"""ACME client API."""
import base64
import collections
import datetime
from email.utils import parsedate_tz
import heapq
import logging
import time
import six
from six.moves import http_client # pylint: disable=import-error
import josepy as jose
import OpenSSL
import re
from requests_toolbelt.adapters.source import SourceAddressAdapter
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import sys
from acme import challenges
from acme import crypto_util
from acme import errors
from acme import jws
from acme import messages
# pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module
from acme.magic_typing import Dict, List, Set, Text
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Prior to Python 2.7.9 the stdlib SSL module did not allow a user to configure
# many important security related options. On these platforms we use PyOpenSSL
# for SSL, which does allow these options to be configured.
# https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning
if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9): # pragma: no cover
# pylint: disable=no-member
requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl # pylint: disable=import-error
DER_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/pkix-cert'
class ClientBase(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""ACME client base object.
:ivar messages.Directory directory:
:ivar .ClientNetwork net: Client network.
:ivar int acme_version: ACME protocol version. 1 or 2.
def __init__(self, directory, net, acme_version):
:param .messages.Directory directory: Directory Resource
:param .ClientNetwork net: Client network.
:param int acme_version: ACME protocol version. 1 or 2.
self.directory = directory
self.net = net
self.acme_version = acme_version
def _regr_from_response(cls, response, uri=None, terms_of_service=None):
if 'terms-of-service' in response.links:
terms_of_service = response.links['terms-of-service']['url']
return messages.RegistrationResource(
uri=response.headers.get('Location', uri),
def _send_recv_regr(self, regr, body):
response = self._post(regr.uri, body)
# TODO: Boulder returns httplib.ACCEPTED
#assert response.status_code == httplib.OK
# TODO: Boulder does not set Location or Link on update
# (c.f. acme-spec #94)
return self._regr_from_response(
response, uri=regr.uri,
def _post(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper around self.net.post that adds the acme_version.
kwargs.setdefault('acme_version', self.acme_version)
if hasattr(self.directory, 'newNonce'):
kwargs.setdefault('new_nonce_url', getattr(self.directory, 'newNonce'))
return self.net.post(*args, **kwargs)
def update_registration(self, regr, update=None):
"""Update registration.
:param messages.RegistrationResource regr: Registration Resource.
:param messages.Registration update: Updated body of the
resource. If not provided, body will be taken from `regr`.
:returns: Updated Registration Resource.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
update = regr.body if update is None else update
body = messages.UpdateRegistration(**dict(update))
updated_regr = self._send_recv_regr(regr, body=body)
self.net.account = updated_regr
return updated_regr
def deactivate_registration(self, regr):
"""Deactivate registration.
:param messages.RegistrationResource regr: The Registration Resource
to be deactivated.
:returns: The Registration resource that was deactivated.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
return self.update_registration(regr, update={'status': 'deactivated'})
def _authzr_from_response(self, response, identifier=None, uri=None):
authzr = messages.AuthorizationResource(
uri=response.headers.get('Location', uri))
if identifier is not None and authzr.body.identifier != identifier:
raise errors.UnexpectedUpdate(authzr)
return authzr
def answer_challenge(self, challb, response):
"""Answer challenge.
:param challb: Challenge Resource body.
:type challb: `.ChallengeBody`
:param response: Corresponding Challenge response
:type response: `.challenges.ChallengeResponse`
:returns: Challenge Resource with updated body.
:rtype: `.ChallengeResource`
:raises .UnexpectedUpdate:
# Because sending keyAuthorization in a response challenge has been removed from the ACME
# spec, it is not included in the KeyAuthorizationResponseChallenge JSON by default.
# However as a migration path, we temporarily expect a malformed error from the server,
# and fallback by resending the challenge response with the keyAuthorization field.
# TODO: Remove this fallback for Certbot 0.34.0
response = self._post(challb.uri, response)
except messages.Error as error:
if (error.code == 'malformed'
and isinstance(response, challenges.KeyAuthorizationChallengeResponse)):
logger.debug('Error while responding to a challenge without keyAuthorization '
'in the JWS, your ACME CA server may not support it:\n%s', error)
logger.debug('Retrying request with keyAuthorization set.')
response._dump_authorization_key(True) # pylint: disable=protected-access
response = self._post(challb.uri, response)
authzr_uri = response.links['up']['url']
except KeyError:
raise errors.ClientError('"up" Link header missing')
challr = messages.ChallengeResource(
# TODO: check that challr.uri == response.headers['Location']?
if challr.uri != challb.uri:
raise errors.UnexpectedUpdate(challr.uri)
return challr
def retry_after(cls, response, default):
"""Compute next `poll` time based on response ``Retry-After`` header.
