# vim: fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2014 Google, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""Utilities for parsing and creating machine-readable debian/copyright files.
The specification for the format (also known as DEP5) is available here:
Start from the Coyright docstring for usage information.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import collections
import itertools
import io
import re
import warnings
from debian import deb822
_KNOWN_FORMATS = frozenset([
# TODO(jsw): Transparently rewrite https:// as http://, at least for this?
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""
class NotMachineReadableError(Error):
"""Raised when the input is not a machine-readable debian/copyright file."""
class Copyright(object):
"""Represents a debian/copyright file.
A Copyright object contains a Header paragraph and a list of additional
Files or License paragraphs. It provides methods to iterate over those
paragraphs, in addition to adding new ones. It also provides a mechanism
for finding the Files paragraph (if any) that matches a particular
Typical usage:
with io.open('debian/copyright', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
c = copyright.Copyright(f)
header = c.header
# Header exposes standard fields, e.g.
print('Upstream name: ', header.upstream_name)
lic = header.license
if lic:
print('Overall license: ', lic.synopsis)
# You can also retrive and set custom fields.
header['My-Special-Field'] = 'Very special'
# Find the license for a given file.
paragraph = c.find_files_paragraph('debian/rules')
if paragraph:
print('License for debian/rules: ', paragraph.license)
# Dump the result, including changes, to another file.
with io.open('debian/copyright.new', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
It is possible to build up a Copyright from scratch, by modifying the
header and using add_files_paragraph and add_license_paragraph. See the
associated method docstrings.
def __init__(self, sequence=None, encoding='utf-8'):
:param sequence: Sequence of lines, e.g. a list of strings or a
file-like object. If not specified, a blank Copyright object is
:param encoding: Encoding to use, in case input is raw byte strings.
It is recommended to use unicode objects everywhere instead, e.g.
by opening files in text mode.
NotMachineReadableError if 'sequence' does not contain a
machine-readable debian/copyright file.
super(Copyright, self).__init__()
self.__paragraphs = []
if sequence is not None:
paragraphs = list(deb822.Deb822.iter_paragraphs(
sequence=sequence, encoding=encoding))
if not paragraphs:
raise NotMachineReadableError('no paragraphs in input')
self.__header = Header(paragraphs[0])
for i in range(1, len(paragraphs)):
p = paragraphs[i]
if 'Files' in p:
p = FilesParagraph(p)
elif 'License' in p:
p = LicenseParagraph(p)
warnings.warn('Non-header paragraph has neither "Files"'
' nor "License" fields')
self.__header = Header()
def header(self):
"""The file header paragraph."""
return self.__header
def header(self, hdr):
if not isinstance(hdr, Header):
raise TypeError('value must be a Header object')
self.__header = hdr
def all_paragraphs(self):
"""Returns an iterator over all paragraphs (header, Files, License).
The header (returned first) will be returned as a Header object; file
paragraphs as FilesParagraph objects; license paragraphs as
LicenseParagraph objects.
return itertools.chain([self.header], (p for p in self.__paragraphs))
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over all paragraphs
see all_paragraphs() for more information
return self.all_paragraphs()
def all_files_paragraphs(self):
"""Returns an iterator over the contained FilesParagraph objects."""
return (p for p in self.__paragraphs if isinstance(p, FilesParagraph))
def find_files_paragraph(self, filename):
"""Returns the FilesParagraph for the given filename.
In accordance with the spec, this method returns the last FilesParagraph
that matches the filename. If no paragraphs matched, returns None.
result = None
for p in self.all_files_paragraphs():
if p.matches(filename):
result = p
return result
def add_files_paragraph(self, paragraph):
"""Adds a FilesParagraph to this object.
The paragraph is inserted directly after the last FilesParagraph (which
might be before a standalone LicenseParagraph).
if not isinstance(paragraph, FilesParagraph):
raise TypeError('paragraph must be a FilesParagraph instance')
last_i = -1
for i, p in enumerate(self.__paragraphs):
if isinstance(p, FilesParagraph):
last_i = i
self.__paragraphs.insert(last_i + 1, paragraph)
def all_license_paragraphs(self):
"""Returns an iterator over standalone LicenseParagraph objects."""
return (p for p in self.__paragraphs if isinstance(p, LicenseParagraph))
def add_license_paragraph(self, paragraph):
"""Adds a LicenceParagraph to this object.
The paragraph is inserted after any other paragraphs.
if not isinstance(paragraph, LicenseParagraph):
raise TypeError('paragraph must be a LicenseParagraph instance')
def dump(self, f=None):
"""Dumps the contents of the copyright file.
