[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# DistUpgradeMain.py 
#  Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Canonical
#  Author: Michael Vogt <michael.vogt@ubuntu.com>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#  USA

import apt
import atexit
import gettext
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys

from datetime import datetime
from optparse import OptionParser
from gettext import gettext as _

# dirs that the packages will touch, this is needed for the sanity check
# before the upgrade
SYSTEM_DIRS = ["/bin",
              "/lib32", # ???
              "/lib64", # ???

from .DistUpgradeConfigParser import DistUpgradeConfig

def do_commandline():
    " setup option parser and parse the commandline "
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-c", "--cdrom", dest="cdromPath", default=None,
                      help=_("Use the given path to search for a cdrom with upgradable packages"))
    parser.add_option("--have-prerequists", dest="havePrerequists",
                      action="store_true", default=False)
    parser.add_option("--with-network", dest="withNetwork",action="store_true")
    parser.add_option("--without-network", dest="withNetwork",action="store_false")
    parser.add_option("--frontend", dest="frontend",default=None,
                      help=_("Use frontend. Currently available: \n"\
                             "DistUpgradeViewText, DistUpgradeViewGtk, DistUpgradeViewKDE"))
    parser.add_option("--mode", dest="mode",default="desktop",
                      help=_("*DEPRECATED* this option will be ignored"))
    parser.add_option("--partial", dest="partial", default=False,
                      help=_("Perform a partial upgrade only (no sources.list rewriting)"))
    parser.add_option("--disable-gnu-screen", action="store_true", 
                      help=_("Disable GNU screen support"))
    parser.add_option("--datadir", dest="datadir", default=".",
                      help=_("Set datadir"))
    parser.add_option("--devel-release", action="store_true",
                      dest="devel_release", default=False,
                      help=_("Upgrade to the development release"))
    return parser.parse_args()

def setup_logging(options, config):
    " setup the logging "
    logdir = config.getWithDefault("Files","LogDir","/var/log/dist-upgrade/")
    if not os.path.exists(logdir):
    # check if logs exists and move logs into place
    if glob.glob(logdir+"/*.log"):
        now = datetime.now()
        backup_dir = logdir+"/%04i%02i%02i-%02i%02i" % (now.year,now.month,now.day,now.hour,now.minute)
        if not os.path.exists(backup_dir):
        for f in glob.glob(logdir+"/*.log"):
            shutil.move(f, os.path.join(backup_dir,os.path.basename(f)))
    fname = os.path.join(logdir,"main.log")
    # do not overwrite the default main.log
    if options.partial:
        fname += ".partial"
    with open(fname, "a"):
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
    # log what config files are in use here to detect user
    # changes
    logging.info("Using config files '%s'" % config.config_files)
    logging.info("uname information: '%s'" % " ".join(os.uname()))
    cache = apt.apt_pkg.Cache(None)
    apt_version = cache['apt'].current_ver.ver_str
    logging.info("apt version: '%s'" % apt_version)
    logging.info("python version: '%s'" % sys.version)
    return logdir

def save_system_state(logdir):
    # save package state to be able to re-create failures
        from .apt_clone import AptClone
    except ImportError:
        logging.error("failed to import AptClone")
    target = os.path.join(logdir, "apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz")
    logging.debug("creating statefile: '%s'" % target)
    # this file may contain sensitive data so ensure we create with the
    # right umask
    old_umask = os.umask(0o0066)
    clone = AptClone()
    clone.save_state(sourcedir="/", target=target, with_dpkg_status=True,
    # reset umask
    # lspci output
        s=subprocess.Popen(["lspci","-nn"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        with open(os.path.join(logdir, "lspci.txt"), "w") as f:
    except OSError as e:
        logging.debug("lspci failed: %s" % e)
def setup_view(options, config, logdir):
    " setup view based on the config and commandline "

