# Copyright (C) Steve Conklin <sconklin@redhat.com>
# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
import json
import os
import sys
import re
from sos.report.plugins import RedHatPlugin
from sos.presets.redhat import (RHEL_PRESETS, ATOMIC_PRESETS, RHV, RHEL,
from sos.policies.distros import LinuxPolicy, ENV_HOST_SYSROOT
from sos.policies.package_managers.rpm import RpmPackageManager
from sos.utilities import bold
from sos import _sos as _
import requests
except ImportError:
OS_RELEASE = "/etc/os-release"
RHEL_RELEASE_STR = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
distro = "Red Hat"
vendor = "Red Hat"
vendor_urls = [
('Distribution Website', 'https://www.redhat.com/'),
('Commercial Support', 'https://www.access.redhat.com/')
_tmp_dir = "/var/tmp"
_in_container = False
default_scl_prefix = '/opt/rh'
name_pattern = 'friendly'
upload_url = None
upload_user = None
default_container_runtime = 'podman'
sos_pkg_name = 'sos'
sos_bin_path = '/usr/sbin'
def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
super(RedHatPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
self.usrmove = False
self.package_manager = RpmPackageManager(chroot=self.sysroot,
self.valid_subclasses += [RedHatPlugin]
self.pkgs = self.package_manager.packages
# If rpm query failed, exit
if not self.pkgs:
sys.stderr.write("Could not obtain installed package list")
self.usrmove = self.check_usrmove(self.pkgs)
if self.usrmove:
self.PATH = "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
self.PATH = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/bin"
self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/sbin"
if not self.remote_exec:
def check(cls, remote=''):
"""This method checks to see if we are running on Red Hat. It must be
overriden by concrete subclasses to return True when running on a
Fedora, RHEL or other Red Hat distribution or False otherwise.
If `remote` is provided, it should be the contents of a remote host's
os-release, or comparable, file to be used in place of the locally
available one.
return False
def display_distro_help(cls, section):
if cls is not RedHatPolicy:
super(RedHatPolicy, cls).display_distro_help(section)
'This policy is a building block for all other Red Hat family '
'distributions. You are likely looking for one of the '
'distributions listed below.\n'
subs = {
'centos': CentOsPolicy,
'rhel': RHELPolicy,
'redhatcoreos': RedHatCoreOSPolicy,
'fedora': FedoraPolicy
for subc in subs:
subln = bold("policies.%s" % subc)
"{:>8}{:<35}{:<30}".format(' ', subln, subs[subc].distro),
def check_usrmove(self, pkgs):
"""Test whether the running system implements UsrMove.
If the 'filesystem' package is present, it will check that the
version is greater than 3. If the package is not present the
'/bin' and '/sbin' paths are checked and UsrMove is assumed
if both are symbolic links.
:param pkgs: a packages dictionary
if 'filesystem' not in pkgs:
return os.path.islink('/bin') and os.path.islink('/sbin')
filesys_version = pkgs['filesystem']['version']
return True if filesys_version[0] == '3' else False
def mangle_package_path(self, files):
"""Mangle paths for post-UsrMove systems.
If the system implements UsrMove, all files will be in
'/usr/[s]bin'. This method substitutes all the /[s]bin
references in the 'files' list with '/usr/[s]bin'.
:param files: the list of package managed files
paths = []
def transform_path(path):
# Some packages actually own paths in /bin: in this case,
# duplicate the path as both the / and /usr version.
skip_paths = ["/bin/rpm", "/bin/mailx"]
if path in skip_paths:
return (path, os.path.join("/usr", path[1:]))
return (re.sub(r'(^)(/s?bin)', r'\1/usr\2', path),)
if self.usrmove:
for f in files:
return paths
return files
def get_tmp_dir(self, opt_tmp_dir):
if not opt_tmp_dir:
return self._tmp_dir
return opt_tmp_dir
# Legal disclaimer text for Red Hat products
disclaimer_text = """
Any information provided to %(vendor)s will be treated in \
accordance with the published support policies at:\n
The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive \
and its content should be reviewed by the originating \
organization before being passed to any third party.
No changes will be made to system configuration.
RH_API_HOST = "https://api.access.redhat.com"
RH_SFTP_HOST = "sftp://sftp.access.redhat.com"
class RHELPolicy(RedHatPolicy):
The RHEL policy is used specifically for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, of
any release, and not forks or derivative distributions. For example, this
policy will be loaded for any RHEL 8 installation, but will not be loaded
for CentOS Stream 8 or Red Hat CoreOS, for which there are separate
Plugins activated by installed packages will only be activated if those
packages are installed via RPM (dnf/yum inclusive). Packages installed by
other means are not considered by this policy.
By default, --upload will be directed to using the SFTP location provided
by Red Hat for technical support cases. Users who provide login credentials
for their Red Hat Customer Portal account will have their archives uploaded
to a user-specific directory.
If users provide those credentials as well as a case number, --upload will
instead attempt to directly upload archives to the referenced case, thus
streamlining the process of providing data to technical support engineers.
