[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Simon Feltman <sfeltman@src.gnome.org>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Bastian Winkler <buz@netbuz.org>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

import sys
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import gi.overrides
import gi.module
from gi.overrides import override, deprecated_attr
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi import PyGIDeprecationWarning

from gi import _propertyhelper as propertyhelper
from gi import _signalhelper as signalhelper
from gi import _gi

GObjectModule = gi.module.get_introspection_module('GObject')

__all__ = []

from gi import _option as option
option = option

# API aliases for backwards compatibility
for name in ['markup_escape_text', 'get_application_name',
             'set_application_name', 'get_prgname', 'set_prgname',
             'main_depth', 'filename_display_basename',
             'filename_display_name', 'filename_from_utf8',
             'MainLoop', 'MainContext', 'main_context_default',
             'source_remove', 'Source', 'Idle', 'Timeout', 'PollFD',
             'idle_add', 'timeout_add', 'timeout_add_seconds',
             'io_add_watch', 'child_watch_add', 'get_current_time',
    globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)

# deprecated constants
             'IO_IN', 'IO_OUT', 'IO_PRI', 'IO_ERR', 'IO_HUP', 'IO_NVAL',
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # TODO: this uses deprecated Glib attributes, silence for now
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', PyGIDeprecationWarning)
        globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)

for name in ['G_MININT8', 'G_MAXINT8', 'G_MAXUINT8', 'G_MININT16',
             'G_MAXINT16', 'G_MAXUINT16', 'G_MININT32', 'G_MAXINT32',
             'G_MAXUINT32', 'G_MININT64', 'G_MAXINT64', 'G_MAXUINT64']:
    new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
    globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, new_name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + new_name)

# these are not currently exported in GLib gir, presumably because they are
# platform dependent; so get them from our static bindings
    new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
    globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, new_name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + new_name)

TYPE_INVALID = GObjectModule.type_from_name('invalid')
TYPE_NONE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('void')
TYPE_INTERFACE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GInterface')
TYPE_CHAR = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gchar')
TYPE_UCHAR = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guchar')
TYPE_BOOLEAN = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gboolean')
TYPE_INT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gint')
TYPE_UINT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guint')
TYPE_LONG = GObjectModule.type_from_name('glong')
TYPE_ULONG = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gulong')
TYPE_INT64 = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gint64')
TYPE_UINT64 = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guint64')
TYPE_ENUM = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GEnum')
TYPE_FLAGS = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GFlags')
TYPE_FLOAT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gfloat')
TYPE_DOUBLE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gdouble')
TYPE_STRING = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gchararray')
TYPE_POINTER = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gpointer')
TYPE_BOXED = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GBoxed')
TYPE_PARAM = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GParam')
TYPE_OBJECT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GObject')
TYPE_PYOBJECT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('PyObject')
TYPE_GTYPE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GType')
TYPE_STRV = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GStrv')
TYPE_VARIANT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GVariant')
TYPE_GSTRING = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GString')
TYPE_VALUE = GObjectModule.Value.__gtype__
            'TYPE_UNICHAR', 'TYPE_VALUE']

# Deprecated, use GLib directly
for name in ['Pid', 'GError', 'OptionGroup', 'OptionContext']:
    globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)

# Deprecated, use: GObject.ParamFlags.* directly
    new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
    globals()[name] = getattr(GObjectModule.ParamFlags, new_name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GObject.ParamFlags." + new_name)

# PARAM_READWRITE should come from the gi module but cannot due to:
# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687615
PARAM_READWRITE = GObjectModule.ParamFlags.READABLE | \

# READWRITE is part of ParamFlags since glib 2.42. Only mark PARAM_READWRITE as
# deprecated in case ParamFlags.READWRITE is available. Also include the glib
# version in the warning so it's clear that this needs a newer glib, unlike
# the other ParamFlags related deprecations.
# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726037
if hasattr(GObjectModule.ParamFlags, "READWRITE"):
    deprecated_attr("GObject", "PARAM_READWRITE",
                    "GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE (glib 2.42+)")

# Deprecated, use: GObject.SignalFlags.* directly
    new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
    globals()[name] = getattr(GObjectModule.SignalFlags, new_name)
    deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GObject.SignalFlags." + new_name)

