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from __future__ import absolute_import

Network introspection utilities using ioctl and the /proc filesystem.
import array
import fcntl
import socket
import struct
import errno
import logging

from twisted.python.compat import long, _PY3

__all__ = ["get_active_device_info", "get_network_traffic", "is_64"]

# from header /usr/include/bits/ioctls.h

SIOCETHTOOL = 0x8946  # As defined in include/uapi/linux/sockios.h
ETHTOOL_GSET = 0x00000001  # Get status command.

# struct definition from header /usr/include/net/if.h
# the struct size varies according to the platform arch size
# a minimal c program was used to determine the size of the
# struct, standard headers removed for brevity.
#include <linux/if.h>
int main() {
  printf("Size of struct %lu\n", sizeof(struct ifreq));


def is_64():
    """Returns C{True} if the platform is 64-bit, otherwise C{False}."""
    return struct.calcsize("l") == 8

# initialize the struct size as per the machine's architecture

def get_active_interfaces(sock):
    """Generator yields active network interface names.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    max_interfaces = 128

    # Setup an array to hold our response, and initialized to null strings.
    interfaces = array.array("B", b"\0" * max_interfaces * IF_STRUCT_SIZE)
    buffer_size = interfaces.buffer_info()[0]
    packed_bytes = struct.pack(
        "iL", max_interfaces * IF_STRUCT_SIZE, buffer_size)

    byte_length = struct.unpack(
        "iL", fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), SIOCGIFCONF, packed_bytes))[0]

    result = interfaces.tostring()

    # Generator over the interface names
    already_found = set()
    for index in range(0, byte_length, IF_STRUCT_SIZE):
        ifreq_struct = result[index:index + IF_STRUCT_SIZE]
        interface_name = ifreq_struct[:ifreq_struct.index(b"\0")]
        if interface_name not in already_found:
            yield interface_name

def get_broadcast_address(sock, interface):
    """Return the broadcast address associated to an interface.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    @param interface: The name of the interface.
    return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
        struct.pack("256s", interface[:15]))[20:24])

def get_netmask(sock, interface):
    """Return the network mask associated to an interface.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    @param interface: The name of the interface.
    return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
        struct.pack("256s", interface[:15]))[20:24])

def get_ip_address(sock, interface):
    """Return the IP address associated to the interface.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    @param interface: The name of the interface.
    return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
        struct.pack("256s", interface[:15]))[20:24])

def get_mac_address(sock, interface):
    Return the hardware MAC address for an interface in human friendly form,
    ie. six colon separated groups of two hexadecimal digits.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    @param interface: The name of the interface.
    mac_address = fcntl.ioctl(
        sock.fileno(), SIOCGIFHWADDR, struct.pack("256s", interface[:15]))
    if _PY3:
        def to_int(char):
            # We have already bytes, so we do nothing
            return char
        def to_int(char):
            # We have a string in python 2 and need the int here.
            return ord(char)
    return "".join(["%02x:" % to_int(char)
                    for char in mac_address[18:24]])[:-1]

def get_flags(sock, interface):
    """Return the integer value of the interface flags for the given interface.

    @param sock: a socket instance.
    @param interface: The name of the interface.
    @see /usr/include/linux/if.h for the meaning of the flags.
    data = fcntl.ioctl(
        sock.fileno(), SIOCGIFFLAGS, struct.pack("256s", interface[:15]))
    return struct.unpack("H", data[16:18])[0]

def get_active_device_info(skipped_interfaces=("lo",),
                           skip_vlan=True, skip_alias=True):
    Returns a dictionary containing information on each active network
    interface present on a machine.
    results = []
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM,
        for interface in get_active_interfaces(sock):
            if _PY3:
                interface_string = interface.decode("ascii")
                interface_string = interface
            if interface_string in skipped_interfaces:
            if skip_vlan and b"." in interface:
            if skip_alias and b":" in interface:
            # We keep values as byte strings for use in struct.pack() in
            # different getter methods, and only use the decoded value of the
            # interface name here.
            interface_info = {"interface": interface_string}
            interface_info["ip_address"] = get_ip_address(sock, interface)
            interface_info["mac_address"] = get_mac_address(sock, interface)
            interface_info["broadcast_address"] = get_broadcast_address(
                sock, interface)
            interface_info["netmask"] = get_netmask(sock, interface)
            interface_info["flags"] = get_flags(sock, interface)
            speed, duplex = get_network_interface_speed(sock, interface)
            interface_info["speed"] = speed
            interface_info["duplex"] = duplex
        del sock

    return results

def get_network_traffic(source_file="/proc/net/dev"):
    Retrieves an array of information regarding the network activity per
    network interface.
    with open(source_file, "r") as netdev:
        lines = netdev.readlines()

    # Parse out the column headers as keys.
    _, receive_columns, transmit_columns = lines[1].split("|")
    columns = ["recv_%s" % column for column in receive_columns.split()]
    columns.extend(["send_%s" % column for column in transmit_columns.split()])

    # Parse out the network devices.
    devices = {}
    for line in lines[2:]:
        if ":" not in line:
        device, data = line.split(":")
        device = device.strip()
        devices[device] = dict(zip(columns, map(long, data.split())))
    return devices

def get_fqdn():
    Return the current fqdn of the machine, trying hard to return a meaningful

    In particular, it means working against a NetworkManager bug which seems to
    make C{getfqdn} return localhost6.localdomain6 for machine without a domain
    since Maverick.
    fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
    if "localhost" in fqdn:
        # Try the heavy artillery
        fqdn = socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), None, socket.AF_INET,
                                  socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_IP,
        if "localhost" in fqdn:
            # Another fallback
            fqdn = socket.gethostname()
    return fqdn

def get_network_interface_speed(sock, interface_name):
    Return the ethernet device's advertised link speed.

    The return value can be one of:
        * 10, 100, 1000, 2500, 10000: The interface speed in Mbps
        * -1: The interface does not support querying for max speed, such as
          virtio devices for instance.
        * 0: The cable is not connected to the interface. We cannot measure
          interface speed, but could if it was plugged in.
    cmd_struct = struct.pack("I39s", ETHTOOL_GSET, b"\x00" * 39)
    status_cmd = array.array("B", cmd_struct)
    packed = struct.pack("16sP", interface_name, status_cmd.buffer_info()[0])

    speed = -1
        fcntl.ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, packed)  # Status ioctl() call
        res = status_cmd.tostring()
        speed, duplex = struct.unpack("12xHB28x", res)
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
            logging.warn("Could not determine network interface speed, "
                         "operation not permitted.")
        elif e.errno != errno.EOPNOTSUPP:
            raise e
        speed = -1
        duplex = False

    # Drivers apparently report speed as 65535 when the link is not available
    # (cable unplugged for example).
    if speed == 65535:
        speed = 0

    # The drivers report "duplex" to be 255 when the information is not
    # available. We'll just assume it's False in that case.
    if duplex == 255:
        duplex = False
    duplex = bool(duplex)

    return speed, duplex


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