"""Tools for managing certificates."""
import datetime
import logging
import os
import pytz
import re
import traceback
import zope.component
from acme.magic_typing import List # pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module
from certbot import compat
from certbot import crypto_util
from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot import ocsp
from certbot import storage
from certbot import util
from certbot.display import util as display_util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Commands
def update_live_symlinks(config):
"""Update the certificate file family symlinks to use archive_dir.
Use the information in the config file to make symlinks point to
the correct archive directory.
.. note:: This assumes that the installation is using a Reverter object.
:param config: Configuration.
:type config: :class:`certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig`
for renewal_file in storage.renewal_conf_files(config):
storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, config, update_symlinks=True)
def rename_lineage(config):
"""Rename the specified lineage to the new name.
:param config: Configuration.
:type config: :class:`certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig`
disp = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
certname = get_certnames(config, "rename")[0]
new_certname = config.new_certname
if not new_certname:
code, new_certname = disp.input(
"Enter the new name for certificate {0}".format(certname),
flag="--updated-cert-name", force_interactive=True)
if code != display_util.OK or not new_certname:
raise errors.Error("User ended interaction.")
lineage = lineage_for_certname(config, certname)
if not lineage:
raise errors.ConfigurationError("No existing certificate with name "
"{0} found.".format(certname))
storage.rename_renewal_config(certname, new_certname, config)
disp.notification("Successfully renamed {0} to {1}."
.format(certname, new_certname), pause=False)
def certificates(config):
"""Display information about certs configured with Certbot
:param config: Configuration.
:type config: :class:`certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig`
parsed_certs = []
parse_failures = []
for renewal_file in storage.renewal_conf_files(config):
renewal_candidate = storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, config)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logger.warning("Renewal configuration file %s produced an "
"unexpected error: %s. Skipping.", renewal_file, e)
logger.debug("Traceback was:\n%s", traceback.format_exc())
# Describe all the certs
_describe_certs(config, parsed_certs, parse_failures)
def delete(config):
"""Delete Certbot files associated with a certificate lineage."""
certnames = get_certnames(config, "delete", allow_multiple=True)
for certname in certnames:
storage.delete_files(config, certname)
disp = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
disp.notification("Deleted all files relating to certificate {0}."
.format(certname), pause=False)
# Public Helpers
def lineage_for_certname(cli_config, certname):
"""Find a lineage object with name certname."""
configs_dir = cli_config.renewal_configs_dir
# Verify the directory is there
util.make_or_verify_dir(configs_dir, mode=0o755, uid=compat.os_geteuid())
renewal_file = storage.renewal_file_for_certname(cli_config, certname)
except errors.CertStorageError:
return None
return storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, cli_config)
except (errors.CertStorageError, IOError):
logger.debug("Renewal conf file %s is broken.", renewal_file)
logger.debug("Traceback was:\n%s", traceback.format_exc())
return None
def domains_for_certname(config, certname):
"""Find the domains in the cert with name certname."""
lineage = lineage_for_certname(config, certname)
return lineage.names() if lineage else None
def find_duplicative_certs(config, domains):
"""Find existing certs that match the given domain names.
This function searches for certificates whose domains are equal to
the `domains` parameter and certificates whose domains are a subset
of the domains in the `domains` parameter. If multiple certificates
are found whose names are a subset of `domains`, the one whose names
are the largest subset of `domains` is returned.
If multiple certificates' domains are an exact match or equally
sized subsets, which matching certificates are returned is
:param config: Configuration.
:type config: :class:`certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig`
:param domains: List of domain names
:type domains: `list` of `str`
:returns: lineages representing the identically matching cert and the
largest subset if they exist
:rtype: `tuple` of `storage.RenewableCert` or `None`
def update_certs_for_domain_matches(candidate_lineage, rv):
"""Return cert as identical_names_cert if it matches,
or subset_names_cert if it matches as subset
# TODO: Handle these differently depending on whether they are
# expired or still valid?
identical_names_cert, subset_names_cert = rv
candidate_names = set(candidate_lineage.names())
if candidate_names == set(domains):
identical_names_cert = candidate_lineage
elif candidate_names.issubset(set(domains)):
# This logic finds and returns the largest subset-names cert
# in the case where there are several available.
if subset_names_cert is None:
subset_names_cert = candidate_lineage
elif len(candidate_names) > len(subset_names_cert.names()):
subset_names_cert = candidate_lineage
return (identical_names_cert, subset_names_cert)
return _search_lineages(config, update_certs_for_domain_matches, (None, None))
def _archive_files(candidate_lineage, filetype):
""" In order to match things like:
Anonymous functions which call this function are eventually passed (in a list) to
`match_and_check_overlaps` to help specify the acceptable_matches.
:param `.storage.RenewableCert` candidate_lineage: Lineage whose archive dir is to
be searched.
:param str filetype: main file name prefix e.g. "fullchain" or "chain".
:returns: Files in candidate_lineage's archive dir that match the provided filetype.
:rtype: list of str or None
archive_dir = candidate_lineage.archive_dir
pattern = [os.path.join(archive_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(archive_dir)
if re.match("{0}[0-9]*.pem".format(filetype), f)]
if len(pattern) > 0:
return pattern
return None
def _acceptable_matches():
""" Generates the list that's passed to match_and_check_overlaps. Is its own function to
make unit testing easier.
:returns: list of functions
:rtype: list
return [lambda x: x.fullchain_path, lambda x: x.cert_path,
lambda x: _archive_files(x, "cert"), lambda x: _archive_files(x, "fullchain")]
def cert_path_to_lineage(cli_config):
""" If config.cert_path is defined, try to find an appropriate value for config.certname.
:param `configuration.NamespaceConfig` cli_config: parsed command line arguments
:returns: a lineage name
:rtype: str
:raises `errors.Error`: If the specified cert path can't be matched to a lineage name.
:raises `errors.OverlappingMatchFound`: If the matched lineage's archive is shared.
acceptable_matches = _acceptable_matches()
match = match_and_check_overlaps(cli_config, acceptable_matches,
lambda x: cli_config.cert_path[0], lambda x: x.lineagename)
return match[0]
def match_and_check_overlaps(cli_config, acceptable_matches, match_func, rv_func):
""" Searches through all lineages for a match, and checks for duplicates.
If a duplicate is found, an error is raised, as performing operations on lineages
that have their properties incorrectly duplicated elsewhere is probably a bad idea.
:param `configuration.NamespaceConfig` cli_config: parsed command line arguments
:param list acceptable_matches: a list of functions that specify acceptable matches
:param function match_func: specifies what to match
:param function rv_func: specifies what to return
def find_matches(candidate_lineage, return_value, acceptable_matches):
"""Returns a list of matches using _search_lineages."""
acceptable_matches = [func(candidate_lineage) for func in acceptable_matches]
acceptable_matches_rv = [] # type: List[str]
for item in acceptable_matches:
if isinstance(item, list):
acceptable_matches_rv += item
match = match_func(candidate_lineage)
if match in acceptable_matches_rv:
return return_value
matched = _search_lineages(cli_config, find_matches, [], acceptable_matches)
if not matched:
raise errors.Error("No match found for cert-path {0}!".format(cli_config.cert_path[0]))
elif len(matched) > 1:
raise errors.OverlappingMatchFound()
return matched
def human_readable_cert_info(config, cert, skip_filter_checks=False):
""" Returns a human readable description of info about a RenewableCert object"""
certinfo = []
checker = ocsp.RevocationChecker()
if config.certname and cert.lineagename != config.certname and not skip_filter_checks:
return ""
if config.domains and not set(config.domains).issubset(cert.names()):
return ""
now = pytz.UTC.fromutc(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
reasons = []
if cert.is_test_cert:
if cert.target_expiry <= now:
if checker.ocsp_revoked(cert.cert, cert.chain):
if reasons:
status = "INVALID: " + ", ".join(reasons)
diff = cert.target_expiry - now
if diff.days == 1:
status = "VALID: 1 day"
elif diff.days < 1:
status = "VALID: {0} hour(s)".format(diff.seconds // 3600)
status = "VALID: {0} days".format(diff.days)
valid_string = "{0} ({1})".format(cert.target_expiry, status)
certinfo.append(" Certificate Name: {0}\n"
" Domains: {1}\n"
" Expiry Date: {2}\n"
" Certificate Path: {3}\n"
" Private Key Path: {4}".format(
" ".join(cert.names()),
return "".join(certinfo)
def get_certnames(config, verb, allow_multiple=False, custom_prompt=None):
"""Get certname from flag, interactively, or error out.
certname = config.certname
if certname:
certnames = [certname]
disp = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
filenames = storage.renewal_conf_files(config)
choices = [storage.lineagename_for_filename(name) for name in filenames]
if not choices:
raise errors.Error("No existing certificates found.")
if allow_multiple:
if not custom_prompt:
prompt = "Which certificate(s) would you like to {0}?".format(verb)
prompt = custom_prompt
code, certnames = disp.checklist(
prompt, choices, cli_flag="--cert-name", force_interactive=True)
if code != display_util.OK:
raise errors.Error("User ended interaction.")
if not custom_prompt:
prompt = "Which certificate would you like to {0}?".format(verb)
prompt = custom_prompt
code, index = disp.menu(
prompt, choices, cli_flag="--cert-name", force_interactive=True)
if code != display_util.OK or index not in range(0, len(choices)):
raise errors.Error("User ended interaction.")
certnames = [choices[index]]
return certnames
# Private Helpers
def _report_lines(msgs):
"""Format a results report for a category of single-line renewal outcomes"""
return " " + "\n ".join(str(msg) for msg in msgs)
def _report_human_readable(config, parsed_certs):
"""Format a results report for a parsed cert"""
certinfo = []
for cert in parsed_certs:
certinfo.append(human_readable_cert_info(config, cert))
return "\n".join(certinfo)
def _describe_certs(config, parsed_certs, parse_failures):
"""Print information about the certs we know about"""
out = [] # type: List[str]
notify = out.append
if not parsed_certs and not parse_failures:
notify("No certs found.")
if parsed_certs:
match = "matching " if config.certname or config.domains else ""
notify("Found the following {0}certs:".format(match))
notify(_report_human_readable(config, parsed_certs))
if parse_failures:
notify("\nThe following renewal configurations "
"were invalid:")
disp = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)
disp.notification("\n".join(out), pause=False, wrap=False)
def _search_lineages(cli_config, func, initial_rv, *args):
"""Iterate func over unbroken lineages, allowing custom return conditions.
Allows flexible customization of return values, including multiple
return values and complex checks.
:param `configuration.NamespaceConfig` cli_config: parsed command line arguments
:param function func: function used while searching over lineages
:param initial_rv: initial return value of the function (any type)
:returns: Whatever was specified by `func` if a match is found.
configs_dir = cli_config.renewal_configs_dir
# Verify the directory is there
util.make_or_verify_dir(configs_dir, mode=0o755, uid=compat.os_geteuid())
rv = initial_rv
for renewal_file in storage.renewal_conf_files(cli_config):
candidate_lineage = storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, cli_config)
except (errors.CertStorageError, IOError):
logger.debug("Renewal conf file %s is broken. Skipping.", renewal_file)
logger.debug("Traceback was:\n%s", traceback.format_exc())
rv = func(candidate_lineage, rv, *args)
return rv