'''Functions to manage sandboxes'''
# Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
# Kyle Nitzsche <kyle.nitzsche@canonical.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
# the full text of the license.
import atexit, os, os.path, re, shutil, tempfile
import apport
def needed_packages(report):
'''Determine necessary packages for given report.
Return list of (pkgname, version) pairs. version might be None for unknown
package versions.
pkgs = {}
# first, grab the versions that we captured at crash time
for l in (report.get('Package', '') + '\n' + report.get('Dependencies', '')).splitlines():
if not l.strip():
(pkg, version) = l.split()[:2]
except ValueError:
apport.warning('invalid Package/Dependencies line: %s', l)
# invalid line, ignore
pkgs[pkg] = version
return [(p, v) for (p, v) in pkgs.items()]
def report_package_versions(report):
'''Return package -> version dictionary from report'''
pkg_vers = {}
for l in (report.get('Package', '') + '\n' + report.get('Dependencies', '')).splitlines():
if not l.strip():
(pkg, version) = l.split()[:2]
except ValueError:
apport.warning('invalid Package/Dependencies line: %s', l)
# invalid line, ignore
pkg_vers[pkg] = version
return pkg_vers
def needed_runtime_packages(report, sandbox, pkgmap_cache_dir, pkg_versions, verbose=False):
'''Determine necessary runtime packages for given report.
This determines libraries dynamically loaded at runtime in two cases:
1. The executable has already run: /proc/pid/maps is used, from the report
2. The executable has not already run: shared_libraries() is used
The libraries are resolved to the packages that installed them.
Return list of (pkgname, None) pairs.
When pkgmap_cache_dir is specified, it is used as a cache for
# check list of libraries that the crashed process referenced at
# runtime and warn about those which are not available
pkgs = set()
libs = set()
if 'ProcMaps' in report:
for l in report['ProcMaps'].splitlines():
if not l.strip():
cols = l.split()
if len(cols) == 6 and 'x' in cols[1] and '.so' in cols[5]:
lib = os.path.realpath(cols[5])
# 'ProcMaps' key is absent in apport-valgrind use case
libs = apport.fileutils.shared_libraries(report['ExecutablePath']).values()
if not os.path.exists(pkgmap_cache_dir):
# grab as much as we can
for l in libs:
pkg = apport.packaging.get_file_package(l, True, pkgmap_cache_dir,
if pkg:
if verbose:
apport.log('dynamically loaded %s needs package %s, queueing' % (l, pkg))
apport.warning('%s is needed, but cannot be mapped to a package', l)
return [(p, pkg_versions.get(p)) for p in pkgs]
def make_sandbox(report, config_dir, cache_dir=None, sandbox_dir=None,
extra_packages=[], verbose=False, log_timestamps=False,
'''Build a sandbox with the packages that belong to a particular report.
This downloads and unpacks all packages from the report's Package and
Dependencies fields, plus all packages that ship the files from ProcMaps
(often, runtime plugins do not appear in Dependencies), plus optionally
some extra ones, for the distro release and architecture of the report.
For unpackaged executables, there are no Dependencies. Packages for shared
libaries are unpacked.
report is an apport.Report object to build a sandbox for. Presence of the
Package field determines whether to determine dependencies through
packaging (via the optional report['Dependencies'] field), or through ldd
via needed_runtime_packages() -> shared_libraries(). Usually
report['Architecture'] and report['Uname'] are present.
config_dir points to a directory with by-release configuration files for
the packaging system, or "system"; this is passed to
apport.packaging.install_packages(), see that method for details.
cache_dir points to a directory where the downloaded packages and debug
symbols are kept, which is useful if you create sandboxes very often. If
not given, the downloaded packages get deleted at program exit.
sandbox_dir points to a directory with a permanently unpacked sandbox with
the already unpacked packages. This speeds up operations even further if
you need to create sandboxes for different reports very often; but the
sandboxes can become very big over time, and you must ensure that an
already existing sandbox matches the DistroRelease: and Architecture: of
report. If not given, a temporary directory will be created which gets
deleted at program exit.
extra_packages can specify a list of additional packages to install which
are not derived from the report and will be installed along with their
If verbose is True (False by default), this will write some additional
logging to stdout.
