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#  distro.py - Provide a distro abstraction of the sources.list
#  Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Canonical Ltd.
#  Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sebastian Heinlein
#  Copyright (c) 2016 Harald Sitter
#  Authors: Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor@ubuntu.com>
#           Michael Vogt <mvo@debian.org>
#           Harald Sitter <sitter@kde.org>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#  USA

import gettext
import logging
import re
import shlex
import os

from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

from apt_pkg import gettext as _

class NoDistroTemplateException(Exception):

class Distribution(object):

    def __init__(self, id, codename, description, release, is_like=[]):
        """ Container for distribution specific informations """
        # LSB information
        self.id = id
        self.codename = codename
        self.description = description
        self.release = release
        self.is_like = is_like

        self.binary_type = "deb"
        self.source_type = "deb-src"

    def get_sources(self, sourceslist):
        Find the corresponding template, main and child sources
        for the distribution

        self.sourceslist = sourceslist
        # corresponding sources
        self.source_template = None
        self.child_sources = []
        self.main_sources = []
        self.disabled_sources = []
        self.cdrom_sources = []
        self.download_comps = []
        self.enabled_comps = []
        self.cdrom_comps = []
        self.used_media = []
        self.get_source_code = False
        self.source_code_sources = []

        # location of the sources
        self.default_server = ""
        self.main_server = ""
        self.nearest_server = ""
        self.used_servers = []

        # find the distro template
        for template in self.sourceslist.matcher.templates:
            if (self.is_codename(template.name) and
                    template.distribution == self.id):
                #print "yeah! found a template for %s" % self.description
                #print template.description, template.base_uri, \
                #    template.components
                self.source_template = template
        if self.source_template is None:
            raise NoDistroTemplateException(
                "Error: could not find a distribution template for %s/%s" %
                (self.id, self.codename))

        # find main and child sources
        media = []
        comps = []
        cdrom_comps = []
        enabled_comps = []
        #source_code = []
        for source in self.sourceslist.list:
            if (not source.invalid and
                    self.is_codename(source.dist) and
                    source.template and
                    source.template.official and
                #print "yeah! found a distro repo:  %s" % source.line
                # cdroms need do be handled differently
                if (source.uri.startswith("cdrom:") and
                        not source.disabled):
                elif (source.uri.startswith("cdrom:") and
                elif (source.type == self.binary_type and
                          not source.disabled):
                elif (source.type == self.binary_type and
                elif (source.type == self.source_type and
                          not source.disabled):
                elif (source.type == self.source_type and
            if (not source.invalid and
                    source.template in self.source_template.children):
                if (not source.disabled and
                    source.type == self.binary_type):
                elif (not source.disabled and
                      source.type == self.source_type):
        self.download_comps = set(comps)
        self.cdrom_comps = set(cdrom_comps)
        self.enabled_comps = set(enabled_comps)
        self.used_media = set(media)

    def get_mirrors(self, mirror_template=None):
        Provide a set of mirrors where you can get the distribution from
        # the main server is stored in the template
        self.main_server = self.source_template.base_uri

        # other used servers
        for medium in self.used_media:
            if not medium.startswith("cdrom:"):
                # seems to be a network source

        if len(self.main_sources) == 0:
            self.default_server = self.main_server
            self.default_server = self.main_sources[0].uri

        # get a list of country codes and real names
        self.countries = {}
        fname = "/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml"
        if os.path.exists(fname):
            et = ElementTree(file=fname)
            # python2.6 compat, the next two lines can get removed
            # once we do not use py2.6 anymore
            if getattr(et, "iter", None) is None:
                et.iter = et.getiterator
            it = et.iter('iso_3166_entry')
            for elm in it:
                    descr = elm.attrib["common_name"]
                except KeyError:
                    descr = elm.attrib["name"]
                    code = elm.attrib["alpha_2_code"]
                except KeyError:
                    code = elm.attrib["alpha_3_code"]
                self.countries[code.lower()] = gettext.dgettext('iso_3166',