If f is None, returns a unicode object. Otherwise, writes the contents
to f, which must be a file-like object that is opened in text mode
(i.e. that accepts unicode objects directly). It is thus up to the
caller to arrange for the file to do any appropriate encoding.
return_string = False
if f is None:
return_string = True
f = io.StringIO()
self.header.dump(f, text_mode=True)
for p in self.__paragraphs:
p.dump(f, text_mode=True)
if return_string:
return f.getvalue()
def _single_line(s):
"""Returns s if it is a single line; otherwise raises ValueError."""
if '\n' in s:
raise ValueError('must be single line')
return s
class _LineBased(object):
"""Namespace for conversion methods for line-based lists as tuples."""
# TODO(jsw): Expose this somewhere else? It may have more general utility.
def from_str(s):
"""Returns the lines in 's', with whitespace stripped, as a tuple."""
return tuple(v for v in
(line.strip() for line in (s or '').strip().splitlines())
if v)
def to_str(seq):
"""Returns the sequence as a string with each element on its own line.
If 'seq' has one element, the result will be on a single line.
Otherwise, the first line will be blank.
l = list(seq)
if not l:
return None
def process_and_validate(s):
s = s.strip()
if not s:
raise ValueError('values must not be empty')
if '\n' in s:
raise ValueError('values must not contain newlines')
return s
if len(l) == 1:
return process_and_validate(l[0])
tmp = ['']
for s in l:
tmp.append(' ' + process_and_validate(s))
return '\n'.join(tmp)
class _SpaceSeparated(object):
"""Namespace for conversion methods for space-separated lists as tuples."""
# TODO(jsw): Expose this somewhere else? It may have more general utility.
_has_space = re.compile(r'\s')
def from_str(s):
"""Returns the values in s as a tuple (empty if only whitespace)."""
return tuple(v for v in (s or '').split() if v)
def to_str(cls, seq):
"""Returns the sequence as a space-separated string (None if empty)."""
l = list(seq)
if not l:
return None
tmp = []
for s in l:
if cls._has_space.search(s):
raise ValueError('values must not contain whitespace')
s = s.strip()
if not s:
raise ValueError('values must not be empty')
return ' '.join(tmp)
# TODO(jsw): Move multiline formatting/parsing elsewhere?
def format_multiline(s):
"""Formats multiline text for insertion in a Deb822 field.
Each line except for the first one is prefixed with a single space. Lines
that are blank or only whitespace are replaced with ' .'
if s is None:
return None
return format_multiline_lines(s.splitlines())
def format_multiline_lines(lines):
"""Same as format_multline, but taking input pre-split into lines."""
out_lines = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if i != 0:
if not line.strip():
line = '.'
line = ' ' + line
return '\n'.join(out_lines)
def parse_multiline(s):
"""Inverse of format_multiline.
Technically it can't be a perfect inverse, since format_multline must
replace all-whitespace lines with ' .'. Specifically, this function:
- Does nothing to the first line
- Removes first character (which must be ' ') from each proceeding line.
- Replaces any line that is '.' with an empty line.
if s is None:
return None
return '\n'.join(parse_multiline_as_lines(s))
def parse_multiline_as_lines(s):
"""Same as parse_multiline, but returns a list of lines.
(This is the inverse of format_multiline_lines.)
lines = s.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if i == 0:
if line.startswith(' '):
line = line[1:]
raise ValueError('continued line must begin with " "')
if line == '.':
line = ''
lines[i] = line
return lines
class License(collections.namedtuple('License', 'synopsis text')):
"""Represents the contents of a License field. Immutable."""
def __new__(cls, synopsis, text=''):
"""Creates a new License object.
:param synopsis: The short name of the license, or an expression giving
alternatives. (The first line of a License field.)
:param text: The full text of the license, if any (may be None). The
lines should not be mangled for "deb822"-style wrapping - i.e. they
should not have whitespace prefixes or single '.' for empty lines.
return super(License, cls).__new__(
cls, synopsis=_single_line(synopsis), text=(text or ''))
def from_str(cls, s):
if s is None:
return None
lines = parse_multiline_as_lines(s)
if not lines:
return cls('')
return cls(lines[0], text='\n'.join(itertools.islice(lines, 1, None)))
def to_str(self):
return format_multiline_lines([self.synopsis] + self.text.splitlines())
# TODO(jsw): Parse the synopsis?
# TODO(jsw): Provide methods to look up license text for known licenses?
def globs_to_re(globs):
r"""Returns an re object for the given globs.
Only * and ? wildcards are supported. Literal * and ? may be matched via
\* and \?, respectively. A literal backslash is matched \\. Any other
character after a backslash is forbidden.
Empty globs match nothing.
Raises ValueError if any of the globs is illegal.
buf = io.StringIO()
for i, glob in enumerate(globs):
if i != 0:
i = 0
n = len(glob)
while i < n:
c = glob[i]
i += 1
if c == '*':
elif c == '?':
elif c == '\\':
if i < n:
c = glob[i]
i += 1
raise ValueError('single backslash not allowed at end')
if c in r'\?*':
raise ValueError(r'invalid escape sequence: \%s' % c)
# Patterns must be anchored at the end of the string. (We use \Z instead
# of $ so that this works correctly for filenames including \n.)
return re.compile(buf.getvalue(), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
class FilesParagraph(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
"""Represents a Files paragraph of a debian/copyright file.
This kind of paragraph is used to specify the copyright and license for a
particular set of files in the package.
def __init__(self, data, _internal_validate=True):
super(FilesParagraph, self).__init__(data)
if _internal_validate:
if 'Files' not in data:
raise ValueError('"Files" field required')
# For the other "required" fields, we just warn for now. Perhaps
# these should be upgraded to exceptions (potentially protected by
# a "strict" param).
if 'Copyright' not in data:
warnings.warn('Files paragraph missing Copyright field')
if 'License' not in data:
warnings.warn('Files paragraph missing License field')
if not self.files:
warnings.warn('Files paragraph has empty Files field')
self.__cached_files_pat = (None, None)
def create(cls, files, copyright, license):
"""Create a new FilesParagraph from its required parts.
:param files: The list of file globs.
:param copyright: The copyright for the files (free-form text).
:param license: The Licence for the files.
p = cls(deb822.Deb822(), _internal_validate=False)
p.files = files
p.copyright = copyright
p.license = license
return p
def files_pattern(self):
"""Returns a regular expression equivalent to the Files globs.
Caches the result until files is set to a different value.
Raises ValueError if any of the globs are invalid.
files_str = self['files']
if self.__cached_files_pat[0] != files_str:
self.__cached_files_pat = (files_str, globs_to_re(self.files))
return self.__cached_files_pat[1]
def matches(self, filename):
"""Returns True iff filename is matched by a glob in Files."""
pat = self.files_pattern()
return pat.match(filename) is not None
files = deb822.RestrictedField(
'Files', from_str=_SpaceSeparated.from_str,
to_str=_SpaceSeparated.to_str, allow_none=False)
copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright', allow_none=False)
license = deb822.RestrictedField(
'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str,
comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')
class LicenseParagraph(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
"""Represents a standalone license paragraph of a debian/copyright file.
Minimally, this kind of paragraph requires a 'License' field and has no
'Files' field. It is used to give a short name to a license text, which
can be referred to from the header or files paragraphs.
def __init__(self, data, _internal_validate=True):
super(LicenseParagraph, self).__init__(data)
if _internal_validate:
if 'License' not in data:
raise ValueError('"License" field required')
if 'Files' in data:
raise ValueError('input appears to be a Files paragraph')
def create(cls, license):
"""Returns a LicenseParagraph with the given license."""
if not isinstance(license, License):
raise TypeError('license must be a License instance')
paragraph = cls(deb822.Deb822(), _internal_validate=False)
paragraph.license = license
return paragraph
# TODO(jsw): Validate that the synopsis of the license is a short name or
# short name with exceptions (not an alternatives expression). This
# requires help from the License class.
license = deb822.RestrictedField(
'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str,
comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')
# Hide 'Files'.
__files = deb822.RestrictedField('Files')
class Header(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
"""Represents the header paragraph of a debian/copyright file.
Property values are all immutable, such that in order to modify them you
must explicitly set them (rather than modifying a returned reference).
def __init__(self, data=None):
:param parsed: A deb822.Deb822 object for underlying data. If None, a
new one will be created.
if data is None:
data = deb822.Deb822()
data['Format'] = _CURRENT_FORMAT
if 'Format-Specification' in data:
warnings.warn('use of deprecated "Format-Specification" field;'
' rewriting as "Format"')
data['Format'] = data['Format-Specification']
del data['Format-Specification']
super(Header, self).__init__(data)
fmt = self.format
if fmt is None:
raise NotMachineReadableError(
'input is not a machine-readable debian/copyright')
if fmt not in _KNOWN_FORMATS:
warnings.warn('format not known: %r' % fmt)
def known_format(self):
"""Returns True iff the format is known."""
return self.format in _KNOWN_FORMATS
def current_format(self):
"""Returns True iff the format is the current format."""
return self.format == _CURRENT_FORMAT
format = deb822.RestrictedField(
'Format', to_str=_single_line, allow_none=False)
upstream_name = deb822.RestrictedField(
'Upstream-Name', to_str=_single_line)
upstream_contact = deb822.RestrictedField(
'Upstream-Contact', from_str=_LineBased.from_str,
source = deb822.RestrictedField('Source')
disclaimer = deb822.RestrictedField('Disclaimer')
comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')
license = deb822.RestrictedField(
'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str)
copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright')