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# Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Author: Brent Baude <bbaude@redhat.com>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
"""Red Hat Subscription: Register Red Hat Enterprise Linux based system"""

from logging import Logger
from textwrap import dedent

from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import subp, util
from cloudinit.cloud import Cloud
from cloudinit.config import Config
from cloudinit.config.schema import MetaSchema, get_meta_doc
from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Register a Red Hat system either by username and password *or* activation and
org. Following a successful registration, you can:

 - auto-attach subscriptions
 - set the service level
 - add subscriptions based on pool id
 - enable/disable yum repositories based on repo id
 - alter the rhsm_baseurl and server-hostname in ``/etc/rhsm/rhs.conf``.

meta: MetaSchema = {
    "id": "cc_rh_subscription",
    "name": "Red Hat Subscription",
    "title": "Register Red Hat Enterprise Linux based system",
    "description": MODULE_DESCRIPTION,
    "distros": ["fedora", "rhel"],
    "frequency": PER_INSTANCE,
    "examples": [
                username: joe@foo.bar
                ## Quote your password if it has symbols to be safe
                password: '1234abcd'
                activation-key: foobar
                org: 12345
                activation-key: foobar
                org: 12345
                auto-attach: true
                service-level: self-support
                  - 1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a
                  - 2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b
                  - repo-id-to-enable
                  - other-repo-id-to-enable
                  - repo-id-to-disable
                  - other-repo-id-to-disable
                # Alter the baseurl in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf
                rhsm-baseurl: http://url
                # Alter the server hostname in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf
                server-hostname: foo.bar.com
    "activate_by_schema_keys": ["rh_subscription"],

__doc__ = get_meta_doc(meta)

def handle(
    name: str, cfg: Config, cloud: Cloud, log: Logger, args: list
) -> None:
    sm = SubscriptionManager(cfg, log=log)
    if not sm.is_configured():
        log.debug("%s: module not configured.", name)
        return None

    if not sm.is_registered():
            verify, verify_msg = sm._verify_keys()
            if verify is not True:
                raise SubscriptionError(verify_msg)
            cont = sm.rhn_register()
            if not cont:
                raise SubscriptionError(
                    "Registration failed or did not run completely"

            # Splitting up the registration, auto-attach, and servicelevel
            # commands because the error codes, messages from subman are not
            # specific enough.

            # Attempt to change the service level
            if sm.auto_attach and sm.servicelevel is not None:
                if not sm._set_service_level():
                    raise SubscriptionError("Setting of service-level failed")
                    sm.log.debug("Completed auto-attach with service level")
            elif sm.auto_attach:
                if not sm._set_auto_attach():
                    raise SubscriptionError("Setting auto-attach failed")
                    sm.log.debug("Completed auto-attach")

            if sm.pools is not None:
                if not isinstance(sm.pools, list):
                    pool_fail = "Pools must in the format of a list"
                    raise SubscriptionError(pool_fail)

                return_stat = sm.addPool(sm.pools)
                if not return_stat:
                    raise SubscriptionError(
                        "Unable to attach pools {0}".format(sm.pools)
            return_stat = sm.update_repos()
            if not return_stat:
                raise SubscriptionError("Unable to add or remove repos")
            sm.log_success("rh_subscription plugin completed successfully")
        except SubscriptionError as e:
            sm.log_warn("rh_subscription plugin did not complete successfully")
        sm.log_success("System is already registered")

class SubscriptionError(Exception):

class SubscriptionManager:
    valid_rh_keys = [

    def __init__(self, cfg, log=None):
        if log is None:
            log = LOG
        self.log = log
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.rhel_cfg = self.cfg.get("rh_subscription", {})
        self.rhsm_baseurl = self.rhel_cfg.get("rhsm-baseurl")
        self.server_hostname = self.rhel_cfg.get("server-hostname")
        self.pools = self.rhel_cfg.get("add-pool")
        self.activation_key = self.rhel_cfg.get("activation-key")
        self.org = self.rhel_cfg.get("org")
        self.userid = self.rhel_cfg.get("username")
        self.password = self.rhel_cfg.get("password")
        self.auto_attach = self.rhel_cfg.get("auto-attach")
        self.enable_repo = self.rhel_cfg.get("enable-repo")
        self.disable_repo = self.rhel_cfg.get("disable-repo")
        self.servicelevel = self.rhel_cfg.get("service-level")

    def log_success(self, msg):
        """Simple wrapper for logging info messages. Useful for unittests"""

    def log_warn(self, msg):
        """Simple wrapper for logging warning messages. Useful for unittests"""

    def _verify_keys(self):
        Checks that the keys in the rh_subscription dict from the user-data
        are what we expect.

        for k in self.rhel_cfg:
            if k not in self.valid_rh_keys:
                bad_key = (
                    "{0} is not a valid key for rh_subscription. "
                    "Valid keys are: "
                    "{1}".format(k, ", ".join(self.valid_rh_keys))
                return False, bad_key

        # Check for bad auto-attach value
        if (self.auto_attach is not None) and not (
            util.is_true(self.auto_attach) or util.is_false(self.auto_attach)
            not_bool = (
                "The key auto-attach must be a boolean value (True/False "
            return False, not_bool

        if (self.servicelevel is not None) and (
            (not self.auto_attach) or (util.is_false(str(self.auto_attach)))
            no_auto = (
                "The service-level key must be used in conjunction "
                "with the auto-attach key.  Please re-run with "
                "auto-attach: True"
            return False, no_auto
        return True, None

    def is_registered(self):
        Checks if the system is already registered and returns
        True if so, else False
        cmd = ["identity"]

        except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
            return False

        return True

    def rhn_register(self):
        Registers the system by userid and password or activation key
        and org.  Returns True when successful False when not.

        if (self.activation_key is not None) and (self.org is not None):
            # register by activation key
            cmd = [

            # If the baseurl and/or server url are passed in, we register
            # with them.

            if self.rhsm_baseurl is not None:

            if self.server_hostname is not None:

                return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd, logstring_val=True)[0]
            except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                if e.stdout == "":
                        "Registration failed due to: {0}".format(e.stderr)
                return False

        elif (self.userid is not None) and (self.password is not None):
            # register by username and password
            cmd = [

            # If the baseurl and/or server url are passed in, we register
            # with them.

            if self.rhsm_baseurl is not None:

            if self.server_hostname is not None:

            # Attempting to register the system only
                return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd, logstring_val=True)[0]
            except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                if e.stdout == "":
                        "Registration failed due to: {0}".format(e.stderr)
                return False

                "Unable to register system due to incomplete information."
                "Use either activationkey and org *or* userid and password"
            return False

        reg_id = return_out.split("ID: ")[1].rstrip()
        self.log.debug("Registered successfully with ID %s", reg_id)
        return True

    def _set_service_level(self):
        cmd = [

            return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]
        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            if e.stdout.rstrip() != "":
                for line in e.stdout.split("\n"):
                    if line != "":
                    "Setting the service level failed with: {0}".format(
            return False
        for line in return_out.split("\n"):
            if line != "":
        return True

    def _set_auto_attach(self):
        cmd = ["attach", "--auto"]
            return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]
        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            self.log_warn("Auto-attach failed with: {0}".format(e))
            return False
        for line in return_out.split("\n"):
            if line != "":
        return True

    def _getPools(self):
        Gets the list pools for the active subscription and returns them
        in list form.
        available = []
        consumed = []

        # Get all available pools
        cmd = ["list", "--available", "--pool-only"]
        results = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]
        available = (results.rstrip()).split("\n")

        # Get all consumed pools
        cmd = ["list", "--consumed", "--pool-only"]
        results = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]
        consumed = (results.rstrip()).split("\n")

        return available, consumed

    def _getRepos(self):
        Obtains the current list of active yum repositories and returns
        them in list form.

        cmd = ["repos", "--list-enabled"]
        return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]
        active_repos = []
        for repo in return_out.split("\n"):
            if "Repo ID:" in repo:

        cmd = ["repos", "--list-disabled"]
        return_out = _sub_man_cli(cmd)[0]

        inactive_repos = []
        for repo in return_out.split("\n"):
            if "Repo ID:" in repo:
        return active_repos, inactive_repos

    def addPool(self, pools):
        Takes a list of subscription pools and "attaches" them to the
        current subscription

        # An empty list was passed
        if len(pools) == 0:
            self.log.debug("No pools to attach")
            return True

        pool_available, pool_consumed = self._getPools()
        pool_list = []
        cmd = ["attach"]
        for pool in pools:
            if (pool not in pool_consumed) and (pool in pool_available):
                self.log_warn("Pool {0} is not available".format(pool))
        if len(pool_list) > 0:
                    "Attached the following pools to your system: %s",
                    (", ".join(pool_list)).replace("--pool=", ""),
                return True
            except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                    "Unable to attach pool {0} due to {1}".format(pool, e)
                return False

    def update_repos(self):
        Takes a list of yum repo ids that need to be disabled or enabled; then
        it verifies if they are already enabled or disabled and finally
        executes the action to disable or enable

        erepos = self.enable_repo
        drepos = self.disable_repo
        if erepos is None:
            erepos = []
        if drepos is None:
            drepos = []
        if not isinstance(erepos, list):
            self.log_warn("Repo IDs must in the format of a list.")
            return False

        if not isinstance(drepos, list):
            self.log_warn("Repo IDs must in the format of a list.")
            return False

        # Bail if both lists are not populated
        if (len(erepos) == 0) and (len(drepos) == 0):
            self.log.debug("No repo IDs to enable or disable")
            return True

        active_repos, inactive_repos = self._getRepos()
        # Creating a list of repoids to be enabled
        enable_list = []
        enable_list_fail = []
        for repoid in erepos:
            if repoid in inactive_repos:

        # Creating a list of repoids to be disabled
        disable_list = []
        disable_list_fail = []
        for repoid in drepos:
            if repoid in active_repos:

        # Logging any repos that are already enabled or disabled
        if len(enable_list_fail) > 0:
            for fail in enable_list_fail:
                # Check if the repo exists or not
                if fail in active_repos:
                    self.log.debug("Repo %s is already enabled", fail)
                        "Repo {0} does not appear to exist".format(fail)
        if len(disable_list_fail) > 0:
            for fail in disable_list_fail:
                    "Repo %s not disabled because it is not enabled", fail

        cmd = ["repos"]
        if len(disable_list) > 0:

        if len(enable_list) > 0:

        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            self.log_warn("Unable to alter repos due to {0}".format(e))
            return False

        if len(enable_list) > 0:
                "Enabled the following repos: %s",
                (", ".join(enable_list)).replace("--enable=", ""),
        if len(disable_list) > 0:
                "Disabled the following repos: %s",
                (", ".join(disable_list)).replace("--disable=", ""),
        return True

    def is_configured(self):
        return bool((self.userid and self.password) or self.activation_key)

def _sub_man_cli(cmd, logstring_val=False):
    Uses the prefered cloud-init subprocess def of subp.subp
    and runs subscription-manager.  Breaking this to a
    separate function for later use in mocking and unittests
    return subp.subp(["subscription-manager"] + cmd, logstring=logstring_val)

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