    # the commandline overwrites the configfile
    for requested_view in [options.frontend]+config.getlist("View","View"):
        if not requested_view:
            # this should work with py3 and py2.7
            from importlib import import_module
            # use relative imports
            view_modul = import_module("."+requested_view, "DistUpgrade")
            # won't work with py3
            #view_modul = __import__(requested_view, globals())
            view_class = getattr(view_modul, requested_view)
            instance = view_class(logdir=logdir, datadir=options.datadir)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning("can't import view '%s' (%s)" % (requested_view,e))
            print("can't load %s (%s)" % (requested_view, e))
        logging.error("No view can be imported, aborting")
        print("No view can be imported, aborting")
    return instance

def run_new_gnu_screen_window_or_reattach():
    """ check if there is a upgrade already running inside gnu screen,
        if so, reattach
        if not, create new screen window
    SCREENNAME = "ubuntu-release-upgrade-screen-window"
    # get the active screen sockets
        out = subprocess.Popen(
            ["screen","-ls"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        logging.debug("screen returned: '%s'" % out)
    except OSError:
        logging.info("screen could not be run")
    # check if a release upgrade is among them
    if SCREENNAME in out:
        logging.info("found active screen session, re-attaching")
        # if we have it, attach to it
        os.execv("/usr/bin/screen",  ["screen", "-d", "-r", "-p", SCREENNAME])
    # otherwise re-exec inside screen with (-L) for logging enabled
    # unset escape key to avoid confusing people who are not used to
    # screen. people who already run screen will not be affected by this
    # unset escape key with -e, enable log with -L, set name with -S
    cmd = ["screen", 
           "-e", "\\0\\0",
           "-c", "screenrc",
           "-S", SCREENNAME]+sys.argv
    logging.info("re-exec inside screen: '%s'" % cmd)
    os.execv("/usr/bin/screen", cmd)

def main():
    """ main method """

    # commandline setup and config
    (options, args) = do_commandline()
    config = DistUpgradeConfig(options.datadir)
    logdir = setup_logging(options, config)

    from .DistUpgradeVersion import VERSION
    logging.info("release-upgrader version '%s' started" % VERSION)
    # ensure that DistUpgradeView translations are displayed
    if options.datadir is None or options.datadir == '.':
        localedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "mo")
        gettext.bindtextdomain("ubuntu-release-upgrader", localedir)

    # create view and app objects
    view = setup_view(options, config, logdir)

    # gnu screen support
    if (view.needs_screen and
        not "RELEASE_UPGRADER_NO_SCREEN" in os.environ and
        not options.disable_gnu_screen):

    from .DistUpgradeController import DistUpgradeController
    app = DistUpgradeController(view, options, datadir=options.datadir)

    # partial upgrade only
    if options.partial:
        if not app.doPartialUpgrade():

    # save system state (only if not doing just a partial upgrade)

    # full upgrade, return error code for success/failure
    if app.run():
        return 0
    return 1


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
DistUpgradeApport.py File 4.95 KB 0644
DistUpgradeAptCdrom.py File 12.39 KB 0644
DistUpgradeCache.py File 52.55 KB 0644
DistUpgradeConfigParser.py File 3.75 KB 0644
DistUpgradeController.py File 100.96 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcher.py File 5.83 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py File 11.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py File 9.72 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherSelf.py File 2.02 KB 0644
DistUpgradeGettext.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DistUpgradeMain.py File 9.1 KB 0644
DistUpgradePatcher.py File 3.92 KB 0644
DistUpgradeQuirks.py File 47.38 KB 0644
DistUpgradeVersion.py File 21 B 0644
DistUpgradeView.py File 16.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewGtk3.py File 32.7 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewKDE.py File 39.87 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive.py File 13.45 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewText.py File 12.33 KB 0644
GtkProgress.py File 3.93 KB 0644
MetaRelease.py File 16.65 KB 0644
QUrlOpener.py File 3.24 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewer.py File 7.48 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewerWebkit.py File 2.86 KB 0644
SimpleGtk3builderApp.py File 2.01 KB 0644
SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py File 1.99 KB 0644
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
apt_btrfs_snapshot.py File 9.64 KB 0644
apt_clone.py File 32.81 KB 0644
dist-upgrade.py File 126 B 0644
distinfo.py File 11.3 KB 0644
distro.py File 23.16 KB 0644
sourceslist.py File 18.36 KB 0644
telemetry.py File 3.4 KB 0644
utils.py File 17.95 KB 0644
xorg_fix_proprietary.py File 3.93 KB 0644