Handles integers and various datestring formats per
:param requests.Response response: Response from `poll`.
:param int default: Default value (in seconds), used when
``Retry-After`` header is not present or invalid.
:returns: Time point when next `poll` should be performed.
:rtype: `datetime.datetime`
retry_after = response.headers.get('Retry-After', str(default))
seconds = int(retry_after)
except ValueError:
# The RFC 2822 parser handles all of RFC 2616's cases in modern
# environments (primarily HTTP 1.1+ but also py27+)
when = parsedate_tz(retry_after)
if when is not None:
tz_secs = datetime.timedelta(when[-1] if when[-1] else 0)
return datetime.datetime(*when[:7]) - tz_secs
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
seconds = default
return datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def _revoke(self, cert, rsn, url):
"""Revoke certificate.
:param .ComparableX509 cert: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in
:param int rsn: Reason code for certificate revocation.
:param str url: ACME URL to post to
:raises .ClientError: If revocation is unsuccessful.
response = self._post(url,
if response.status_code != http_client.OK:
raise errors.ClientError(
'Successful revocation must return HTTP OK status')
class Client(ClientBase):
"""ACME client for a v1 API.
.. todo::
Clean up raised error types hierarchy, document, and handle (wrap)
instances of `.DeserializationError` raised in `from_json()`.
:ivar messages.Directory directory:
:ivar key: `josepy.JWK` (private)
:ivar alg: `josepy.JWASignature`
:ivar bool verify_ssl: Verify SSL certificates?
:ivar .ClientNetwork net: Client network. Useful for testing. If not
supplied, it will be initialized using `key`, `alg` and
def __init__(self, directory, key, alg=jose.RS256, verify_ssl=True,
:param directory: Directory Resource (`.messages.Directory`) or
URI from which the resource will be downloaded.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self.key = key
if net is None:
net = ClientNetwork(key, alg=alg, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
if isinstance(directory, six.string_types):
directory = messages.Directory.from_json(
super(Client, self).__init__(directory=directory,
net=net, acme_version=1)
def register(self, new_reg=None):
:param .NewRegistration new_reg:
:returns: Registration Resource.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
new_reg = messages.NewRegistration() if new_reg is None else new_reg
response = self._post(self.directory[new_reg], new_reg)
# TODO: handle errors
assert response.status_code == http_client.CREATED
# "Instance of 'Field' has no key/contact member" bug:
# pylint: disable=no-member
return self._regr_from_response(response)
def query_registration(self, regr):
"""Query server about registration.
:param messages.RegistrationResource: Existing Registration
return self._send_recv_regr(regr, messages.UpdateRegistration())
def agree_to_tos(self, regr):
"""Agree to the terms-of-service.
Agree to the terms-of-service in a Registration Resource.
:param regr: Registration Resource.
:type regr: `.RegistrationResource`
:returns: Updated Registration Resource.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
return self.update_registration(
def request_challenges(self, identifier, new_authzr_uri=None):
"""Request challenges.
:param .messages.Identifier identifier: Identifier to be challenged.
:param str new_authzr_uri: Deprecated. Do not use.
:returns: Authorization Resource.
:rtype: `.AuthorizationResource`
:raises errors.WildcardUnsupportedError: if a wildcard is requested
if new_authzr_uri is not None:
logger.debug("request_challenges with new_authzr_uri deprecated.")
if identifier.value.startswith("*"):
raise errors.WildcardUnsupportedError(
"Requesting an authorization for a wildcard name is"
" forbidden by this version of the ACME protocol.")
new_authz = messages.NewAuthorization(identifier=identifier)
response = self._post(self.directory.new_authz, new_authz)
# TODO: handle errors
assert response.status_code == http_client.CREATED
return self._authzr_from_response(response, identifier)
def request_domain_challenges(self, domain, new_authzr_uri=None):
"""Request challenges for domain names.
