import os
from cloudinit import log, util
from cloudinit.handlers import Handler
from cloudinit.settings import PER_ALWAYS, PER_INSTANCE, PER_ONCE
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
# cloudinit/ defines PER_*** frequency constants. It makes sense to
# use them here, instead of hardcodes, and map them to the 'per-***' frequency-
# specific folders in /v/l/c/scripts. It might make sense to expose this at a
# higher level or in a more general module -- eg maybe in cloudinit/
# itself -- but for now it's here.
path_map = {
PER_ALWAYS: "per-boot",
PER_INSTANCE: "per-instance",
PER_ONCE: "per-once",
def get_mime_type_by_frequency(freq):
mime_type = f"text/x-shellscript-{path_map[freq]}"
return mime_type
def get_script_folder_by_frequency(freq, scripts_dir):
"""Return the frequency-specific subfolder for a given frequency constant
and parent folder."""
freqPath = path_map[freq]
folder = os.path.join(scripts_dir, freqPath)
return folder
def write_script_by_frequency(script_path, payload, frequency, scripts_dir):
"""Given a filename, a payload, a frequency, and a scripts folder, write
the payload to the correct frequency-specific path"""
filename = os.path.basename(script_path)
filename = util.clean_filename(filename)
folder = get_script_folder_by_frequency(frequency, scripts_dir)
path = os.path.join(folder, filename)
payload = util.dos2unix(payload)
util.write_file(path, payload, 0o700)
class ShellScriptByFreqPartHandler(Handler):
"""Common base class for the frequency-specific script handlers."""
def __init__(self, script_frequency, paths, **_kwargs):
Handler.__init__(self, PER_ALWAYS)
self.prefixes = [get_mime_type_by_frequency(script_frequency)]
self.script_frequency = script_frequency
self.scripts_dir = paths.get_cpath("scripts")
if "script_path" in _kwargs:
self.scripts_dir = paths.get_cpath(_kwargs["script_path"])
def handle_part(self, data, ctype, script_path, payload, frequency):
if script_path is not None:
filename = os.path.basename(script_path)
filename = util.clean_filename(filename)
script_path, payload, self.script_frequency, self.scripts_dir