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botdev@ ~ $
All of the Enums that are used throughout the chardet package.

:author: Dan Blanchard (dan.blanchard@gmail.com)

class InputState(object):
    This enum represents the different states a universal detector can be in.
    PURE_ASCII = 0
    ESC_ASCII = 1
    HIGH_BYTE = 2

class LanguageFilter(object):
    This enum represents the different language filters we can apply to a
    JAPANESE = 0x04
    KOREAN = 0x08
    NON_CJK = 0x10
    ALL = 0x1F

class ProbingState(object):
    This enum represents the different states a prober can be in.
    FOUND_IT = 1
    NOT_ME = 2

class MachineState(object):
    This enum represents the different states a state machine can be in.
    START = 0
    ERROR = 1
    ITS_ME = 2

class SequenceLikelihood(object):
    This enum represents the likelihood of a character following the previous one.
    NEGATIVE = 0
    UNLIKELY = 1
    LIKELY = 2
    POSITIVE = 3

    def get_num_categories(cls):
        """:returns: The number of likelihood categories in the enum."""
        return 4

class CharacterCategory(object):
    This enum represents the different categories language models for
    ``SingleByteCharsetProber`` put characters into.

    Anything less than CONTROL is considered a letter.
    UNDEFINED = 255
    LINE_BREAK = 254
    SYMBOL = 253
    DIGIT = 252
    CONTROL = 251


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
cli Folder 0755
__init__.py File 1.52 KB 0644
big5freq.py File 30.52 KB 0644
big5prober.py File 1.72 KB 0644
chardistribution.py File 9.19 KB 0644
charsetgroupprober.py File 3.7 KB 0644
charsetprober.py File 4.99 KB 0644
codingstatemachine.py File 3.51 KB 0644
compat.py File 1.11 KB 0644
cp949prober.py File 1.81 KB 0644
enums.py File 1.62 KB 0644
escprober.py File 3.86 KB 0644
escsm.py File 10.26 KB 0644
eucjpprober.py File 3.66 KB 0644
euckrfreq.py File 13.23 KB 0644
euckrprober.py File 1.71 KB 0644
euctwfreq.py File 30.88 KB 0644
euctwprober.py File 1.71 KB 0644
gb2312freq.py File 20.23 KB 0644
gb2312prober.py File 1.71 KB 0644
hebrewprober.py File 13.51 KB 0644
jisfreq.py File 25.17 KB 0644
jpcntx.py File 19.18 KB 0644
langbulgarianmodel.py File 12.54 KB 0644
langcyrillicmodel.py File 17.53 KB 0644
langgreekmodel.py File 12.39 KB 0644
langhebrewmodel.py File 11.08 KB 0644
langhungarianmodel.py File 12.3 KB 0644
langthaimodel.py File 11.03 KB 0644
langturkishmodel.py File 10.84 KB 0644
latin1prober.py File 5.24 KB 0644
mbcharsetprober.py File 3.33 KB 0644
mbcsgroupprober.py File 1.96 KB 0644
mbcssm.py File 24.88 KB 0644
sbcharsetprober.py File 5.52 KB 0644
sbcsgroupprober.py File 3.46 KB 0644
sjisprober.py File 3.69 KB 0644
universaldetector.py File 12.19 KB 0644
utf8prober.py File 2.7 KB 0644
version.py File 242 B 0644