This is simply a convenience function that wraps around
`request_challenges`, but works with domain names instead of
generic identifiers. See ``request_challenges`` for more
:param str domain: Domain name to be challenged.
:param str new_authzr_uri: Deprecated. Do not use.
:returns: Authorization Resource.
:rtype: `.AuthorizationResource`
:raises errors.WildcardUnsupportedError: if a wildcard is requested
return self.request_challenges(messages.Identifier(
typ=messages.IDENTIFIER_FQDN, value=domain), new_authzr_uri)
def request_issuance(self, csr, authzrs):
"""Request issuance.
:param csr: CSR
:type csr: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`
:param authzrs: `list` of `.AuthorizationResource`
:returns: Issued certificate
:rtype: `.messages.CertificateResource`
assert authzrs, "Authorizations list is empty"
logger.debug("Requesting issuance...")
# TODO: assert len(authzrs) == number of SANs
req = messages.CertificateRequest(csr=csr)
content_type = DER_CONTENT_TYPE # TODO: add 'cert_type 'argument
response = self._post(
headers={'Accept': content_type})
cert_chain_uri = response.links.get('up', {}).get('url')
uri = response.headers['Location']
except KeyError:
raise errors.ClientError('"Location" Header missing')
return messages.CertificateResource(
uri=uri, authzrs=authzrs, cert_chain_uri=cert_chain_uri,
OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, response.content)))
def poll(self, authzr):
"""Poll Authorization Resource for status.
:param authzr: Authorization Resource
:type authzr: `.AuthorizationResource`
:returns: Updated Authorization Resource and HTTP response.
:rtype: (`.AuthorizationResource`, `requests.Response`)
response = self.net.get(authzr.uri)
updated_authzr = self._authzr_from_response(
response, authzr.body.identifier, authzr.uri)
return updated_authzr, response
def poll_and_request_issuance(
self, csr, authzrs, mintime=5, max_attempts=10):
"""Poll and request issuance.
This function polls all provided Authorization Resource URIs
until all challenges are valid, respecting ``Retry-After`` HTTP
headers, and then calls `request_issuance`.
:param .ComparableX509 csr: CSR (`OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req`
wrapped in `.ComparableX509`)
:param authzrs: `list` of `.AuthorizationResource`
:param int mintime: Minimum time before next attempt, used if
``Retry-After`` is not present in the response.
:param int max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts (per
authorization) before `PollError` with non-empty ``waiting``
is raised.
:returns: ``(cert, updated_authzrs)`` `tuple` where ``cert`` is
the issued certificate (`.messages.CertificateResource`),
and ``updated_authzrs`` is a `tuple` consisting of updated
Authorization Resources (`.AuthorizationResource`) as
present in the responses from server, and in the same order
as the input ``authzrs``.
:rtype: `tuple`
:raises PollError: in case of timeout or if some authorization
was marked by the CA as invalid
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
assert max_attempts > 0
attempts = collections.defaultdict(int) # type: Dict[messages.AuthorizationResource, int]
exhausted = set()
# priority queue with datetime.datetime (based on Retry-After) as key,
# and original Authorization Resource as value
waiting = [
(datetime.datetime.now(), index, authzr)
for index, authzr in enumerate(authzrs)
# mapping between original Authorization Resource and the most
# recently updated one
updated = dict((authzr, authzr) for authzr in authzrs)
while waiting:
# find the smallest Retry-After, and sleep if necessary
when, index, authzr = heapq.heappop(waiting)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if when > now:
seconds = (when - now).seconds
logger.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', seconds)
# Note that we poll with the latest updated Authorization
# URI, which might have a different URI than initial one
updated_authzr, response = self.poll(updated[authzr])
updated[authzr] = updated_authzr
attempts[authzr] += 1
# pylint: disable=no-member
if updated_authzr.body.status not in (
messages.STATUS_VALID, messages.STATUS_INVALID):
if attempts[authzr] < max_attempts:
# push back to the priority queue, with updated retry_after
heapq.heappush(waiting, (self.retry_after(
response, default=mintime), index, authzr))
if exhausted or any(authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_INVALID
for authzr in six.itervalues(updated)):
raise errors.PollError(exhausted, updated)
updated_authzrs = tuple(updated[authzr] for authzr in authzrs)
return self.request_issuance(csr, updated_authzrs), updated_authzrs
def _get_cert(self, uri):
"""Returns certificate from URI.
