[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
"""ACME AuthHandler."""
import collections
import logging
import time

import six
import zope.component

from acme import challenges
from acme import messages
# pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module
from acme.magic_typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Set, Collection
# pylint: enable=unused-import, no-name-in-module
from certbot import achallenges
from certbot import errors
from certbot import error_handler
from certbot import interfaces

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AnnotatedAuthzr = collections.namedtuple("AnnotatedAuthzr", ["authzr", "achalls"])
"""Stores an authorization resource and its active annotated challenges."""

class AuthHandler(object):
    """ACME Authorization Handler for a client.

    :ivar auth: Authenticator capable of solving
        :class:`~acme.challenges.Challenge` types
    :type auth: :class:`certbot.interfaces.IAuthenticator`

    :ivar acme.client.BackwardsCompatibleClientV2 acme_client: ACME client API.

    :ivar account: Client's Account
    :type account: :class:`certbot.account.Account`

    :ivar list pref_challs: sorted user specified preferred challenges
        type strings with the most preferred challenge listed first

    def __init__(self, auth, acme_client, account, pref_challs):
        self.auth = auth
        self.acme = acme_client

        self.account = account
        self.pref_challs = pref_challs

    def handle_authorizations(self, orderr, best_effort=False):
        """Retrieve all authorizations for challenges.

        :param acme.messages.OrderResource orderr: must have
            authorizations filled in
        :param bool best_effort: Whether or not all authorizations are
            required (this is useful in renewal)

        :returns: List of authorization resources
        :rtype: list

        :raises .AuthorizationError: If unable to retrieve all

        aauthzrs = [AnnotatedAuthzr(authzr, [])
                    for authzr in orderr.authorizations]

        config = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IConfig)
        notify = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).notification

        # While there are still challenges remaining...
        while self._has_challenges(aauthzrs):
            with error_handler.ExitHandler(self._cleanup_challenges, aauthzrs):
                resp = self._solve_challenges(aauthzrs)
                logger.info("Waiting for verification...")
                if config.debug_challenges:
                    notify('Challenges loaded. Press continue to submit to CA. '
                           'Pass "-v" for more info about challenges.', pause=True)

                # Send all Responses - this modifies achalls
                self._respond(aauthzrs, resp, best_effort)

        # Just make sure all decisions are complete.

        # Only return valid authorizations
        ret_val = [aauthzr.authzr for aauthzr in aauthzrs
                   if aauthzr.authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID]

        if not ret_val:
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "Challenges failed for all domains")

        return ret_val

    def _choose_challenges(self, aauthzrs):
        Retrieve necessary and pending challenges to satisfy server.
        NB: Necessary and already validated challenges are not retrieved,
        as they can be reused for a certificate issuance.
        pending_authzrs = [aauthzr for aauthzr in aauthzrs
                           if aauthzr.authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_VALID]
        if pending_authzrs:
            logger.info("Performing the following challenges:")
        for aauthzr in pending_authzrs:
            aauthzr_challenges = aauthzr.authzr.body.challenges
            if self.acme.acme_version == 1:
                combinations = aauthzr.authzr.body.combinations
                combinations = tuple((i,) for i in range(len(aauthzr_challenges)))

            path = gen_challenge_path(

            aauthzr_achalls = self._challenge_factory(
                aauthzr.authzr, path)

        for aauthzr in aauthzrs:
            for achall in aauthzr.achalls:
                if isinstance(achall.chall, challenges.TLSSNI01):
                    logger.warning("TLS-SNI-01 is deprecated, and will stop working soon.")

    def _has_challenges(self, aauthzrs):
        """Do we have any challenges to perform?"""
        return any(aauthzr.achalls for aauthzr in aauthzrs)

    def _solve_challenges(self, aauthzrs):
        """Get Responses for challenges from authenticators."""
        resp = []  # type: Collection[challenges.ChallengeResponse]
        all_achalls = self._get_all_achalls(aauthzrs)
            if all_achalls:
                resp = self.auth.perform(all_achalls)
        except errors.AuthorizationError:
            logger.critical("Failure in setting up challenges.")
            logger.info("Attempting to clean up outstanding challenges...")

        assert len(resp) == len(all_achalls)

        return resp

    def _get_all_achalls(self, aauthzrs):
        """Return all active challenges."""
        all_achalls = []  # type: Collection[challenges.ChallengeResponse]
        for aauthzr in aauthzrs:
        return all_achalls

    def _respond(self, aauthzrs, resp, best_effort):
        """Send/Receive confirmation of all challenges.

