# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
# Author: Blake Rouse <blake.rouse@canonical.com>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
import abc
import base64
import glob
import gzip
import io
import logging
import os
import shlex
from cloudinit import util
from cloudinit.net import get_devicelist, read_sys_net_safe
_OPEN_ISCSI_INTERFACE_FILE = "/run/initramfs/open-iscsi.interface"
class InitramfsNetworkConfigSource(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""ABC for net config sources that read config written by initramfses"""
def is_applicable(self) -> bool:
"""Is this initramfs config source applicable to the current system?"""
def render_config(self) -> dict:
"""Render a v1 network config from the initramfs configuration"""
class KlibcNetworkConfigSource(InitramfsNetworkConfigSource):
"""InitramfsNetworkConfigSource for klibc initramfs (i.e. Debian/Ubuntu)
Has three parameters, but they are intended to make testing simpler, _not_
for use in production code. (This is indicated by the prepended
def __init__(self, _files=None, _mac_addrs=None, _cmdline=None):
self._files = _files
self._mac_addrs = _mac_addrs
self._cmdline = _cmdline
# Set defaults here, as they require computation that we don't want to
# do at method definition time
if self._files is None:
self._files = _get_klibc_net_cfg_files()
if self._cmdline is None:
self._cmdline = util.get_cmdline()
if self._mac_addrs is None:
self._mac_addrs = {}
for k in get_devicelist():
mac_addr = read_sys_net_safe(k, "address")
if mac_addr:
self._mac_addrs[k] = mac_addr
def is_applicable(self) -> bool:
Return whether this system has klibc initramfs network config or not
Will return True if:
(a) klibc files exist in /run, AND
(b) either:
(i) ip= or ip6= are on the kernel cmdline, OR
(ii) an open-iscsi interface file is present in the system
if self._files:
for item in shlex.split(self._cmdline):
if item.startswith("ip=") or item.startswith("ip6="):
return True
if os.path.exists(_OPEN_ISCSI_INTERFACE_FILE):
# iBft can configure networking without ip=
return True
return False
def render_config(self) -> dict:
return config_from_klibc_net_cfg(
_INITRAMFS_CONFIG_SOURCES = [KlibcNetworkConfigSource]
def _klibc_to_config_entry(content, mac_addrs=None):
"""Convert a klibc written shell content file to a 'config' entry
When ip= is seen on the kernel command line in debian initramfs
and networking is brought up, ipconfig will populate
The files are shell style syntax, and examples are in the tests
provided here. There is no good documentation on this unfortunately.
DEVICE=<name> is expected/required and PROTO should indicate if
this is 'none' (static) or 'dhcp' or 'dhcp6' (LP: #1621507).
note that IPV6PROTO is also written by newer code to address the
possibility of both ipv4 and ipv6 getting addresses.
Full syntax is documented at:
if mac_addrs is None:
mac_addrs = {}
data = util.load_shell_content(content)
name = data["DEVICE"] if "DEVICE" in data else data["DEVICE6"]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("no 'DEVICE' or 'DEVICE6' entry in data") from e
# ipconfig on precise does not write PROTO
# IPv6 config gives us IPV6PROTO, not PROTO.
proto = data.get("PROTO", data.get("IPV6PROTO"))
if not proto:
if data.get("filename"):
proto = "dhcp"
proto = "none"
if proto not in ("none", "dhcp", "dhcp6"):
raise ValueError("Unexpected value for PROTO: %s" % proto)
iface = {
"type": "physical",
"name": name,
"subnets": [],
if name in mac_addrs:
iface["mac_address"] = mac_addrs[name]
# Handle both IPv4 and IPv6 values
for pre in ("IPV4", "IPV6"):
# if no IPV4ADDR or IPV6ADDR, then go on.
if pre + "ADDR" not in data:
# PROTO for ipv4, IPV6PROTO for ipv6
cur_proto = data.get(pre + "PROTO", proto)
# ipconfig's 'none' is called 'static'
if cur_proto == "none":
cur_proto = "static"
subnet = {"type": cur_proto, "control": "manual"}
# only populate address for static types. While the rendered config
# may have an address for dhcp, that is not really expected.
if cur_proto == "static":
subnet["address"] = data[pre + "ADDR"]
# these fields go right on the subnet
for key in ("NETMASK", "BROADCAST", "GATEWAY"):
if pre + key in data:
subnet[key.lower()] = data[pre + key]
dns = []
# handle IPV4DNS0 or IPV6DNS0
for nskey in ("DNS0", "DNS1"):
ns = data.get(pre + nskey)
# verify it has something other than (or ipv6)
if ns and len(ns.strip(":.0")):
dns.append(data[pre + nskey])
if dns:
subnet["dns_nameservers"] = dns
# add search to both ipv4 and ipv6, as it has no namespace
search = data.get("DOMAINSEARCH")
if search:
if "," in search:
subnet["dns_search"] = search.split(",")
subnet["dns_search"] = search.split()
return name, iface
def _get_klibc_net_cfg_files():
return glob.glob("/run/net-*.conf") + glob.glob("/run/net6-*.conf")
def config_from_klibc_net_cfg(files=None, mac_addrs=None):
if files is None:
files = _get_klibc_net_cfg_files()
entries = []
names = {}
for cfg_file in files:
name, entry = _klibc_to_config_entry(
util.load_file(cfg_file), mac_addrs=mac_addrs
if name in names:
prev = names[name]["entry"]
if prev.get("mac_address") != entry.get("mac_address"):
raise ValueError(
"device '{name}' was defined multiple times ({files})"
" but had differing mac addresses: {old} -> {new}.".format(
files=" ".join(names[name]["files"]),
names[name] = {"files": [cfg_file], "entry": entry}
return {"config": entries, "version": 1}
def read_initramfs_config():
Return v1 network config for initramfs-configured networking (or None)
This will consider each _INITRAMFS_CONFIG_SOURCES entry in turn, and return
v1 network configuration for the first one that is applicable. If none are
applicable, return None.
cfg_source = src_cls()
if not cfg_source.is_applicable():
return cfg_source.render_config()
return None
def _decomp_gzip(blob):
# decompress blob or return original blob
with io.BytesIO(blob) as iobuf:
gzfp = None
gzfp = gzip.GzipFile(mode="rb", fileobj=iobuf)
return gzfp.read()
except IOError:
return blob
if gzfp:
def _b64dgz(data):
"""Decode a string base64 encoding, if gzipped, uncompress as well
:return: decompressed unencoded string of the data or empty string on
unencoded data.
blob = base64.b64decode(data)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
"Expected base64 encoded kernel commandline parameter"
" network-config. Ignoring network-config=%s.",
return ""
return _decomp_gzip(blob)
def read_kernel_cmdline_config(cmdline=None):
if cmdline is None:
cmdline = util.get_cmdline()
if "network-config=" in cmdline:
data64 = None
for tok in cmdline.split():
if tok.startswith("network-config="):
data64 = tok.split("=", 1)[1]
if data64:
return {"config": "disabled"}
return util.load_yaml(_b64dgz(data64))
return None
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