# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from argparse import Action
from configparser import (ConfigParser, ParsingError, Error,
def _is_seq(val):
"""Return true if val is an instance of a known sequence type.
val_type = type(val)
return val_type is list or val_type is tuple
def str_to_bool(val):
_val = val.lower()
if _val in ['true', 'on', 'yes']:
return True
elif _val in ['false', 'off', 'no']:
return False
return None
class SoSOptions():
def _merge_opt(self, opt, src, is_default):
def _unset(val):
return (val == "" or val is None)
if hasattr(src, opt):
newvalue = getattr(src, opt)
oldvalue = getattr(self, opt)
# overwrite value iff:
# - we replace unset option by a real value
# - new default is set, or
# - non-sequential variable keeps its default value
if (_unset(oldvalue) and not _unset(newvalue)) or \
is_default or \
((opt not in self._nondefault) and (not _is_seq(newvalue))):
# Overwrite atomic values
setattr(self, opt, newvalue)
if is_default:
elif _is_seq(newvalue):
# Concatenate sequence types
setattr(self, opt, newvalue + oldvalue)
def _merge_opts(self, src, is_default):
if not isinstance(src, dict):
src = vars(src)
for arg in self.arg_names:
self._merge_opt(arg, src, is_default)
def __str(self, quote=False, sep=" ", prefix="", suffix=""):
"""Format a SoSOptions object as a human or machine readable string.
:param quote: quote option values
:param sep: list separator string
:param prefix: arbitrary prefix string
:param suffix: arbitrary suffix string
:param literal: print values as Python literals
args = prefix
arg_fmt = "=%s"
for arg in self.arg_names:
args += arg + arg_fmt + sep
vals = [getattr(self, arg) for arg in self.arg_names]
if not quote:
# Convert Python source notation for sequences into plain strings
vals = [",".join(v) if _is_seq(v) else v for v in vals]
# Only quote strings if quote=False
vals = ["'%s'" % v if isinstance(v, str) else v for v in vals]
return (args % tuple(vals)).strip(sep) + suffix
def __str__(self):
return self.__str()
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str(quote=True, sep=", ", prefix="SoSOptions(",
def __init__(self, arg_defaults={}, **kwargs):
"""Initialise a new ``SoSOptions`` object from keyword arguments.
Initialises the new object with values taken from keyword
arguments matching the names of ``SoSOptions`` attributes.
A ``ValueError`` is raised is any of the supplied keyword
arguments does not correspond to a known ``SoSOptions`
attribute name.
:param *kwargs: a list of ``SoSOptions`` keyword args.
:returns: the new ``SoSOptions`` object.
self.arg_defaults = arg_defaults
self.arg_names = list(arg_defaults.keys())
self._nondefault = set()
# first load the defaults, if supplied
for arg in self.arg_defaults:
setattr(self, arg, self.arg_defaults[arg])
# next, load any kwargs
for arg in kwargs.keys():
setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg])
def from_args(cls, args, arg_defaults={}):
"""Initialise a new SoSOptions object from a ``Namespace``
obtained by parsing command line arguments.
:param args: parsed command line arguments
:returns: an initialised SoSOptions object
:returntype: SoSOptions
opts = SoSOptions(**vars(args), arg_defaults=arg_defaults)
opts._merge_opts(args, True)
return opts
def _opt_to_args(cls, opt, val):
"""Convert a named option and optional value to command line
argument notation, correctly handling options that take
no value or that have special representations (e.g. verify
and verbose).
no_value = (
"alloptions", "allow-system-changes", "all-logs", "batch", "build",
"debug", "experimental", "list-plugins", "list-presets",
"list-profiles", "no-report", "no-env-vars", "quiet", "verify"
count = ("verbose",)
if opt in no_value:
return ["--%s" % opt]
if opt in count:
return ["--%s" % opt for d in range(0, int(val))]
return ["--" + opt + "=" + val]
def _convert_to_type(self, key, val, conf):
"""Ensure that the value read from a config file is the proper type
for consumption by the component, as defined by arg_defaults.
:param key: The key in arg_defaults we need to match the
type of
:param val: The value to be converted to a particular type
:param conf: File values are being loaded from
if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], type(val)):
return val
if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], list):
return [v for v in val.split(',')]
if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], bool):
val = str_to_bool(val)
if val is None:
raise Exception(
"Value of '%s' in %s must be True or False or analagous"
% (key, conf))
return val
if isinstance(self.arg_defaults[key], int):
return int(val)
except ValueError:
raise Exception("Value of '%s' in %s must be integer"
% (key, conf))
return val
def update_from_conf(self, config_file, component):
"""Read the provided config_file and update options from that.