        .. note:: This method also cleans up the auth_handler state.

        # TODO: chall_update is a dirty hack to get around acme-spec #105
        chall_update = dict() \
        # type: Dict[int, List[achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge]]
        self._send_responses(aauthzrs, resp, chall_update)

        # Check for updated status...
        self._poll_challenges(aauthzrs, chall_update, best_effort)

    def _send_responses(self, aauthzrs, resps, chall_update):
        """Send responses and make sure errors are handled.

        :param aauthzrs: authorizations and the selected annotated challenges
            to try and perform
        :type aauthzrs: `list` of `AnnotatedAuthzr`
        :param resps: challenge responses from the authenticator where
            each response at index i corresponds to the annotated
            challenge at index i in the list returned by
        :type resps: `collections.abc.Iterable` of
            :class:`~acme.challenges.ChallengeResponse` or `False` or
        :param dict chall_update: parameter that is updated to hold
            aauthzr index to list of outstanding solved annotated challenges

        active_achalls = []
        resps_iter = iter(resps)
        for i, aauthzr in enumerate(aauthzrs):
            for achall in aauthzr.achalls:
                # This line needs to be outside of the if block below to
                # ensure failed challenges are cleaned up correctly

                resp = next(resps_iter)
                # Don't send challenges for None and False authenticator responses
                if resp:
                    self.acme.answer_challenge(achall.challb, resp)
                    # TODO: answer_challenge returns challr, with URI,
                    # that can be used in _find_updated_challr
                    # comparisons...
                    chall_update.setdefault(i, []).append(achall)

        return active_achalls

    def _poll_challenges(self, aauthzrs, chall_update,
                         best_effort, min_sleep=3, max_rounds=30):
        """Wait for all challenge results to be determined."""
        indices_to_check = set(chall_update.keys())
        comp_indices = set()
        rounds = 0

        while indices_to_check and rounds < max_rounds:
            # TODO: Use retry-after...
            all_failed_achalls = set()  # type: Set[achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge]
            for index in indices_to_check:
                comp_achalls, failed_achalls = self._handle_check(
                    aauthzrs, index, chall_update[index])

                if len(comp_achalls) == len(chall_update[index]):
                elif not failed_achalls:
                    for achall, _ in comp_achalls:
                # We failed some challenges... damage control
                    if best_effort:
                            "Challenge failed for domain %s",
                            updated for _, updated in failed_achalls)

            if all_failed_achalls:
                raise errors.FailedChallenges(all_failed_achalls)

            indices_to_check -= comp_indices
            rounds += 1

    def _handle_check(self, aauthzrs, index, achalls):
        """Returns tuple of ('completed', 'failed')."""
        completed = []
        failed = []

        original_aauthzr = aauthzrs[index]
        updated_authzr, _ = self.acme.poll(original_aauthzr.authzr)
        aauthzrs[index] = AnnotatedAuthzr(updated_authzr, original_aauthzr.achalls)
        if updated_authzr.body.status == messages.STATUS_VALID:
            return achalls, []

        # Note: if the whole authorization is invalid, the individual failed
        #     challenges will be determined here...
        for achall in achalls:
            updated_achall = achall.update(challb=self._find_updated_challb(
                updated_authzr, achall))

            # This does nothing for challenges that have yet to be decided yet.
            if updated_achall.status == messages.STATUS_VALID:
                completed.append((achall, updated_achall))
            elif updated_achall.status == messages.STATUS_INVALID:
                failed.append((achall, updated_achall))

        return completed, failed

    def _find_updated_challb(self, authzr, achall):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """Find updated challenge body within Authorization Resource.

        .. warning:: This assumes only one instance of type of challenge in
            each challenge resource.

        :param .AuthorizationResource authzr: Authorization Resource
        :param .AnnotatedChallenge achall: Annotated challenge for which
            to get status

        for authzr_challb in authzr.body.challenges:
            if type(authzr_challb.chall) is type(achall.challb.chall):  # noqa
                return authzr_challb
        raise errors.AuthorizationError(
            "Target challenge not found in authorization resource")

    def _get_chall_pref(self, domain):
        """Return list of challenge preferences.

        :param str domain: domain for which you are requesting preferences

        chall_prefs = []
        # Make sure to make a copy...
        plugin_pref = self.auth.get_chall_pref(domain)
        if self.pref_challs:
            plugin_pref_types = set(chall.typ for chall in plugin_pref)
            for typ in self.pref_challs:
                if typ in plugin_pref_types:
            if chall_prefs:
                return chall_prefs
            raise errors.AuthorizationError(
                "None of the preferred challenges "
                "are supported by the selected plugin")
        return chall_prefs

    def _cleanup_challenges(self, aauthzrs, achalls=None):
        """Cleanup challenges.

        :param aauthzrs: authorizations and their selected annotated
        :type aauthzrs: `list` of `AnnotatedAuthzr`
        :param achalls: annotated challenges to cleanup
        :type achalls: `list` of :class:`certbot.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge`

        logger.info("Cleaning up challenges")
        if achalls is None:
            achalls = self._get_all_achalls(aauthzrs)
        if achalls:
            for achall in achalls:
                for aauthzr in aauthzrs:
                    if achall in aauthzr.achalls:

    def verify_authzr_complete(self, aauthzrs):
        """Verifies that all authorizations have been decided.

        :param aauthzrs: authorizations and their selected annotated
        :type aauthzrs: `list` of `AnnotatedAuthzr`

        :returns: Whether all authzr are complete
        :rtype: bool

        for aauthzr in aauthzrs:
            authzr = aauthzr.authzr
            if (authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_VALID and
                    authzr.body.status != messages.STATUS_INVALID):
                raise errors.AuthorizationError("Incomplete authorizations")

    def _challenge_factory(self, authzr, path):
        """Construct Namedtuple Challenges

        :param messages.AuthorizationResource authzr: authorization

        :param list path: List of indices from `challenges`.

        :returns: achalls, list of challenge type
        :rtype: list

        :raises .errors.Error: if challenge type is not recognized

        achalls = []

        for index in path:
            challb = authzr.body.challenges[index]
                challb, self.account.key, authzr.body.identifier.value))

        return achalls

def challb_to_achall(challb, account_key, domain):
    """Converts a ChallengeBody object to an AnnotatedChallenge.

    :param .ChallengeBody challb: ChallengeBody
    :param .JWK account_key: Authorized Account Key
    :param str domain: Domain of the challb

    :returns: Appropriate AnnotatedChallenge
    :rtype: :class:`certbot.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge`

    chall = challb.chall
    logger.info("%s challenge for %s", chall.typ, domain)

    if isinstance(chall, challenges.KeyAuthorizationChallenge):
        return achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge(
            challb=challb, domain=domain, account_key=account_key)
    elif isinstance(chall, challenges.DNS):
        return achallenges.DNS(challb=challb, domain=domain)
        raise errors.Error(
            "Received unsupported challenge of type: %s", chall.typ)

def gen_challenge_path(challbs, preferences, combinations):
    """Generate a plan to get authority over the identity.

    .. todo:: This can be possibly be rewritten to use resolved_combinations.

    :param tuple challbs: A tuple of challenges
        (:class:`acme.messages.Challenge`) from
        :class:`acme.messages.AuthorizationResource` to be
        fulfilled by the client in order to prove possession of the

    :param list preferences: List of challenge preferences for domain
        (:class:`acme.challenges.Challenge` subclasses)

    :param tuple combinations: A collection of sets of challenges from
        :class:`acme.messages.Challenge`, each of which would
        be sufficient to prove possession of the identifier.

    :returns: tuple of indices from ``challenges``.
    :rtype: tuple

    :raises certbot.errors.AuthorizationError: If a
        path cannot be created that satisfies the CA given the preferences and

    if combinations:
        return _find_smart_path(challbs, preferences, combinations)
        return _find_dumb_path(challbs, preferences)

def _find_smart_path(challbs, preferences, combinations):
    """Find challenge path with server hints.

