# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
# Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
import contextlib
import copy as obj_copy
import email
import glob
import grp
import gzip
import hashlib
import io
import json
import os
import os.path
import platform
import pwd
import random
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import socket
import stat
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from collections import deque, namedtuple
from errno import EACCES, ENOENT
from functools import lru_cache, total_ordering
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Deque, Dict, List, TypeVar
from urllib import parse
from cloudinit import features, importer
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import (
from cloudinit.settings import CFG_BUILTIN
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Helps cleanup filenames to ensure they aren't FS incompatible
os.sep: "_",
FN_ALLOWED = "_-.()" + string.digits + string.ascii_letters
TRUE_STRINGS = ("true", "1", "on", "yes")
FALSE_STRINGS = ("off", "0", "no", "false")
def kernel_version():
return tuple(map(int, os.uname().release.split(".")[:2]))
def get_dpkg_architecture(target=None):
"""Return the sanitized string output by `dpkg --print-architecture`.
N.B. This function is wrapped in functools.lru_cache, so repeated calls
won't shell out every time.
out = subp.subp(
["dpkg", "--print-architecture"], capture=True, target=target
return out.stdout.strip()
def lsb_release(target=None):
fmap = {
"Codename": "codename",
"Description": "description",
"Distributor ID": "id",
"Release": "release",
data = {}
out = subp.subp(["lsb_release", "--all"], capture=True, target=target)
for line in out.stdout.splitlines():
fname, _, val = line.partition(":")
if fname in fmap:
data[fmap[fname]] = val.strip()
missing = [k for k in fmap.values() if k not in data]
if len(missing):
"Missing fields in lsb_release --all output: %s",
except subp.ProcessExecutionError as err:
LOG.warning("Unable to get lsb_release --all: %s", err)
data = dict((v, "UNAVAILABLE") for v in fmap.values())
return data
def decode_binary(blob, encoding="utf-8"):
# Converts a binary type into a text type using given encoding.
if isinstance(blob, str):
return blob
return blob.decode(encoding)
def encode_text(text, encoding="utf-8"):
# Converts a text string into a binary type using given encoding.
if isinstance(text, bytes):
return text
return text.encode(encoding)
def b64d(source):
# Base64 decode some data, accepting bytes or unicode/str, and returning
# str/unicode if the result is utf-8 compatible, otherwise returning bytes.
decoded = b64decode(source)
return decoded.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return decoded
def b64e(source):
# Base64 encode some data, accepting bytes or unicode/str, and returning
# str/unicode if the result is utf-8 compatible, otherwise returning bytes.
if not isinstance(source, bytes):
source = source.encode("utf-8")
return b64encode(source).decode("utf-8")
def fully_decoded_payload(part):
# In Python 3, decoding the payload will ironically hand us a bytes object.
# 'decode' means to decode according to Content-Transfer-Encoding, not
# according to any charset in the Content-Type. So, if we end up with
# bytes, first try to decode to str via CT charset, and failing that, try
# utf-8 using surrogate escapes.
cte_payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
if part.get_content_maintype() == "text" and isinstance(
cte_payload, bytes
charset = part.get_charset()
if charset and charset.input_codec:
encoding = charset.input_codec
encoding = "utf-8"
return cte_payload.decode(encoding, "surrogateescape")
return cte_payload
class SeLinuxGuard:
def __init__(self, path, recursive=False):
# Late import since it might not always
# be possible to use this
self.selinux = importer.import_module("selinux")
except ImportError:
self.selinux = None
self.path = path
self.recursive = recursive
def __enter__(self):
if self.selinux and self.selinux.is_selinux_enabled():
return True
return False
def __exit__(self, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback):
if not self.selinux or not self.selinux.is_selinux_enabled():
if not os.path.lexists(self.path):
path = os.path.realpath(self.path)
stats = os.lstat(path)
self.selinux.matchpathcon(path, stats[stat.ST_MODE])
except OSError:
"Restoring selinux mode for %s (recursive=%s)",
self.selinux.restorecon(path, recursive=self.recursive)
except OSError as e:
"restorecon failed on %s,%s maybe badness? %s",
class MountFailedError(Exception):
class DecompressionError(Exception):
def fork_cb(child_cb, *args, **kwargs):
fid = os.fork()
if fid == 0:
child_cb(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
"Failed forking and calling callback %s",
"Forked child %s who will run callback %s",
def is_true(val, addons=None):
if isinstance(val, (bool)):
return val is True
check_set = TRUE_STRINGS
if addons:
check_set = list(check_set) + addons
if str(val).lower().strip() in check_set:
return True
return False
def is_false(val, addons=None):
if isinstance(val, (bool)):
return val is False
check_set = FALSE_STRINGS
if addons:
check_set = list(check_set) + addons
if str(val).lower().strip() in check_set:
return True
return False
def translate_bool(val, addons=None):
if not val:
# This handles empty lists and false and
# other things that python believes are false
return False
# If its already a boolean skip
if isinstance(val, (bool)):
return val
return is_true(val, addons)
def rand_str(strlen=32, select_from=None):
r = random.SystemRandom()
if not select_from:
select_from = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
return "".join([r.choice(select_from) for _x in range(0, strlen)])
def rand_dict_key(dictionary, postfix=None):
if not postfix:
postfix = ""
while True:
newkey = rand_str(strlen=8) + "_" + postfix
if newkey not in dictionary:
return newkey
def read_conf(fname, *, instance_data_file=None) -> Dict:
"""Read a yaml config with optional template, and convert to dict"""
# Avoid circular import
from cloudinit.handlers.jinja_template import (
config_file = load_file(fname)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno == ENOENT:
return {}
if instance_data_file and os.path.exists(instance_data_file):
config_file = render_jinja_payload_from_file(
"Applied instance data in '%s' to "
"configuration loaded from '%s'",
except NotJinjaError:
# A log isn't appropriate here as we generally expect most
# cloud.cfgs to not be templated. The other path is logged
except JinjaLoadError as e:
"Could not apply Jinja template '%s' to '%s'. "
"Exception: %s",
if config_file is None:
return {}
return load_yaml(config_file, default={}) # pyright: ignore
# Merges X lists, and then keeps the
# unique ones, but orders by sort order
# instead of by the original order
def uniq_merge_sorted(*lists):
return sorted(uniq_merge(*lists))
# Merges X lists and then iterates over those
# and only keeps the unique items (order preserving)
# and returns that merged and uniqued list as the
# final result.
# Note: if any entry is a string it will be
# split on commas and empty entries will be
# evicted and merged in accordingly.
def uniq_merge(*lists):
combined_list = []
for a_list in lists:
if isinstance(a_list, str):
a_list = a_list.strip().split(",")
# Kickout the empty ones
a_list = [a for a in a_list if a]
return uniq_list(combined_list)
def clean_filename(fn):
for (k, v) in FN_REPLACEMENTS.items():
fn = fn.replace(k, v)
removals = []
for k in fn:
if k not in FN_ALLOWED:
for k in removals:
fn = fn.replace(k, "")
fn = fn.strip()
return fn
def decomp_gzip(data, quiet=True, decode=True):
buf = io.BytesIO(encode_text(data))
with contextlib.closing(gzip.GzipFile(None, "rb", 1, buf)) as gh:
# E1101 is https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1444
if decode:
return decode_binary(gh.read()) # pylint: disable=E1101
return gh.read() # pylint: disable=E1101
except Exception as e:
if quiet:
return data
raise DecompressionError(str(e)) from e
def extract_usergroup(ug_pair):
if not ug_pair:
return (None, None)
ug_parted = ug_pair.split(":", 1)
u = ug_parted[0].strip()
if len(ug_parted) == 2:
g = ug_parted[1].strip()
g = None
if not u or u == "-1" or u.lower() == "none":
u = None
if not g or g == "-1" or g.lower() == "none":
g = None
return (u, g)
def get_modules_from_dir(root_dir: str) -> dict:
entries = dict()
for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(root_dir, "*.py")):
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
modname = os.path.basename(fname)[0:-3]
modname = modname.strip()
if modname and modname.find(".") == -1:
entries[fname] = modname
return entries
def write_to_console(conpath, text):
with open(conpath, "w") as wfh:
def multi_log(
if stderr:
if console:
conpath = "/dev/console"
writing_to_console_worked = False
if os.path.exists(conpath):
write_to_console(conpath, text)
writing_to_console_worked = True
except OSError:
console_error = "Failed to write to /dev/console"
if log:
log.log(logging.WARNING, console_error)
if fallback_to_stdout and not writing_to_console_worked:
# A container may lack /dev/console (arguably a container bug).
# Additionally, /dev/console may not be writable to on a VM (again
# likely a VM bug or virtualization bug).
# If either of these is the case, then write output to stdout.
# This will result in duplicate stderr and stdout messages if
# stderr was True.
# even though systemd might have set up output to go to
# /dev/console, the user may have configured elsewhere via
# cloud-config 'output'. If there is /dev/console, messages will
# still get there.
if log:
if text[-1] == "\n":
log.log(log_level, text[:-1])
log.log(log_level, text)
def is_Linux():
return "Linux" in platform.system()
def is_BSD():
if "BSD" in platform.system():
return True
if platform.system() == "DragonFly":
return True
return False
def is_FreeBSD():
return system_info()["variant"] == "freebsd"
def is_DragonFlyBSD():
return system_info()["variant"] == "dragonfly"
def is_NetBSD():
return system_info()["variant"] == "netbsd"
def is_OpenBSD():
return system_info()["variant"] == "openbsd"
def get_cfg_option_bool(yobj, key, default=False):
if key not in yobj:
return default
return translate_bool(yobj[key])
def get_cfg_option_str(yobj, key, default=None):
if key not in yobj:
return default
val = yobj[key]
if not isinstance(val, str):
val = str(val)
return val
def get_cfg_option_int(yobj, key, default=0):
return int(get_cfg_option_str(yobj, key, default=default))
def _parse_redhat_release(release_file=None):
"""Return a dictionary of distro info fields from /etc/redhat-release.
