# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Marc Cluet <marc.cluet@canonical.com> # Based on code by Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """ Mcollective: Install, configure and start mcollective""" import errno import io from logging import Logger from textwrap import dedent # Used since this can maintain comments # and doesn't need a top level section from configobj import ConfigObj from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import subp, util from cloudinit.cloud import Cloud from cloudinit.config import Config from cloudinit.config.schema import MetaSchema, get_meta_doc from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE PUBCERT_FILE = "/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem" PRICERT_FILE = "/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem" SERVER_CFG = "/etc/mcollective/server.cfg" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MODULE_DESCRIPTION = """\ This module installs, configures and starts mcollective. If the ``mcollective`` key is present in config, then mcollective will be installed and started. Configuration for ``mcollective`` can be specified in the ``conf`` key under ``mcollective``. Each config value consists of a key value pair and will be written to ``/etc/mcollective/server.cfg``. The ``public-cert`` and ``private-cert`` keys, if present in conf may be used to specify the public and private certificates for mcollective. Their values will be written to ``/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem`` and ``/etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem``. .. note:: The ec2 metadata service is readable by non-root users. If security is a concern, use include-once and ssl urls. """ distros = ["all"] meta: MetaSchema = { "id": "cc_mcollective", "name": "Mcollective", "title": "Install, configure and start mcollective", "description": MODULE_DESCRIPTION, "distros": distros, "examples": [ dedent( """\ # Provide server private and public key and provide the following # config settings in /etc/mcollective/server.cfg: # loglevel: debug # plugin.stomp.host: dbhost # WARNING WARNING WARNING # The ec2 metadata service is a network service, and thus is # readable by non-root users on the system # (ie: 'ec2metadata --user-data') # If you want security for this, please use include-once + SSL urls mcollective: conf: loglevel: debug plugin.stomp.host: dbhost public-cert: | -------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-------- <cert data> -------END CERTIFICATE-------- private-cert: | -------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-------- <cert data> -------END CERTIFICATE-------- """ ), ], "frequency": PER_INSTANCE, "activate_by_schema_keys": ["mcollective"], } __doc__ = get_meta_doc(meta) def configure( config, server_cfg=SERVER_CFG, pubcert_file=PUBCERT_FILE, pricert_file=PRICERT_FILE, ): # Read server.cfg (if it exists) values from the # original file in order to be able to mix the rest up. try: old_contents = util.load_file(server_cfg, quiet=False, decode=False) mcollective_config = ConfigObj(io.BytesIO(old_contents)) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: LOG.debug( "Did not find file %s (starting with an empty config)", server_cfg, ) mcollective_config = ConfigObj() for (cfg_name, cfg) in config.items(): if cfg_name == "public-cert": util.write_file(pubcert_file, cfg, mode=0o644) mcollective_config["plugin.ssl_server_public"] = pubcert_file mcollective_config["securityprovider"] = "ssl" elif cfg_name == "private-cert": util.write_file(pricert_file, cfg, mode=0o600) mcollective_config["plugin.ssl_server_private"] = pricert_file mcollective_config["securityprovider"] = "ssl" else: if isinstance(cfg, str): # Just set it in the 'main' section mcollective_config[cfg_name] = cfg elif isinstance(cfg, (dict)): # Iterate through the config items, create a section if # it is needed and then add/or create items as needed if cfg_name not in mcollective_config.sections: mcollective_config[cfg_name] = {} for (o, v) in cfg.items(): mcollective_config[cfg_name][o] = v else: # Otherwise just try to convert it to a string mcollective_config[cfg_name] = str(cfg) try: # We got all our config as wanted we'll copy # the previous server.cfg and overwrite the old with our new one util.copy(server_cfg, "%s.old" % (server_cfg)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # Doesn't exist to copy... pass else: raise # Now we got the whole (new) file, write to disk... contents = io.BytesIO() mcollective_config.write(contents) util.write_file(server_cfg, contents.getvalue(), mode=0o644) def handle( name: str, cfg: Config, cloud: Cloud, log: Logger, args: list ) -> None: # If there isn't a mcollective key in the configuration don't do anything if "mcollective" not in cfg: log.debug( "Skipping module named %s, no 'mcollective' key in configuration", name, ) return mcollective_cfg = cfg["mcollective"] # Start by installing the mcollective package ... cloud.distro.install_packages(("mcollective",)) # ... and then update the mcollective configuration if "conf" in mcollective_cfg: configure(config=mcollective_cfg["conf"]) # restart mcollective to handle updated config subp.subp(["service", "mcollective", "restart"], capture=False) # vi: ts=4 expandtab
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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cc_scripts_per_once.py | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |
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cc_set_passwords.py | File | 11.05 KB | 0644 |
cc_snap.py | File | 6.39 KB | 0644 |
cc_spacewalk.py | File | 3.52 KB | 0644 |
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cc_update_hostname.py | File | 3.63 KB | 0644 |
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cc_write_files_deferred.py | File | 1.68 KB | 0644 |
cc_yum_add_repo.py | File | 7.47 KB | 0644 |
cc_zypper_add_repo.py | File | 6.68 KB | 0644 |
modules.py | File | 11.43 KB | 0644 |
schema.py | File | 43.14 KB | 0644 |