        # try to guess the nearest mirror from the locale
        self.country = None
        self.country_code = None
        locale = os.getenv("LANG", default="en_UK")
        a = locale.find("_")
        z = locale.find(".")
        if z == -1:
            z = len(locale)
        country_code = locale[a + 1:z].lower()

        if mirror_template:
            self.nearest_server = mirror_template % country_code

        if country_code in self.countries:
            self.country = self.countries[country_code]
            self.country_code = country_code

    def _get_mirror_name(self, server):
        ''' Try to get a human readable name for the main mirror of a country
            Customize for different distributions '''
        country = None
        i = server.find("://")
        li = server.find(".archive.ubuntu.com")
        if i != -1 and li != -1:
            country = server[i + len("://"):li]
        if country in self.countries:
            # TRANSLATORS: %s is a country
            return _("Server for %s") % self.countries[country]
            return("%s" % server.rstrip("/ "))

    def get_server_list(self):
        ''' Return a list of used and suggested servers '''

        def compare_mirrors(mir1, mir2):
            ''' Helper function that handles comaprision of mirror urls
                that could contain trailing slashes'''
            return re.match(mir1.strip("/ "), mir2.rstrip("/ "))

        # Store all available servers:
        # Name, URI, active
        mirrors = []
        if (len(self.used_servers) < 1 or
            (len(self.used_servers) == 1 and
             compare_mirrors(self.used_servers[0], self.main_server))):
            mirrors.append([_("Main server"), self.main_server, True])
            if self.nearest_server:
                                self.nearest_server, False])
        elif (len(self.used_servers) == 1 and not
              compare_mirrors(self.used_servers[0], self.main_server)):
            mirrors.append([_("Main server"), self.main_server, False])
            # Only one server is used
            server = self.used_servers[0]

            # Append the nearest server if it's not already used
            if self.nearest_server:
                if not compare_mirrors(server, self.nearest_server):
                                    self.nearest_server, False])
            if server:
                mirrors.append([self._get_mirror_name(server), server, True])

        elif len(self.used_servers) > 1:
            # More than one server is used. Since we don't handle this case
            # in the user interface we set "custom servers" to true and
            # append a list of all used servers
            mirrors.append([_("Main server"), self.main_server, False])
            if self.nearest_server:
                                self.nearest_server, False])
            mirrors.append([_("Custom servers"), None, True])
            for server in self.used_servers:
                mirror_entry = [self._get_mirror_name(server), server, False]
                if (compare_mirrors(server, self.nearest_server) or
                        compare_mirrors(server, self.main_server)):
                elif mirror_entry not in mirrors:

        return mirrors

    def add_source(self, type=None,
                 uri=None, dist=None, comps=None, comment=""):
        Add distribution specific sources
        if uri is None:
            # FIXME: Add support for the server selector
            uri = self.default_server
        if dist is None:
            dist = self.codename
        if comps is None:
            comps = list(self.enabled_comps)
        if type is None:
            type = self.binary_type
        new_source = self.sourceslist.add(type, uri, dist, comps, comment)
        # if source code is enabled add a deb-src line after the new
        # source
        if self.get_source_code and type == self.binary_type:
                self.source_type, uri, dist, comps, comment,
                pos=self.sourceslist.list.index(new_source) + 1)

    def enable_component(self, comp):
        Enable a component in all main, child and source code sources
        (excluding cdrom based sources)

        comp:         the component that should be enabled
        comps = set([comp])
        # look for parent components that we may have to add
        for source in self.main_sources:
            for c in source.template.components:
                if c.name == comp and c.parent_component:
        for c in comps:

    def _enable_component(self, comp):

        def add_component_only_once(source, comps_per_dist):
            Check if we already added the component to the repository, since
            a repository could be splitted into different apt lines. If not
            add the component
            # if we don't have that distro, just return (can happen for e.g.
            # dapper-update only in deb-src
            if source.dist not in comps_per_dist:
            # if we have seen this component already for this distro,
            # return (nothing to do)
            if comp in comps_per_dist[source.dist]:
            # add it

        sources = []
        # store what comps are enabled already per distro (where distro is
        # e.g. "dapper", "dapper-updates")
        comps_per_dist = {}
        comps_per_sdist = {}
        for s in sources:
            if s.type == self.binary_type:
                if s.dist not in comps_per_dist:
                    comps_per_dist[s.dist] = set()
                for c in s.comps:
        for s in self.source_code_sources:
            if s.type == self.source_type:
                if s.dist not in comps_per_sdist:
                    comps_per_sdist[s.dist] = set()
                for c in s.comps:

        # check if there is a main source at all
        if len(self.main_sources) < 1:
            # create a new main source
            self.add_source(comps=["%s" % comp])
            # add the comp to all main, child and source code sources
            for source in sources:
                add_component_only_once(source, comps_per_dist)

            for source in self.source_code_sources:
                add_component_only_once(source, comps_per_sdist)