:param str uri: URI of certificate
:returns: tuple of the form
(response, :class:`josepy.util.ComparableX509`)
:rtype: tuple
content_type = DER_CONTENT_TYPE # TODO: make it a param
response = self.net.get(uri, headers={'Accept': content_type},
return response, jose.ComparableX509(OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(
OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, response.content))
def check_cert(self, certr):
"""Check for new cert.
:param certr: Certificate Resource
:type certr: `.CertificateResource`
:returns: Updated Certificate Resource.
:rtype: `.CertificateResource`
# TODO: acme-spec 5.1 table action should be renamed to
# "refresh cert", and this method integrated with self.refresh
response, cert = self._get_cert(certr.uri)
if 'Location' not in response.headers:
raise errors.ClientError('Location header missing')
if response.headers['Location'] != certr.uri:
raise errors.UnexpectedUpdate(response.text)
return certr.update(body=cert)
def refresh(self, certr):
"""Refresh certificate.
:param certr: Certificate Resource
:type certr: `.CertificateResource`
:returns: Updated Certificate Resource.
:rtype: `.CertificateResource`
# TODO: If a client sends a refresh request and the server is
# not willing to refresh the certificate, the server MUST
# respond with status code 403 (Forbidden)
return self.check_cert(certr)
def fetch_chain(self, certr, max_length=10):
"""Fetch chain for certificate.
:param .CertificateResource certr: Certificate Resource
:param int max_length: Maximum allowed length of the chain.
Note that each element in the certificate requires new
``HTTP GET`` request, and the length of the chain is
controlled by the ACME CA.
:raises errors.Error: if recursion exceeds `max_length`
:returns: Certificate chain for the Certificate Resource. It is
a list ordered so that the first element is a signer of the
certificate from Certificate Resource. Will be empty if
``cert_chain_uri`` is ``None``.
:rtype: `list` of `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in `.ComparableX509`
chain = [] # type: List[jose.ComparableX509]
uri = certr.cert_chain_uri
while uri is not None and len(chain) < max_length:
response, cert = self._get_cert(uri)
uri = response.links.get('up', {}).get('url')
if uri is not None:
raise errors.Error(
"Recursion limit reached. Didn't get {0}".format(uri))
return chain
def revoke(self, cert, rsn):
"""Revoke certificate.
:param .ComparableX509 cert: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in
:param int rsn: Reason code for certificate revocation.
:raises .ClientError: If revocation is unsuccessful.
return self._revoke(cert, rsn, self.directory[messages.Revocation])
class ClientV2(ClientBase):
"""ACME client for a v2 API.
:ivar messages.Directory directory:
:ivar .ClientNetwork net: Client network.
def __init__(self, directory, net):
:param .messages.Directory directory: Directory Resource
:param .ClientNetwork net: Client network.
super(ClientV2, self).__init__(directory=directory,
net=net, acme_version=2)
def new_account(self, new_account):
:param .NewRegistration new_account:
:raises .ConflictError: in case the account already exists
:returns: Registration Resource.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
response = self._post(self.directory['newAccount'], new_account)
# if account already exists
if response.status_code == 200 and 'Location' in response.headers:
raise errors.ConflictError(response.headers.get('Location'))
# "Instance of 'Field' has no key/contact member" bug:
# pylint: disable=no-member
regr = self._regr_from_response(response)
self.net.account = regr
return regr
def query_registration(self, regr):
"""Query server about registration.