# Static types
GBoxed = _gi.GBoxed
GEnum = _gi.GEnum
GFlags = _gi.GFlags
GInterface = _gi.GInterface
GObject = _gi.GObject
GObjectWeakRef = _gi.GObjectWeakRef
GParamSpec = _gi.GParamSpec
GPointer = _gi.GPointer
GType = _gi.GType
Warning = _gi.Warning
__all__ += ['GBoxed', 'GEnum', 'GFlags', 'GInterface', 'GObject',
            'GObjectWeakRef', 'GParamSpec', 'GPointer', 'GType',

features = _gi.features
list_properties = _gi.list_properties
new = _gi.new
pygobject_version = _gi.pygobject_version
threads_init = GLib.threads_init
type_register = _gi.type_register
__all__ += ['features', 'list_properties', 'new',
            'pygobject_version', 'threads_init', 'type_register']

class Value(GObjectModule.Value):
    def __init__(self, value_type=None, py_value=None):
        if value_type is not None:
            if py_value is not None:

    def __del__(self):
        if self._free_on_dealloc and self.g_type != TYPE_INVALID:

        # We must call base class __del__() after unset.
        super(Value, self).__del__()

    def set_boxed(self, boxed):
        # Workaround the introspection marshalers inability to know
        # these methods should be marshaling boxed types. This is because
        # the type information is stored on the GValue.
        _gi._gvalue_set(self, boxed)

    def get_boxed(self):
        return _gi._gvalue_get(self)

    def set_value(self, py_value):
        gtype = self.g_type

        if gtype == _gi.TYPE_INVALID:
            raise TypeError("GObject.Value needs to be initialized first")
        elif gtype == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
        elif gtype == TYPE_CHAR:
        elif gtype == TYPE_UCHAR:
        elif gtype == TYPE_INT:
        elif gtype == TYPE_UINT:
        elif gtype == TYPE_LONG:
        elif gtype == TYPE_ULONG:
        elif gtype == TYPE_INT64:
        elif gtype == TYPE_UINT64:
        elif gtype == TYPE_FLOAT:
        elif gtype == TYPE_DOUBLE:
        elif gtype == TYPE_STRING:
            if isinstance(py_value, str):
                py_value = str(py_value)
            elif sys.version_info < (3, 0):
                if isinstance(py_value, unicode):
                    py_value = py_value.encode('UTF-8')
                    raise ValueError("Expected string or unicode but got %s%s" %
                                     (py_value, type(py_value)))
                raise ValueError("Expected string but got %s%s" %
                                 (py_value, type(py_value)))
        elif gtype == TYPE_PARAM:
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_ENUM):
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_FLAGS):
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_BOXED):
        elif gtype == TYPE_POINTER:
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_OBJECT):
        elif gtype == TYPE_UNICHAR:
        # elif gtype == TYPE_OVERRIDE:
        #     pass
        elif gtype == TYPE_GTYPE:
        elif gtype == TYPE_VARIANT:
        elif gtype == TYPE_PYOBJECT:
            raise TypeError("Unknown value type %s" % gtype)

    def get_value(self):
        gtype = self.g_type

        if gtype == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
            return self.get_boolean()
        elif gtype == TYPE_CHAR:
            return self.get_char()
        elif gtype == TYPE_UCHAR:
            return self.get_uchar()
        elif gtype == TYPE_INT:
            return self.get_int()
        elif gtype == TYPE_UINT:
            return self.get_uint()
        elif gtype == TYPE_LONG:
            return self.get_long()
        elif gtype == TYPE_ULONG:
            return self.get_ulong()
        elif gtype == TYPE_INT64:
            return self.get_int64()
        elif gtype == TYPE_UINT64:
            return self.get_uint64()
        elif gtype == TYPE_FLOAT:
            return self.get_float()
        elif gtype == TYPE_DOUBLE:
            return self.get_double()
        elif gtype == TYPE_STRING:
            return self.get_string()
        elif gtype == TYPE_PARAM:
            return self.get_param()
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_ENUM):
            return self.get_enum()
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_FLAGS):
            return self.get_flags()
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_BOXED):
            return self.get_boxed()
        elif gtype == TYPE_POINTER:
            return self.get_pointer()
        elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_OBJECT):
            return self.get_object()
        elif gtype == TYPE_UNICHAR:
            return self.get_uint()
        elif gtype == TYPE_GTYPE:
            return self.get_gtype()
        elif gtype == TYPE_VARIANT:
            return self.get_variant()
        elif gtype == TYPE_PYOBJECT:
            return None

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Value (%s) %s>' % (self.g_type.name, self.get_value())

Value = override(Value)

def type_from_name(name):
    type_ = GObjectModule.type_from_name(name)
    if type_ == TYPE_INVALID:
        raise RuntimeError('unknown type name: %s' % name)
    return type_


def type_parent(type_):
    parent = GObjectModule.type_parent(type_)
    if parent == TYPE_INVALID:
        raise RuntimeError('no parent for type')
    return parent


def _validate_type_for_signal_method(type_):
    if hasattr(type_, '__gtype__'):
        type_ = type_.__gtype__
    if not type_.is_instantiatable() and not type_.is_interface():
        raise TypeError('type must be instantiable or an interface, got %s' % type_)

def signal_list_ids(type_):
    return GObjectModule.signal_list_ids(type_)


def signal_list_names(type_):
    ids = signal_list_ids(type_)
    return tuple(GObjectModule.signal_name(i) for i in ids)


def signal_lookup(name, type_):
    return GObjectModule.signal_lookup(name, type_)


SignalQuery = namedtuple('SignalQuery',
                          # n_params',

def signal_query(id_or_name, type_=None):
    if type_ is not None:
        id_or_name = signal_lookup(id_or_name, type_)

    res = GObjectModule.signal_query(id_or_name)
    if res is None:
        return None

    if res.signal_id == 0:
        return None

    # Return a named tuple to allows indexing which is compatible with the
    # static bindings along with field like access of the gi struct.
    # Note however that the n_params was not returned from the static bindings
    # so we must skip over it.
    return SignalQuery(res.signal_id, res.signal_name, res.itype,
                       res.signal_flags, res.return_type,


class _HandlerBlockManager(object):
    def __init__(self, obj, handler_id):
        self.obj = obj
        self.handler_id = handler_id

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        GObjectModule.signal_handler_unblock(self.obj, self.handler_id)

def signal_handler_block(obj, handler_id):
    """Blocks the signal handler from being invoked until
    handler_unblock() is called.

    :param GObject.Object obj:
        Object instance to block handlers for.
    :param int handler_id:
        Id of signal to block.
        A context manager which optionally can be used to
        automatically unblock the handler:

    .. code-block:: python

        with GObject.signal_handler_block(obj, id):
    GObjectModule.signal_handler_block(obj, handler_id)
    return _HandlerBlockManager(obj, handler_id)


def signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, itype, force_detail_quark):
    """Parse a detailed signal name into (signal_id, detail).

    :param str detailed_signal:
        Signal name which can include detail.
        For example: "notify:prop_name"
        Tuple of (signal_id, detail)
    :raises ValueError:
        If the given signal is unknown.
    res, signal_id, detail = GObjectModule.signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, itype,
    if res:
        return signal_id, detail
        raise ValueError('%s: unknown signal name: %s' % (itype, detailed_signal))


def remove_emission_hook(obj, detailed_signal, hook_id):
    signal_id, detail = signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, obj, True)
    GObjectModule.signal_remove_emission_hook(signal_id, hook_id)


# GObject accumulators with pure Python implementations
# These return a tuple of (continue_emission, accumulation_result)

def signal_accumulator_first_wins(ihint, return_accu, handler_return, user_data=None):
    # Stop emission but return the result of the last handler
    return (False, handler_return)


def signal_accumulator_true_handled(ihint, return_accu, handler_return, user_data=None):
    # Stop emission if the last handler returns True
    return (not handler_return, handler_return)


# Statically bound signal functions which need to clobber GI (for now)

add_emission_hook = _gi.add_emission_hook
signal_new = _gi.signal_new

__all__ += ['add_emission_hook', 'signal_new']

class _FreezeNotifyManager(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

def _signalmethod(func):
    # Function wrapper for signal functions used as instance methods.
    # This is needed when the signal functions come directly from GI.
    # (they are not already wrapped)
    def meth(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return meth

class Object(GObjectModule.Object):
    def _unsupported_method(self, *args, **kargs):
        raise RuntimeError('This method is currently unsupported.')

    def _unsupported_data_method(self, *args, **kargs):
        raise RuntimeError('Data access methods are unsupported. '
                           'Use normal Python attributes instead')

    # Generic data methods are not needed in python as it can be handled
    # with standard attribute access: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=641944
    get_data = _unsupported_data_method
    get_qdata = _unsupported_data_method
    set_data = _unsupported_data_method
    steal_data = _unsupported_data_method
    steal_qdata = _unsupported_data_method
    replace_data = _unsupported_data_method
    replace_qdata = _unsupported_data_method

    # The following methods as unsupported until we verify
    # they work as gi methods.
    bind_property_full = _unsupported_method
    compat_control = _unsupported_method
    interface_find_property = _unsupported_method
    interface_install_property = _unsupported_method
    interface_list_properties = _unsupported_method
    notify_by_pspec = _unsupported_method
    run_dispose = _unsupported_method
    watch_closure = _unsupported_method