    Can be called if combinations is included. Function uses a simple
    ranking system to choose the combo with the lowest cost.

    chall_cost = {}
    max_cost = 1
    for i, chall_cls in enumerate(preferences):
        chall_cost[chall_cls] = i
        max_cost += i

    # max_cost is now equal to sum(indices) + 1

    best_combo = None
    # Set above completing all of the available challenges
    best_combo_cost = max_cost

    combo_total = 0
    for combo in combinations:
        for challenge_index in combo:
            combo_total += chall_cost.get(challbs[
                challenge_index].chall.__class__, max_cost)

        if combo_total < best_combo_cost:
            best_combo = combo
            best_combo_cost = combo_total

        combo_total = 0

    if not best_combo:

    return best_combo

def _find_dumb_path(challbs, preferences):
    """Find challenge path without server hints.

    Should be called if the combinations hint is not included by the
    server. This function either returns a path containing all
    challenges provided by the CA or raises an exception.

    path = []
    for i, challb in enumerate(challbs):
        # supported is set to True if the challenge type is supported
        supported = next((True for pref_c in preferences
                          if isinstance(challb.chall, pref_c)), False)
        if supported:

    return path

def _report_no_chall_path(challbs):
    """Logs and raises an error that no satisfiable chall path exists.

    :param challbs: challenges from the authorization that can't be satisfied

    msg = ("Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support "
           "any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.")
    if len(challbs) == 1 and isinstance(challbs[0].chall, challenges.DNS01):
        msg += (
            " You may need to use an authenticator "
            "plugin that can do challenges over DNS.")
    raise errors.AuthorizationError(msg)

    "To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was entered "
    "correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain contain(s) the "
    "right IP address.")

        _ERROR_HELP_COMMON + " Additionally, please check that your computer "
        "has a publicly routable IP address and that no firewalls are preventing "
        "the server from communicating with the client. If you're using the "
        "webroot plugin, you should also verify that you are serving files "
        "from the webroot path you provided.",
        _ERROR_HELP_COMMON + " Additionally, if you have DNSSEC enabled for "
        "your domain, please ensure that the signature is valid.",
        "To fix these errors, please make sure that you did not provide any "
        "invalid information to the client, and try running Certbot "
        "Unfortunately, an error on the ACME server prevented you from completing "
        "authorization. Please try again later.",
        _ERROR_HELP_COMMON + " Additionally, please check that you have an "
        "up-to-date TLS configuration that allows the server to communicate "
        "with the Certbot client.",
    "unauthorized": _ERROR_HELP_COMMON,
    "unknownHost": _ERROR_HELP_COMMON,

def _report_failed_challs(failed_achalls):
    """Notifies the user about failed challenges.

    :param set failed_achalls: A set of failed

    problems = collections.defaultdict(list)\
        # type: DefaultDict[str, List[achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge]]
    for achall in failed_achalls:
        if achall.error:
    reporter = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IReporter)
    for achalls in six.itervalues(problems):
            _generate_failed_chall_msg(achalls), reporter.MEDIUM_PRIORITY)

def _generate_failed_chall_msg(failed_achalls):
    """Creates a user friendly error message about failed challenges.

    :param list failed_achalls: A list of failed
        :class:`certbot.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge` with the same error

    :returns: A formatted error message for the client.
    :rtype: str

    error = failed_achalls[0].error
    typ = error.typ
    if messages.is_acme_error(error):
        typ = error.code
    msg = ["The following errors were reported by the server:"]

    for achall in failed_achalls:
        msg.append("\n\nDomain: %s\nType:   %s\nDetail: %s" % (
            achall.domain, typ, achall.error.detail))

    if typ in _ERROR_HELP:

    return "".join(msg)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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__init__.py File 114 B 0644
account.py File 13.98 KB 0644
achallenges.py File 1.59 KB 0644
auth_handler.py File 20.92 KB 0644
cert_manager.py File 15.1 KB 0644
cli.py File 71.49 KB 0644
client.py File 28.72 KB 0644
compat.py File 6.91 KB 0644
configuration.py File 5.66 KB 0644
constants.py File 6.54 KB 0644
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eff.py File 3.07 KB 0644
error_handler.py File 5.81 KB 0644
errors.py File 2.59 KB 0644
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interfaces.py File 22.02 KB 0644
lock.py File 3.56 KB 0644
log.py File 12.39 KB 0644
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notify.py File 1.04 KB 0644
ocsp.py File 4.1 KB 0644
renewal.py File 20.91 KB 0644
reporter.py File 3.46 KB 0644
reverter.py File 23.32 KB 0644
ssl-dhparams.pem File 424 B 0644
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