Positional arguments:
:param config_file: Filepath to the config file
:param component: Which component (section) to load
def _update_from_section(section, config):
if config.has_section(section):
odict = dict(config.items(section))
# handle verbose explicitly
if 'verbose' in odict.keys():
odict['verbosity'] = int(odict.pop('verbose'))
# convert options names
# unify some of them if multiple variants of the
# cmdoption exist
rename_opts = {
'name': 'label',
'plugin_option': 'plugopts',
'profile': 'profiles'
for key in list(odict):
if '-' in key:
odict[key.replace('-', '_')] = odict.pop(key)
if key in rename_opts:
odict[rename_opts[key]] = odict.pop(key)
# set the values according to the config file
for key, val in odict.items():
# most option values do not tolerate spaces, special
# exception however for --keywords which we do want to
# support phrases, and thus spaces, for
if isinstance(val, str) and key != 'keywords':
val = val.replace(' ', '')
if key not in self.arg_defaults:
# read an option that is not loaded by the current
# SoSComponent
print("Unknown option '%s' in section '%s'"
% (key, section))
val = self._convert_to_type(key, val, config_file)
setattr(self, key, val)
config = ConfigParser()
with open(config_file) as f:
except DuplicateOptionError as err:
raise exit("Duplicate option '%s' in section '%s' in file %s"
% (err.option, err.section, config_file))
except (ParsingError, Error):
raise exit('Failed to parse configuration file %s'
% config_file)
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
'WARNING: Unable to read configuration file %s : %s'
% (config_file, e.args[1])
_update_from_section("global", config)
_update_from_section(component, config)
if config.has_section("plugin_options") and hasattr(self, 'plugopts'):
for key, val in config.items("plugin_options"):
if not key.split('.')[0] in self.skip_plugins:
self.plugopts.append(key + '=' + val)
def merge(self, src, skip_default=True):
"""Merge another set of ``SoSOptions`` into this object.
Merge two ``SoSOptions`` objects by setting unset or default
values to their value in the ``src`` object.
:param src: the ``SoSOptions`` object to copy from
:param is_default: ``True`` if new default values are to be set.
for arg in self.arg_names:
if not hasattr(src, arg):
if getattr(src, arg) is not None or not skip_default:
self._merge_opt(arg, src, False)
def dict(self, preset_filter=True):
"""Return this ``SoSOptions`` option values as a dictionary of
argument name to value mappings.
:returns: a name:value dictionary of option values.
odict = {}
for arg in self.arg_names:
value = getattr(self, arg)
# Do not attempt to store preset option values in presets
if preset_filter:
if arg in ('add_preset', 'del_preset', 'desc', 'note'):
value = None
odict[arg] = value
return odict
def to_args(self):
"""Return command arguments for this object.
Return a list of the non-default options of this ``SoSOptions``
object in ``sosreport`` command line argument notation:
``["--all-logs", "-vvv"]``
def has_value(name, value):
""" Test for non-null option values.
null_values = ("False", "None", "[]", '""', "''", "0")
if not value or value in null_values:
return False
if name == 'plugopts' and value:
return True
if name in self.arg_defaults:
if str(value) == str(self.arg_defaults[name]):
return False
return True
def filter_opt(name, value):
""" Filter out preset and null-valued options.
if name in ("add_preset", "del_preset", "desc", "note"):
return False
# Exception list for options that still need to be reported when 0
if name in ['log_size', 'plugin_timeout', 'cmd_timeout'] \
and value == 0:
return True
return has_value(name, value)
def argify(name, value):
""" Convert sos option notation to command line arguments.
# Handle --verbosity specially
if name.startswith("verbosity"):
arg = "-" + int(value) * "v"
return arg
name = name.replace("_", "-")
value = ",".join(value) if _is_seq(value) else value
if value is not True:
opt = "%s %s" % (name, value)
opt = name
arg = "--" + opt if len(opt) > 1 else "-" + opt
return arg
opt_items = sorted(self.dict().items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
return [argify(n, v) for (n, v) in opt_items if filter_opt(n, v)]
class SosListOption(Action):
"""Allow to specify comma delimited list of plugins"""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
items = [opt for opt in values.split(',')]
if getattr(namespace, self.dest):
items += getattr(namespace, self.dest)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
class ClusterOption():
"""Used to store/manipulate options for cluster profiles."""
def __init__(self, name, value, opt_type, cluster, description=None):
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.opt_type = opt_type
self.cluster = cluster
self.description = description