:param messages.RegistrationResource: Existing Registration
self.net.account = regr # See certbot/certbot#6258
# ACME v2 requires to use a POST-as-GET request (POST an empty JWS) here.
# This is done by passing None instead of an empty UpdateRegistration to _post().
response = self._post(regr.uri, None)
self.net.account = self._regr_from_response(response, uri=regr.uri,
return self.net.account
def update_registration(self, regr, update=None):
"""Update registration.
:param messages.RegistrationResource regr: Registration Resource.
:param messages.Registration update: Updated body of the
resource. If not provided, body will be taken from `regr`.
:returns: Updated Registration Resource.
:rtype: `.RegistrationResource`
# https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/6155
new_regr = self._get_v2_account(regr)
return super(ClientV2, self).update_registration(new_regr, update)
def _get_v2_account(self, regr):
self.net.account = None
only_existing_reg = regr.body.update(only_return_existing=True)
response = self._post(self.directory['newAccount'], only_existing_reg)
updated_uri = response.headers['Location']
new_regr = regr.update(uri=updated_uri)
self.net.account = new_regr
return new_regr
def new_order(self, csr_pem):
"""Request a new Order object from the server.
:param str csr_pem: A CSR in PEM format.
:returns: The newly created order.
:rtype: OrderResource
csr = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate_request(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr_pem)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
dnsNames = crypto_util._pyopenssl_cert_or_req_all_names(csr)
identifiers = []
for name in dnsNames:
order = messages.NewOrder(identifiers=identifiers)
response = self._post(self.directory['newOrder'], order)
body = messages.Order.from_json(response.json())
authorizations = []
for url in body.authorizations:
authorizations.append(self._authzr_from_response(self._post_as_get(url), uri=url))
return messages.OrderResource(
def poll(self, authzr):
"""Poll Authorization Resource for status.
:param authzr: Authorization Resource
:type authzr: `.AuthorizationResource`
:returns: Updated Authorization Resource and HTTP response.
:rtype: (`.AuthorizationResource`, `requests.Response`)
response = self._post_as_get(authzr.uri)
updated_authzr = self._authzr_from_response(
response, authzr.body.identifier, authzr.uri)
return updated_authzr, response
def poll_and_finalize(self, orderr, deadline=None):
"""Poll authorizations and finalize the order.
If no deadline is provided, this method will timeout after 90
:param messages.OrderResource orderr: order to finalize
:param datetime.datetime deadline: when to stop polling and timeout
:returns: finalized order
:rtype: messages.OrderResource
if deadline is None:
deadline = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
orderr = self.poll_authorizations(orderr, deadline)
return self.finalize_order(orderr, deadline)
def poll_authorizations(self, orderr, deadline):
"""Poll Order Resource for status."""
responses = []
for url in orderr.body.authorizations:
while datetime.datetime.now() < deadline:
authzr = self._authzr_from_response(self._post_as_get(url), uri=url)
if authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_PENDING:
# If we didn't get a response for every authorization, we fell through
# the bottom of the loop due to hitting the deadline.
if len(responses) < len(orderr.body.authorizations):
raise errors.TimeoutError()
failed = []
for authzr in responses:
if authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_VALID:
for chall in authzr.body.challenges:
if chall.error != None:
if len(failed) > 0:
raise errors.ValidationError(failed)
return orderr.update(authorizations=responses)
def finalize_order(self, orderr, deadline):
"""Finalize an order and obtain a certificate.
:param messages.OrderResource orderr: order to finalize
:param datetime.datetime deadline: when to stop polling and timeout
:returns: finalized order
:rtype: messages.OrderResource
csr = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate_request(
OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, orderr.csr_pem)
wrapped_csr = messages.CertificateRequest(csr=jose.ComparableX509(csr))
self._post(orderr.body.finalize, wrapped_csr)
while datetime.datetime.now() < deadline:
response = self._post_as_get(orderr.uri)
body = messages.Order.from_json(response.json())
if body.error is not None:
raise errors.IssuanceError(body.error)
if body.certificate is not None:
certificate_response = self._post_as_get(body.certificate).text
return orderr.update(body=body, fullchain_pem=certificate_response)
raise errors.TimeoutError()
def revoke(self, cert, rsn):
"""Revoke certificate.
:param .ComparableX509 cert: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in
:param int rsn: Reason code for certificate revocation.
