any of the version of pkg is downloadable "
        for ver in pkg._pkg.version_list:
            if ver.downloadable:
                return True
        return False

    def _getUnusedDependencies(self):
        " get all package names that are not downloadable "
        unused_dependencies = set()
        for pkg in self:
            if pkg.is_installed and self._depcache.is_garbage(pkg._pkg):
        return unused_dependencies

    def get_installed_demoted_packages(self):
        """ return list of installed and demoted packages

            If a demoted package is a automatic install it will be skipped
        demotions = set()
        demotions_file = self.config.get("Distro", "Demotions")
        if os.path.exists(demotions_file):
            with open(demotions_file) as demotions_f:
                for line in demotions_f:
                    if not line.startswith("#"):
        installed_demotions = set()
        for demoted_pkgname in demotions:
            if demoted_pkgname not in self:
            pkg = self[demoted_pkgname]
            if (not pkg.is_installed or
                self._depcache.is_auto_installed(pkg._pkg) or
        return list(installed_demotions)

    def _getForeignPkgs(self, allowed_origin, fromDist, toDist):
        """ get all packages that are installed from a foreign repo
            (and are actually downloadable)
        foreign_pkgs = set()
        for pkg in self:
            if pkg.is_installed and self.downloadable(pkg):
                if not pkg.candidate:
                # assume it is foreign and see if it is from the
                # official archive
                foreign = True
                for origin in pkg.candidate.origins:
                    # FIXME: use some better metric here
                    if fromDist in origin.archive and \
                           origin.origin == allowed_origin:
                        foreign = False
                    if toDist in origin.archive and \
                           origin.origin == allowed_origin:
                        foreign = False
                if foreign:
        return foreign_pkgs

    def checkFreeSpace(self, snapshots_in_use=False):
        this checks if we have enough free space on /var, /boot and /usr
        with the given cache

        Note: this can not be fully accurate if there are multiple
              mountpoints for /usr, /var, /boot

        class FreeSpace(object):
            " helper class that represents the free space on each mounted fs "
            def __init__(self, initialFree):
                self.free = initialFree
                self.need = 0

        def make_fs_id(d):
            """ return 'id' of a directory so that directories on the
                same filesystem get the same id (simply the mount_point)
            for mount_point in mounted:
                if d.startswith(mount_point):
                    return mount_point
            return "/"

        # this is all a bit complicated
        # 1) check what is mounted (in mounted)
        # 2) create FreeSpace objects for the dirs we are interested in
        #    (mnt_map)
        # 3) use the  mnt_map to check if we have enough free space and
        #    if not tell the user how much is missing
        mounted = []
        mnt_map = {}
        fs_free = {}
        with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:
            for line in mounts:
                    (what, where, fs, options, a, b) = line.split()
                except ValueError as e:
                    logging.debug("line '%s' in /proc/mounts not understood (%s)" % (line, e))
                if not where in mounted:
        # make sure mounted is sorted by longest path
        mounted.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        archivedir = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::Cache::archives")
        aufs_rw_dir = "/tmp/"
        if (hasattr(self, "config") and
            self.config.getWithDefault("Aufs", "Enabled", False)):
            aufs_rw_dir = self.config.get("Aufs", "RWDir")
            if not os.path.exists(aufs_rw_dir):
        logging.debug("cache aufs_rw_dir: %s" % aufs_rw_dir)
        for d in ["/", "/usr", "/var", "/boot", archivedir, aufs_rw_dir, "/home", "/tmp/"]:
            d = os.path.realpath(d)
            fs_id = make_fs_id(d)
            if os.path.exists(d):
                st = os.statvfs(d)
                free = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
                logging.warning("directory '%s' does not exists" % d)
                free = 0
            if fs_id in mnt_map:
                logging.debug("Dir %s mounted on %s" %
                              (d, mnt_map[fs_id]))
                fs_free[d] = fs_free[mnt_map[fs_id]]
                logging.debug("Free space on %s: %s" %
                              (d, free))
                mnt_map[fs_id] = d
                fs_free[d] = FreeSpace(free)
        del mnt_map
        logging.debug("fs_free contains: '%s'" % fs_free)

        # now calculate the space that is required on /boot
        # we do this by checking how many linux-image-$ver packages
        # are installed or going to be installed
        kernel_count = 0
        for pkg in self:
            # we match against everything that looks like a kernel
            # and add space check to filter out metapackages
            if re.match("^linux-(image|image-debug)-[0-9.]*-.*", pkg.name):
                # upgrade because early in the release cycle the major version
                # may be the same or they might be -lts- kernels
                if pkg.marked_install or pkg.marked_upgrade:
                    logging.debug("%s (new-install) added with %s to boot space" % (pkg.name, KERNEL_SIZE))
                    kernel_count += 1
        # space calculated per LP: #1646222
        space_in_boot = (kernel_count * KERNEL_SIZE
                         + (kernel_count + 1) * INITRD_SIZE)