    # Make all reference management methods private but still accessible.
    _ref = GObjectModule.Object.ref
    _ref_sink = GObjectModule.Object.ref_sink
    _unref = GObjectModule.Object.unref
    _force_floating = GObjectModule.Object.force_floating

    ref = _unsupported_method
    ref_sink = _unsupported_method
    unref = _unsupported_method
    force_floating = _unsupported_method

    # The following methods are static APIs which need to leap frog the
    # gi methods until we verify the gi methods can replace them.
    get_property = _gi.GObject.get_property
    get_properties = _gi.GObject.get_properties
    set_property = _gi.GObject.set_property
    set_properties = _gi.GObject.set_properties
    bind_property = _gi.GObject.bind_property
    connect = _gi.GObject.connect
    connect_after = _gi.GObject.connect_after
    connect_object = _gi.GObject.connect_object
    connect_object_after = _gi.GObject.connect_object_after
    disconnect_by_func = _gi.GObject.disconnect_by_func
    handler_block_by_func = _gi.GObject.handler_block_by_func
    handler_unblock_by_func = _gi.GObject.handler_unblock_by_func
    emit = _gi.GObject.emit
    chain = _gi.GObject.chain
    weak_ref = _gi.GObject.weak_ref
    __copy__ = _gi.GObject.__copy__
    __deepcopy__ = _gi.GObject.__deepcopy__

    def freeze_notify(self):
        """Freezes the object's property-changed notification queue.

            A context manager which optionally can be used to
            automatically thaw notifications.

        This will freeze the object so that "notify" signals are blocked until
        the thaw_notify() method is called.

        .. code-block:: python

            with obj.freeze_notify():
        super(Object, self).freeze_notify()
        return _FreezeNotifyManager(self)

    def connect_data(self, detailed_signal, handler, *data, **kwargs):
        """Connect a callback to the given signal with optional user data.

        :param str detailed_signal:
            A detailed signal to connect to.
        :param callable handler:
            Callback handler to connect to the signal.
        :param *data:
            Variable data which is passed through to the signal handler.
        :param GObject.ConnectFlags connect_flags:
            Flags used for connection options.
            A signal id which can be used with disconnect.
        flags = kwargs.get('connect_flags', 0)
        if flags & GObjectModule.ConnectFlags.AFTER:
            connect_func = _gi.GObject.connect_after
            connect_func = _gi.GObject.connect

        if flags & GObjectModule.ConnectFlags.SWAPPED:
            if len(data) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Using GObject.ConnectFlags.SWAPPED requires exactly '
                                 'one argument for user data, got: %s' % [data])

            def new_handler(obj, *args):
                # Swap obj with the last element in args which will be the user
                # data passed to the connect function.
                args = list(args)
                swap = args.pop()
                args = args + [obj]
                return handler(swap, *args)
            new_handler = handler

        return connect_func(self, detailed_signal, new_handler, *data)

    # Aliases

    handler_block = signal_handler_block
    handler_unblock = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_unblock)
    disconnect = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_disconnect)
    handler_disconnect = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_disconnect)
    handler_is_connected = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_is_connected)
    stop_emission_by_name = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_stop_emission_by_name)

    # Deprecated Methods

    def stop_emission(self, detailed_signal):
        """Deprecated, please use stop_emission_by_name."""
        warnings.warn(self.stop_emission.__doc__, PyGIDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.stop_emission_by_name(detailed_signal)

    emit_stop_by_name = stop_emission

Object = override(Object)
GObject = Object
__all__ += ['Object', 'GObject']

class Binding(GObjectModule.Binding):
    def __call__(self):
        warnings.warn('Using parentheses (binding()) to retrieve the Binding object is no '
                      'longer needed because the binding is returned directly from "bind_property.',
                      PyGIDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self

    def unbind(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_unbound'):
            raise ValueError('binding has already been cleared out')
            setattr(self, '_unbound', True)
            super(Binding, self).unbind()

Binding = override(Binding)

Property = propertyhelper.Property
Signal = signalhelper.Signal
SignalOverride = signalhelper.SignalOverride
# Deprecated naming "property" available for backwards compatibility.
# Keep this at the end of the file to avoid clobbering the builtin.
property = Property
deprecated_attr("GObject", "property", "GObject.Property")
__all__ += ['Property', 'Signal', 'SignalOverride', 'property']


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
GIMarshallingTests.py File 2.19 KB 0644
GLib.py File 33.14 KB 0644
GObject.py File 25.43 KB 0644
Gdk.py File 15.34 KB 0644
Gio.py File 8.45 KB 0644
Gtk.py File 56.41 KB 0644
Pango.py File 1.64 KB 0644
__init__.py File 12.43 KB 0644
keysyms.py File 1.67 KB 0644