:raises .ClientError: If revocation is unsuccessful.
return self._revoke(cert, rsn, self.directory['revokeCert'])
def external_account_required(self):
"""Checks if ACME server requires External Account Binding authentication."""
if hasattr(self.directory, 'meta') and self.directory.meta.external_account_required:
return True
return False
def _post_as_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
Send GET request using the POST-as-GET protocol if needed.
The request will be first issued using POST-as-GET for ACME v2. If the ACME CA servers do
not support this yet and return an error, request will be retried using GET.
For ACME v1, only GET request will be tried, as POST-as-GET is not supported.
:param args:
:param kwargs:
if self.acme_version >= 2:
# We add an empty payload for POST-as-GET requests
new_args = args[:1] + (None,) + args[1:]
return self._post(*new_args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=star-args
except messages.Error as error:
if error.code == 'malformed':
logger.debug('Error during a POST-as-GET request, '
'your ACME CA server may not support it:\n%s', error)
logger.debug('Retrying request with GET.')
else: # pragma: no cover
# If POST-as-GET is not supported yet, we use a GET instead.
return self.net.get(*args, **kwargs)
class BackwardsCompatibleClientV2(object):
"""ACME client wrapper that tends towards V2-style calls, but
supports V1 servers.
.. note:: While this class handles the majority of the differences
between versions of the ACME protocol, if you need to support an
ACME server based on version 3 or older of the IETF ACME draft
that uses combinations in authorizations (or lack thereof) to
signal that the client needs to complete something other than
any single challenge in the authorization to make it valid, the
user of this class needs to understand and handle these
differences themselves. This does not apply to either of Let's
Encrypt's endpoints where successfully completing any challenge
in an authorization will make it valid.
:ivar int acme_version: 1 or 2, corresponding to the Let's Encrypt endpoint
:ivar .ClientBase client: either Client or ClientV2
def __init__(self, net, key, server):
directory = messages.Directory.from_json(net.get(server).json())
self.acme_version = self._acme_version_from_directory(directory)
if self.acme_version == 1:
self.client = Client(directory, key=key, net=net)
self.client = ClientV2(directory, net=net)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.client, name)
def new_account_and_tos(self, regr, check_tos_cb=None):
"""Combined register and agree_tos for V1, new_account for V2
:param .NewRegistration regr:
:param callable check_tos_cb: callback that raises an error if
the check does not work
def _assess_tos(tos):
if check_tos_cb is not None:
if self.acme_version == 1:
regr = self.client.register(regr)
if regr.terms_of_service is not None:
return self.client.agree_to_tos(regr)
return regr
if "terms_of_service" in self.client.directory.meta:
regr = regr.update(terms_of_service_agreed=True)
return self.client.new_account(regr)
def new_order(self, csr_pem):
"""Request a new Order object from the server.
If using ACMEv1, returns a dummy OrderResource with only
the authorizations field filled in.
:param str csr_pem: A CSR in PEM format.
:returns: The newly created order.
:rtype: OrderResource
:raises errors.WildcardUnsupportedError: if a wildcard domain is
requested but unsupported by the ACME version
if self.acme_version == 1:
csr = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate_request(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr_pem)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
dnsNames = crypto_util._pyopenssl_cert_or_req_all_names(csr)
authorizations = []
for domain in dnsNames:
return messages.OrderResource(authorizations=authorizations, csr_pem=csr_pem)
return self.client.new_order(csr_pem)
def finalize_order(self, orderr, deadline):
"""Finalize an order and obtain a certificate.
:param messages.OrderResource orderr: order to finalize
:param datetime.datetime deadline: when to stop polling and timeout
:returns: finalized order
:rtype: messages.OrderResource
if self.acme_version == 1:
csr_pem = orderr.csr_pem
certr = self.client.request_issuance(
OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate_request(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr_pem)),
chain = None
while datetime.datetime.now() < deadline:
chain = self.client.fetch_chain(certr)
except errors.Error:
if chain is None:
raise errors.TimeoutError(
'Failed to fetch chain. You should not deploy the generated '
'certificate, please rerun the command for a new one.')
cert = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(
OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, certr.body.wrapped).decode()
chain = crypto_util.dump_pyopenssl_chain(chain).decode()
return orderr.update(fullchain_pem=(cert + chain))
return self.client.finalize_order(orderr, deadline)
def revoke(self, cert, rsn):
"""Revoke certificate.