Dict keys will align with /etc/os-release keys:
if not release_file:
release_file = "/etc/redhat-release"
if not os.path.exists(release_file):
return {}
redhat_release = load_file(release_file)
redhat_regex = (
r"(?P<name>.+) release (?P<version>[\d\.]+) "
# Virtuozzo deviates here
if "Virtuozzo" in redhat_release:
redhat_regex = r"(?P<name>.+) release (?P<version>[\d\.]+)"
match = re.match(redhat_regex, redhat_release)
if match:
group = match.groupdict()
# Virtuozzo has no codename in this file
if "Virtuozzo" in group["name"]:
group["codename"] = group["name"]
group["name"] = group["name"].lower().partition(" linux")[0]
if group["name"] == "red hat enterprise":
group["name"] = "redhat"
return {
"ID": group["name"],
"VERSION_ID": group["version"],
"VERSION_CODENAME": group["codename"],
return {}
def get_linux_distro():
distro_name = ""
distro_version = ""
flavor = ""
os_release = {}
os_release_rhel = False
if os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"):
os_release = load_shell_content(load_file("/etc/os-release"))
if not os_release:
os_release_rhel = True
os_release = _parse_redhat_release()
if os_release:
distro_name = os_release.get("ID", "")
distro_version = os_release.get("VERSION_ID", "")
if "sles" in distro_name or "suse" in distro_name:
# RELEASE_BLOCKER: We will drop this sles divergent behavior in
# the future so that get_linux_distro returns a named tuple
# which will include both version codename and architecture
# on all distributions.
flavor = platform.machine()
elif distro_name == "photon":
flavor = os_release.get("PRETTY_NAME", "")
elif distro_name == "virtuozzo" and not os_release_rhel:
# Only use this if the redhat file is not parsed
flavor = os_release.get("PRETTY_NAME", "")
flavor = os_release.get("VERSION_CODENAME", "")
if not flavor:
match = re.match(
r"[^ ]+ \((?P<codename>[^)]+)\)",
os_release.get("VERSION", ""),
if match:
flavor = match.groupdict()["codename"]
if distro_name == "rhel":
distro_name = "redhat"
elif is_BSD():
distro_name = platform.system().lower()
distro_version = platform.release()
dist = ("", "", "")
# Was removed in 3.8
dist = platform.dist() # pylint: disable=W1505,E1101
except Exception:
found = None
for entry in dist:
if entry:
found = 1
if not found:
"Unable to determine distribution, template "
"expansion may have unexpected results"
return dist
return (distro_name, distro_version, flavor)
def _get_variant(info):
system = info["system"].lower()
variant = "unknown"
if system == "linux":
linux_dist = info["dist"][0].lower()
if linux_dist in (
variant = linux_dist
elif linux_dist in ("ubuntu", "linuxmint", "mint"):
variant = "ubuntu"
elif linux_dist == "redhat":
variant = "rhel"
elif linux_dist in (
variant = "suse"
variant = "linux"
elif system in (
variant = system
return variant
def system_info():
info = {
"platform": platform.platform(),
"system": platform.system(),
"release": platform.release(),
"python": platform.python_version(),
"uname": list(platform.uname()),
"dist": get_linux_distro(),
info["variant"] = _get_variant(info)
return info
def get_cfg_option_list(yobj, key, default=None):
Gets the C{key} config option from C{yobj} as a list of strings. If the
key is present as a single string it will be returned as a list with one
string arg.
@param yobj: The configuration object.
@param key: The configuration key to get.
@param default: The default to return if key is not found.
@return: The configuration option as a list of strings or default if key
is not found.
if key not in yobj:
return default
if yobj[key] is None:
return []
val = yobj[key]
if isinstance(val, (list)):
cval = [v for v in val]
return cval
if not isinstance(val, str):
val = str(val)
return [val]
# get a cfg entry by its path array
# for f['a']['b']: get_cfg_by_path(mycfg,('a','b'))
def get_cfg_by_path(yobj, keyp, default=None):
"""Return the value of the item at path C{keyp} in C{yobj}.
get_cfg_by_path({'a': {'b': {'num': 4}}}, 'a/b/num') == 4
get_cfg_by_path({'a': {'b': {'num': 4}}}, 'c/d') == None
@param yobj: A dictionary.
@param keyp: A path inside yobj. it can be a '/' delimited string,
or an iterable.
@param default: The default to return if the path does not exist.
@return: The value of the item at keyp."
is not found."""
if isinstance(keyp, str):
keyp = keyp.split("/")
cur = yobj
for tok in keyp:
if tok not in cur:
return default
cur = cur[tok]
return cur
def fixup_output(cfg, mode):
(outfmt, errfmt) = get_output_cfg(cfg, mode)
redirect_output(outfmt, errfmt)
return (outfmt, errfmt)
# redirect_output(outfmt, errfmt, orig_out, orig_err)
# replace orig_out and orig_err with filehandles specified in outfmt or errfmt
# fmt can be:
# | program [ arg1 [ arg2 [ ... ] ] ]
# with a '|', arguments are passed to shell, so one level of
# shell escape is required.
# if _CLOUD_INIT_SAVE_STDOUT is set in environment to a non empty and true
# value then output input will not be closed (useful for debugging).
def redirect_output(outfmt, errfmt, o_out=None, o_err=None):
if is_true(os.environ.get("_CLOUD_INIT_SAVE_STDOUT")):
LOG.debug("Not redirecting output due to _CLOUD_INIT_SAVE_STDOUT")
if not o_out:
o_out = sys.stdout
if not o_err:
o_err = sys.stderr
# pylint: disable=subprocess-popen-preexec-fn
def set_subprocess_umask_and_gid():
"""Reconfigure umask and group ID to create output files securely.
This is passed to subprocess.Popen as preexec_fn, so it is executed in
the context of the newly-created process. It:
* sets the umask of the process so created files aren't world-readable
* if an adm group exists in the system, sets that as the process' GID
(so that the created file(s) are owned by root:adm)
group_id = grp.getgrnam("adm").gr_gid
except KeyError:
# No adm group, don't set a group
if outfmt:
LOG.debug("Redirecting %s to %s", o_out, outfmt)
(mode, arg) = outfmt.split(" ", 1)
if mode == ">" or mode == ">>":
owith = "ab"
if mode == ">":
owith = "wb"
new_fp = open(arg, owith)
elif mode == "|":
proc = subprocess.Popen(
new_fp = proc.stdin
raise TypeError("Invalid type for output format: %s" % outfmt)
if o_out:
os.dup2(new_fp.fileno(), o_out.fileno())
if errfmt == outfmt:
LOG.debug("Redirecting %s to %s", o_err, outfmt)
os.dup2(new_fp.fileno(), o_err.fileno())
if errfmt:
LOG.debug("Redirecting %s to %s", o_err, errfmt)
(mode, arg) = errfmt.split(" ", 1)
if mode == ">" or mode == ">>":
owith = "ab"
if mode == ">":
owith = "wb"
new_fp = open(arg, owith)
elif mode == "|":
proc = subprocess.Popen(
new_fp = proc.stdin
raise TypeError("Invalid type for error format: %s" % errfmt)
if o_err:
os.dup2(new_fp.fileno(), o_err.fileno())
def mergemanydict(srcs, reverse=False) -> dict:
if reverse:
srcs = reversed(srcs)
merged_cfg: dict = {}
for cfg in srcs:
if cfg:
# Figure out which mergers to apply...
mergers_to_apply = mergers.dict_extract_mergers(cfg)
if not mergers_to_apply:
mergers_to_apply = mergers.default_mergers()
merger = mergers.construct(mergers_to_apply)
merged_cfg = merger.merge(merged_cfg, cfg)
return merged_cfg
def chdir(ndir):
curr = os.getcwd()
yield ndir
def umask(n_msk):
old = os.umask(n_msk)
yield old
def center(text, fill, max_len):
return "{0:{fill}{align}{size}}".format(
text, fill=fill, align="^", size=max_len
def del_dir(path):
LOG.debug("Recursively deleting %s", path)
# read_optional_seed
# returns boolean indicating success or failure (presense of files)
# if files are present, populates 'fill' dictionary with 'user-data' and
# 'meta-data' entries
def read_optional_seed(fill, base="", ext="", timeout=5):
(md, ud, vd) = read_seeded(base, ext, timeout)
fill["user-data"] = ud
fill["vendor-data"] = vd
fill["meta-data"] = md
return True
except url_helper.UrlError as e:
if e.code == url_helper.NOT_FOUND:
return False
def fetch_ssl_details(paths=None):
ssl_details = {}
# Lookup in these locations for ssl key/cert files
if not paths:
ssl_cert_paths = [
ssl_cert_paths = [
os.path.join(paths.get_ipath_cur("data"), "ssl"),
os.path.join(paths.get_cpath("data"), "ssl"),
ssl_cert_paths = uniq_merge(ssl_cert_paths)
ssl_cert_paths = [d for d in ssl_cert_paths if d and os.path.isdir(d)]
cert_file = None
for d in ssl_cert_paths:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, "cert.pem")):
cert_file = os.path.join(d, "cert.pem")
key_file = None
for d in ssl_cert_paths:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, "key.pem")):
key_file = os.path.join(d, "key.pem")
if cert_file and key_file:
ssl_details["cert_file"] = cert_file
ssl_details["key_file"] = key_file
elif cert_file:
ssl_details["cert_file"] = cert_file
return ssl_details
def load_yaml(blob, default=None, allowed=(dict,)):
loaded = default
blob = decode_binary(blob)
"Attempting to load yaml from string "
"of length %s with allowed root types %s",
converted = safeyaml.load(blob)
if converted is None:
LOG.debug("loaded blob returned None, returning default.")
converted = default
elif not isinstance(converted, allowed):
# Yes this will just be caught, but thats ok for now...
raise TypeError(
"Yaml load allows %s root types, but got %s instead"
% (allowed, type_utils.obj_name(converted))
loaded = converted
except (safeyaml.YAMLError, TypeError, ValueError) as e:
msg = "Failed loading yaml blob"
mark = None
if hasattr(e, "context_mark") and getattr(e, "context_mark"):
mark = getattr(e, "context_mark")
elif hasattr(e, "problem_mark") and getattr(e, "problem_mark"):
mark = getattr(e, "problem_mark")
if mark:
msg += (
'. Invalid format at line {line} column {col}: "{err}"'.format(
line=mark.line + 1, col=mark.column + 1, err=e
msg += ". {err}".format(err=e)
return loaded
def read_seeded(base="", ext="", timeout=5, retries=10, file_retries=0):
if base.find("%s") >= 0:
ud_url = base.replace("%s", "user-data" + ext)
vd_url = base.replace("%s", "vendor-data" + ext)
md_url = base.replace("%s", "meta-data" + ext)
if base[-1] != "/" and parse.urlparse(base).query == "":
# Append fwd slash when no query string and no %s
base += "/"
ud_url = "%s%s%s" % (base, "user-data", ext)
vd_url = "%s%s%s" % (base, "vendor-data", ext)
md_url = "%s%s%s" % (base, "meta-data", ext)
md_resp = url_helper.read_file_or_url(
md_url, timeout=timeout, retries=retries
md = None
if md_resp.ok():
md = load_yaml(decode_binary(md_resp.contents), default={})
ud_resp = url_helper.read_file_or_url(
ud_url, timeout=timeout, retries=retries
ud = None
if ud_resp.ok():
ud = ud_resp.contents
vd = None
vd_resp = url_helper.read_file_or_url(
vd_url, timeout=timeout, retries=retries
except url_helper.UrlError as e:
LOG.debug("Error in vendor-data response: %s", e)
if vd_resp.ok():
vd = vd_resp.contents
LOG.debug("Error in vendor-data response")
return (md, ud, vd)
def read_conf_d(confd, *, instance_data_file=None) -> dict:
"""Read configuration directory."""
# Get reverse sorted list (later trumps newer)
confs = sorted(os.listdir(confd), reverse=True)
# Remove anything not ending in '.cfg'
confs = [f for f in confs if f.endswith(".cfg")]
# Remove anything not a file
confs = [f for f in confs if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(confd, f))]
# Load them all so that they can be merged
cfgs = []
for fn in confs:
os.path.join(confd, fn),
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == EACCES:
"REDACTED config part %s/%s for non-root user", confd, fn
return mergemanydict(cfgs)
def read_conf_with_confd(cfgfile, *, instance_data_file=None) -> dict:
"""Read yaml file along with optional ".d" directory, return merged config
Given a yaml file, load the file as a dictionary. Additionally, if there
exists a same-named directory with .d extension, read all files from
that directory in order and return the merged config. The template
file is optional and will be applied to any applicable jinja file
in the configs.
For example, this function can read both /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and all
files in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d and merge all configs into a single dict.
cfgs: Deque[Dict] = deque()
cfg: dict = {}
cfg = read_conf(cfgfile, instance_data_file=instance_data_file)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == EACCES:
LOG.warning("REDACTED config part %s for non-root user", cfgfile)
confd = ""
if "conf_d" in cfg:
confd = cfg["conf_d"]
if confd:
if not isinstance(confd, str):
raise TypeError(
"Config file %s contains 'conf_d' with non-string type %s"
% (cfgfile, type_utils.obj_name(confd))
confd = str(confd).strip()
elif os.path.isdir(f"{cfgfile}.d"):
confd = f"{cfgfile}.d"
if confd and os.path.isdir(confd):
# Conf.d settings override input configuration
confd_cfg = read_conf_d(confd, instance_data_file=instance_data_file)
return mergemanydict(cfgs)
def read_conf_from_cmdline(cmdline=None):
# return a dictionary of config on the cmdline or None
return load_yaml(read_cc_from_cmdline(cmdline=cmdline))
def read_cc_from_cmdline(cmdline=None):
# this should support reading cloud-config information from
# the kernel command line. It is intended to support content of the
# format:
# cc: <yaml content here|urlencoded yaml content> [end_cc]
# this would include:
# cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, kirkland]\\n
# cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob]\\nruncmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ] end_cc
# cc:ssh_import_id: [smoser] end_cc cc:runcmd: [ [ ls, -l ] ] end_cc
# cc:ssh_import_id: %5Bsmoser%5D end_cc
if cmdline is None:
cmdline = get_cmdline()
tag_begin = "cc:"
tag_end = "end_cc"
begin_l = len(tag_begin)
end_l = len(tag_end)
clen = len(cmdline)
tokens = []
begin = cmdline.find(tag_begin)
while begin >= 0:
end = cmdline.find(tag_end, begin + begin_l)
if end < 0:
end = clen
parse.unquote(cmdline[begin + begin_l : end].lstrip()).replace(
"\\n", "\n"
begin = cmdline.find(tag_begin, end + end_l)
return "\n".join(tokens)
def dos2unix(contents):
# find first end of line
pos = contents.find("\n")
if pos <= 0 or contents[pos - 1] != "\r":
return contents
return contents.replace("\r\n", "\n")
HostnameFqdnInfo = namedtuple(
["hostname", "fqdn", "is_default"],
def get_hostname_fqdn(cfg, cloud, metadata_only=False):
"""Get hostname and fqdn from config if present and fallback to cloud.
@param cfg: Dictionary of merged user-data configuration (from init.cfg).
@param cloud: Cloud instance from init.cloudify().
@param metadata_only: Boolean, set True to only query cloud meta-data,
returning None if not present in meta-data.
@return: a namedtuple of
<hostname>, <fqdn>, <is_default> (str, str, bool).
Values can be none when
metadata_only is True and no cfg or metadata provides hostname info.
is_default is a bool and
it's true only if hostname is localhost and was
returned by util.get_hostname() as a default.
This is used to differentiate with a user-defined
localhost hostname.
is_default = False
if "fqdn" in cfg:
# user specified a fqdn. Default hostname then is based off that
fqdn = cfg["fqdn"]
hostname = get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "hostname", fqdn.split(".")[0])
if "hostname" in cfg and cfg["hostname"].find(".") > 0:
# user specified hostname, and it had '.' in it
# be nice to them. set fqdn and hostname from that
fqdn = cfg["hostname"]
hostname = cfg["hostname"][: fqdn.find(".")]
# no fqdn set, get fqdn from cloud.
# get hostname from cfg if available otherwise cloud
fqdn = cloud.get_hostname(
fqdn=True, metadata_only=metadata_only
if "hostname" in cfg:
hostname = cfg["hostname"]
hostname, is_default = cloud.get_hostname(
return HostnameFqdnInfo(hostname, fqdn, is_default)
def get_fqdn_from_hosts(hostname, filename="/etc/hosts"):
For each host a single line should be present with
the following information:
IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
Fields of the entry are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab
characters. Text from a "#" character until the end of the line is a
comment, and is ignored. Host names may contain only alphanumeric
characters, minus signs ("-"), and periods ("."). They must begin with
an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character.
