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#  distinfo.py - provide meta information for distro repositories
#  Copyright (c) 2005 Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
#  Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor@ubuntu.com>
#  Authors: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
#           Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor@ubuntu.com>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#  USA

from __future__ import print_function

import errno
import logging
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import re

import apt_pkg

from apt_pkg import gettext as _

class Template(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.name = None
        self.child = False
        self.parents = []          # ref to parent template(s)
        self.match_name = None
        self.description = None
        self.base_uri = None
        self.type = None
        self.components = []
        self.children = []
        self.match_uri = None
        self.mirror_set = {}
        self.distribution = None
        self.available = True
        self.official = True

    def has_component(self, comp):
        ''' Check if the distribution provides the given component '''
        return comp in (c.name for c in self.components)

    def is_mirror(self, url):
        ''' Check if a given url of a repository is a valid mirror '''
        proto, hostname, dir = split_url(url)
        if hostname in self.mirror_set:
            return self.mirror_set[hostname].has_repository(proto, dir)
            return False

class Component(object):

    def __init__(self, name, desc=None, long_desc=None, parent_component=None):
        self.name = name
        self.description = desc
        self.description_long = long_desc
        self.parent_component = parent_component

    def get_parent_component(self):
        return self.parent_component

    def set_parent_component(self, parent):
        self.parent_component = parent

    def get_description(self):
        if self.description_long is not None:
            return self.description_long
        elif self.description is not None:
            return self.description
            return None

    def set_description(self, desc):
        self.description = desc

    def set_description_long(self, desc):
        self.description_long = desc

    def get_description_long(self):
        return self.description_long

class Mirror(object):
    ''' Storage for mirror related information '''

    def __init__(self, proto, hostname, dir, location=None):
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.repositories = []
        self.add_repository(proto, dir)
        self.location = location

    def add_repository(self, proto, dir):
        self.repositories.append(Repository(proto, dir))

    def get_repositories_for_proto(self, proto):
        return [r for r in self.repositories if r.proto == proto]

    def has_repository(self, proto, dir):
        if dir is None:
            return False
        for r in self.repositories:
            if r.proto == proto and dir in r.dir:
                return True
        return False

    def get_repo_urls(self):
        return [r.get_url(self.hostname) for r in self.repositories]

    def get_location(self):
        return self.location

    def set_location(self, location):
        self.location = location

class Repository(object):

    def __init__(self, proto, dir):
        self.proto = proto
        self.dir = dir

    def get_info(self):
        return self.proto, self.dir

    def get_url(self, hostname):
        return "%s://%s/%s" % (self.proto, hostname, self.dir)

def split_url(url):
    ''' split a given URL into the protocoll, the hostname and the dir part '''
    split = re.split(":*\/+", url, maxsplit=2)
    while len(split) < 3:
    return split

class DistInfo(object):

    def __init__(self, dist=None, base_dir="/usr/share/python-apt/templates"):
        self.metarelease_uri = ''
        self.templates = []
        self.arch = apt_pkg.config.find("APT::Architecture")

        location = None
        match_loc = re.compile(r"^#LOC:(.+)$")
        match_mirror_line = re.compile(
        #match_mirror_line = re.compile(r".+")

        if not dist:
                dist = Popen(["lsb_release", "-i", "-s"],
            except OSError as exc:
                if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                        'lsb_release failed, using defaults:' % exc)
                dist = "Debian"

        self.dist = dist

        map_mirror_sets = {}

        dist_fname = "%s/%s.info" % (base_dir, dist)
        with open(dist_fname) as dist_file:
            template = None
            component = None
            for line in dist_file:
                tokens = line.split(':', 1)
                if len(tokens) < 2:
                field = tokens[0].strip()
                value = tokens[1].strip()
                if field == 'ChangelogURI':
                    self.changelogs_uri = _(value)
                elif field == 'MetaReleaseURI':
                    self.metarelease_uri = value
                elif field == 'Suite':
                    self.finish_template(template, component)
                    component = None
                    template = Template()
                    template.name = value
                    template.distribution = dist
                    template.match_name = "^%s$" % value
                elif field == 'MatchName':
                    template.match_name = value
                elif field == 'ParentSuite':
                    template.child = True
                    for nanny in self.templates:
                        # look for parent and add back ref to it
                        if nanny.name == value:
                elif field == 'Available':
                    template.available = apt_pkg.string_to_bool(value)
                elif field == 'Official':
                    template.official = apt_pkg.string_to_bool(value)
                elif field == 'RepositoryType':
                    template.type = value
                elif field == 'BaseURI' and not template.base_uri:
                    template.base_uri = value
                elif field == 'BaseURI-%s' % self.arch:
                    template.base_uri = value
                elif field == 'MatchURI' and not template.match_uri:
                    template.match_uri = value
                elif field == 'MatchURI-%s' % self.arch:
                    template.match_uri = value
                elif (field == 'MirrorsFile' or
                      field == 'MirrorsFile-%s' % self.arch):
                    # Make the path absolute.
                    value = os.path.isabs(value) and value or \
                            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, value))
                    if value not in map_mirror_sets:
                        mirror_set = {}
                            with open(value) as value_f:
                                mirror_data = list(filter(
                                    [x.strip() for x in value_f]))
                        except Exception:
                            print("WARNING: Failed to read mirror file")
                            mirror_data = []
                        for line in mirror_data:
                            if line.startswith("#LOC:"):
                                location = match_loc.sub(r"\1", line)
                            (proto, hostname, dir) = split_url(line)
                            if hostname in mirror_set:
                                mirror_set[hostname].add_repository(proto, dir)
                                mirror_set[hostname] = Mirror(
                                    proto, hostname, dir, location)
                        map_mirror_sets[value] = mirror_set
                    template.mirror_set = map_mirror_sets[value]
                elif field == 'Description':
                    template.description = _(value)
                elif field == 'Component':
                    if (component and not
                    component = Component(value)
                elif field == 'CompDescription':
                elif field == 'CompDescriptionLong':
                elif field == 'ParentComponent':
            self.finish_template(template, component)
            template = None
            component = None

    def finish_template(self, template, component):
        " finish the current tempalte "
        if not template:
        # reuse some properties of the parent template
        if template.match_uri is None and template.child:
            for t in template.parents:
                if t.match_uri:
                    template.match_uri = t.match_uri
        if template.mirror_set == {} and template.child:
            for t in template.parents:
                if t.match_uri:
                    template.mirror_set = t.mirror_set
        if component and not template.has_component(component.name):
            component = None
        # the official attribute is inherited
        for t in template.parents:
            template.official = t.official

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = DistInfo("Ubuntu", "/usr/share/python-apt/templates")
    for template in d.templates:
        logging.info("\nSuite: %s" % template.name)
        logging.info("Desc: %s" % template.description)
        logging.info("BaseURI: %s" % template.base_uri)
        logging.info("MatchURI: %s" % template.match_uri)
        if template.mirror_set != {}:
            logging.info("Mirrors: %s" % list(template.mirror_set.keys()))
        for comp in template.components:
            logging.info(" %s -%s -%s" % (comp.name,
        for child in template.children:
            logging.info("  %s" % child.description)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
DistUpgradeApport.py File 4.95 KB 0644
DistUpgradeAptCdrom.py File 12.39 KB 0644
DistUpgradeCache.py File 52.55 KB 0644
DistUpgradeConfigParser.py File 3.75 KB 0644
DistUpgradeController.py File 100.96 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcher.py File 5.83 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py File 11.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py File 9.72 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherSelf.py File 2.02 KB 0644
DistUpgradeGettext.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DistUpgradeMain.py File 9.1 KB 0644
DistUpgradePatcher.py File 3.92 KB 0644
DistUpgradeQuirks.py File 47.38 KB 0644
DistUpgradeVersion.py File 21 B 0644
DistUpgradeView.py File 16.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewGtk3.py File 32.7 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewKDE.py File 39.87 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive.py File 13.45 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewText.py File 12.33 KB 0644
GtkProgress.py File 3.93 KB 0644
MetaRelease.py File 16.65 KB 0644
QUrlOpener.py File 3.24 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewer.py File 7.48 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewerWebkit.py File 2.86 KB 0644
SimpleGtk3builderApp.py File 2.01 KB 0644
SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py File 1.99 KB 0644
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
apt_btrfs_snapshot.py File 9.64 KB 0644
apt_clone.py File 32.81 KB 0644
dist-upgrade.py File 126 B 0644
distinfo.py File 11.3 KB 0644
distro.py File 23.16 KB 0644
sourceslist.py File 18.36 KB 0644
telemetry.py File 3.4 KB 0644
utils.py File 17.95 KB 0644
xorg_fix_proprietary.py File 3.93 KB 0644