        # we check for various sizes:
        # archivedir is where we download the debs
        # /usr is assumed to get *all* of the install space (incorrect,
        #      but as good as we can do currently + safety buffer
        # /     has a small safety buffer as well
        required_for_aufs = 0.0
        if (hasattr(self, "config") and
            self.config.getWithDefault("Aufs", "Enabled", False)):
            logging.debug("taking aufs overlay into space calculation")
            aufs_rw_dir = self.config.get("Aufs", "RWDir")
            # if we use the aufs rw overlay all the space is consumed
            # the overlay dir
            for pkg in self:
                if pkg.marked_upgrade or pkg.marked_install:
                    required_for_aufs += pkg.candidate.installed_size

        # add old size of the package if we use snapshots
        required_for_snapshots = 0.0
        if snapshots_in_use:
            for pkg in self:
                if (pkg.is_installed and
                    (pkg.marked_upgrade or pkg.marked_delete)):
                    required_for_snapshots += pkg.installed.installed_size
            logging.debug("additional space for the snapshots: %s" % required_for_snapshots)

        # sum up space requirements
        for (dir, size) in [(archivedir, self.required_download),
                            ("/usr", self.additional_required_space),
                            # plus 50M safety buffer in /usr
                            ("/usr", 50*1024*1024),
                            ("/boot", space_in_boot),
                            ("/tmp", 5*1024*1024),   # /tmp for dkms LP: #427035
                            ("/", 10*1024*1024),     # small safety buffer /
                            (aufs_rw_dir, required_for_aufs),
                            # if snapshots are in use
                            ("/usr", required_for_snapshots),
            # we are ensuring we have more than enough free space not less
            if size < 0:
            dir = os.path.realpath(dir)
            logging.debug("dir '%s' needs '%s' of '%s' (%f)" % (dir, size, fs_free[dir], fs_free[dir].free))
            fs_free[dir].free -= size
            fs_free[dir].need += size

        # check for space required violations
        required_list = {}
        for dir in fs_free:
            if fs_free[dir].free < 0:
                # ensure unicode here (LP: #1172740)
                free_at_least = apt_pkg.size_to_str(float(abs(fs_free[dir].free)+1))
                if isinstance(free_at_least, bytes):
                    free_at_least = free_at_least.decode(
                free_needed = apt_pkg.size_to_str(fs_free[dir].need)
                if isinstance(free_needed, bytes):
                    free_needed = free_needed.decode(
                # make_fs_id ensures we only get stuff on the same
                # mountpoint, so we report the requirements only once
                # per mountpoint
                required_list[make_fs_id(dir)] = FreeSpaceRequired(free_needed, make_fs_id(dir), free_at_least)
        # raise exception if free space check fails
        if len(required_list) > 0:
            logging.error("Not enough free space: %s" % [str(i) for i in required_list])
            raise NotEnoughFreeSpaceError(list(required_list.values()))
        return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    from .DistUpgradeConfigParser import DistUpgradeConfig
    from .DistUpgradeView import DistUpgradeView
    c = MyCache(DistUpgradeConfig("."), DistUpgradeView(), None)



Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
DistUpgradeApport.py File 4.95 KB 0644
DistUpgradeAptCdrom.py File 12.39 KB 0644
DistUpgradeCache.py File 52.55 KB 0644
DistUpgradeConfigParser.py File 3.75 KB 0644
DistUpgradeController.py File 100.96 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcher.py File 5.83 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py File 11.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py File 9.72 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherSelf.py File 2.02 KB 0644
DistUpgradeGettext.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DistUpgradeMain.py File 9.1 KB 0644
DistUpgradePatcher.py File 3.92 KB 0644
DistUpgradeQuirks.py File 47.38 KB 0644
DistUpgradeVersion.py File 21 B 0644
DistUpgradeView.py File 16.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewGtk3.py File 32.7 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewKDE.py File 39.87 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive.py File 13.45 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewText.py File 12.33 KB 0644
GtkProgress.py File 3.93 KB 0644
MetaRelease.py File 16.65 KB 0644
QUrlOpener.py File 3.24 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewer.py File 7.48 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewerWebkit.py File 2.86 KB 0644
SimpleGtk3builderApp.py File 2.01 KB 0644
SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py File 1.99 KB 0644
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
apt_btrfs_snapshot.py File 9.64 KB 0644
apt_clone.py File 32.81 KB 0644
dist-upgrade.py File 126 B 0644
distinfo.py File 11.3 KB 0644
distro.py File 23.16 KB 0644
sourceslist.py File 18.36 KB 0644
telemetry.py File 3.4 KB 0644
utils.py File 17.95 KB 0644
xorg_fix_proprietary.py File 3.93 KB 0644