# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
import logging
import os
import shutil
import stat
import tarfile
import re
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from sos.utilities import file_is_binary
# python older than 3.8 will hit a pickling error when we go to spawn a new
# process for extraction if this method is a part of the SoSObfuscationArchive
# class. So, the simplest solution is to remove it from the class.
def extract_archive(archive_path, tmpdir):
archive = tarfile.open(archive_path)
path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'cleaner')
return os.path.join(path, archive.name.split('/')[-1].split('.tar')[0])
class SoSObfuscationArchive():
"""A representation of an extracted archive or an sos archive build
directory which is used by SoSCleaner.
Each archive that needs to be obfuscated is loaded into an instance of this
class. All report-level operations should be contained within this class.
file_sub_list = []
total_sub_count = 0
removed_file_count = 0
type_name = 'undetermined'
description = 'undetermined'
is_nested = False
skip_files = []
prep_files = {}
def __init__(self, archive_path, tmpdir):
self.archive_path = archive_path
self.final_archive_path = self.archive_path
self.tmpdir = tmpdir
self.archive_name = self.archive_path.split('/')[-1].split('.tar')[0]
self.ui_name = self.archive_name
self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
self.skip_list = self._load_skip_list()
self.is_extracted = False
self.archive_root = ''
"Loaded %s as type %s"
% (self.archive_path, self.description)
def check_is_type(cls, arc_path):
"""Check if the archive is a well-known type we directly support"""
return False
def _load_self(self):
if self.is_tarfile:
self.tarobj = tarfile.open(self.archive_path)
def get_nested_archives(self):
"""Return a list of ObfuscationArchives that represent additional
archives found within the target archive. For example, an archive from
`sos collect` will return a list of ``SoSReportArchive`` objects.
This should be overridden by individual types of ObfuscationArchive's
return []
def get_archive_root(self):
"""Set the root path for the archive that should be prepended to any
filenames given to methods in this class.
if self.is_tarfile:
toplevel = self.tarobj.firstmember
if toplevel.isdir():
return toplevel.name
return os.sep
return os.path.abspath(self.archive_path)
def report_msg(self, msg):
"""Helper to easily format ui messages on a per-report basis"""
self.ui_log.info("{:<50} {}".format(self.ui_name + ' :', msg))
def _fmt_log_msg(self, msg):
return "[cleaner:%s] %s" % (self.archive_name, msg)
def log_debug(self, msg):
def log_info(self, msg):
def _load_skip_list(self):
"""Provide a list of files and file regexes to skip obfuscation on
Returns: list of files and file regexes
return [
def is_tarfile(self):
return tarfile.is_tarfile(self.archive_path)
except Exception:
return False
def remove_file(self, fname):
"""Remove a file from the archive. This is used when cleaner encounters
a binary file, which we cannot reliably obfuscate.
full_fname = self.get_file_path(fname)
# don't call a blank remove() here
if full_fname:
self.log_info("Removing binary file '%s' from archive" % fname)
self.removed_file_count += 1
def format_file_name(self, fname):
"""Based on the type of archive we're dealing with, do whatever that
archive requires to a provided **relative** filepath to be able to
access it within the archive
if not self.is_extracted:
if not self.archive_root:
self.archive_root = self.get_archive_root()
return os.path.join(self.archive_root, fname)
return os.path.join(self.extracted_path, fname)
def get_file_content(self, fname):
"""Return the content from the specified fname. Particularly useful for
tarball-type archives so we can retrieve prep file contents prior to
extracting the entire archive
if self.is_extracted is False and self.is_tarfile:
filename = self.format_file_name(fname)
return self.tarobj.extractfile(filename).read().decode('utf-8')
except KeyError:
"Unable to retrieve %s: no such file in archive" % fname
return ''
with open(self.format_file_name(fname), 'r') as to_read:
return to_read.read()
def extract(self, quiet=False):
if self.is_tarfile:
if not quiet:
self.extracted_path = self.extract_self()
