[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
import os
import sys
import codecs

from ._compat import PY2

# If someone wants to vendor click, we want to ensure the
# correct package is discovered.  Ideally we could use a
# relative import here but unfortunately Python does not
# support that.
click = sys.modules[__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0]]

def _find_unicode_literals_frame():
    import __future__
    frm = sys._getframe(1)
    idx = 1
    while frm is not None:
        if frm.f_globals.get('__name__', '').startswith('click.'):
            frm = frm.f_back
            idx += 1
        elif frm.f_code.co_flags & __future__.unicode_literals.compiler_flag:
            return idx
    return 0

def _check_for_unicode_literals():
    if not __debug__:
    if not PY2 or click.disable_unicode_literals_warning:
    bad_frame = _find_unicode_literals_frame()
    if bad_frame <= 0:
    from warnings import warn
    warn(Warning('Click detected the use of the unicode_literals '
                 '__future__ import.  This is heavily discouraged '
                 'because it can introduce subtle bugs in your '
                 'code.  You should instead use explicit u"" literals '
                 'for your unicode strings.  For more information see '

def _verify_python3_env():
    """Ensures that the environment is good for unicode on Python 3."""
    if PY2:
        import locale
        fs_enc = codecs.lookup(locale.getpreferredencoding()).name
    except Exception:
        fs_enc = 'ascii'
    if fs_enc != 'ascii':

    extra = ''
    if os.name == 'posix':
        import subprocess
        rv = subprocess.Popen(['locale', '-a'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        good_locales = set()
        has_c_utf8 = False

        # Make sure we're operating on text here.
        if isinstance(rv, bytes):
            rv = rv.decode('ascii', 'replace')

        for line in rv.splitlines():
            locale = line.strip()
            if locale.lower().endswith(('.utf-8', '.utf8')):
                if locale.lower() in ('c.utf8', 'c.utf-8'):
                    has_c_utf8 = True

        extra += '\n\n'
        if not good_locales:
            extra += (
                'Additional information: on this system no suitable UTF-8\n'
                'locales were discovered.  This most likely requires resolving\n'
                'by reconfiguring the locale system.'
        elif has_c_utf8:
            extra += (
                'This system supports the C.UTF-8 locale which is recommended.\n'
                'You might be able to resolve your issue by exporting the\n'
                'following environment variables:\n\n'
                '    export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8\n'
                '    export LANG=C.UTF-8'
            extra += (
                'This system lists a couple of UTF-8 supporting locales that\n'
                'you can pick from.  The following suitable locales where\n'
                'discovered: %s'
            ) % ', '.join(sorted(good_locales))

        bad_locale = None
        for locale in os.environ.get('LC_ALL'), os.environ.get('LANG'):
            if locale and locale.lower().endswith(('.utf-8', '.utf8')):
                bad_locale = locale
            if locale is not None:
        if bad_locale is not None:
            extra += (
                '\n\nClick discovered that you exported a UTF-8 locale\n'
                'but the locale system could not pick up from it because\n'
                'it does not exist.  The exported locale is "%s" but it\n'
                'is not supported'
            ) % bad_locale

    raise RuntimeError('Click will abort further execution because Python 3 '
                       'was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the '
                       'environment.  Consult http://click.pocoo.org/python3/'
                       'for mitigation steps.' + extra)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.79 KB 0644
_bashcomplete.py File 2.37 KB 0644
_compat.py File 20.52 KB 0644
_termui_impl.py File 16.01 KB 0644
_textwrap.py File 1.17 KB 0644
_unicodefun.py File 4.11 KB 0644
_winconsole.py File 7.61 KB 0644
core.py File 68.61 KB 0644
decorators.py File 10.68 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 6.63 KB 0644
formatting.py File 8.68 KB 0644
globals.py File 1.48 KB 0644
parser.py File 15.15 KB 0644
termui.py File 20.52 KB 0644
testing.py File 10.74 KB 0644
types.py File 18.42 KB 0644
utils.py File 14.57 KB 0644