[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
APP_VERSION = "3.13.0"
LOGGER_NAME = "protonvpn-cli"

Proton VPN CLI v{}

For bugs and errors, please use the form https://protonvpn.com/support-form
or send a report to support@protonvpn.com.

usage:  protonvpn-cli [--version | --help] <command>

    login               Login with Proton VPN credentials.
    logout              Disconnect, remove Proton VPN connection and logout.
    c, connect          Connect to Proton VPN.
    d, disconnect       Disconnect from Proton VPN.
    s, status           Show connection status.
    r, reconnect        Reconnect to previously connected server.
    config              Configure user settings.
    ks, killswitch      Configure Kill Switch settings.
    ns, netshield       Configure NetShield settings.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help          Display help message.
    -v, --version       Display versions.
    --get-logs          Get Proton VPN logs.

    protonvpn-cli login
    protonvpn-cli login --help
    protonvpn-cli logout
    protonvpn-cli (c | connect)
    protonvpn-cli (c | connect) --help
    protonvpn-cli (d | disconnect)
    protonvpn-cli (s | status)
    protonvpn-cli (r | reconnect)
    protonvpn-cli config
    protonvpn-cli config --help
    protonvpn-cli (-h | --help)
    protonvpn-cli (-v | --version)
    protonvpn-cli --get-logs

usage:  protonvpn-cli login [-h | --help] <pvpn_username>

positional arguments:
    <pvpn_username> Proton VPN Username

optional arguments:
    -h, --help      Display help message.

    protonvpn-cli login pvpn_username
    protonvpn-cli login --help

usage:  protonvpn-cli (c | connect) [-h | --help] 
        [[<servername> | [-f | --fastest] | [-r | --random] | --cc | --sc | --p2p | --tor] [-p | --protocol] <protocol>]]

positional arguments:
    <servername>    Directly connecto to
                    specified server (ie: CH#4, CH-US-1, HK5-Tor).

optional arguments:
    -f, --fastest   Connect to the fastest Proton VPN server.
    -r, --random    Connect to a random Proton VPN server.
    --cc            Connect to the specified country code (SE, PT, BR, AR).
    --sc            Connect to the fastest Secure-Core server.
    --p2p           Connect to the fastest P2P server.
    --tor           Connect to the fastest Tor server.
    -p , --protocol Connect via specified protocol.
    -h, --help      Display help message.

    protonvpn-cli connect PT#8 -p tcp
    protonvpn-cli connect --fastest --protocol udp
    protonvpn-cli c --cc PT -p tcp
    protonvpn-cli c --sc
    protonvpn-cli c --p2p -p tcp
    protonvpn-cli connect --tor
    protonvpn-cli c --random --protocol udp
    protonvpn-cli c --help

usage:  protonvpn-cli config [-h | --help]
        [[--list | -l] | --dns <command> [--ip <IP>] | [-p | --protocol] <protocol> | [-d | --default] | --vpn-accelerator | --alt-routing]

optional arguments:
    --dns <command>     Change DNS configurations
                        (custom | automatic).
    --ip                Custom DNS IP (max 3 IPs).
    -l, --list          List all configurations.
    -p, --protocol      Change default protocol.
    -d, --default       Reset to default configurations.
    --alt-routing       Change alternative routing preference.
    --moderate-nat      Change Moderate NAT preference.
                        If disabled then strict NAT is applied.
    --non-standard-ports Change Non Standard Ports preference.
                        If disabled then a limited ammount of ports will be used for improved security.
    --vpn-accelerator   VPN Accelerator enables a set of unique performance
                        enhancing technologies which can increase VPN speeds by up to 400%.
    -h, --help          Display help message.

    protonvpn-cli config --dns automatic
    protonvpn-cli config --dns custom --ip
    protonvpn-cli config (-l | --list)
    protonvpn-cli config -p tcp
    protonvpn-cli config --protocol udp
    protonvpn-cli config --vpn-accelerator enable
    protonvpn-cli config --alt-routing enable
    protonvpn-cli config --moderate-nat disable
    protonvpn-cli config (-d | --default)
    protonvpn-cli config --help
""" # noqa

KS_HELP = """
usage:  protonvpn-cli (ks | killswitch) [-h | --help]
        [--on | --off | --permanent]

optional arguments:
    --on            Start Kill Switch upon connecting to VPN
                    and stop it when disconnecting from VPN.
    --off           Stop and remove Kill Switch.
    --permanent     Start Kill Switch regardless of VPN connection.
                    Warning: This takes effect immediatly and you
                    might end up without internet connection.
                    Either connect to VPN or turn the ks off.
    -h, --help      Display help message.

    protonvpn-cli (ks | killswitch) --on
    protonvpn-cli (ks | killswitch) --off
    protonvpn-cli (ks | killswitch) --permanent
    protonvpn-cli (ks | killswitch) --help

usage:  protonvpn-cli (ns | netshield) [-h | --help]
        [--off | --malware | --ads-malware]

optional arguments:
    --off           Disable NetShield.
    --malware       Block malware.
    --ads-malware   Block malware, ads, & trackers
    -h, --help      Display help message.

    protonvpn-cli (ns | netshield) --malware
    protonvpn-cli (ns | netshield) --ads-malware
    protonvpn-cli (ns | netshield) --off
    protonvpn-cli (ns | netshield) --help


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
cli.py File 11.7 KB 0644
cli_dialog.py File 6.49 KB 0644
cli_wrapper.py File 36.83 KB 0644
constants.py File 5.46 KB 0644
logger.py File 1.25 KB 0644
main.py File 584 B 0644