[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
""" Utility functions for certbot-apache plugin """
import binascii
import os

from certbot import util

def get_mod_deps(mod_name):
    """Get known module dependencies.

    .. note:: This does not need to be accurate in order for the client to
        run.  This simply keeps things clean if the user decides to revert
    .. warning:: If all deps are not included, it may cause incorrect parsing
        behavior, due to enable_mod's shortcut for updating the parser's
        currently defined modules (`.ApacheParser.add_mod`)
        This would only present a major problem in extremely atypical
        configs that use ifmod for the missing deps.

    deps = {
        "ssl": ["setenvif", "mime"]
    return deps.get(mod_name, [])

def get_file_path(vhost_path):
    """Get file path from augeas_vhost_path.

    Takes in Augeas path and returns the file name

    :param str vhost_path: Augeas virtual host path

    :returns: filename of vhost
    :rtype: str

    if not vhost_path or not vhost_path.startswith("/files/"):
        return None

    return _split_aug_path(vhost_path)[0]

def get_internal_aug_path(vhost_path):
    """Get the Augeas path for a vhost with the file path removed.

    :param str vhost_path: Augeas virtual host path

    :returns: Augeas path to vhost relative to the containing file
    :rtype: str

    return _split_aug_path(vhost_path)[1]

def _split_aug_path(vhost_path):
    """Splits an Augeas path into a file path and an internal path.

    After removing "/files", this function splits vhost_path into the
    file path and the remaining Augeas path.

    :param str vhost_path: Augeas virtual host path

    :returns: file path and internal Augeas path
    :rtype: `tuple` of `str`

    # Strip off /files
    file_path = vhost_path[6:]
    internal_path = []

    # Remove components from the end of file_path until it becomes valid
    while not os.path.exists(file_path):
        file_path, _, internal_path_part = file_path.rpartition("/")

    return file_path, "/".join(reversed(internal_path))

def parse_define_file(filepath, varname):
    """ Parses Defines from a variable in configuration file

    :param str filepath: Path of file to parse
    :param str varname: Name of the variable

    :returns: Dict of Define:Value pairs
    :rtype: `dict`

    return_vars = {}
    # Get list of words in the variable
    a_opts = util.get_var_from_file(varname, filepath).split()
    for i, v in enumerate(a_opts):
        # Handle Define statements and make sure it has an argument
        if v == "-D" and len(a_opts) >= i+2:
            var_parts = a_opts[i+1].partition("=")
            return_vars[var_parts[0]] = var_parts[2]
        elif len(v) > 2 and v.startswith("-D"):
            # Found var with no whitespace separator
            var_parts = v[2:].partition("=")
            return_vars[var_parts[0]] = var_parts[2]
    return return_vars

def unique_id():
    """ Returns an unique id to be used as a VirtualHost identifier"""
    return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode("utf-8")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
augeas_lens Folder 0755
tests Folder 0755
__init__.py File 29 B 0644
apache_util.py File 3.1 KB 0644
augeas_configurator.py File 7.17 KB 0644
centos-options-ssl-apache.conf File 1.55 KB 0644
configurator.py File 97.69 KB 0644
constants.py File 2.5 KB 0644
display_ops.py File 4.16 KB 0644
entrypoint.py File 1.84 KB 0644
http_01.py File 7.78 KB 0644
obj.py File 8.92 KB 0644
options-ssl-apache.conf File 1.58 KB 0644
override_arch.py File 980 B 0644
override_centos.py File 2.43 KB 0644
override_darwin.py File 982 B 0644
override_debian.py File 5.55 KB 0644
override_gentoo.py File 2.7 KB 0644
override_suse.py File 1011 B 0644
parser.py File 30.42 KB 0644
tls_sni_01.py File 5.95 KB 0644