Optional aliases provide for name changes, alternate spellings, shorter
hostnames, or generic hostnames (for example, localhost).
fqdn = None
for line in load_file(filename).splitlines():
hashpos = line.find("#")
if hashpos >= 0:
line = line[0:hashpos]
line = line.strip()
if not line:
# If there there is less than 3 entries
# (IP_address, canonical_hostname, alias)
# then ignore this line
toks = line.split()
if len(toks) < 3:
if hostname in toks[2:]:
fqdn = toks[1]
except IOError:
return fqdn
def is_resolvable(name):
"""determine if a url is resolvable, return a boolean
This also attempts to be resilent against dns redirection.
Note, that normal nsswitch resolution is used here. So in order
to avoid any utilization of 'search' entries in /etc/resolv.conf
we have to append '.'.
The top level 'invalid' domain is invalid per RFC. And example.com
should also not exist. The '__cloud_init_expected_not_found__' entry will
be resolved inside the search list.
if _DNS_REDIRECT_IP is None:
badips = set()
badnames = (
badresults = {}
for iname in badnames:
result = socket.getaddrinfo(
iname, None, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.AI_CANONNAME
badresults[iname] = []
for (_fam, _stype, _proto, cname, sockaddr) in result:
badresults[iname].append("%s: %s" % (cname, sockaddr[0]))
except (socket.gaierror, socket.error):
if badresults:
LOG.debug("detected dns redirection: %s", badresults)
result = socket.getaddrinfo(name, None)
# check first result's sockaddr field
addr = result[0][4][0]
if addr in _DNS_REDIRECT_IP:
return False
return True
except (socket.gaierror, socket.error):
return False
def get_hostname():
hostname = socket.gethostname()
return hostname
def gethostbyaddr(ip):
return socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
except socket.herror:
return None
def is_resolvable_url(url):
"""determine if this url is resolvable (existing or ip)."""
return log_time(
msg="Resolving URL: " + url,
def search_for_mirror(candidates):
Search through a list of mirror urls for one that works
This needs to return quickly.
if candidates is None:
return None
LOG.debug("search for mirror in candidates: '%s'", candidates)
for cand in candidates:
if is_resolvable_url(cand):
LOG.debug("found working mirror: '%s'", cand)
return cand
except Exception:
return None
def close_stdin():
reopen stdin as /dev/null so even subprocesses or other os level things get
/dev/null as input.
if _CLOUD_INIT_SAVE_STDIN is set in environment to a non empty and true
value then input will not be closed (useful for debugging).
if is_true(os.environ.get("_CLOUD_INIT_SAVE_STDIN")):
with open(os.devnull) as fp:
os.dup2(fp.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
def find_devs_with_freebsd(
criteria=None, oformat="device", tag=None, no_cache=False, path=None
devlist = []
if not criteria:
return glob.glob("/dev/msdosfs/*") + glob.glob("/dev/iso9660/*")
if criteria.startswith("LABEL="):
label = criteria.lstrip("LABEL=")
devlist = [
for p in ["/dev/msdosfs/" + label, "/dev/iso9660/" + label]
if os.path.exists(p)
elif criteria == "TYPE=vfat":
devlist = glob.glob("/dev/msdosfs/*")
elif criteria == "TYPE=iso9660":
devlist = glob.glob("/dev/iso9660/*")
return devlist
def find_devs_with_netbsd(
criteria=None, oformat="device", tag=None, no_cache=False, path=None
devlist = []
label = None
_type = None
if criteria:
if criteria.startswith("LABEL="):
label = criteria.lstrip("LABEL=")
if criteria.startswith("TYPE="):
_type = criteria.lstrip("TYPE=")
out = subp.subp(["sysctl", "-n", "hw.disknames"], rcs=[0])
for dev in out.stdout.split():
if label or _type:
mscdlabel_out, _ = subp.subp(["mscdlabel", dev], rcs=[0, 1])
if label and not ('label "%s"' % label) in mscdlabel_out:
if _type == "iso9660" and "ISO filesystem" not in mscdlabel_out:
if _type == "vfat" and "ISO filesystem" in mscdlabel_out:
devlist.append("/dev/" + dev)
return devlist
def find_devs_with_openbsd(
criteria=None, oformat="device", tag=None, no_cache=False, path=None
out = subp.subp(["sysctl", "-n", "hw.disknames"], rcs=[0])
devlist = []
for entry in out.stdout.rstrip().split(","):
if not entry.endswith(":"):
# ffs partition with a serial, not a config-drive
if entry == "fd0:":
devlist.append(entry[:-1] + "a")
if not entry.startswith("cd"):
devlist.append(entry[:-1] + "i")
return ["/dev/" + i for i in devlist]
def find_devs_with_dragonflybsd(
criteria=None, oformat="device", tag=None, no_cache=False, path=None
out = subp.subp(["sysctl", "-n", "kern.disks"], rcs=[0])
devlist = [
for i in sorted(out.stdout.split(), reverse=True)
if not i.startswith("md") and not i.startswith("vn")
if criteria == "TYPE=iso9660":
devlist = [
i for i in devlist if i.startswith("cd") or i.startswith("acd")
elif criteria in ["LABEL=CONFIG-2", "TYPE=vfat"]:
devlist = [
for i in devlist
if not (i.startswith("cd") or i.startswith("acd"))
elif criteria:
LOG.debug("Unexpected criteria: %s", criteria)
return ["/dev/" + i for i in devlist]
def find_devs_with(
criteria=None, oformat="device", tag=None, no_cache=False, path=None
find devices matching given criteria (via blkid)
criteria can be *one* of:
if is_FreeBSD():
return find_devs_with_freebsd(criteria, oformat, tag, no_cache, path)
elif is_NetBSD():
return find_devs_with_netbsd(criteria, oformat, tag, no_cache, path)
elif is_OpenBSD():
return find_devs_with_openbsd(criteria, oformat, tag, no_cache, path)
elif is_DragonFlyBSD():
return find_devs_with_dragonflybsd(
criteria, oformat, tag, no_cache, path
blk_id_cmd = ["blkid"]
options = []
if criteria:
# Search for block devices with tokens named NAME that
# have the value 'value' and display any devices which are found.
# Common values for NAME include TYPE, LABEL, and UUID.
# If there are no devices specified on the command line,
# all block devices will be searched; otherwise,
# only search the devices specified by the user.
options.append("-t%s" % (criteria))
if tag:
# For each (specified) device, show only the tags that match tag.
options.append("-s%s" % (tag))
if no_cache:
# If you want to start with a clean cache
# (i.e. don't report devices previously scanned
# but not necessarily available at this time), specify /dev/null.
options.extend(["-c", "/dev/null"])
if oformat:
# Display blkid's output using the specified format.
# The format parameter may be:
# full, value, list, device, udev, export
options.append("-o%s" % (oformat))
if path:
cmd = blk_id_cmd + options
# See man blkid for why 2 is added
(out, _err) = subp.subp(cmd, rcs=[0, 2])
except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
if e.errno == ENOENT:
# blkid not found...
out = ""
entries = []
for line in out.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line:
return entries
def blkid(devs=None, disable_cache=False):
"""Get all device tags details from blkid.
@param devs: Optional list of device paths you wish to query.
@param disable_cache: Bool, set True to start with clean cache.
@return: Dict of key value pairs of info for the device.
if devs is None:
devs = []
devs = list(devs)
cmd = ["blkid", "-o", "full"]
if disable_cache:
cmd.extend(["-c", "/dev/null"])