:param .ComparableX509 cert: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` wrapped in
:param int rsn: Reason code for certificate revocation.
:raises .ClientError: If revocation is unsuccessful.
return self.client.revoke(cert, rsn)
def _acme_version_from_directory(self, directory):
if hasattr(directory, 'newNonce'):
return 2
return 1
def external_account_required(self):
"""Checks if the server requires an external account for ACMEv2 servers.
Always return False for ACMEv1 servers, as it doesn't use External Account Binding."""
if self.acme_version == 1:
return False
return self.client.external_account_required()
class ClientNetwork(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""Wrapper around requests that signs POSTs for authentication.
Also adds user agent, and handles Content-Type.
JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'
JOSE_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/jose+json'
JSON_ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/problem+json'
:param josepy.JWK key: Account private key
:param messages.RegistrationResource account: Account object. Required if you are
planning to use .post() with acme_version=2 for anything other than
creating a new account; may be set later after registering.
:param josepy.JWASignature alg: Algoritm to use in signing JWS.
:param bool verify_ssl: Whether to verify certificates on SSL connections.
:param str user_agent: String to send as User-Agent header.
:param float timeout: Timeout for requests.
:param source_address: Optional source address to bind to when making requests.
:type source_address: str or tuple(str, int)
def __init__(self, key, account=None, alg=jose.RS256, verify_ssl=True,
user_agent='acme-python', timeout=DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT,
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self.key = key
self.account = account
self.alg = alg
self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl
self._nonces = set() # type: Set[Text]
self.user_agent = user_agent
self.session = requests.Session()
self._default_timeout = timeout
adapter = HTTPAdapter()
if source_address is not None:
adapter = SourceAddressAdapter(source_address)
self.session.mount("http://", adapter)
self.session.mount("https://", adapter)
def __del__(self):
# Try to close the session, but don't show exceptions to the
# user if the call to close() fails. See #4840.
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
def _wrap_in_jws(self, obj, nonce, url, acme_version):
"""Wrap `JSONDeSerializable` object in JWS.
.. todo:: Implement ``acmePath``.
:param josepy.JSONDeSerializable obj:
:param str url: The URL to which this object will be POSTed
:param bytes nonce:
:rtype: `josepy.JWS`
jobj = obj.json_dumps(indent=2).encode() if obj else b''
logger.debug('JWS payload:\n%s', jobj)
kwargs = {
"alg": self.alg,
"nonce": nonce
if acme_version == 2:
kwargs["url"] = url
# newAccount and revokeCert work without the kid
# newAccount must not have kid
if self.account is not None:
kwargs["kid"] = self.account["uri"]
kwargs["key"] = self.key
# pylint: disable=star-args
return jws.JWS.sign(jobj, **kwargs).json_dumps(indent=2)
def _check_response(cls, response, content_type=None):
"""Check response content and its type.
.. note::
Checking is not strict: wrong server response ``Content-Type``
HTTP header is ignored if response is an expected JSON object
(c.f. Boulder #56).
:param str content_type: Expected Content-Type response header.
If JSON is expected and not present in server response, this
function will raise an error. Otherwise, wrong Content-Type
is ignored, but logged.
:raises .messages.Error: If server response body
carries HTTP Problem (draft-ietf-appsawg-http-problem-00).
:raises .ClientError: In case of other networking errors.
response_ct = response.headers.get('Content-Type')
# TODO: response.json() is called twice, once here, and
# once in _get and _post clients
jobj = response.json()
except ValueError:
jobj = None
if response.status_code == 409:
raise errors.ConflictError(response.headers.get('Location'))
if not response.ok:
if jobj is not None:
if response_ct != cls.JSON_ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE:
'Ignoring wrong Content-Type (%r) for JSON Error',
raise messages.Error.from_json(jobj)
except jose.DeserializationError as error:
# Couldn't deserialize JSON object
raise errors.ClientError((response, error))
# response is not JSON object
raise errors.ClientError(response)
if jobj is not None and response_ct != cls.JSON_CONTENT_TYPE:
'Ignoring wrong Content-Type (%r) for JSON decodable '
'response', response_ct)
if content_type == cls.JSON_CONTENT_TYPE and jobj is None:
raise errors.ClientError(
'Unexpected response Content-Type: {0}'.format(response_ct))
return response
def _send_request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Send HTTP request.