        # check if there is a main source code source at all
        if self.get_source_code:
            if len(self.source_code_sources) < 1:
                # create a new main source
                self.add_source(type=self.source_type, comps=["%s" % comp])
                # add the comp to all main, child and source code sources
                for source in self.source_code_sources:
                    add_component_only_once(source, comps_per_sdist)

    def disable_component(self, comp):
        Disable a component in all main, child and source code sources
        (excluding cdrom based sources)
        sources = []
        if comp in self.cdrom_comps:
            sources = []
        for source in sources:
            if comp in source.comps:
                if len(source.comps) < 1:

    def change_server(self, uri):
        ''' Change the server of all distro specific sources to
            a given host '''

        def change_server_of_source(source, uri, seen):
            # Avoid creating duplicate entries
            source.uri = uri
            for comp in source.comps:
                if [source.uri, source.dist, comp] in seen:
                    seen.append([source.uri, source.dist, comp])
            if len(source.comps) < 1:

        seen_binary = []
        seen_source = []
        self.default_server = uri
        for source in self.main_sources:
            change_server_of_source(source, uri, seen_binary)
        for source in self.child_sources:
            # Do not change the forces server of a child source
            if (source.template.base_uri is None or
                    source.template.base_uri != source.uri):
                change_server_of_source(source, uri, seen_binary)
        for source in self.source_code_sources:
            change_server_of_source(source, uri, seen_source)

    def is_codename(self, name):
        ''' Compare a given name with the release codename. '''
        if name == self.codename:
            return True
            return False

class DebianDistribution(Distribution):
    ''' Class to support specific Debian features '''

    def is_codename(self, name):
        ''' Compare a given name with the release codename and check if
            if it can be used as a synonym for a development releases '''
        if name == self.codename or self.release in ("testing", "unstable"):
            return True
            return False

    def _get_mirror_name(self, server):
        ''' Try to get a human readable name for the main mirror of a country
            Debian specific '''
        country = None
        i = server.find("://ftp.")
        li = server.find(".debian.org")
        if i != -1 and li != -1:
            country = server[i + len("://ftp."):li]
        if country in self.countries:
            # TRANSLATORS: %s is a country
            return _("Server for %s") % gettext.dgettext(
                "iso_3166", self.countries[country].rstrip()).rstrip()
            return("%s" % server.rstrip("/ "))

    def get_mirrors(self):
            self, mirror_template="http://ftp.%s.debian.org/debian/")

class UbuntuDistribution(Distribution):
    ''' Class to support specific Ubuntu features '''

    def get_mirrors(self):
            self, mirror_template="http://%s.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/")

class UbuntuRTMDistribution(UbuntuDistribution):
    ''' Class to support specific Ubuntu RTM features '''

    def get_mirrors(self):
        self.main_server = self.source_template.base_uri

def _lsb_release():
    """Call lsb_release --idrc and return a mapping."""
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    import errno
    result = {'Codename': 'sid', 'Distributor ID': 'Debian',
              'Description': 'Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid)',
              'Release': 'unstable'}
        out = Popen(['lsb_release', '-idrc'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
        # Convert to unicode string, needed for Python 3.1
        out = out.decode("utf-8")
        result.update(l.split(":\t") for l in out.split("\n") if ':\t' in l)
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
            logging.warning('lsb_release failed, using defaults:' % exc)
    return result

def _system_image_channel():
    """Get the current channel from system-image-cli -i if possible."""
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    import errno
        from subprocess import DEVNULL
    except ImportError:
        # no DEVNULL in 2.7
        DEVNULL = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR)
        out = Popen(
            ['system-image-cli', '-i'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL,
        for l in out.splitlines():
            if l.startswith('channel: '):
                return l.split(': ', 1)[1]
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                'system-image-cli failed, using defaults: %s' % exc)
    return None

class _OSRelease:

    DEFAULT_OS_RELEASE_FILE = '/etc/os-release'
    OS_RELEASE_FILE = '/etc/os-release'

    def __init__(self, lsb_compat=True):
        self.result = {}
        self.valid = False
        self.file = _OSRelease.OS_RELEASE_FILE

        if not os.path.isfile(self.file):

        self.valid = True

        if lsb_compat:

    def inject_lsb_compat(self):
        self.result['Distributor ID'] = self.result['ID']
        self.result['Description'] = self.result['PRETTY_NAME']
        # Optionals as per os-release spec.
        self.result['Codename'] = self.result.get('VERSION_CODENAME')
        if not self.result['Codename']:
            # Transient Ubuntu 16.04 field (LP: #1598212)
            self.result['Codename'] = self.result.get('UBUNTU_CODENAME')
        self.result['Release'] = self.result.get('VERSION_ID')

    def parse(self):
        f = open(self.file, 'r')
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
            self.parse_entry(*line.split('=', 1))

    def parse_entry(self, key, value):
        value = self.parse_value(value)  # Values can be shell strings...
        if key == "ID_LIKE" and isinstance(value, str):
            # ID_LIKE is specified as quoted space-separated list. This will
            # be parsed as string that we need to split manually.
            value = value.split(' ')
        self.result[key] = value

    def parse_value(self, value):
        values = shlex.split(value)
        if len(values) == 1:
            return values[0]
        return values

def get_distro(id=None, codename=None, description=None, release=None,
    Check the currently used distribution and return the corresponding
    distriubtion class that supports distro specific features.

    If no paramter are given the distro will be auto detected via
    a call to lsb-release
    # make testing easier
    if not (id and codename and description and release):
        os_release = _OSRelease()
        os_result = []
        lsb_result = _lsb_release()
        if os_release.valid:
            os_result = os_release.result
        # TODO: We cannot presently use os-release to fully replace lsb_release
        #       because os-release's ID, VERSION_ID and VERSION_CODENAME fields
        #       are specified as lowercase. In lsb_release they can be upcase
        #       or captizalized. So, switching to os-release would consitute
        #       a behavior break a which point lsb_release support should be
        #       fully removed.
        #       This in particular is a problem for template matching, as this
        #       matches against Distribution objects and depends on string
        #       case.
        lsb_result = _lsb_release()
        id = lsb_result['Distributor ID']
        codename = lsb_result['Codename']
        description = lsb_result['Description']
        release = lsb_result['Release']
        # Not available with LSB, use get directly.
        is_like = os_result.get('ID_LIKE', [])
        if id == "Ubuntu":
            channel = _system_image_channel()
            if channel is not None and "ubuntu-rtm/" in channel:
                id = "Ubuntu-RTM"
                codename = channel.rsplit("/", 1)[1].split("-", 1)[0]
                description = codename
                release = codename
    if id == "Ubuntu":
        return UbuntuDistribution(id, codename, description, release, is_like)
    if id == "Ubuntu-RTM":
        return UbuntuRTMDistribution(
            id, codename, description, release, is_like)
    elif id == "Debian":
        return DebianDistribution(id, codename, description, release, is_like)
        return Distribution(id, codename, description, release, is_like)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
DistUpgradeApport.py File 4.95 KB 0644
DistUpgradeAptCdrom.py File 12.39 KB 0644
DistUpgradeCache.py File 52.55 KB 0644
DistUpgradeConfigParser.py File 3.75 KB 0644
DistUpgradeController.py File 100.96 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcher.py File 5.83 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py File 11.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py File 9.72 KB 0644
DistUpgradeFetcherSelf.py File 2.02 KB 0644
DistUpgradeGettext.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DistUpgradeMain.py File 9.1 KB 0644
DistUpgradePatcher.py File 3.92 KB 0644
DistUpgradeQuirks.py File 47.38 KB 0644
DistUpgradeVersion.py File 21 B 0644
DistUpgradeView.py File 16.2 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewGtk3.py File 32.7 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewKDE.py File 39.87 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive.py File 13.45 KB 0644
DistUpgradeViewText.py File 12.33 KB 0644
GtkProgress.py File 3.93 KB 0644
MetaRelease.py File 16.65 KB 0644
QUrlOpener.py File 3.24 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewer.py File 7.48 KB 0644
ReleaseNotesViewerWebkit.py File 2.86 KB 0644
SimpleGtk3builderApp.py File 2.01 KB 0644
SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py File 1.99 KB 0644
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
apt_btrfs_snapshot.py File 9.64 KB 0644
apt_clone.py File 32.81 KB 0644
dist-upgrade.py File 126 B 0644
distinfo.py File 11.3 KB 0644
distro.py File 23.16 KB 0644
sourceslist.py File 18.36 KB 0644
telemetry.py File 3.4 KB 0644
utils.py File 17.95 KB 0644
xorg_fix_proprietary.py File 3.93 KB 0644