from landscape.lib.schema import KeyDict, Float, Bytes, Constant, Any
class Message(KeyDict):
Like L{KeyDict}, but with three predefined keys: C{type}, C{api},
and C{timestamp}. Of these, C{api} and C{timestamp} are optional.
@param type: The type of the message. The C{type} key will need to
match this as a constant.
@param schema: A dict of additional schema in a format L{KeyDict}
will accept.
@param optional: An optional list of keys that should be optional.
@param api: The server API version needed to send this message,
if C{None} any version is fine.
def __init__(self, type, schema, optional=None, api=None):
self.type = type
self.api = api
schema["timestamp"] = Float()
schema["api"] = Any(Bytes(), Constant(None))
schema["type"] = Constant(type)
if optional is not None:
optional.extend(["timestamp", "api"])
optional = ["timestamp", "api"]
super(Message, self).__init__(schema, optional=optional)
def coerce(self, value):
for k in list(value.keys()):
if k not in self.schema:
# We don't know about this field, just discard it. This
# is useful when a client that introduced some new field
# in a message talks to an older server, that don't understand
# the new field yet.
return super(Message, self).coerce(value)