[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# coding: utf-8

ASN.1 type classes for the online certificate status protocol (OCSP). Exports
the following items:

 - OCSPRequest()
 - OCSPResponse()

Other type classes are defined that help compose the types listed above.

from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function

from .algos import DigestAlgorithm, SignedDigestAlgorithm
from .core import (
from .crl import AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax, CRLReason
from .keys import PublicKeyAlgorithm
from .x509 import Certificate, GeneralName, GeneralNames, Name

# The structures in this file are taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960

class Version(Integer):
    _map = {
        0: 'v1'

class CertId(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('hash_algorithm', DigestAlgorithm),
        ('issuer_name_hash', OctetString),
        ('issuer_key_hash', OctetString),
        ('serial_number', Integer),

class ServiceLocator(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('issuer', Name),
        ('locator', AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax),

class RequestExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'service_locator',

class RequestExtension(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('extn_id', RequestExtensionId),
        ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
        ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),

    _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
    _oid_specs = {
        'service_locator': ServiceLocator,

class RequestExtensions(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = RequestExtension

class Request(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('req_cert', CertId),
        ('single_request_extensions', RequestExtensions, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

    _processed_extensions = False
    _critical_extensions = None
    _service_locator_value = None

    def _set_extensions(self):
        Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
        of critical extensions

        self._critical_extensions = set()

        for extension in self['single_request_extensions']:
            name = extension['extn_id'].native
            attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
            if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
                setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
            if extension['critical'].native:

        self._processed_extensions = True

    def critical_extensions(self):
        Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
        extensions marked as critical

            A set of unicode strings

        if not self._processed_extensions:
        return self._critical_extensions

    def service_locator_value(self):
        This extension is used when communicating with an OCSP responder that
        acts as a proxy for OCSP requests

            None or a ServiceLocator object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._service_locator_value

class Requests(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = Request

class ResponseType(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'basic_ocsp_response',

class AcceptableResponses(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = ResponseType

class PreferredSignatureAlgorithm(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('sig_identifier', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
        ('cert_identifier', PublicKeyAlgorithm, {'optional': True}),

class PreferredSignatureAlgorithms(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = PreferredSignatureAlgorithm

class TBSRequestExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'nonce',
        '': 'acceptable_responses',
        '': 'preferred_signature_algorithms',

class TBSRequestExtension(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('extn_id', TBSRequestExtensionId),
        ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
        ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),

    _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
    _oid_specs = {
        'nonce': OctetString,
        'acceptable_responses': AcceptableResponses,
        'preferred_signature_algorithms': PreferredSignatureAlgorithms,

class TBSRequestExtensions(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = TBSRequestExtension

class TBSRequest(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('version', Version, {'explicit': 0, 'default': 'v1'}),
        ('requestor_name', GeneralName, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
        ('request_list', Requests),
        ('request_extensions', TBSRequestExtensions, {'explicit': 2, 'optional': True}),

class Certificates(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = Certificate

class Signature(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('signature_algorithm', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
        ('signature', OctetBitString),
        ('certs', Certificates, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

class OCSPRequest(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('tbs_request', TBSRequest),
        ('optional_signature', Signature, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

    _processed_extensions = False
    _critical_extensions = None
    _nonce_value = None
    _acceptable_responses_value = None
    _preferred_signature_algorithms_value = None

    def _set_extensions(self):
        Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
        of critical extensions

        self._critical_extensions = set()

        for extension in self['tbs_request']['request_extensions']:
            name = extension['extn_id'].native
            attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
            if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
                setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
            if extension['critical'].native:

        self._processed_extensions = True

    def critical_extensions(self):
        Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
        extensions marked as critical

            A set of unicode strings

        if not self._processed_extensions:
        return self._critical_extensions

    def nonce_value(self):
        This extension is used to prevent replay attacks by including a unique,
        random value with each request/response pair

            None or an OctetString object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._nonce_value

    def acceptable_responses_value(self):
        This extension is used to allow the client and server to communicate
        with alternative response formats other than just basic_ocsp_response,
        although no other formats are defined in the standard.

            None or an AcceptableResponses object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._acceptable_responses_value

    def preferred_signature_algorithms_value(self):
        This extension is used by the client to define what signature algorithms
        are preferred, including both the hash algorithm and the public key
        algorithm, with a level of detail down to even the public key algorithm
        parameters, such as curve name.

            None or a PreferredSignatureAlgorithms object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._preferred_signature_algorithms_value

class OCSPResponseStatus(Enumerated):
    _map = {
        0: 'successful',
        1: 'malformed_request',
        2: 'internal_error',
        3: 'try_later',
        5: 'sign_required',
        6: 'unauthorized',

class ResponderId(Choice):
    _alternatives = [
        ('by_name', Name, {'explicit': 1}),
        ('by_key', OctetString, {'explicit': 2}),

class RevokedInfo(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('revocation_time', GeneralizedTime),
        ('revocation_reason', CRLReason, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

class CertStatus(Choice):
    _alternatives = [
        ('good', Null, {'implicit': 0}),
        ('revoked', RevokedInfo, {'implicit': 1}),
        ('unknown', Null, {'implicit': 2}),

class CrlId(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('crl_url', IA5String, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
        ('crl_num', Integer, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
        ('crl_time', GeneralizedTime, {'explicit': 2, 'optional': True}),

class SingleResponseExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'crl',
        '': 'archive_cutoff',
        # These are CRLEntryExtension values from
        # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280
        '': 'crl_reason',
        '': 'invalidity_date',
        '': 'certificate_issuer',
        # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962.html#page-13
        '': 'signed_certificate_timestamp_list',

class SingleResponseExtension(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('extn_id', SingleResponseExtensionId),
        ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
        ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),

    _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
    _oid_specs = {
        'crl': CrlId,
        'archive_cutoff': GeneralizedTime,
        'crl_reason': CRLReason,
        'invalidity_date': GeneralizedTime,
        'certificate_issuer': GeneralNames,
        'signed_certificate_timestamp_list': OctetString,

class SingleResponseExtensions(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = SingleResponseExtension

class SingleResponse(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('cert_id', CertId),
        ('cert_status', CertStatus),
        ('this_update', GeneralizedTime),
        ('next_update', GeneralizedTime, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
        ('single_extensions', SingleResponseExtensions, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),

    _processed_extensions = False
    _critical_extensions = None
    _crl_value = None
    _archive_cutoff_value = None
    _crl_reason_value = None
    _invalidity_date_value = None
    _certificate_issuer_value = None

    def _set_extensions(self):
        Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
        of critical extensions

        self._critical_extensions = set()

        for extension in self['single_extensions']:
            name = extension['extn_id'].native
            attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
            if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
                setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
            if extension['critical'].native:

        self._processed_extensions = True

    def critical_extensions(self):
        Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
        extensions marked as critical

            A set of unicode strings

        if not self._processed_extensions:
        return self._critical_extensions

    def crl_value(self):
        This extension is used to locate the CRL that a certificate's revocation
        is contained within.

            None or a CrlId object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._crl_value

    def archive_cutoff_value(self):
        This extension is used to indicate the date at which an archived
        (historical) certificate status entry will no longer be available.

            None or a GeneralizedTime object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._archive_cutoff_value

    def crl_reason_value(self):
        This extension indicates the reason that a certificate was revoked.

            None or a CRLReason object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._crl_reason_value

    def invalidity_date_value(self):
        This extension indicates the suspected date/time the private key was
        compromised or the certificate became invalid. This would usually be
        before the revocation date, which is when the CA processed the

            None or a GeneralizedTime object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._invalidity_date_value

    def certificate_issuer_value(self):
        This extension indicates the issuer of the certificate in question.

            None or an x509.GeneralNames object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._certificate_issuer_value

class Responses(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = SingleResponse

class ResponseDataExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'nonce',
        '': 'extended_revoke',

class ResponseDataExtension(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('extn_id', ResponseDataExtensionId),
        ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
        ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),

    _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
    _oid_specs = {
        'nonce': OctetString,
        'extended_revoke': Null,

class ResponseDataExtensions(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = ResponseDataExtension

class ResponseData(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('version', Version, {'explicit': 0, 'default': 'v1'}),
        ('responder_id', ResponderId),
        ('produced_at', GeneralizedTime),
        ('responses', Responses),
        ('response_extensions', ResponseDataExtensions, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),

class BasicOCSPResponse(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('tbs_response_data', ResponseData),
        ('signature_algorithm', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
        ('signature', OctetBitString),
        ('certs', Certificates, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

class ResponseBytes(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('response_type', ResponseType),
        ('response', ParsableOctetString),

    _oid_pair = ('response_type', 'response')
    _oid_specs = {
        'basic_ocsp_response': BasicOCSPResponse,

class OCSPResponse(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('response_status', OCSPResponseStatus),
        ('response_bytes', ResponseBytes, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),

    _processed_extensions = False
    _critical_extensions = None
    _nonce_value = None
    _extended_revoke_value = None

    def _set_extensions(self):
        Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
        of critical extensions

        self._critical_extensions = set()

        for extension in self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed['tbs_response_data']['response_extensions']:
            name = extension['extn_id'].native
            attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
            if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
                setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
            if extension['critical'].native:

        self._processed_extensions = True

    def critical_extensions(self):
        Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
        extensions marked as critical

            A set of unicode strings

        if not self._processed_extensions:
        return self._critical_extensions

    def nonce_value(self):
        This extension is used to prevent replay attacks on the request/response

            None or an OctetString object

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._nonce_value

    def extended_revoke_value(self):
        This extension is used to signal that the responder will return a
        "revoked" status for non-issued certificates.

            None or a Null object (if present)

        if self._processed_extensions is False:
        return self._extended_revoke_value

    def basic_ocsp_response(self):
        A shortcut into the BasicOCSPResponse sequence

            None or an asn1crypto.ocsp.BasicOCSPResponse object

        return self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed

    def response_data(self):
        A shortcut into the parsed, ResponseData sequence

            None or an asn1crypto.ocsp.ResponseData object

        return self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed['tbs_response_data']


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_perf Folder 0755
__init__.py File 209 B 0644
_elliptic_curve.py File 9.2 KB 0644
_errors.py File 967 B 0644
_ffi.py File 738 B 0644
_inet.py File 4.55 KB 0644
_int.py File 4.51 KB 0644
_iri.py File 8.43 KB 0644
_ordereddict.py File 4.43 KB 0644
_teletex_codec.py File 4.93 KB 0644
_types.py File 939 B 0644
algos.py File 33.3 KB 0644
cms.py File 24.53 KB 0644
core.py File 153.57 KB 0644
crl.py File 15.73 KB 0644
csr.py File 2.09 KB 0644
keys.py File 34.36 KB 0644
ocsp.py File 17.38 KB 0644
parser.py File 8.93 KB 0644
pdf.py File 2.2 KB 0644
pem.py File 6 KB 0644
pkcs12.py File 4.46 KB 0644
tsp.py File 7.64 KB 0644
util.py File 17.62 KB 0644
version.py File 154 B 0644
x509.py File 90.14 KB 0644