If either or both of the credentials or case number are omitted or are
incorrect, then a temporary anonymous user will be used for upload to the
SFTP server, and users will need to provide that information to their
technical support engineer. This information will be printed at the end of
the upload process for any sos report execution.
vendor = "Red Hat"
msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system and installed \
An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")
_upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
_upload_method = 'post'
def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
super(RHELPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
def check(cls, remote=''):
"""Test to see if the running host is a RHEL installation.
Checks for the presence of the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
release string at the beginning of the NAME field in the
`/etc/os-release` file and returns ``True`` if it is
found, and ``False`` otherwise.
:returns: ``True`` if the host is running RHEL or ``False``
if remote:
return cls.distro in remote
if not os.path.exists(OS_RELEASE):
return False
with open(OS_RELEASE, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("NAME"):
(name, value) = line.split("=")
value = value.strip("\"'")
if value.startswith(cls.distro):
return True
return False
def prompt_for_upload_user(self):
if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_user:
# Not using the default, so don't call this prompt for RHCP
if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_url:
super(RHELPolicy, self).prompt_for_upload_user()
if self.case_id and not self.get_upload_user():
self.upload_user = input(_(
"Enter your Red Hat Customer Portal username for uploading ["
"empty for anonymous SFTP]: ")
def get_upload_url(self):
if self.upload_url:
return self.upload_url
elif self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_url:
return self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_url
elif self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_protocol == 'sftp':
rh_case_api = "/support/v1/cases/%s/attachments"
return RH_API_HOST + rh_case_api % self.case_id
def _get_upload_headers(self):
if self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_API_HOST):
return {'isPrivate': 'false', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}
return {}
def get_upload_url_string(self):
if self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_API_HOST):
return "Red Hat Customer Portal"
elif self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_SFTP_HOST):
return "Red Hat Secure FTP"
return self.upload_url
def _get_sftp_upload_name(self):
"""The RH SFTP server will only automatically connect file uploads to
cases if the filename _starts_ with the case number
fname = self.upload_archive_name.split('/')[-1]
if self.case_id:
fname = "%s_%s" % (self.case_id, fname)
if self.upload_directory:
fname = os.path.join(self.upload_directory, fname)
return fname
def upload_sftp(self):
"""Override the base upload_sftp to allow for setting an on-demand
generated anonymous login for the RH SFTP server if a username and
password are not given
if RH_SFTP_HOST.split('//')[1] not in self.get_upload_url():
return super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_sftp()
raise Exception("python3-requests is not installed and is required"
" for obtaining SFTP auth token.")
_token = None
_user = None
url = RH_API_HOST + '/support/v2/sftp/token'
# we have a username and password, but we need to reset the password
# to be the token returned from the auth endpoint
if self.get_upload_user() and self.get_upload_password():
auth = self.get_upload_https_auth()
ret = requests.post(url, auth=auth, timeout=10)
if ret.status_code == 200:
# credentials are valid
_user = self.get_upload_user()
_token = json.loads(ret.text)['token']
print("Unable to retrieve Red Hat auth token using provided "
"credentials. Will try anonymous.")
# we either do not have a username or password/token, or both
if not _token:
adata = {"isAnonymous": True}
anon = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(adata), timeout=10)
if anon.status_code == 200:
resp = json.loads(anon.text)
_user = resp['username']
_token = resp['token']
"User '%s'" # lgtm [py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data]
"used for anonymous upload. Please inform your support "
"engineer so they may retrieve the data."
% _user
if _user and _token:
return super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_sftp(user=_user,
raise Exception("Could not retrieve valid or anonymous credentials")
def upload_archive(self, archive):
"""Override the base upload_archive to provide for automatic failover
from RHCP failures to the public RH dropbox
if self.upload_url and self.upload_url.startswith(RH_API_HOST) and\
(not self.get_upload_user() or not self.get_upload_password()):
self.upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
uploaded = super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_archive(archive)
except Exception:
uploaded = False
if not self.upload_url.startswith(RH_API_HOST):
print("Upload to Red Hat Customer Portal failed. Trying %s"
self.upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
uploaded = super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_archive(archive)
return uploaded
def dist_version(self):
rr = self.package_manager.all_pkgs_by_name_regex("redhat-release*")
pkgname = self.pkgs[rr[0]]["version"]
# this should always map to the major version number. This will not
# be so on RHEL 5, but RHEL 5 does not support python3 and thus
# should never run a version of sos with this check
return int(pkgname[0])
except Exception:
return False
def probe_preset(self):
# Emergency or rescue mode?
for target in ["rescue", "emergency"]:
if self.init_system.is_running("%s.target" % target, False):
return self.find_preset(CB)
# Package based checks
if self.pkg_by_name("satellite-common") is not None:
return self.find_preset(RH_SATELLITE)
if self.pkg_by_name("rhosp-release") is not None:
return self.find_preset(RHOSP)
if self.pkg_by_name("cfme") is not None:
return self.find_preset(RH_CFME)
if self.pkg_by_name("ovirt-engine") is not None or \
self.pkg_by_name("vdsm") is not None:
return self.find_preset(RHV)
# Vanilla RHEL is default
return self.find_preset(RHEL)
class CentOsPolicy(RHELPolicy):
distro = "CentOS"
vendor = "CentOS"
vendor_urls = [('Community Website', 'https://www.centos.org/')]
class RedHatAtomicPolicy(RHELPolicy):
distro = "Red Hat Atomic Host"
msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system.