If log_timestamps is True, these log messages will be prefixed with the
current time.
If dynamic_origins is True (False by default), the sandbox will be built
with packages from foreign origins that appear in the report's
Return a tuple (sandbox_dir, cache_dir, outdated_msg).
# sandbox
if sandbox_dir:
sandbox_dir = os.path.abspath(sandbox_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(sandbox_dir):
permanent_rootdir = True
sandbox_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='apport_sandbox_')
atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, sandbox_dir)
permanent_rootdir = False
# cache
if cache_dir:
cache_dir = os.path.abspath(cache_dir)
cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='apport_cache_')
atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, cache_dir)
pkgmap_cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, report['DistroRelease'])
pkgs = []
# when ProcMaps is available and we don't have any third-party packages, it
# is enough to get the libraries in it and map their files to packages;
# otherwise, get Package/Dependencies
if 'ProcMaps' not in report or '[origin' in (report.get('Package', '') + report.get('Dependencies', '')):
pkgs = needed_packages(report)
# add user-specified extra packages, if any
extra_pkgs = []
for p in extra_packages:
extra_pkgs.append((p, None))
if config_dir == 'system':
config_dir = None
origins = None
if dynamic_origins:
pkg_list = report.get('Package', '') + '\n' + report.get('Dependencies', '')
m = re.compile(r'\[origin: ([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\+\.\-]+)\]')
origins = set(m.findall(pkg_list))
if origins:
apport.log("Origins: %s" % origins)
# unpack packages, if any, using cache and sandbox
outdated_msg = apport.packaging.install_packages(
sandbox_dir, config_dir, report['DistroRelease'], pkgs,
verbose, cache_dir, permanent_rootdir,
architecture=report.get('Architecture'), origins=origins)
except SystemError as e:
# install the extra packages and their deps
if extra_pkgs:
outdated_msg += apport.packaging.install_packages(
sandbox_dir, config_dir, report['DistroRelease'], extra_pkgs,
verbose, cache_dir, permanent_rootdir,
architecture=report.get('Architecture'), origins=origins,
install_dbg=False, install_deps=True)
except SystemError as e:
pkg_versions = report_package_versions(report)
pkgs = needed_runtime_packages(report, sandbox_dir, pkgmap_cache_dir, pkg_versions, verbose)
# package hooks might reassign Package:, check that we have the originally
# crashing binary
for path in ('InterpreterPath', 'ExecutablePath'):
if path in report:
pkg = apport.packaging.get_file_package(report[path], True, pkgmap_cache_dir,
if pkg:
apport.log('Installing extra package %s to get %s' % (pkg, path), log_timestamps)
pkgs.append((pkg, pkg_versions.get(pkg)))
apport.fatal('Cannot find package which ships %s %s', path, report[path])
# unpack packages for executable using cache and sandbox
if pkgs:
outdated_msg += apport.packaging.install_packages(
sandbox_dir, config_dir, report['DistroRelease'], pkgs,
verbose, cache_dir, permanent_rootdir,
architecture=report.get('Architecture'), origins=origins)
except SystemError as e:
# sanity check: for a packaged binary we require having the executable in
# the sandbox; TODO: for an unpackage binary we don't currently copy its
# potential local library dependencies (like those in build trees) into the
# sandbox, and we call gdb/valgrind on the binary outside the sandbox.
if 'Package' in report:
for path in ('InterpreterPath', 'ExecutablePath'):
if path in report and not os.path.exists(sandbox_dir + report[path]):
apport.fatal('%s %s does not exist (report specified package %s)',
path, sandbox_dir + report[path], report['Package'])
if outdated_msg:
report['RetraceOutdatedPackages'] = outdated_msg
apport.memdbg('built sandbox')
return sandbox_dir, cache_dir, outdated_msg