# we have to decode with 'replace' as shelx.split (called by
# load_shell_content) can't take bytes. So this is potentially
# lossy of non-utf-8 chars in blkid output.
out = subp.subp(cmd, capture=True, decode="replace")
ret = {}
for line in out.stdout.splitlines():
dev, _, data = line.partition(":")
ret[dev] = load_shell_content(data)
ret[dev]["DEVNAME"] = dev
return ret
def peek_file(fname, max_bytes):
LOG.debug("Peeking at %s (max_bytes=%s)", fname, max_bytes)
with open(fname, "rb") as ifh:
return ifh.read(max_bytes)
def uniq_list(in_list):
out_list = []
for i in in_list:
if i in out_list:
return out_list
def load_file(fname, read_cb=None, quiet=False, decode=True):
LOG.debug("Reading from %s (quiet=%s)", fname, quiet)
ofh = io.BytesIO()
with open(fname, "rb") as ifh:
pipe_in_out(ifh, ofh, chunk_cb=read_cb)
except IOError as e:
if not quiet:
if e.errno != ENOENT:
contents = ofh.getvalue()
LOG.debug("Read %s bytes from %s", len(contents), fname)
if decode:
return decode_binary(contents)
return contents
def _get_cmdline():
if is_container():
contents = load_file("/proc/1/cmdline")
# replace nulls with space and drop trailing null
cmdline = contents.replace("\x00", " ")[:-1]
except Exception as e:
LOG.warning("failed reading /proc/1/cmdline: %s", e)
cmdline = ""
cmdline = load_file("/proc/cmdline").strip()
except Exception:
cmdline = ""
return cmdline
def get_cmdline():
if "DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE" in os.environ:
return os.environ["DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE"]
return _get_cmdline()
def pipe_in_out(in_fh, out_fh, chunk_size=1024, chunk_cb=None):
bytes_piped = 0
while True:
data = in_fh.read(chunk_size)
if len(data) == 0:
bytes_piped += len(data)
if chunk_cb:
return bytes_piped
def chownbyid(fname, uid=None, gid=None):
if uid in [None, -1] and gid in [None, -1]:
# Nothing to do
LOG.debug("Changing the ownership of %s to %s:%s", fname, uid, gid)
os.chown(fname, uid, gid)
def chownbyname(fname, user=None, group=None):
uid = -1
gid = -1
if user:
uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid
if group:
gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid
except KeyError as e:
raise OSError("Unknown user or group: %s" % (e)) from e
chownbyid(fname, uid, gid)
# Always returns well formated values
# cfg is expected to have an entry 'output' in it, which is a dictionary
# that includes entries for 'init', 'config', 'final' or 'all'
# init: /var/log/cloud.out
# config: [ ">> /var/log/cloud-config.out", /var/log/cloud-config.err ]
# final:
# output: "| logger -p"
# error: "> /dev/null"
# this returns the specific 'mode' entry, cleanly formatted, with value
def get_output_cfg(cfg, mode):
ret = [None, None]
if not cfg or "output" not in cfg:
return ret
outcfg = cfg["output"]
if mode in outcfg:
modecfg = outcfg[mode]
if "all" not in outcfg:
return ret
# if there is a 'all' item in the output list
# then it applies to all users of this (init, config, final)
modecfg = outcfg["all"]
# if value is a string, it specifies stdout and stderr
if isinstance(modecfg, str):
ret = [modecfg, modecfg]
# if its a list, then we expect (stdout, stderr)
if isinstance(modecfg, list):
if len(modecfg) > 0:
ret[0] = modecfg[0]
if len(modecfg) > 1:
ret[1] = modecfg[1]
# if it is a dictionary, expect 'out' and 'error'
# items, which indicate out and error
if isinstance(modecfg, dict):
if "output" in modecfg:
ret[0] = modecfg["output"]
if "error" in modecfg:
ret[1] = modecfg["error"]
# if err's entry == "&1", then make it same as stdout
# as in shell syntax of "echo foo >/dev/null 2>&1"
if ret[1] == "&1":
ret[1] = ret[0]
swlist = [">>", ">", "|"]
for i in range(len(ret)):
if not ret[i]:
val = ret[i].lstrip()
found = False
for s in swlist:
if val.startswith(s):
val = "%s %s" % (s, val[len(s) :].strip())
found = True
if not found:
# default behavior is append
val = "%s %s" % (">>", val.strip())
ret[i] = val
return ret
def get_config_logfiles(cfg):
"""Return a list of log file paths from the configuration dictionary.
@param cfg: The cloud-init merged configuration dictionary.
logs = []
if not cfg or not isinstance(cfg, dict):
return logs
default_log = cfg.get("def_log_file")
if default_log:
for fmt in get_output_cfg(cfg, None):
if not fmt:
match = re.match(r"(?P<type>\||>+)\s*(?P<target>.*)", fmt)
if not match:
target = match.group("target")
parts = target.split()
if len(parts) == 1:
elif ["tee", "-a"] == parts[:2]:
return list(set(logs))
def logexc(log, msg, *args):
# Setting this here allows this to change
# levels easily (not always error level)
# or even desirable to have that much junk
# coming out to a non-debug stream
if msg:
log.warning(msg, *args)
# Debug gets the full trace. However, nose has a bug whereby its
# logcapture plugin doesn't properly handle the case where there is no
# actual exception. To avoid tracebacks during the test suite then, we'll
# do the actual exc_info extraction here, and if there is no exception in
# flight, we'll just pass in None.
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
if exc_info == (None, None, None):
exc_info = None
log.debug(msg, exc_info=exc_info, *args)
def hash_blob(blob, routine, mlen=None):
hasher = hashlib.new(routine)
digest = hasher.hexdigest()
# Don't get to long now
if mlen is not None:
return digest[0:mlen]
return digest
def is_user(name):
if pwd.getpwnam(name):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def is_group(name):
if grp.getgrnam(name):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def rename(src, dest):
LOG.debug("Renaming %s to %s", src, dest)
# TODO(harlowja) use a se guard here??
os.rename(src, dest)
def ensure_dirs(dirlist, mode=0o755):
for d in dirlist:
ensure_dir(d, mode)
def load_json(text, root_types=(dict,)):
decoded = json.loads(decode_binary(text))
if not isinstance(decoded, tuple(root_types)):
expected_types = ", ".join([str(t) for t in root_types])
raise TypeError(
"(%s) root types expected, got %s instead"
% (expected_types, type(decoded))
return decoded
def json_serialize_default(_obj):
"""Handler for types which aren't json serializable."""
return "ci-b64:{0}".format(b64e(_obj))
except AttributeError:
return "Warning: redacted unserializable type {0}".format(type(_obj))
def json_dumps(data):
"""Return data in nicely formatted json."""
return json.dumps(
separators=(",", ": "),
def get_non_exist_parent_dir(path):
"""Get the last directory in a path that does not exist.
Example: when path=/usr/a/b and /usr/a does not exis but /usr does,
return /usr/a
p_path = os.path.dirname(path)
# Check if parent directory of path is root
if p_path == os.path.dirname(p_path):
return path
if os.path.isdir(p_path):
return path
return get_non_exist_parent_dir(p_path)
def ensure_dir(path, mode=None, user=None, group=None):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
# Get non existed parent dir first before they are created.
non_existed_parent_dir = get_non_exist_parent_dir(path)
# Make the dir and adjust the mode
with SeLinuxGuard(os.path.dirname(path), recursive=True):
chmod(path, mode)
# Change the ownership
if user or group:
chownbyname(non_existed_parent_dir, user, group)
# if path=/usr/a/b/c and non_existed_parent_dir=/usr,
# then sub_relative_dir=PosixPath('a/b/c')
sub_relative_dir = Path(path.split(non_existed_parent_dir)[1][1:])
sub_path = Path(non_existed_parent_dir)
for part in sub_relative_dir.parts:
sub_path = sub_path.joinpath(part)
chownbyname(sub_path, user, group)
# Just adjust the mode
chmod(path, mode)
def unmounter(umount):
yield umount
if umount:
umount_cmd = ["umount", umount]
def mounts():
mounted = {}
# Go through mounts to see what is already mounted
if os.path.exists("/proc/mounts"):
mount_locs = load_file("/proc/mounts").splitlines()
method = "proc"
out = subp.subp("mount")
mount_locs = out.stdout.splitlines()
method = "mount"
mountre = r"^(/dev/[\S]+) on (/.*) \((.+), .+, (.+)\)$"
for mpline in mount_locs:
# Linux: /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
# FreeBSD: /dev/vtbd0p2 on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
if method == "proc":
(dev, mp, fstype, opts, _freq, _passno) = mpline.split()
m = re.search(mountre, mpline)
dev = m.group(1)
mp = m.group(2)
fstype = m.group(3)
opts = m.group(4)
except Exception:
# If the name of the mount point contains spaces these
# can be escaped as '\040', so undo that..
mp = mp.replace("\\040", " ")
mounted[dev] = {
"fstype": fstype,
"mountpoint": mp,
"opts": opts,
LOG.debug("Fetched %s mounts from %s", mounted, method)
except (IOError, OSError):
logexc(LOG, "Failed fetching mount points")
return mounted
def mount_cb(
device, callback, data=None, mtype=None, update_env_for_mount=None
Mount the device, call method 'callback' passing the directory
in which it was mounted, then unmount. Return whatever 'callback'
returned. If data != None, also pass data to callback.
mtype is a filesystem type. it may be a list, string (a single fsname)
or a list of fsnames.