Makes sure that `verify_ssl` is respected. Logs request and
response (with headers). For allowed parameters please see
:param str method: method for the new `requests.Request` object
:param str url: URL for the new `requests.Request` object
:raises requests.exceptions.RequestException: in case of any problems
:returns: HTTP Response
:rtype: `requests.Response`
if method == "POST":
logger.debug('Sending POST request to %s:\n%s',
url, kwargs['data'])
logger.debug('Sending %s request to %s.', method, url)
kwargs['verify'] = self.verify_ssl
kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
kwargs['headers'].setdefault('User-Agent', self.user_agent)
kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self._default_timeout)
response = self.session.request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement
"""Requests response parsing
The requests library emits exceptions with a lot of extra text.
We parse them with a regexp to raise a more readable exceptions.
port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /directory
(Caused by NewConnectionError('
object at 0x108356c50>: Failed to establish a new connection:
[Errno 65] No route to host',))"""
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
err_regex = r".*host='(\S*)'.*Max retries exceeded with url\: (\/\w*).*(\[Errno \d+\])([A-Za-z ]*)"
m = re.match(err_regex, str(e))
if m is None:
raise # pragma: no cover
host, path, _err_no, err_msg = m.groups()
raise ValueError("Requesting {0}{1}:{2}".format(host, path, err_msg))
# If content is DER, log the base64 of it instead of raw bytes, to keep
# binary data out of the logs.
if response.headers.get("Content-Type") == DER_CONTENT_TYPE:
debug_content = base64.b64encode(response.content)
debug_content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
logger.debug('Received response:\nHTTP %d\n%s\n\n%s',
"\n".join(["{0}: {1}".format(k, v)
for k, v in response.headers.items()]),
return response
def head(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Send HEAD request without checking the response.
Note, that `_check_response` is not called, as it is expected
that status code other than successfully 2xx will be returned, or
messages2.Error will be raised by the server.
return self._send_request('HEAD', *args, **kwargs)
def get(self, url, content_type=JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, **kwargs):
"""Send GET request and check response."""
return self._check_response(
self._send_request('GET', url, **kwargs), content_type=content_type)
def _add_nonce(self, response):
if self.REPLAY_NONCE_HEADER in response.headers:
nonce = response.headers[self.REPLAY_NONCE_HEADER]
decoded_nonce = jws.Header._fields['nonce'].decode(nonce)
except jose.DeserializationError as error:
raise errors.BadNonce(nonce, error)
logger.debug('Storing nonce: %s', nonce)
raise errors.MissingNonce(response)
def _get_nonce(self, url, new_nonce_url):
if not self._nonces:
logger.debug('Requesting fresh nonce')
if new_nonce_url is None:
response = self.head(url)
# request a new nonce from the acme newNonce endpoint
response = self._check_response(self.head(new_nonce_url), content_type=None)
return self._nonces.pop()
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""POST object wrapped in `.JWS` and check response.
If the server responded with a badNonce error, the request will
be retried once.
return self._post_once(*args, **kwargs)
except messages.Error as error:
if error.code == 'badNonce':
logger.debug('Retrying request after error:\n%s', error)
return self._post_once(*args, **kwargs)
def _post_once(self, url, obj, content_type=JOSE_CONTENT_TYPE,
acme_version=1, **kwargs):
new_nonce_url = kwargs.pop('new_nonce_url', None)
data = self._wrap_in_jws(obj, self._get_nonce(url, new_nonce_url), url, acme_version)
kwargs.setdefault('headers', {'Content-Type': content_type})
response = self._send_request('POST', url, data=data, **kwargs)
response = self._check_response(response, content_type=content_type)
return response