An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")
containerzed = True
container_runtime = 'docker'
container_image = 'registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/support-tools'
sos_path_strip = '/host'
container_version_command = 'rpm -q sos'
def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
super(RedHatAtomicPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
def check(cls, remote=''):
if remote:
return cls.distro in remote
atomic = False
if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
return atomic
host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + OS_RELEASE
if not os.path.exists(host_release):
return False
for line in open(host_release, "r").read().splitlines():
atomic |= ATOMIC_RELEASE_STR in line
except IOError:
return atomic
def probe_preset(self):
if self.pkg_by_name('atomic-openshift'):
return self.find_preset(RHOCP)
return self.find_preset(ATOMIC)
def create_sos_container(self, image=None, auth=None, force_pull=False):
_cmd = ("{runtime} run -di --name {name} --privileged --ipc=host"
" --net=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME={name} -e "
"IMAGE={image} {pull} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
"/etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v "
"/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {auth} {image}")
_image = image or self.container_image
_pull = '--pull=always' if force_pull else ''
return _cmd.format(runtime=self.container_runtime,
auth=auth or '')
def set_cleanup_cmd(self):
return 'docker rm --force sos-collector-tmp'
class RedHatCoreOSPolicy(RHELPolicy):
Red Hat CoreOS is a containerized host built upon Red Hat Enterprise Linux
and as such this policy is built on top of the RHEL policy. For users, this
should be entirely transparent as any behavior exhibited or influenced on
RHEL systems by that policy will be seen on RHCOS systems as well.
The one change is that this policy ensures that sos collect will deploy a
container on RHCOS systems in order to facilitate sos report collection,
as RHCOS discourages non-default package installation via rpm-ostree which
is used to maintain atomicity for RHCOS nodes. The default container image
used by this policy is the support-tools image maintained by Red Hat on
Note that this policy is only loaded when sos is directly run on an RHCOS
node - if sos collect uses the `oc` transport (the default transport that
will be attempted by the ocp cluster profile), then the policy loaded
inside the launched pod will be RHEL. Again, this is expected and will not
impact how sos report collections are performed.
distro = "Red Hat CoreOS"
msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system.
An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")
containerized = True
container_runtime = 'podman'
container_image = 'registry.redhat.io/rhel8/support-tools'
sos_path_strip = '/host'
container_version_command = 'rpm -q sos'
container_authfile = '/var/lib/kubelet/config.json'
def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
super(RedHatCoreOSPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
def check(cls, remote=''):
if remote:
return 'CoreOS' in remote
coreos = False
if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
return coreos
host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + OS_RELEASE
for line in open(host_release, 'r').read().splitlines():
coreos |= 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS' in line
except IOError:
return coreos
def probe_preset(self):
# As of the creation of this policy, RHCOS is only available for
# RH OCP environments.
return self.find_preset(RHOCP)
def create_sos_container(self, image=None, auth=None, force_pull=False):
_cmd = ("{runtime} run -di --name {name} --privileged --ipc=host"
" --net=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME={name} -e "
"IMAGE={image} {pull} -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v "
"/etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v "
"/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host {auth} {image}")
_image = image or self.container_image
_pull = '--pull=always' if force_pull else ''
return _cmd.format(runtime=self.container_runtime,
auth=auth or '')
def set_cleanup_cmd(self):
return 'podman rm --force %s' % self.sos_container_name
class CentOsAtomicPolicy(RedHatAtomicPolicy):
distro = "CentOS Atomic Host"
vendor = "CentOS"
vendor_urls = [('Community Website', 'https://www.centos.org/')]
class FedoraPolicy(RedHatPolicy):
The policy for Fedora based systems, regardless of spin/edition. This
policy is based on the parent Red Hat policy, and thus will only check for
RPM packages when considering packaged-based plugin enablement. Packages
installed by other sources are not considered.
There is no default --upload location for this policy. If users need to
upload an sos report archive from a Fedora system, they will need to
provide the location via --upload-url, and optionally login credentials
for that location via --upload-user and --upload-pass (or the appropriate
environment variables).
distro = "Fedora"
vendor = "the Fedora Project"
vendor_urls = [
('Community Website', 'https://fedoraproject.org/'),
('Community Forums', 'https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/')
def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
super(FedoraPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,
def check(cls, remote=''):
"""This method checks to see if we are running on Fedora. It returns
True or False."""
if remote:
return cls.distro in remote
return os.path.isfile('/etc/fedora-release')
def fedora_version(self):
pkg = self.pkg_by_name("fedora-release") or \
return int(pkg["version"])
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :