# LocaleInfo.py (c) 2006 Canonical, released under the GPL
# a helper class to get locale info
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import subprocess
import gettext
import os
import pwd
import sys
import dbus
import warnings
from LanguageSelector import macros
from gettext import gettext as _
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
class LocaleInfo(object):
" class with handy functions to parse the locale information "
environments = ["/etc/default/locale"]
def __init__(self, languagelist_file, datadir):
self._datadir = datadir
LANGUAGELIST = os.path.join(datadir, 'data', languagelist_file)
# map language to human readable name, e.g.:
# "pt"->"Portuguise", "de"->"German", "en"->"English"
self._lang = {}
# map country to human readable name, e.g.:
# "BR"->"Brasil", "DE"->"Germany", "US"->"United States"
self._country = {}
# map locale (language+country) to the LANGUAGE environment, e.g.:
# "pt_PT"->"pt_PT:pt:pt_BR:en_GB:en"
self._languagelist = {}
# read lang file
et = ElementTree(file="/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639_3.xml")
it = et.iter('iso_639_3_entry')
for elm in it:
if "common_name" in elm.attrib:
lang = elm.attrib["common_name"]
lang = elm.attrib["name"]
if "part1_code" in elm.attrib:
code = elm.attrib["part1_code"]
code = elm.attrib["id"]
self._lang[code] = lang
# Hack for Chinese langpack split
# Translators: please translate 'Chinese (simplified)' and 'Chinese (traditional)' so that they appear next to each other when sorted alphabetically.
self._lang['zh-hans'] = _("Chinese (simplified)")
# Translators: please translate 'Chinese (simplified)' and 'Chinese (traditional)' so that they appear next to each other when sorted alphabetically.
self._lang['zh-hant'] = _("Chinese (traditional)")
# end hack
# read countries
et = ElementTree(file="/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml")
it = et.iter('iso_3166_entry')
for elm in it:
if "common_name" in elm.attrib:
descr = elm.attrib["common_name"]
descr = elm.attrib["name"]
if "alpha_2_code" in elm.attrib:
code = elm.attrib["alpha_2_code"]
code = elm.attrib["alpha_3_code"]
self._country[code] = descr
# read the languagelist
with open(LANGUAGELIST) as f:
for line in f:
tmp = line.strip()
if tmp.startswith("#") or tmp == "":
w = tmp.split(";")
# FIXME: the latest localechoosers "languagelist" does
# no longer have this field for most languages, so
# deal with it and don't set LANGUAGE then
# - the interessting question is what to do
# if LANGUAGE is already set and the new
localeenv = w[6].split(":")
self._languagelist[localeenv[0]] = '%s' % w[6]
def lang(self, code):
""" map language code to language name """
if code in self._lang:
return self._lang[code]
return ""
def country(self, code):
""" map country code to country name"""
if code in self._country:
return self._country[code]
return ""
def generated_locales(self):
""" return a list of locales available on the system
(running locale -a) """
locales = []
p = subprocess.Popen(["locale", "-a"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
for line in p.communicate()[0].split("\n"):
tmp = line.strip()
if tmp.find('.utf8') < 0:
# we are only interessted in the locale, not the codec
macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, tmp)
locale = macr["LOCALE"]
if not locale in locales:
return locales
def translate_language(self, lang):
"return translated language"
if lang in self._lang:
lang_name = gettext.dgettext('iso_639', self._lang[lang])
if lang_name == self._lang[lang]:
lang_name = gettext.dgettext('iso_639_3', self._lang[lang])
return lang_name
return lang
def translate_country(self, country):
return translated language and country of the given
locale into the given locale, e.g.
(Deutsch, Deutschland) for de_DE
# macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, locale)
# #(lang, country) = locale.split("_")
# country = macr['CCODE']
# current_language = None
# if "LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
# current_language = os.environ["LANGUAGE"]
# os.environ["LANGUAGE"]=locale
# lang_name = self.translate_language(macr['LCODE'])
if country in self._country:
country_name = gettext.dgettext('iso_3166', self._country[country])
return country_name
return country
# if current_language:
# os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = current_language
# else:
# del os.environ["LANGUAGE"]
# return (lang_name, country_name)
def translate(self, locale, native=False, allCountries=False):
""" get a locale code and output a human readable name """
returnVal = ''
macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, locale)
if native == True:
current_language = None
if "LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
current_language = os.environ["LANGUAGE"]
os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = macr["LOCALE"]
lang_name = self.translate_language(macr["LCODE"])
returnVal = lang_name
if len(macr["CCODE"]) > 0:
country_name = self.translate_country(macr["CCODE"])
# get all locales for this language
l = [k for k in self.generated_locales() if k.startswith(macr['LCODE'])]
# only show region/country if we have more than one
if (allCountries == False and len(l) > 1) or allCountries == True:
mycountry = self.country(macr['CCODE'])
if mycountry:
returnVal = "%s (%s)" % (lang_name, country_name)
if len(macr["VARIANT"]) > 0:
returnVal = "%s - %s" % (returnVal, macr["VARIANT"])
if native == True:
if current_language:
os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = current_language
del os.environ["LANGUAGE"]
return returnVal
# if "_" in locale:
# #(lang, country) = locale.split("_")
# (lang_name, country_name) = self.translate_locale(locale)
# # get all locales for this language
# l = [k for k in self.generated_locales() if k.startswith(macr['LCODE'])]
# # only show region/country if we have more than one
# if len(l) > 1:
# mycountry = self.country(macr['CCODE'])
# if mycountry:
# return "%s (%s)" % (lang_name, country_name)
# else:
# return lang_name
# else:
# return lang_name
# return self.translate_language(locale)
def makeEnvString(self, code):
""" input is a language code, output a string that can be put in
the LANGUAGE enviroment variable.
E.g: en_DK -> en_DK:en
if not code:
return ''
macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, code)
langcode = macr['LCODE']
locale = macr['LOCALE']
# first check if we got somethign from languagelist
if locale in self._languagelist:
langlist = self._languagelist[locale]
# if not, fall back to "dumb" behaviour
elif locale == langcode:
langlist = locale
langlist = "%s:%s" % (locale, langcode)
if not (langlist.endswith(':en') or langlist == 'en'):
langlist = "%s:en" % langlist
return langlist
def getUserDefaultLanguage(self):
formats = ''
language = ''
result = []
fname = os.path.expanduser("~/.pam_environment")
if os.path.exists(fname) and \
os.access(fname, os.R_OK):
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
match_language = re.match(r'LANGUAGE(\s+DEFAULT)?=(.*)$',line)
if match_language:
language = match_language.group(2)
user_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Accounts', '/org/freedesktop/Accounts')
iface = dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Accounts')
user_path = iface.FindUserByName(user_name)
obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Accounts', user_path)
iface = dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
formats = iface.Get('org.freedesktop.Accounts.User', 'FormatsLocale')
if len(language) == 0:
firstLanguage = iface.Get('org.freedesktop.Accounts.User', 'Language')
language = self.makeEnvString(firstLanguage)
except Exception as msg:
# a failure here shouldn't trigger a fatal error
if len(language) == 0 and "LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
language = os.environ["LANGUAGE"]
if len(formats) == 0 and "LC_NAME" in os.environ:
formats = os.environ["LC_NAME"]
if len(formats) == 0 and "LANG" in os.environ:
formats = os.environ["LANG"]
if len(formats) > 0 and len(language) == 0:
language = self.makeEnvString(formats)
return result
def getSystemDefaultLanguage(self):
lang = ''
formats = ''
language = ''
result = []
for fname in self.environments:
if os.path.exists(fname) and \
os.access(fname, os.R_OK):
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
# support both LANG="foo" and LANG=foo
if line.startswith("LANG"):
line = line.replace('"','')
match_lang = re.match(r'LANG=(.*)$',line)
if match_lang:
lang = match_lang.group(1)
if line.startswith("LC_TIME"):
line = line.replace('"','')
match_formats = re.match(r'LC_TIME=(.*)$',line)
if match_formats:
formats = match_formats.group(1)
if line.startswith("LANGUAGE"):
line = line.replace('"','')
match_language = re.match(r'LANGUAGE=(.*)$',line)
if match_language:
language = match_language.group(1)
if len(lang) == 0:
# fall back is 'en_US'
lang = 'en_US.UTF-8'
if len(language) == 0:
# LANGUAGE has not been defined, generate a string from the provided LANG value
language = self.makeEnvString(lang)
if len(formats) == 0:
formats = lang
return result
def isSetSystemFormats(self):
if not os.access(self.environments[0], os.R_OK):
return False
with open(self.environments[0]) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("LC_TIME="):
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
datadir = "/usr/share/language-selector/"
li = LocaleInfo("languagelist", datadir)
print("default system locale and languages: '%s'" % li.getSystemDefaultLanguage())
print("default user locale and languages: '%s'" % li.getUserDefaultLanguage())