self.is_extracted = True
self.extracted_path = self.archive_path
# if we're running as non-root (e.g. collector), then we can have a
# situation where a particular path has insufficient permissions for
# us to rewrite the contents and/or add it to the ending tarfile.
# Unfortunately our only choice here is to change the permissions
# that were preserved during report collection
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.log_debug('Verifying permissions of archive contents')
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
for _dir in dirs:
_dirname = os.path.join(dirname, _dir)
_dir_perms = os.stat(_dirname).st_mode
os.chmod(_dirname, _dir_perms | stat.S_IRWXU)
for filename in files:
fname = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
# protect against symlink race conditions
if not os.path.exists(fname) or os.path.islink(fname):
if (not os.access(fname, os.R_OK) or not
os.access(fname, os.W_OK)):
"Adding owner rw permissions to %s"
% fname.split(self.archive_path)[-1]
os.chmod(fname, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
except Exception as err:
self.log_debug("Error while trying to set perms: %s" % err)
self.log_debug("Extracted path is %s" % self.extracted_path)
def rename_top_dir(self, new_name):
"""Rename the top-level directory to new_name, which should be an
obfuscated string that scrubs the hostname from the top-level dir
which would be named after the unobfuscated sos report
_path = self.extracted_path.replace(self.archive_name, new_name)
self.archive_name = new_name
os.rename(self.extracted_path, _path)
self.extracted_path = _path
def get_compression(self):
"""Return the compression type used by the archive, if any. This is
then used by SoSCleaner to generate a policy-derived compression
command to repack the archive
if self.is_tarfile:
if self.archive_path.endswith('xz'):
return 'xz'
return 'gz'
return None
def build_tar_file(self, method):
"""Pack the extracted archive as a tarfile to then be re-compressed
mode = 'w'
tarpath = self.extracted_path + '-obfuscated.tar'
compr_args = {}
if method:
mode += ":%s" % method
tarpath += ".%s" % method
if method == 'xz':
compr_args = {'preset': 3}
compr_args = {'compresslevel': 6}
self.log_debug("Building tar file %s" % tarpath)
tar = tarfile.open(tarpath, mode=mode, **compr_args)
return tarpath
def compress(self, method):
"""Execute the compression command, and set the appropriate final
archive path for later reference by SoSCleaner on a per-archive basis
self.final_archive_path = self.build_tar_file(method)
except Exception as err:
self.log_debug("Exception while re-compressing archive: %s" % err)
self.log_debug("Compressed to %s" % self.final_archive_path)
except Exception as err:
self.log_debug("Failed to remove extraction directory: %s" % err)
self.report_msg('Failed to remove temporary extraction directory')
def remove_extracted_path(self):
"""After the tarball has been re-compressed, remove the extracted path
so that we don't take up that duplicate space any longer during
def force_delete_file(action, name, exc):
os.chmod(name, stat.S_IWUSR)
if os.path.isfile(name):
self.log_debug("Removing %s" % self.extracted_path)
shutil.rmtree(self.extracted_path, onerror=force_delete_file)
def extract_self(self):
"""Extract an archive into our tmpdir so that we may inspect it or
iterate through its contents for obfuscation
with ProcessPoolExecutor(1) as _pool:
_path_future = _pool.submit(extract_archive,
self.archive_path, self.tmpdir)
path = _path_future.result()
return path
def get_symlinks(self):
"""Iterator for a list of symlinks in the archive"""
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
for _dir in dirs:
_dirpath = os.path.join(dirname, _dir)
if os.path.islink(_dirpath):
yield _dirpath
for filename in files:
_fname = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if os.path.islink(_fname):
yield _fname
def get_file_list(self):
"""Iterator for a list of files in the archive, to allow clean to
iterate over.
Will not include symlinks, as those are handled separately
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
for filename in files:
_fname = os.path.join(dirname, filename.lstrip('/'))
if os.path.islink(_fname):
yield _fname
def get_directory_list(self):
"""Return a list of all directories within the archive"""
dir_list = []
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(self.extracted_path):
return dir_list
def update_sub_count(self, fname, count):
"""Called when a file has finished being parsed and used to track
total substitutions made and number of files that had changes made
self.total_sub_count += count
def get_file_path(self, fname):
"""Return the filepath of a specific file within the archive so that
it may be selectively inspected if it exists
_path = os.path.join(self.extracted_path, fname.lstrip('/'))
return _path if os.path.exists(_path) else ''
def should_skip_file(self, filename):
"""Checks the provided filename against a list of filepaths to not
perform obfuscation on, as defined in self.skip_list
Positional arguments:
:param filename str: Filename relative to the extracted
archive root
if (not os.path.isfile(self.get_file_path(filename)) and not
return True
for _skip in self.skip_list:
if filename.startswith(_skip) or re.match(_skip, filename):
return True
return False
def should_remove_file(self, fname):
"""Determine if the file should be removed or not, due to an inability
to reliably obfuscate that file based on the filename.
:param fname: Filename relative to the extracted archive root
:type fname: ``str``
:returns: ``True`` if the file cannot be reliably obfuscated
:rtype: ``bool``
obvious_removes = [
r'.*\.gz$', # TODO: support flat gz/xz extraction
r'.*\.tar\..*', # TODO: support archive unpacking
# if the filename matches, it is obvious we can remove them without
# doing the read test
for _arc_reg in obvious_removes:
if re.match(_arc_reg, fname):
return True
_full_path = self.get_file_path(fname)
if os.path.isfile(_full_path):
return file_is_binary(_full_path)
# don't fail on dir-level symlinks
return False
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