# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2010 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq@gnome.org>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import warnings
from ..overrides import override, deprecated_init
from ..module import get_introspection_module
from gi import PyGIWarning
from gi.repository import GLib
import sys
Gio = get_introspection_module('Gio')
__all__ = []
class VolumeMonitor(Gio.VolumeMonitor):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(VolumeMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=744690
"Gio.VolumeMonitor shouldn't be instantiated directly, "
"use Gio.VolumeMonitor.get() instead.",
PyGIWarning, stacklevel=2)
VolumeMonitor = override(VolumeMonitor)
class FileEnumerator(Gio.FileEnumerator):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
file_info = self.next_file(None)
if file_info is not None:
return file_info
raise StopIteration
# python 2 compat for the iter protocol
next = __next__
FileEnumerator = override(FileEnumerator)
class MenuItem(Gio.MenuItem):
def set_attribute(self, attributes):
for (name, format_string, value) in attributes:
self.set_attribute_value(name, GLib.Variant(format_string, value))
MenuItem = override(MenuItem)
class Settings(Gio.Settings):
'''Provide dictionary-like access to GLib.Settings.'''
__init__ = deprecated_init(Gio.Settings.__init__,
arg_names=('schema', 'path', 'backend'))
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.list_keys()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.list_keys())
def __bool__(self):
# for "if mysettings" we don't want a dictionary-like test here, just
# if the object isn't None
return True
# alias for Python 2.x object protocol
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __getitem__(self, key):
# get_value() aborts the program on an unknown key
if key not in self:
raise KeyError('unknown key: %r' % (key,))
return self.get_value(key).unpack()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# set_value() aborts the program on an unknown key
if key not in self:
raise KeyError('unknown key: %r' % (key,))
# determine type string of this key
range = self.get_range(key)
type_ = range.get_child_value(0).get_string()
v = range.get_child_value(1)
if type_ == 'type':
# v is boxed empty array, type of its elements is the allowed value type
type_str = v.get_child_value(0).get_type_string()
assert type_str.startswith('a')
type_str = type_str[1:]
elif type_ == 'enum':
# v is an array with the allowed values
assert v.get_child_value(0).get_type_string().startswith('a')
type_str = v.get_child_value(0).get_child_value(0).get_type_string()
allowed = v.unpack()
if value not in allowed:
raise ValueError('value %s is not an allowed enum (%s)' % (value, allowed))
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot handle allowed type range class ' + str(type_))
self.set_value(key, GLib.Variant(type_str, value))
def keys(self):
return self.list_keys()
Settings = override(Settings)
class _DBusProxyMethodCall:
'''Helper class to implement DBusProxy method calls.'''
def __init__(self, dbus_proxy, method_name):
self.dbus_proxy = dbus_proxy
self.method_name = method_name
def __async_result_handler(self, obj, result, user_data):
(result_callback, error_callback, real_user_data) = user_data
ret = obj.call_finish(result)
except Exception:
etype, e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
# return exception as value
if error_callback:
error_callback(obj, e, real_user_data)
result_callback(obj, e, real_user_data)
result_callback(obj, self._unpack_result(ret), real_user_data)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# the first positional argument is the signature, unless we are calling
# a method without arguments; then signature is implied to be '()'.
if args:
signature = args[0]
args = args[1:]
if not isinstance(signature, str):
raise TypeError('first argument must be the method signature string: %r' % signature)
signature = '()'
arg_variant = GLib.Variant(signature, tuple(args))
if 'result_handler' in kwargs:
# asynchronous call
user_data = (kwargs['result_handler'],
self.dbus_proxy.call(self.method_name, arg_variant,
kwargs.get('flags', 0), kwargs.get('timeout', -1), None,
self.__async_result_handler, user_data)
# synchronous call
result = self.dbus_proxy.call_sync(self.method_name, arg_variant,
kwargs.get('flags', 0),
kwargs.get('timeout', -1),
return self._unpack_result(result)
def _unpack_result(klass, result):
'''Convert a D-BUS return variant into an appropriate return value'''
result = result.unpack()
# to be compatible with standard Python behaviour, unbox
# single-element tuples and return None for empty result tuples
if len(result) == 1:
result = result[0]
elif len(result) == 0:
result = None
return result
class DBusProxy(Gio.DBusProxy):
'''Provide comfortable and pythonic method calls.
This marshalls the method arguments into a GVariant, invokes the
call_sync() method on the DBusProxy object, and unmarshalls the result
GVariant back into a Python tuple.
The first argument always needs to be the D-Bus signature tuple of the
method call. Example:
proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(...)
result = proxy.MyMethod('(is)', 42, 'hello')
The exception are methods which take no arguments, like
proxy.MyMethod('()'). For these you can omit the signature and just write
Optional keyword arguments:
- timeout: timeout for the call in milliseconds (default to D-Bus timeout)
- flags: Combination of Gio.DBusCallFlags.*
- result_handler: Do an asynchronous method call and invoke
result_handler(proxy_object, result, user_data) when it finishes.
- error_handler: If the asynchronous call raises an exception,
error_handler(proxy_object, exception, user_data) is called when it
finishes. If error_handler is not given, result_handler is called with
the exception object as result instead.
- user_data: Optional user data to pass to result_handler for
asynchronous calls.
Example for asynchronous calls:
def mymethod_done(proxy, result, user_data):
if isinstance(result, Exception):
# handle error
# do something with result
proxy.MyMethod('(is)', 42, 'hello',
result_handler=mymethod_done, user_data='data')
def __getattr__(self, name):
return _DBusProxyMethodCall(self, name)
DBusProxy = override(DBusProxy)