[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
Monkey patching of distutils.

import sys
import distutils.filelist
import platform
import types
import functools
from importlib import import_module
import inspect

from setuptools.extern import six

import setuptools

__all__ = []
Everything is private. Contact the project team
if you think you need this functionality.

def _get_mro(cls):
    Returns the bases classes for cls sorted by the MRO.

    Works around an issue on Jython where inspect.getmro will not return all
    base classes if multiple classes share the same name. Instead, this
    function will return a tuple containing the class itself, and the contents
    of cls.__bases__. See https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1024.
    if platform.python_implementation() == "Jython":
        return (cls,) + cls.__bases__
    return inspect.getmro(cls)

def get_unpatched(item):
    lookup = (
        get_unpatched_class if isinstance(item, six.class_types) else
        get_unpatched_function if isinstance(item, types.FunctionType) else
        lambda item: None
    return lookup(item)

def get_unpatched_class(cls):
    """Protect against re-patching the distutils if reloaded

    Also ensures that no other distutils extension monkeypatched the distutils
    external_bases = (
        for cls in _get_mro(cls)
        if not cls.__module__.startswith('setuptools')
    base = next(external_bases)
    if not base.__module__.startswith('distutils'):
        msg = "distutils has already been patched by %r" % cls
        raise AssertionError(msg)
    return base

def patch_all():
    # we can't patch distutils.cmd, alas
    distutils.core.Command = setuptools.Command

    has_issue_12885 = sys.version_info <= (3, 5, 3)

    if has_issue_12885:
        # fix findall bug in distutils (http://bugs.python.org/issue12885)
        distutils.filelist.findall = setuptools.findall

    needs_warehouse = (
        sys.version_info < (2, 7, 13)
        (3, 0) < sys.version_info < (3, 3, 7)
        (3, 4) < sys.version_info < (3, 4, 6)
        (3, 5) < sys.version_info <= (3, 5, 3)

    if needs_warehouse:
        warehouse = 'https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/'
        distutils.config.PyPIRCCommand.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY = warehouse


    # Install Distribution throughout the distutils
    for module in distutils.dist, distutils.core, distutils.cmd:
        module.Distribution = setuptools.dist.Distribution

    # Install the patched Extension
    distutils.core.Extension = setuptools.extension.Extension
    distutils.extension.Extension = setuptools.extension.Extension
    if 'distutils.command.build_ext' in sys.modules:
        sys.modules['distutils.command.build_ext'].Extension = (


def _patch_distribution_metadata_write_pkg_file():
    """Patch write_pkg_file to also write Requires-Python/Requires-External"""
    distutils.dist.DistributionMetadata.write_pkg_file = (

def _patch_distribution_metadata_write_pkg_info():
    Workaround issue #197 - Python 3 prior to 3.2.2 uses an environment-local
    encoding to save the pkg_info. Monkey-patch its write_pkg_info method to
    correct this undesirable behavior.
    environment_local = (3,) <= sys.version_info[:3] < (3, 2, 2)
    if not environment_local:

    distutils.dist.DistributionMetadata.write_pkg_info = (

def patch_func(replacement, target_mod, func_name):
    Patch func_name in target_mod with replacement

    Important - original must be resolved by name to avoid
    patching an already patched function.
    original = getattr(target_mod, func_name)

    # set the 'unpatched' attribute on the replacement to
    # point to the original.
    vars(replacement).setdefault('unpatched', original)

    # replace the function in the original module
    setattr(target_mod, func_name, replacement)

def get_unpatched_function(candidate):
    return getattr(candidate, 'unpatched')

def patch_for_msvc_specialized_compiler():
    Patch functions in distutils to use standalone Microsoft Visual C++
    # import late to avoid circular imports on Python < 3.5
    msvc = import_module('setuptools.msvc')

    if platform.system() != 'Windows':
        # Compilers only availables on Microsoft Windows

    def patch_params(mod_name, func_name):
        Prepare the parameters for patch_func to patch indicated function.
        repl_prefix = 'msvc9_' if 'msvc9' in mod_name else 'msvc14_'
        repl_name = repl_prefix + func_name.lstrip('_')
        repl = getattr(msvc, repl_name)
        mod = import_module(mod_name)
        if not hasattr(mod, func_name):
            raise ImportError(func_name)
        return repl, mod, func_name

    # Python 2.7 to 3.4
    msvc9 = functools.partial(patch_params, 'distutils.msvc9compiler')

    # Python 3.5+
    msvc14 = functools.partial(patch_params, 'distutils._msvccompiler')

        # Patch distutils.msvc9compiler
    except ImportError:

        # Patch distutils._msvccompiler._get_vc_env
    except ImportError:

        # Patch distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options for Numpy
    except ImportError:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_vendor Folder 0755
command Folder 0755
extern Folder 0755
__init__.py File 5.57 KB 0644
archive_util.py File 6.44 KB 0644
build_meta.py File 5.54 KB 0644
cli-32.exe File 64 KB 0644
cli-64.exe File 73 KB 0644
cli.exe File 64 KB 0644
config.py File 16 KB 0644
dep_util.py File 935 B 0644
depends.py File 5.7 KB 0644
dist.py File 41.53 KB 0644
extension.py File 1.69 KB 0644
glibc.py File 3.07 KB 0644
glob.py File 5.08 KB 0644
gui-32.exe File 64 KB 0644
gui-64.exe File 73.5 KB 0644
gui.exe File 64 KB 0644
launch.py File 787 B 0644
lib2to3_ex.py File 1.97 KB 0644
monkey.py File 5.65 KB 0644
msvc.py File 39.92 KB 0644
namespaces.py File 3.12 KB 0644
package_index.py File 39.21 KB 0644
pep425tags.py File 10.63 KB 0644
py27compat.py File 536 B 0644
py31compat.py File 1.16 KB 0644
py33compat.py File 1.15 KB 0644
py36compat.py File 2.82 KB 0644
sandbox.py File 13.94 KB 0644
script (dev).tmpl File 201 B 0644
script.tmpl File 138 B 0644
site-patch.py File 2.25 KB 0644
ssl_support.py File 8.29 KB 0644
unicode_utils.py File 996 B 0644
version.py File 144 B 0644
wheel.py File 7.06 KB 0644
windows_support.py File 714 B 0644