[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# This file is part of cloud-init.  See LICENSE file ...

import copy
import ipaddress
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Optional, cast

from cloudinit import features
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import safeyaml, subp, util
from cloudinit.net import (
from cloudinit.net.network_state import NET_CONFIG_TO_V2, NetworkState

# This is the initial network config.
# It can be overwritten by cloud-init or console-conf.
    version: 2
                name: "en*"
            dhcp4: true
                name: "eth*"
            dhcp4: true

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_params_dict_by_match(config, match):
    return dict(
        (key, value)
        for (key, value) in config.items()
        if key.startswith(match)

def _extract_addresses(config: dict, entry: dict, ifname, features=None):
    """This method parse a cloudinit.net.network_state dictionary (config) and
       maps netstate keys/values into a dictionary (entry) to represent
       netplan yaml. (config v1 -> netplan)

    An example config dictionary might look like:

    {'mac_address': '52:54:00:12:34:00',
     'name': 'interface0',
     'subnets': [
        {'address': '',
         'mtu': 1501,
         'type': 'static'},
        {'address': '2001:4800:78ff:1b:be76:4eff:fe06:1000",
         'mtu': 1480,
         'netmask': 64,
         'type': 'static'}],
      'type: physical',
      'accept-ra': 'true'

    An entry dictionary looks like:

    {'set-name': 'interface0',
     'match': {'macaddress': '52:54:00:12:34:00'},
     'mtu': 1501}

    After modification returns

    {'set-name': 'interface0',
     'match': {'macaddress': '52:54:00:12:34:00'},
     'mtu': 1501,
     'address': ['', '2001:4800:78ff:1b:be76:4eff:fe06:1000"],
     'ipv6-mtu': 1480}


    def _listify(obj, token=" "):
        Helper to convert strings to list of strings, handle single string
        if not obj or not isinstance(obj, str):
            return obj
        if token in obj:
            return obj.split(token)
            return [

    if features is None:
        features = []
    addresses = []
    routes = []
    nameservers = []
    searchdomains = []
    subnets = config.get("subnets", [])
    if subnets is None:
        subnets = []
    for subnet in subnets:
        sn_type = subnet.get("type")
        if sn_type.startswith("dhcp"):
            if sn_type == "dhcp":
                sn_type += "4"
            entry.update({sn_type: True})
        elif sn_type in IPV6_DYNAMIC_TYPES:
            entry.update({"dhcp6": True})
        elif sn_type in ["static", "static6"]:
            addr = "%s" % subnet.get("address")
            if "prefix" in subnet:
                addr += "/%d" % subnet.get("prefix")
            if subnet.get("gateway"):
                new_route = {
                    "via": subnet.get("gateway"),
                    "to": "::/0" if ":" in subnet["gateway"] else "",
                    subnet_gateway = ipaddress.ip_address(subnet["gateway"])
                    subnet_network = ipaddress.ip_network(addr, strict=False)
                    # If the gateway is not contained within the subnet's
                    # network, mark it as on-link so that it can still be
                    # reached.
                    if subnet_gateway not in subnet_network:
                            "Gateway %s is not contained within subnet %s,"
                            " adding on-link flag",
                        new_route["on-link"] = True
                except ValueError as e:
                        "Failed to check whether gateway %s"
                        " is contained within subnet %s: %s",
            if "dns_nameservers" in subnet:
                nameservers += _listify(subnet.get("dns_nameservers", []))
            if "dns_search" in subnet:
                searchdomains += _listify(subnet.get("dns_search", []))
            if "mtu" in subnet:
                mtukey = "mtu"
                if subnet_is_ipv6(subnet) and "ipv6-mtu" in features:
                    mtukey = "ipv6-mtu"
                entry.update({mtukey: subnet.get("mtu")})
            for route in subnet.get("routes", []):
                to_net = "%s/%s" % (route.get("network"), route.get("prefix"))
                new_route = {
                    "via": route.get("gateway"),
                    "to": to_net,
                if "metric" in route:
                    new_route.update({"metric": route.get("metric", 100)})


    if "mtu" in config:
        entry_mtu = entry.get("mtu")
        if entry_mtu and config["mtu"] != entry_mtu:
                "Network config: ignoring %s device-level mtu:%s because"
                " ipv4 subnet-level mtu:%s provided.",
            entry["mtu"] = config["mtu"]
    if len(addresses) > 0:
        entry.update({"addresses": addresses})
    if len(routes) > 0:
        entry.update({"routes": routes})
    if len(nameservers) > 0:
        ns = {"addresses": nameservers}
        entry.update({"nameservers": ns})
    if len(searchdomains) > 0:
        ns = entry.get("nameservers", {})
        ns.update({"search": searchdomains})
        entry.update({"nameservers": ns})
    if "accept-ra" in config and config["accept-ra"] is not None:
        entry.update({"accept-ra": util.is_true(config.get("accept-ra"))})

def _extract_bond_slaves_by_name(interfaces, entry, bond_master):
    bond_slave_names = sorted(
            for (name, cfg) in interfaces.items()
            if cfg.get("bond-master", None) == bond_master
    if len(bond_slave_names) > 0:
        entry.update({"interfaces": bond_slave_names})

def _clean_default(target=None):
    # clean out any known default files and derived files in target
    # LP: #1675576
    tpath = subp.target_path(target, "etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml")
    if not os.path.isfile(tpath):
    content = util.load_file(tpath, decode=False)
    if content != KNOWN_SNAPD_CONFIG:

    derived = [
        subp.target_path(target, f)
        for f in (
    existing = [f for f in derived if os.path.isfile(f)]
        "removing known config '%s' and derived existing files: %s",

    for f in [tpath] + existing:

class Renderer(renderer.Renderer):
    """Renders network information in a /etc/netplan/network.yaml format."""

    NETPLAN_GENERATE = ["netplan", "generate"]
    NETPLAN_INFO = ["netplan", "info"]

    def __init__(self, config=None):
        if not config:
            config = {}
        self.netplan_path = config.get(
            "netplan_path", "etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml"
        self.netplan_header = config.get("netplan_header", None)
        self._postcmds = config.get("postcmds", False)
        self.clean_default = config.get("clean_default", True)
        self._features = config.get("features", None)

    def features(self):
        if self._features is None:
                info_blob, _err = subp.subp(self.NETPLAN_INFO, capture=True)
                info = util.load_yaml(info_blob)
                self._features = info["netplan.io"]["features"]
            except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
                # if the info subcommand is not present then we don't have any
                # new features
            except (TypeError, KeyError) as e:
                LOG.debug("Failed to list features from netplan info: %s", e)
        return self._features

    def render_network_state(
        network_state: NetworkState,
        templates: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> None:
        # check network state for version
        # if v2, then extract network_state.config
        # else render_v2_from_state
        fpnplan = os.path.join(subp.target_path(target), self.netplan_path)

        header = self.netplan_header if self.netplan_header else ""

        # render from state
        content = self._render_content(network_state)

        if not header.endswith("\n"):
            header += "\n"

        mode = 0o600 if features.NETPLAN_CONFIG_ROOT_READ_ONLY else 0o644
        if os.path.exists(fpnplan):
            current_mode = util.get_permissions(fpnplan)
            if current_mode & mode == current_mode:
                # preserve mode if existing perms are more strict than default
                mode = current_mode
        util.write_file(fpnplan, header + content, mode=mode)

        if self.clean_default:

    def _netplan_generate(self, run=False):
        if not run:
            LOG.debug("netplan generate postcmd disabled")
        subp.subp(self.NETPLAN_GENERATE, capture=True)

    def _net_setup_link(self, run=False):
        """To ensure device link properties are applied, we poke
        udev to re-evaluate networkd .link files and call
        the setup_link udev builtin command
        if not run:
            LOG.debug("netplan net_setup_link postcmd disabled")
        setup_lnk = ["udevadm", "test-builtin", "net_setup_link"]

        # It's possible we can race a udev rename and attempt to run
        # net_setup_link on a device that no longer exists. When this happens,
        # we don't know what the device was renamed to, so re-gather the
        # entire list of devices and try again.
        last_exception = Exception
        for _ in range(5):
                for iface in get_devicelist():
                    if os.path.islink(SYS_CLASS_NET + iface):
                            setup_lnk + [SYS_CLASS_NET + iface], capture=True
            except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                last_exception = e
            raise RuntimeError(
                "'udevadm test-builtin net_setup_link' unable to run "
                "successfully for all devices."
            ) from last_exception

    def _render_content(self, network_state: NetworkState) -> str:

        # if content already in netplan format, pass it back
        if network_state.version == 2:
            LOG.debug("V2 to V2 passthrough")
            return safeyaml.dumps(
                {"network": network_state.config},

        ethernets = {}
        wifis: dict = {}
        bridges = {}
        bonds = {}
        vlans = {}
        content = []

        interfaces = network_state._network_state.get("interfaces", [])

        nameservers = network_state.dns_nameservers
        searchdomains = network_state.dns_searchdomains

        for config in network_state.iter_interfaces():
            ifname = config.get("name")
            # filter None (but not False) entries up front
            ifcfg = dict(filter(lambda it: it[1] is not None, config.items()))

            if_type = ifcfg.get("type")
            if if_type == "physical":
                # required_keys = ['name', 'mac_address']
                eth = {
                    "set-name": ifname,
                    "match": ifcfg.get("match", None),
                if eth["match"] is None:
                    macaddr = ifcfg.get("mac_address", None)
                    if macaddr is not None:
                        eth["match"] = {"macaddress": macaddr.lower()}
                        del eth["match"]
                        del eth["set-name"]
                _extract_addresses(ifcfg, eth, ifname, self.features)
                ethernets.update({ifname: eth})

            elif if_type == "bond":
                # required_keys = ['name', 'bond_interfaces']
                bond = {}
                bond_config = {}
                # extract bond params and drop the bond_ prefix as it's
                # redundant in v2 yaml format
                v2_bond_map = cast(dict, NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get("bond"))
                # Previous cast is needed to help mypy to know that the key is
                # present in `NET_CONFIG_TO_V2`. This could probably be removed
                # by using `Literal` when supported.
                for match in ["bond_", "bond-"]:
                    bond_params = _get_params_dict_by_match(ifcfg, match)
                    for (param, value) in bond_params.items():
                        newname = v2_bond_map.get(param.replace("_", "-"))
                        if newname is None:
                        bond_config.update({newname: value})

                if len(bond_config) > 0:
                    bond.update({"parameters": bond_config})
                if ifcfg.get("mac_address"):
                    bond["macaddress"] = ifcfg["mac_address"].lower()
                slave_interfaces = ifcfg.get("bond-slaves")
                if slave_interfaces == "none":
                    _extract_bond_slaves_by_name(interfaces, bond, ifname)
                _extract_addresses(ifcfg, bond, ifname, self.features)
                bonds.update({ifname: bond})

            elif if_type == "bridge":
                # required_keys = ['name', 'bridge_ports']
                bridge_ports = ifcfg.get("bridge_ports")
                # mypy wrong error. `copy(None)` is supported:
                ports = sorted(copy.copy(bridge_ports))  # type: ignore
                bridge: dict = {
                    "interfaces": ports,
                # extract bridge params and drop the bridge prefix as it's
                # redundant in v2 yaml format
                match_prefix = "bridge_"
                params = _get_params_dict_by_match(ifcfg, match_prefix)
                br_config = {}

                # v2 yaml uses different names for the keys
                # and at least one value format change
                v2_bridge_map = cast(dict, NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get("bridge"))
                # Previous cast is needed to help mypy to know that the key is
                # present in `NET_CONFIG_TO_V2`. This could probably be removed
                # by using `Literal` when supported.
                for (param, value) in params.items():
                    newname = v2_bridge_map.get(param)
                    if newname is None:
                    br_config.update({newname: value})
                    if newname in ["path-cost", "port-priority"]:
                        # <interface> <value> -> <interface>: int(<value>)
                        newvalue = {}
                        for val in value:
                            (port, portval) = val.split()
                            newvalue[port] = int(portval)
                        br_config.update({newname: newvalue})

                if len(br_config) > 0:
                    bridge.update({"parameters": br_config})
                if ifcfg.get("mac_address"):
                    bridge["macaddress"] = ifcfg["mac_address"].lower()
                _extract_addresses(ifcfg, bridge, ifname, self.features)
                bridges.update({ifname: bridge})

            elif if_type == "vlan":
                # required_keys = ['name', 'vlan_id', 'vlan-raw-device']
                vlan = {
                    "id": ifcfg.get("vlan_id"),
                    "link": ifcfg.get("vlan-raw-device"),
                macaddr = ifcfg.get("mac_address", None)
                if macaddr is not None:
                    vlan["macaddress"] = macaddr.lower()
                _extract_addresses(ifcfg, vlan, ifname, self.features)
                vlans.update({ifname: vlan})

        # inject global nameserver values under each all interface which
        # has addresses and do not already have a DNS configuration
        if nameservers or searchdomains:
            nscfg = {"addresses": nameservers, "search": searchdomains}
            for section in [ethernets, wifis, bonds, bridges, vlans]:
                for _name, cfg in section.items():
                    if "nameservers" in cfg or "addresses" not in cfg:
                    cfg.update({"nameservers": nscfg})

        # workaround yaml dictionary key sorting when dumping
        def _render_section(name, section):
            if section:
                dump = safeyaml.dumps(
                    {name: section},
                txt = textwrap.indent(dump, " " * 4)
                return [txt]
            return []

        content.append("network:\n    version: 2\n")
        content += _render_section("ethernets", ethernets)
        content += _render_section("wifis", wifis)
        content += _render_section("bonds", bonds)
        content += _render_section("bridges", bridges)
        content += _render_section("vlans", vlans)

        return "".join(content)

def available(target=None):
    expected = ["netplan"]
    search = ["/usr/sbin", "/sbin"]
    for p in expected:
        if not subp.which(p, search=search, target=target):
            return False
    return True

def network_state_to_netplan(network_state, header=None):
    # render the provided network state, return a string of equivalent eni
    netplan_path = "etc/network/50-cloud-init.yaml"
    renderer = Renderer(
            "netplan_path": netplan_path,
            "netplan_header": header,
    if not header:
        header = ""
    if not header.endswith("\n"):
        header += "\n"
    contents = renderer._render_content(network_state)
    return header + contents

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bsd.py File 8.48 KB 0644
cmdline.py File 9.05 KB 0644
dhcp.py File 11.61 KB 0644
eni.py File 21.56 KB 0644
ephemeral.py File 14.5 KB 0644
freebsd.py File 3.2 KB 0644
netbsd.py File 1.43 KB 0644
netplan.py File 18.73 KB 0644
network_manager.py File 13.06 KB 0644
network_state.py File 36.05 KB 0644
networkd.py File 12.63 KB 0644
openbsd.py File 2.2 KB 0644
renderer.py File 2.08 KB 0644
renderers.py File 1.8 KB 0644
sysconfig.py File 40.04 KB 0644
udev.py File 1.42 KB 0644