if isinstance(mtype, str):
mtypes = [mtype]
elif isinstance(mtype, (list, tuple)):
mtypes = list(mtype)
elif mtype is None:
mtypes = None
raise TypeError(
"Unsupported type provided for mtype parameter: {_type}".format(
# clean up 'mtype' input a bit based on platform.
if is_Linux():
if mtypes is None:
mtypes = ["auto"]
elif is_BSD():
if mtypes is None:
mtypes = ["ufs", "cd9660", "msdos"]
for index, mtype in enumerate(mtypes):
if mtype == "iso9660":
mtypes[index] = "cd9660"
if mtype in ["vfat", "msdosfs"]:
mtypes[index] = "msdos"
# we cannot do a smart "auto", so just call 'mount' once with no -t
mtypes = [""]
mounted = mounts()
with temp_utils.tempdir() as tmpd:
umount = False
if os.path.realpath(device) in mounted:
mountpoint = mounted[os.path.realpath(device)]["mountpoint"]
failure_reason = None
for mtype in mtypes:
mountpoint = None
mountcmd = ["mount", "-o", "ro"]
if mtype:
mountcmd.extend(["-t", mtype])
subp.subp(mountcmd, update_env=update_env_for_mount)
umount = tmpd # This forces it to be unmounted (when set)
mountpoint = tmpd
except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
"Failed to mount device: '%s' with type: '%s' "
"using mount command: '%s', "
"which caused exception: %s",
" ".join(mountcmd),
failure_reason = exc
if not mountpoint:
raise MountFailedError(
"Failed mounting %s to %s due to: %s"
% (device, tmpd, failure_reason)
# Be nice and ensure it ends with a slash
if not mountpoint.endswith("/"):
mountpoint += "/"
with unmounter(umount):
if data is None:
ret = callback(mountpoint)
ret = callback(mountpoint, data)
return ret
def get_builtin_cfg():
# Deep copy so that others can't modify
return obj_copy.deepcopy(CFG_BUILTIN)
def is_link(path):
LOG.debug("Testing if a link exists for %s", path)
return os.path.islink(path)
def sym_link(source, link, force=False):
LOG.debug("Creating symbolic link from %r => %r", link, source)
if force and os.path.lexists(link):
# Provide atomic update of symlink to avoid races with status --wait
# LP: #1962150
tmp_link = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(link), "tmp" + rand_str(8))
os.symlink(source, tmp_link)
os.replace(tmp_link, link)
os.symlink(source, link)
def del_file(path):
LOG.debug("Attempting to remove %s", path)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != ENOENT:
raise e
def copy(src, dest):
LOG.debug("Copying %s to %s", src, dest)
shutil.copy(src, dest)
def time_rfc2822():
ts = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.gmtime())
except Exception:
ts = "??"
return ts
def boottime():
"""Use sysctlbyname(3) via ctypes to find kern.boottime
kern.boottime is of type struct timeval. Here we create a
private class to easier unpack it.
@return boottime: float to be compatible with linux
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
NULL_BYTES = b"\x00"
class timeval(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("tv_sec", ctypes.c_int64), ("tv_usec", ctypes.c_int64)]
libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("c"))
size = ctypes.c_size_t()
size.value = ctypes.sizeof(timeval)
buf = timeval()
if (
b"kern.boottime" + NULL_BYTES,
!= -1
return buf.tv_sec + buf.tv_usec / 1000000.0
raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve kern.boottime on this system")
def uptime():
uptime_str = "??"
method = "unknown"
if os.path.exists("/proc/uptime"):
method = "/proc/uptime"
contents = load_file("/proc/uptime")
if contents:
uptime_str = contents.split()[0]
method = "ctypes"
# This is the *BSD codepath
uptime_str = str(time.time() - boottime())
except Exception:
logexc(LOG, "Unable to read uptime using method: %s" % method)
return uptime_str
def append_file(path, content):
write_file(path, content, omode="ab", mode=None)
def ensure_file(
path, mode: int = 0o644, *, preserve_mode: bool = False
) -> None:
path, content="", omode="ab", mode=mode, preserve_mode=preserve_mode
def safe_int(possible_int):
return int(possible_int)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
def chmod(path, mode):
real_mode = safe_int(mode)
if path and real_mode:
with SeLinuxGuard(path):
os.chmod(path, real_mode)
def get_group_id(grp_name: str) -> int:
Returns the group id of a group name, or -1 if no group exists
@param grp_name: the name of the group
gid = -1
gid = grp.getgrnam(grp_name).gr_gid
except KeyError:
LOG.debug("Group %s is not a valid group name", grp_name)
return gid
def get_permissions(path: str) -> int:
Returns the octal permissions of the file/folder pointed by the path,
encoded as an int.
@param path: The full path of the file/folder.
return stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path).st_mode)
def get_owner(path: str) -> str:
Returns the owner of the file/folder pointed by the path.
@param path: The full path of the file/folder.
st = os.stat(path)
return pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid).pw_name
def get_group(path: str) -> str:
Returns the group of the file/folder pointed by the path.
@param path: The full path of the file/folder.
st = os.stat(path)
return grp.getgrgid(st.st_gid).gr_name
def get_user_groups(username: str) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of all groups to which the user belongs
@param username: the user we want to check
groups = []
for group in grp.getgrall():
if username in group.gr_mem:
gid = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_gid
return groups
def write_file(
Writes a file with the given content and sets the file mode as specified.
Restores the SELinux context if possible.
@param filename: The full path of the file to write.
@param content: The content to write to the file.
@param mode: The filesystem mode to set on the file.
@param omode: The open mode used when opening the file (w, wb, a, etc.)
@param preserve_mode: If True and `filename` exists, preserve `filename`s
current mode instead of applying `mode`.
@param ensure_dir_exists: If True (the default), ensure that the directory
containing `filename` exists before writing to
the file.
@param user: The user to set on the file.
@param group: The group to set on the file.
if preserve_mode:
mode = get_permissions(filename)
except OSError:
if ensure_dir_exists:
ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(filename), user=user, group=group)
if "b" in omode.lower():
content = encode_text(content)
write_type = "bytes"
content = decode_binary(content)
write_type = "characters"
mode_r = "%o" % mode
except TypeError:
mode_r = "%r" % mode
"Writing to %s - %s: [%s] %s %s",
with SeLinuxGuard(path=filename):
with open(filename, omode) as fh:
chmod(filename, mode)
def delete_dir_contents(dirname):
Deletes all contents of a directory without deleting the directory itself.
@param dirname: The directory whose contents should be deleted.
for node in os.listdir(dirname):
node_fullpath = os.path.join(dirname, node)
if os.path.isdir(node_fullpath):
def make_header(comment_char="#", base="created"):
ci_ver = version.version_string()
header = str(comment_char)
header += " %s by cloud-init v. %s" % (base.title(), ci_ver)
header += " on %s" % time_rfc2822()
return header
def abs_join(base, *paths):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base, *paths))
# shellify, takes a list of commands
# for each entry in the list
# if it is an array, shell protect it (with single ticks)
# if it is a string, do nothing
def shellify(cmdlist, add_header=True):
if not isinstance(cmdlist, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError(
"Input to shellify was type '%s'. Expected list or tuple."
% (type_utils.obj_name(cmdlist))
content = ""
if add_header:
content += "#!/bin/sh\n"
escaped = "%s%s%s%s" % ("'", "\\", "'", "'")
cmds_made = 0
for args in cmdlist:
# If the item is a list, wrap all items in single tick.
# If its not, then just write it directly.
if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
fixed = []
for f in args:
fixed.append("'%s'" % (str(f).replace("'", escaped)))
content = "%s%s\n" % (content, " ".join(fixed))
cmds_made += 1
elif isinstance(args, str):
content = "%s%s\n" % (content, args)
cmds_made += 1
# Yaml parsing of a comment results in None
elif args is None:
raise TypeError(
"Unable to shellify type '%s'. Expected list, string, tuple. "
"Got: %s" % (type_utils.obj_name(args), args)
LOG.debug("Shellified %s commands.", cmds_made)
return content
def strip_prefix_suffix(line, prefix=None, suffix=None):
if prefix and line.startswith(prefix):
line = line[len(prefix) :]
if suffix and line.endswith(suffix):
line = line[: -len(suffix)]
return line
def _cmd_exits_zero(cmd):
if subp.which(cmd[0]) is None:
return False
except subp.ProcessExecutionError:
return False
return True
def _is_container_systemd():
return _cmd_exits_zero(["systemd-detect-virt", "--quiet", "--container"])
def _is_container_old_lxc():
return _cmd_exits_zero(["lxc-is-container"])
def _is_container_freebsd():
if not is_FreeBSD():
return False
cmd = ["sysctl", "-qn", "security.jail.jailed"]
if subp.which(cmd[0]) is None:
return False
out, _ = subp.subp(cmd)
return out.strip() == "1"
def is_container():
Checks to see if this code running in a container of some sort
checks = (
for helper in checks:
if helper():
return True
# this code is largely from the logic in
# ubuntu's /etc/init/container-detect.conf
# Detect old-style libvirt
# Detect OpenVZ containers
pid1env = get_proc_env(1)
if "container" in pid1env:
return True
if "LIBVIRT_LXC_UUID" in pid1env:
return True
except (IOError, OSError):
# Detect OpenVZ containers
if os.path.isdir("/proc/vz") and not os.path.isdir("/proc/bc"):
return True
# Detect Vserver containers
lines = load_file("/proc/self/status").splitlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("VxID:"):
(_key, val) = line.strip().split(":", 1)
if val != "0":
return True
except (IOError, OSError):
return False
def is_lxd():
"""Check to see if we are running in a lxd container."""
return os.path.exists("/dev/lxd/sock")
def get_proc_env(pid, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace"):
Return the environment in a dict that a given process id was started with.
@param encoding: if true, then decoding will be done with
.decode(encoding, errors) and text will be returned.
if false then binary will be returned.
@param errors: only used if encoding is true."""
fn = os.path.join("/proc", str(pid), "environ")
contents = load_file(fn, decode=False)
except (IOError, OSError):
return {}
env = {}
null, equal = (b"\x00", b"=")
if encoding:
null, equal = ("\x00", "=")
contents = contents.decode(encoding, errors)
for tok in contents.split(null):
if not tok:
(name, val) = tok.split(equal, 1)
if name:
env[name] = val
return env
def keyval_str_to_dict(kvstring):
ret = {}
for tok in kvstring.split():
(key, val) = tok.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
key = tok
val = True
ret[key] = val
return ret
def is_partition(device):
if device.startswith("/dev/"):
device = device[5:]
return os.path.isfile("/sys/class/block/%s/partition" % device)
def expand_package_list(version_fmt, pkgs):
# we will accept tuples, lists of tuples, or just plain lists
if not isinstance(pkgs, list):
pkgs = [pkgs]
pkglist = []
for pkg in pkgs:
if isinstance(pkg, str):
if isinstance(pkg, (tuple, list)):
if len(pkg) < 1 or len(pkg) > 2:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid package & version tuple.")
if len(pkg) == 2 and pkg[1]:
pkglist.append(version_fmt % tuple(pkg))
raise RuntimeError("Invalid package type.")
return pkglist
def parse_mount_info(path, mountinfo_lines, log=LOG, get_mnt_opts=False):
"""Return the mount information for PATH given the lines from
path_elements = [e for e in path.split("/") if e]
devpth = None
fs_type = None
match_mount_point = None
match_mount_point_elements = None
for i, line in enumerate(mountinfo_lines):
parts = line.split()
# Completely fail if there is anything in any line that is
# unexpected, as continuing to parse past a bad line could
# cause an incorrect result to be returned, so it's better
# return nothing than an incorrect result.
# The minimum number of elements in a valid line is 10.
if len(parts) < 10:
"Line %d has two few columns (%d): %s", i + 1, len(parts), line
return None
mount_point = parts[4]
mount_point_elements = [e for e in mount_point.split("/") if e]
# Ignore mounts deeper than the path in question.
if len(mount_point_elements) > len(path_elements):
# Ignore mounts where the common path is not the same.
x = min(len(mount_point_elements), len(path_elements))
if mount_point_elements[0:x] != path_elements[0:x]:
# Ignore mount points higher than an already seen mount
# point.
if match_mount_point_elements is not None and len(
) > len(mount_point_elements):
# Find the '-' which terminates a list of optional columns to
# find the filesystem type and the path to the device. See
# man 5 proc for the format of this file.
i = parts.index("-")
except ValueError:
"Did not find column named '-' in line %d: %s", i + 1, line
return None
# Get the path to the device.
fs_type = parts[i + 1]
devpth = parts[i + 2]
except IndexError:
"Too few columns after '-' column in line %d: %s", i + 1, line
return None
match_mount_point = mount_point
match_mount_point_elements = mount_point_elements
mount_options = parts[5]
if get_mnt_opts:
if devpth and fs_type and match_mount_point and mount_options:
return (devpth, fs_type, match_mount_point, mount_options)
if devpth and fs_type and match_mount_point:
return (devpth, fs_type, match_mount_point)
return None
def parse_mtab(path):
"""On older kernels there's no /proc/$$/mountinfo, so use mtab."""
for line in load_file("/etc/mtab").splitlines():
devpth, mount_point, fs_type = line.split()[:3]
if mount_point == path:
return devpth, fs_type, mount_point
return None
def find_freebsd_part(fs):
splitted = fs.split("/")
if len(splitted) == 3:
return splitted[2]
elif splitted[2] in ["label", "gpt", "ufs"]:
target_label = fs[5:]
(part, _err) = subp.subp(["glabel", "status", "-s"])
for labels in part.split("\n"):
items = labels.split()
if len(items) > 0 and items[0] == target_label:
part = items[2]
return str(part)
LOG.warning("Unexpected input in find_freebsd_part: %s", fs)
def find_dragonflybsd_part(fs):
splitted = fs.split("/")
if len(splitted) == 3 and splitted[1] == "dev":
return splitted[2]
LOG.warning("Unexpected input in find_dragonflybsd_part: %s", fs)
def get_path_dev_freebsd(path, mnt_list):
path_found = None
for line in mnt_list.split("\n"):
items = line.split()
if len(items) > 2 and os.path.exists(items[1] + path):
path_found = line
return path_found
def get_mount_info_freebsd(path):
(result, err) = subp.subp(["mount", "-p", path], rcs=[0, 1])
if len(err):
# find a path if the input is not a mounting point
(mnt_list, err) = subp.subp(["mount", "-p"])
path_found = get_path_dev_freebsd(path, mnt_list)
if path_found is None:
return None
result = path_found
ret = result.split()
label_part = find_freebsd_part(ret[0])
return "/dev/" + label_part, ret[2], ret[1]
def get_device_info_from_zpool(zpool):
# zpool has 10 second timeout waiting for /dev/zfs LP: #1760173
if not os.path.exists("/dev/zfs"):
LOG.debug("Cannot get zpool info, no /dev/zfs")
return None
(zpoolstatus, err) = subp.subp(["zpool", "status", zpool])
except subp.ProcessExecutionError as err:
LOG.warning("Unable to get zpool status of %s: %s", zpool, err)
return None
if len(err):
return None
r = r".*(ONLINE).*"
for line in zpoolstatus.split("\n"):
if re.search(r, line) and zpool not in line and "state" not in line:
disk = line.split()[0]
LOG.debug('found zpool "%s" on disk %s', zpool, disk)
return disk
def parse_mount(path):
(mountoutput, _err) = subp.subp(["mount"])
mount_locs = mountoutput.splitlines()
# there are 2 types of mount outputs we have to parse therefore
# the regex is a bit complex. to better understand this regex see:
# https://regex101.com/r/2F6c1k/1
# https://regex101.com/r/T2en7a/1
regex = (
r"^(/dev/[\S]+|.*zroot\S*?) on (/[\S]*) "
if is_DragonFlyBSD():
regex = (
r"^(/dev/[\S]+|\S*?) on (/[\S]*) "
for line in mount_locs:
m = re.search(regex, line)
if not m:
devpth = m.group(1)
mount_point = m.group(2)
# above regex will either fill the fs_type in group(3)
# or group(4) depending on the format we have.
fs_type = m.group(3)
if fs_type is None:
fs_type = m.group(4)
"found line in mount -> devpth: %s, mount_point: %s, fs_type: %s",
# check whether the dev refers to a label on FreeBSD
# for example, if dev is '/dev/label/rootfs', we should
# continue finding the real device like '/dev/da0'.
# this is only valid for non zfs file systems as a zpool
# can have gpt labels as disk.
devm = re.search("^(/dev/.+)p([0-9])$", devpth)
if not devm and is_FreeBSD() and fs_type != "zfs":
return get_mount_info_freebsd(path)
elif mount_point == path:
return devpth, fs_type, mount_point
return None
def get_mount_info(path, log=LOG, get_mnt_opts=False):
# Use /proc/$$/mountinfo to find the device where path is mounted.
# This is done because with a btrfs filesystem using os.stat(path)
# does not return the ID of the device.
# Here, / has a device of 18 (decimal).
# $ stat /
# File: '/'
# Size: 234 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory
# Device: 12h/18d Inode: 256 Links: 1
# Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
# Access: 2013-01-13 07:31:04.358011255 +0000
# Modify: 2013-01-13 18:48:25.930011255 +0000
# Change: 2013-01-13 18:48:25.930011255 +0000
# Birth: -
# Find where / is mounted:
# $ mount | grep ' / '
# /dev/vda1 on / type btrfs (rw,subvol=@,compress=lzo)
# And the device ID for /dev/vda1 is not 18:
# $ ls -l /dev/vda1
# brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 1 Jan 13 08:29 /dev/vda1
# So use /proc/$$/mountinfo to find the device underlying the
# input path.
mountinfo_path = "/proc/%s/mountinfo" % os.getpid()
if os.path.exists(mountinfo_path):
lines = load_file(mountinfo_path).splitlines()
return parse_mount_info(path, lines, log, get_mnt_opts)
elif os.path.exists("/etc/mtab"):
return parse_mtab(path)
return parse_mount(path)
def has_mount_opt(path, opt: str) -> bool:
*_, mnt_opts = get_mount_info(path, get_mnt_opts=True)
return opt in mnt_opts.split(",")
T = TypeVar("T")
def log_time(
func: Callable[..., T],
) -> T:
if args is None:
args = []
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
start = time.time()
ustart = None
if get_uptime:
ustart = float(uptime())
except ValueError:
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
delta = time.time() - start
udelta = None
if ustart is not None:
udelta = float(uptime()) - ustart
except ValueError:
tmsg = " took %0.3f seconds" % delta
if get_uptime:
if isinstance(udelta, (float)):
tmsg += " (%0.2f)" % udelta
tmsg += " (N/A)"
logfunc(msg + tmsg)
except Exception:
return ret
def expand_dotted_devname(dotted):
toks = dotted.rsplit(".", 1)
if len(toks) > 1:
return toks
return (dotted, None)
def pathprefix2dict(base, required=None, optional=None, delim=os.path.sep):
# return a dictionary populated with keys in 'required' and 'optional'
# by reading files in prefix + delim + entry
if required is None:
required = []
if optional is None:
optional = []
missing = []
ret = {}
for f in required + optional:
ret[f] = load_file(base + delim + f, quiet=False, decode=False)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != ENOENT:
if f in required:
if len(missing):
raise ValueError(
"Missing required files: {files}".format(files=",".join(missing))
return ret
def read_meminfo(meminfo="/proc/meminfo", raw=False):
# read a /proc/meminfo style file and return
# a dict with 'total', 'free', and 'available'
mpliers = {"kB": 2**10, "mB": 2**20, "B": 1, "gB": 2**30}
kmap = {
"MemTotal:": "total",
"MemFree:": "free",
"MemAvailable:": "available",
ret = {}
for line in load_file(meminfo).splitlines():
key, value, unit = line.split()
except ValueError:
key, value = line.split()
unit = "B"
if raw:
ret[key] = int(value) * mpliers[unit]
elif key in kmap:
ret[kmap[key]] = int(value) * mpliers[unit]
return ret
def human2bytes(size):
"""Convert human string or integer to size in bytes
In the original implementation, SI prefixes parse to IEC values
(1KB=1024B). Later, support for parsing IEC prefixes was added,
also parsing to IEC values (1KiB=1024B). To maintain backwards
compatibility for the long-used implementation, no fix is provided for SI
prefixes (to make 1KB=1000B may now violate user expectations).
Future prospective callers of this function should consider implementing a
new function with more standard expectations (1KB=1000B and 1KiB=1024B)
10M => 10485760
10MB => 10485760
10MiB => 10485760
size_in = size
if size.endswith("iB"):
size = size[:-2]
elif size.endswith("B"):
size = size[:-1]
mpliers = {"B": 1, "K": 2**10, "M": 2**20, "G": 2**30, "T": 2**40}
num = size
mplier = "B"
for m in mpliers:
if size.endswith(m):
mplier = m
num = size[0 : -len(m)]
num = float(num)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("'%s' is not valid input." % size_in) from e
if num < 0:
raise ValueError("'%s': cannot be negative" % size_in)
return int(num * mpliers[mplier])
def is_x86(uname_arch=None):
"""Return True if platform is x86-based"""
if uname_arch is None:
uname_arch = os.uname()[4]
x86_arch_match = uname_arch == "x86_64" or (
uname_arch[0] == "i" and uname_arch[2:] == "86"
return x86_arch_match
def message_from_string(string):
if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7):
return email.message_from_file(io.StringIO(string))
return email.message_from_string(string)
def get_installed_packages(target=None):
out = subp.subp(["dpkg-query", "--list"], target=target, capture=True)
pkgs_inst = set()
for line in out.stdout.splitlines():
(state, pkg, _) = line.split(None, 2)
except ValueError:
if state.startswith("hi") or state.startswith("ii"):
pkgs_inst.add(re.sub(":.*", "", pkg))
return pkgs_inst
def system_is_snappy():
# channel.ini is configparser loadable.
# snappy will move to using /etc/system-image/config.d/*.ini
# this is certainly not a perfect test, but good enough for now.
orpath = "/etc/os-release"
orinfo = load_shell_content(load_file(orpath, quiet=True))
if orinfo.get("ID", "").lower() == "ubuntu-core":
return True
except ValueError as e:
LOG.warning("Unexpected error loading '%s': %s", orpath, e)
cmdline = get_cmdline()
if "snap_core=" in cmdline:
return True
content = load_file("/etc/system-image/channel.ini", quiet=True)
if "ubuntu-core" in content.lower():
return True
if os.path.isdir("/etc/system-image/config.d/"):
return True
return False
def rootdev_from_cmdline(cmdline):
found = None
for tok in cmdline.split():
if tok.startswith("root="):
found = tok[5:]
if found is None:
return None
if found.startswith("/dev/"):
return found
if found.startswith("LABEL="):
return "/dev/disk/by-label/" + found[len("LABEL=") :]
if found.startswith("UUID="):
return "/dev/disk/by-uuid/" + found[len("UUID=") :].lower()
if found.startswith("PARTUUID="):
disks_path = (
"/dev/disk/by-partuuid/" + found[len("PARTUUID=") :].lower()
if os.path.exists(disks_path):
return disks_path
results = find_devs_with(found)
if results:
return results[0]
# we know this doesn't exist, but for consistency return the path as
# it /would/ exist
return disks_path
return "/dev/" + found
def load_shell_content(content, add_empty=False, empty_val=None):
"""Given shell like syntax (key=value\nkey2=value2\n) in content
return the data in dictionary form. If 'add_empty' is True
then add entries in to the returned dictionary for 'VAR='
variables. Set their value to empty_val."""
def _shlex_split(blob):
return shlex.split(blob, comments=True)
data = {}
for line in _shlex_split(content):
key, value = line.split("=", 1)
if not value:
value = empty_val
if add_empty or value:
data[key] = value
return data
def wait_for_files(flist, maxwait, naplen=0.5, log_pre=""):
need = set(flist)
waited = 0
while True:
need -= set([f for f in need if os.path.exists(f)])
if len(need) == 0:
"%sAll files appeared after %s seconds: %s",
return []
if waited == 0:
"%sWaiting up to %s seconds for the following files: %s",
if waited + naplen > maxwait:
waited += naplen
"%sStill missing files after %s seconds: %s", log_pre, maxwait, need
return need
def mount_is_read_write(mount_point):
"""Check whether the given mount point is mounted rw"""
result = get_mount_info(mount_point, get_mnt_opts=True)
mount_opts = result[-1].split(",")
return mount_opts[0] == "rw"
def udevadm_settle(exists=None, timeout=None):
"""Invoke udevadm settle with optional exists and timeout parameters"""
if not subp.which("udevadm"):
# a distro, such as Alpine, may not have udev installed if
# it relies on a udev alternative such as mdev/mdevd.
settle_cmd = ["udevadm", "settle"]
if exists:
# skip the settle if the requested path already exists
if os.path.exists(exists):
settle_cmd.extend(["--exit-if-exists=%s" % exists])
if timeout:
settle_cmd.extend(["--timeout=%s" % timeout])
return subp.subp(settle_cmd)
def get_proc_ppid(pid):
Return the parent pid of a process.
ppid = 0
contents = load_file("/proc/%s/stat" % pid, quiet=True)
if contents:
# see proc.5 for format
m = re.search(r"^\d+ \(.+\) [RSDZTtWXxKPI] (\d+)", str(contents))
if m:
ppid = int(m.group(1))
"Unable to match parent pid of process pid=%s input: %s",
except IOError as e:
LOG.warning("Failed to load /proc/%s/stat. %s", pid, e)
return ppid
def error(msg, rc=1, fmt="Error:\n{}", sys_exit=False):
Print error to stderr and return or exit
@param msg: message to print
@param rc: return code (default: 1)
@param fmt: format string for putting message in (default: 'Error:\n {}')
@param sys_exit: exit when called (default: false)
print(fmt.format(msg), file=sys.stderr)
if sys_exit:
return rc
class Version(namedtuple("Version", ["major", "minor", "patch", "rev"])):
def __new__(cls, major=-1, minor=-1, patch=-1, rev=-1):
"""Default of -1 allows us to tiebreak in favor of the most specific
return super(Version, cls).__new__(cls, major, minor, patch, rev)
def from_str(cls, version: str):
return cls(*(list(map(int, version.split(".")))))
def __gt__(self, other):
return 1 == self._compare_version(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.major == other.major
and self.minor == other.minor
and self.patch == other.patch
and self.rev == other.rev
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over the version (drop sentinels)"""
for n in (self.major, self.minor, self.patch, self.rev):
if n != -1:
yield str(n)
def __str__(self):
return ".".join(self)
def _compare_version(self, other) -> int:
return values:
1: self > v2
-1: self < v2
0: self == v2
to break a tie between 3.1.N and 3.1, always treat the more
specific number as larger
if self == other:
return 0
if self.major > other.major:
return 1
if self.minor > other.minor:
return 1
if self.patch > other.patch:
return 1
if self.rev > other.rev:
return 1
return -1